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Born to Be Mine

Page 22

by Lexa Luthor

  "It's okay," Charlie promised. She continued through the ship, slowing around corners and ensuring no one else was around to bother them. With each step, clicking nails echoed Charlie's boot steps. Once at the quarters, she voiced the door open, ordered it to stay open, and entered the room. Sitting on the bed, she waited for the locke to come in and hoped they had enough trust. Charlie smiled when the locke crept around the corner and entered the spacious quarters.

  "It's a little warmer in here, and nobody will bother us." Charlie remained on the side of the bed and allowed the locke to become familiar with the space.

  The locke sniffed the surrounding area and checked every inch of the room before padding across the quarters to a corner. She sat there and stared over at Charlie, as if deciding the tiny area was hers now.

  Charlie smiled, shrugged, and said, "That's a good spot." She pushed off the bed and went to the closet, searching the higher shelves for a decent blanket. "Here we go." Going over to the animal, she waited for it to move aside, then she put the blanket on the floor and shaped it like a nest. "How's that?" Backing up, she watched the locke climb onto the blanket and ball up after circling it a few times.

  The locke released a heavy sigh and lowered her face into the blanket. Her snow white eyes stayed on Charlie, who was stripping off her boots.

  "Lucky for you, there's a garden on this boat." Charlie kicked off her boots and removed her socks. "After a nap, we can check it out." She made a mental note to get a bowl from the galley for water. Going over to the open door, she touched the keypad and reprogrammed the door. "I'm going to close the door but leave a crack in it so you can leave." After the locke had been trapped in a cage for days or even nineths, she wouldn't like being confined to the bedroom.

  Charlie allowed the door to slide about two-thirds closed and left enough space for the locke. She went to the bed, crawled under the blankets, and fell asleep just as fast as last time. The locke's presence was reassuring, even if a bit strange. Whatever had brought the animal onto the ship was a mystery. But Charlie always had a soft spot for the beautiful lockes, especially this one.

  Chapter 11

  Raine waited for the arriving shuttle to land and anchor itself to the Betty May's hull before pressurizing the bay. Her hand danced across the control panel next to the sealed door, and the shuttle bay started to equalize itself.

  Charlie continued to watch the shuttle, making out Starr and Magnar in the front seats and Jerrison in the back. She folded her arms and waited until it was safe to go into the bay. But she noticed Raine's attention flickered behind Charlie's shoulder, checking on the locke's location. "You're paranoid," she teased.

  "It's a damn locke," Raine said. "They're like a hybrid wolf-fox thing. A wox, I guess." She glanced again at the locke who stood a few paces behind Charlie. "But creepy with the all-white eyes and flashy red-eye thing."

  "She didn't bother you back at the cabin."

  "Because she was locked in a cage." Raine lowered her hand after the door slid open.

  "She won't hurt anyone," Charlie promised, then entered the shuttle bay.

  Raine followed next and went over to the shuttle.

  Charlie noted that the locke slipped in last and tucked herself under the long workbench against the wall. From the moment she and the locke had forged a bit of trust, the locke shadowed her around the ship and never strayed far—but also didn't come too close. So far, Charlie kept her fed and took her to the garden for walks while Charlie enjoyed her company.

  "Turen, Charlie," Magnar greeted first, indicating that she was using her Brightbit to communication in Kalmarese.

  Charlie smiled and shook arms with Magnar. "Tah for coming back to the quadrant." She welcomed Jerrison next, then hugged Starr, who squeezed her too hard. The first thing she noticed was the new tattoo on Starr's left arm, along with the different style of outfit. "What's with the tattoos?"

  Starr shrugged and replied, "Gerrison knows how to do them." She then retrieved the rifle from her back and showed it to Charlie. "New toy too."

  Charlie snatched the huge double-handed rifle and hefted it. There was no way she would use such a bulky rifle, but it was perfect for Starr. She tossed it back and chuckled at Starr's subtle changes.

  "I named it Newt in homage to my human boss." Starr joked, winking at Charlie.

  After a snort, Charlie couldn't believe Starr would name the lectra rifle after the character from the Alien movies. Years ago she forced Starr to watch the movies about the ugly creatures that had plagued mankind in outer space. Stepping aside, she made room for Raine.

  Starr then shook arms with Raine and traded smiles.

  "So what's the deal, Charlie?" Magnar asked, folding her four arms. "Starr said you plan to use her as bait to draw out Victor."

  "That's the plan." Charlie sighed and hid her hands in her jacket's pockets. "He thinks that I'm giving him Starr to end the bounty."

  "But that's not what you're really doing?"

  Charlie shook her head at Magnar. "We're going to ambush him, kidnap him, and return him to Kander for questioning."

  "So the bounty will stay." Magnar glowered and grumbled a few times.

  Charlie grinned at Magnar's displeasure. "After the High Commander questions him, then he's mine." She chuckled when Magnar lifted an eyebrow. "I might be convinced to return him to Serrato Corps if they remove the bounty from our heads."

  Magnar placed her lower pair of arms on her hips but kept her upper arms folded against her chest. "I sure hope that's your plan since your rescue mission got this bounty on my head."

  "Oh please." Charlie rolled her eyes and argued, "It's a bounty for this quadrant only. Mine is for the entire galaxy." She became more serious and said, "I'll return him to get the bounty off us. I appreciate you bringing Starr to me."

  Magnar revealed a toothy smile. "Oh, I'm staying to help. I want to make sure you capture this jackass." She then looked about the area and said, "Besides, it looks like you could use the help."

  Charlie heard Raine's low snort. "We have lots of help."

  "More like a sugar daddy that bought you a ship in a few days," Magnar prodded.

  Charlie glared hard at her old friend and said, "The rescue mission for the Omega paid well." She didn't want ideas floating around that the Betty May was, in fact, Kal's ship. At least, that seemed to be her agreement with Kal at the moment. Behind her, she heard heavy boot steps approach. "Perfect timing."

  Magnar puffed up at the newcomer, and a furrow creased her brow.

  "Magnar, this is Shield Master Laken from Kander. She's in charge of a unit of Kalmar soldiers who've joined us for this mission." Charlie tried to be less smug than she felt when Magnar grew wide eyed.

  "You're telling me there's Kalmar soldiers on this ship?" Magnar's attention cut from Laken to Charlie. "Right now?"

  "Twelve soldiers," Charlie replied.

  Magnar whistled and said, "That High Commander must really want Victor if she sent her people to space." She stepped forward and offered an arm to Laken.

  After a rumble, Laken hooked arms and held strong before taking Charlie's side again.

  "So I think we should get started, which means I need to call Victor to show him I have Starr."

  Magnar looked from Charlie to Starr and said, "It needs to be realistic." She turned toward Starr, pulled back a fist, and slugged Starr in the face.

  Laken surged forward until Charlie stepped into her path. She growled in Magnar's direction, ready for a fight.

  "Fuck!" Starr shoved Magnar back and hunched forward, touching her face.

  Jerrison clung to Magnar's arm and attempted to restrain her.

  "What the fuck, Magnar?" Charlie snapped.

  Magnar held out a hand at Starr's bent form and argued, "She has to look roughed up a bit."

  "I do have makeup for that," Raine said and shrugged. "Or a black eye and a split lip looks good too."

  Magnar sighed, cros
sed all her arms, and looked at Starr, who was straightening up. "Don't bother with the ice."

  Charlie was relieved when Laken backed up without an order. She went over to Starr and asked, "Are you all right?"

  Through clenched teeth, Starr replied, "I'll be fine." She blinked her eyes a few times, then looked at Charlie. She allowed Charlie to inspect her face.

  "Anything feel broken? Your nose or cheekbone?"

  "It wasn't that hard," Magnar argued.

  Charlie shot a bitter look at Magnar, then focused on Starr again. She held down her desire to turn and slug Magnar back. "Let's go to the brig. Get this transmission done." Afterward, she would take Starr to the medical bay.

  "I'll join you," Magnar said.

  Charlie rolled her eyes. Magnar only want to be involved in the kidnapping mission to ensure the bounty was removed from her head. "Fine." She pointed a finger at Magnar and said, "But if you do that again, I'll put a hole in your gut." She hated Magnar's toothy smile.

  "I love a good threat, Charlie."

  "It's a promise." Charlie started out of the shuttle bay, leading the way. Laken and Raine left them while Magnar, Starr, Jerrison, and she went to the brig on the lower deck.

  "What in the Celestial Fates' tits is that?" Magnar indicated the locke following them from a distance.

  "She's a locke from Kander," Charlie replied.

  Starr was looking back at the animal, too, and asked, "Why is it on your ship?"

  "I'm not really sure." Charlie tried to hide her smile about the locke's constant presence. "She's a stowaway, and I can't exactly take her back right now."

  Starr responded with a rumble and continued following Charlie, gazing about the unfamiliar ship.

  "So are all female Kalmar big beasts?" Magnar asked from her spot behind Charlie, referring to Laken.

  Charlie came to the end of the hall and waited for the door to open. "She's not a female like a human. She's a—"

  "She sure looks like one," Magnar argued. "She's got boobs as big as mine. What's between her legs?"

  Charlie rolled her eyes and peered over her shoulder at Magnar. "She's a Carnec Alpha. And you can ask her yourself what she's got between her legs."

  Magnar laughed and followed Charlie and Starr down the steps to the lower deck. "I'm worried if she's got a cock that she'd tell me to suck it."

  Starr barked with laughter but snapped her mouth shut at seeing Charlie's threatening look. She held up her hands in defeat, then continued to the brig. Once inside, Charlie had her kneel with her arms behind her back. Already the black eye was apparent and blood dried in the corner of her lip.

  The locke sat on her haunches in one corner, keeping Charlie in viewing range.

  "Jerrison, do you remember how long it takes for a transmission to be tracked?" Charlie asked.

  Jerrison stood by the sealed door and observed the stage being set up for the transmission. "You have about five to seven minutes before they can lock on you." Like Raakor, he was tech savvy and an excellent pilot under pressure.

  "That should be plenty of time to get my point across." Charlie was uneasy about Victor finding out that they were already at Eos Minor and sniffing out the trap. She looked up at Magnar, who had a lectra handgun out as if she was keeping an eye on Starr. After a sigh, she gave Starr a reassuring smile and asked, "Ready?" She mussed up Starr's short, dark hair.

  Starr grumbled after Charlie finished and replied, "Ready now."

  Charlie grinned, then fished out her techbit. She had messaged Victor once to alert him that she was en route to capture Starr. Victor had replied with a single word: Waiting. She had pictured him with his arrogant, smug look and wanted to strangle him.

  After a huge, deep breath, Charlie sent out a transmission request to Victor and waited for him to answer it. She wasn't disappointed when his face filled the holo screen.

  "Hello, Charlie," he greeted in English. "How is your first bounty mission?" Victor had a condescending tone and eyes glowing with mirth.

  "Well, actually." Charlie shifted the techbit's eye to Starr, who had her head hung low. "I have what you want."

  Starr growled and started to rise. "You, bitch!" Magnar slammed her back on her knees and put a gun to her temple. She tried to shove free, but Magnar's lower arm locked her down while another hand wrenched in her hair. She hissed and snarled. "You both fucking betrayed me!"

  Charlie shrugged and said, "A bounty on my head is bad business."

  "And mine," Magnar snapped, her attention flickering to Victor. She flashed her teeth and demanded, "I want that bounty gone."

  Charlie wondered if Victor could even understand Jero, but his expression didn't seem lost.

  Victor was standing outside with the moon's familiar landscape behind him. "I'm afraid my arrangement is with—"

  "And now it's with me too." Magnar yanked Starr's head to one side and moved her finger to the gun's trigger. "Or I'll burn a hole in her head right now, which I don't think your client wants."

  Victor held up a hand and said, "I am sure the Grand Marshal will be agreeable to end the bounty for you too." He cleared his throat after Magnar withdrew the gun from Starr's head. He focused on Charlie and said, "I will send a ship to collect our property."

  Charlie curled her hand after he referred to Starr as property. "I will only release her to you, personally." She reached for the techbit's screen, wanting to end the transmission before he traced them and discovered they were at Eos Minor already. In a threatening tone, she said, "We'll meet you at Eos Minor. And don't show up without the signed pardons from the Grand Marshal."

  * * *

  The next day, Charlie slung the rifle across her back and walked with the Kalmar warriors to the hiding spot, among trees and brush. Next to her was Raine, who had the Galactic Hammer strapped to her back for the upcoming ambush. The rest of the team waited back in the open field for her return.

  Laken ordered the soldiers to get into position, then she turned to Charlie and Raine. "Should we test the comms?"

  Raine nodded her agreement and looked at Charlie for confirmation.

  "Magnar, Magnar do you read me?" Charlie hailed over the comms and caught Laken's nod that she heard the hail too.

  "Read you clear," Magnar replied.

  "Out." Charlie then focused on Laken and said, "You hail her next."

  For a few minutes, they each hailed one another to ensure that the comms between the earpieces, ships, and shuttles were in working order. Once the ambush was initiated, their comms would stream so they no longer had to waste time hailing each other. Every tick would count while they captured Victor.

  Charlie glanced at the time on the techbit, indicating they had about fifteen minutes before Victor arrived on Eos Minor. She tucked the techbit away, focused on Laken, and asked, "Any last minute concerns?"

  "Joh." Laken peered back at the soldiers, then nodded at Charlie. "We are ready."

  Yesterday Charlie had prepared everyone for today's battle, praying everything went according to plan. Their first concern was to apprehend Victor and then squash the Serrato soldiers so that there weren't any loose ends. Charlie didn't want the Serrato ship following them back to Kander.

  "Good." Charlie turned to Raine and lifted an eyebrow. "When I give the signal over the comms, you start the attack. Get Victor out of there and—"

  "Over to Jerrison in the shuttle. Then come back and kick ass." Raine held up both thumbs and smiled big. "I got it."

  Charlie grinned at her sister, who had spent several hours between yesterday and this morning learning how to operate and fly the battle suit. She blew out a breath and nodded at the pair. "All right. Get into position and let's get this bastard." She separated from them and returned to the open grass field where Magnar, Starr, and Andren waited for her. "Betty May, start an open comms line between me, Magnar, Andren, Raine, Laken, and the Four Mag." With the open comms, everyone would be aware of the conversation between Char
lie and Victor.

  "Opening the line," the Betty May replied.

  "Can everyone read me?" Charlie asked, already knowing the answer. As everyone chimed in, she rejoined the team in front of the Betty May's shuttle. "Gerrison, do you see any signs of the Serrato ships?"

  "Nothing on the scans," Gerrison replied over the comms from his position on the Four Mag. "But they may be using their cloaking system."

  Charlie studied Starr's black eye, still irritated that Magnar punched Starr yesterday. It did add to the lie, much like Starr's dirt-covered skin, matted hair, and cuffed hands. She noted that Magnar was pacing and carrying Starr's rifle while Andren stood like a statue, scanning the orange horizon. Sighing, she wished the locke was here, but she had left the animal on the Betty May and out of harm. In a short period, the locke's companionship had eased Charlie's current worries.

  "I'm seeing a wake disturbance about four leagues from Eos Minor," Gerrison remarked.

  Charlie pursed her lips and said, "This is probably them, everyone." She shifted over to Starr's left side and looked over at Magnar, who halted her pacing behind Starr. "Jerrison, warm up the shuttle's engine." About two marches from their current location, Jerrison was in the Four Mag's shuttle prepared to fly their pending captive to the Betty May.

  "Initiating engine protocols," Jerrison responded.

  For several minutes, time passed at a snail's pace until a distant reflective surface caught Charlie's eye. She narrowed her gaze and asked, "Does anyone else have a visual on the approaching shuttle?"

  "I see it," Magnar confirmed.

  Starr grumbled and whispered, "I see three."

  "I can hear them," Andren said, adjusting her grip on the laser rifle. "I think there's four."

  "Laken and Raine, we have a visual on the Serrato shuttles. They should land in our field in about three minutes," Charlie said over the comms and received confirmation. "Gerrison, do you have eyes on the Serrato ship?"

  "Not yet, but I am searching for it."

  Charlie wasn't surprised and expected the Serrato ship to use cloaking technology. It would be up to Gerrison to visually seek out the ship and destroy it once the ambush started. With her attention still on the shuttles, she watched them cut through the air and close in on them. The Betty May's shuttle behind them was giving out a homing signal for the Serrato soldiers to locate them on Eos Minor.


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