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Rock God_Book 3_A Contemporary Harem Fantasy

Page 12

by Michael-Scott Earle

  “Yeah, I dunno man.” I shrugged my shoulders. I figured that if I told him what Katherine actually said he might get mad at her. In the end it didn’t matter. “We just figured it wouldn’t work long term, but there wouldn’t be any harm if we could have fun in the meantime.”

  “Well, you’ll get to tell her about the band stuff in a few seconds.” Brent nodded back toward the entrance of the restaurant. “She just got here.”

  I turned around in my seat and saw the tall brown-haired girl walk through the restaurant. Her hair was straighter than normal, and it streamed behind her like a copper wave. She wore a sleeveless dress made from a variety of brightly colored vertical stripes. The hem of the dress was short, loose, and fell just above the midpoint of her shapely thighs. Around her neck was a string of pearls, and she had bright white heels that kind of looked like those gladiator sandals.

  I got out of the booth when Katherine neared, and she slid her arms around my neck.

  “Damn, you look fucking hot!” she said a little too loudly. Then she pushed her lips into mine, and our tongues did a deliciously long dance. The feeling of her mouth against mine made my head spin a little, and Katherine didn’t help matters when she moaned softly while she kissed me.

  “Ah-hem,” Brent coughed, and Katherine pulled her lips from mine.

  “Oh, you look sexy too, Brent. Come give me a hug.” Katherine stuck her tongue out at my friend, and he stood from the table to embrace her.

  “Sam should be here in a few. We ordered some food. Want a drink?” Katherine slid into the booth next to me while Brent spoke.

  “I’m crazy hungry, but I have to pass on the booze. Game on Thursday, and I need to be in tip-top shape.” I sat next to Katherine, and her left hand rested on my crotch.

  “Makes sense to me,” Brent said. “We do have a lot to celebrate though.”

  “Oh?” Katherine raised a perfect eyebrow.

  “Yep, Eric has an announcement.”

  “Oh?” Katherine said again, and she turned her face to me. Her hand had begun to massage my cock through my jeans. The tablecloths were long and flowing, so I doubted that Brent could see what was going on.

  “Wait until Sam gets here!” Brent laughed. The waiter moved to our table with two plates of food. He set them down between us and then got Katherine’s order for water.

  “I’ve never had caviar before,” I said. It was a larger bowl than I expected, and an assortment of expensive-looking bread slices wrapped the dish.

  “You’ll love it.” Brent proclaimed, but, before he could grab the spoon, Katherine had already lumped a bunch on three crackers and was about to take a bite.

  “Damn, girl,” Brent laughed.

  “What? I’m hungry!” She said around a mouthful of the fish eggs. “You try playing volleyball for five hours a day every day for the last three days.”

  “Just thinking about that makes me tired.” Brent laughed and grabbed the spoon once Katherine set it down.

  “Who are you playing next?” I asked the pretty volleyball player.

  “Alabama,” she said around her last bite of cracker. She was eating almost as fast as I’d seen Kelly eat. There was a plate of assorted cheeses, and Katherine let go of my cock so that she could reach toward it.

  “Do you have to fly out there?”

  “Naw. They are playing here. Hometown advantage. I’m pumped. Do you want to come see us play?”

  “Let me think about that,” I put my finger to my chin and looked up to the ceiling of the restaurant. “Do I want to see a bunch of hot girls in short shorts grunt and groan while they battle each other for dominance?” I couldn’t help but smile.

  “Dang. Count me in. What time?” Brent asked.

  “Should be starting around six at the school gymnasium. It is only the start of the regional championships, so there will probably be a bunch of seats.” Katherine heaped a bunch of cheese on her plate.

  “How are my school’s chances?” I thought about seeing Kelly last night and wondered how she would do.

  “Not good. Your girlfriend is an amazing player, but the rest of the team is pretty poor.” Katherine was chewing on the cheese, and her words came out all slurred. “They are in a different regional championship to us, and I forget who they are playing, but I’d be surprised if they didn’t get knocked out first round.”

  “Your girlfriend?” Brent asked with confusion on his face.

  “I was dating a girl at my school that played volleyball. Didn’t work out though.” I said the words quickly and hoped that my tone made it sound like I didn’t want any more questions.

  “He’s moved on to better things.” Katherine leaned into me a little, but she was more focused on eating than snuggling.

  “Ahh, here is Sam.” Brent got up from the table to greet his girlfriend. I scooped the fish eggs with a second cracker and then joined him.

  “Hey sweetie.” Brent hugged his girlfriend, and they gave each other a small kiss. The curvy blonde woman was wearing one of those long flowing dresses that looked more appropriate for summer, but the weather outside was really mild for late autumn and the blue hues of the dress worked with her complexion.

  “Hi Eric.” We hugged each other, and I greeted her in return. Katherine also gave the cute girl a hug, and the four of us sat.

  “Okay, we are all here. What is this news?” Katherine asked as soon as we settled into our seats.

  “I was asked by that band to join them on tour. If it works out well, I’ll be a full member.”

  “Wow! That is great!” both girls said at once.

  “Thanks!” I smiled.

  “How did this all happen?” Sam asked.

  I broke down the story for them, starting from Brent’s party. By the time I got to the end of the contract-signing part of the story, the waiter had returned to take Sam’s drink order. We’d also killed most of the appetizers, and Brent ordered a few more small plates from the menu.

  “This is awesome. I’m proud of you!” Katherine gave me a tight hug and then kissed my cheek. “The best part out of all this is that I get to say I fucked a rock star!” I felt my cheeks get hot, and the rest of the table laughed.

  “You have absolutely no shame,” Samantha smirked at her friend.

  “Life’s too short for all that bullshit. Besides,” she reached up with her hand and squeezed my cheeks, “look at how cute he gets when I make him blush! I just want to tease him all day!” They all laughed again, and I felt my blush get hotter.

  The waiter returned and asked for our order. The four of us had been glancing at our menus during my story, and we had all decided what we wanted. After he took our order, the conversation switched back to talk of rock stars and touring. I didn’t really know what to expect, but Brent seemed to have a little knowledge about what I should be prepared for.

  “You’re going to get really close to everyone in the band. The bus looks big from the outside, and you’ll be impressed by the size when you first get in. But you’re gonna have the four of you, a guitar tech, a sound guy that can also work on the drum set, and some roadies. You’ll have your own bed for space, but nothing else will be private.”

  “Jeeze. Sounds like it can get miserable,” Samantha said.

  “Did they give you a schedule?” Brent asked me.

  “Yeah, but I left it in my car.”

  “They normally do like ten weeks on the road, two weeks off in a city, then ten more weeks on the road.”

  “Yeah, I think that was what it said.”

  “They will either put you up in a hotel in the city while they clean out the bus, or you can fly back home.”

  “Where is the first city?” Katherine asked.

  “New Year’s Eve party in Las Vegas, but there is a quick show in Joshua Tree,” I said.

  “Oh nice. Maybe we can get out to both shows and see you play?” Katherine leaned forward and turned to her friends.

  “That sounds like an awesome idea!” Brent said.
/>   The waiter returned, and Brent ordered another round of drinks for himself and Sam.

  “I should stop at one. I’ve got to drive home.”

  “You should celebrate,” Katherine said, “I can drive you home after dinner.”

  “But how will you get home?” I asked.

  “Oh jeeze, Eric, stop being such a mimbo. I’m pretty sure you can take me home tomorrow morning.” Katherine laughed, and I felt my cheeks turn red again. Dang, she really could just tease me anytime she wanted.

  “Can you drive a stick?” The idea of spending the night with Katherine was very exciting. Part of me wished that she wanted more out of our relationship, but if she just wanted to have a lot of casual sex with me, or with me and Kim, I wouldn’t say no.

  “I think you know damn well that I can handle your stick.” The waiter’s mouth opened with surprise at Katherine’s words, and even Sam had to put her hand to her mouth to keep from giggling.

  “Okay then. Looks like I’ll have another round,” I said to the waiter. He nodded and then fled the table like we’d just lit it on fire.

  Talk at the table turned back to my tour, and Brent did a good job of getting me even more excited about my new life. I also began to feel a bit of sadness when I realized that I wouldn’t see much of my new friends in the next year. Hell, I might not even see them for many years. If things went well with sales and the US tour, the recording company wanted us to tour Japan. If things continued to go great, then we would also do Europe. I could be on the road for a really long time. When things settled down, it could be three or four years in the future. They would all be out of school, have careers, and maybe even be married.

  The waiter brought the food to our table, and Katherine started talking about all the crazy band groupies were going to be throwing themselves at me after the concerts.

  “Make sure you wear a condom. Actually, wear like, one of those full body latex suits. I don’t want to catch anything from you when you come back from the tour.” Katherine tickled my stomach while she scrunched her nose at me.

  “Haha, you are terrible.” I laughed, partially because of what she said, and partially because she actually found a spot where I was ticklish.

  The four of us dug into our food. I’d ordered a simple steak, as had Katherine. Samantha had gotten a fish; trout I thought she had said, and Brent ordered an impressive pasta dish. The four of us set about eating, and the conversation relaxed for a few minutes.

  “Damn, this is sooooo good. I want to order another.” Katherine had almost polished off her steak, and she waved to the waiter. It was a little past six thirty now, and the restaurant was beginning to fill up with the rich elite of Beverly Hills.

  “Dang, you were hungry!” Brent had only finished a quarter of his pasta. I was a little under half way done with my steak, and Sam had only taken a few bites out of her fish.

  “I have a big appetite.” She winked at me and then asked the waiter to bring her another steak.

  We switched topics and talked about Katherine’s volleyball team some more. They were expected to win the regional championship, and she thought that they had a great chance at taking the national title.

  “Two thousand and six champs,” the waiter had brought Katherine the second steak, and she leaned back in her seat after she had eaten most of it, “We haven’t won since nineteen ninety one.”

  “We have a great volleyball program, right?” asked Brent.

  “Well... I shouldn’t brag, cause I’m in it and all, but yeah, we are pretty badass. There are some different divisions and such, so we don’t play against every college team.”

  “How does dessert sound for the table?” The waiter had begun to clear the plates, and Katherine gobbled up the last of her steak before he could take it.

  “I’m down. We are celebrating!” Brent said.

  “I already have my dessert planned for the night, but I’ll take a look at the menu.” the tall Jewish girl said while she winked to me.

  The waiter nodded and then removed the rest of the plates. Soon he had placed new menus in front of us, and we all spent a few moments making our selection.

  “I want the cheesecake, but... I should try to stay as kosher as I can. Bah,” Katherine closed her menu, “Sorbet it is.”

  “Chocolate mousse for me,” Samantha said as she closed her menu.

  “I’m going to try their pastry assortment,” Brent said.

  “I guess that means I’ll have to eat the cheesecake,” I said and winked at Katherine.

  “Tease. Don’t worry, I’ll get you back tonight.” The pretty girl stuck her tongue out at me, and I felt my cock twitch with excitement.

  The waiter took our dessert order, and I turned the conversation to Brent and Samantha. I asked each of them how school was going and if they had any plans for the break. It was a good topic of conversation, and we ended up speaking about their holiday plans until dessert arrived.

  Each dish looked amazing, and we decided to share a few bites with each other, except Katherine wouldn’t have any of mine. Brent and Sam played up how delicious the cheesecake tasted, and the Jewish girl gave them both glares before she gave up and tried a bite.

  “Okay, that is really damn good. Sorry HaShem.” she looked up at the ceiling of the restaurant and made a small prayer motion with the hand that held my fork. Then she had another bite and winked at me.

  “Maybe I should consider giving up my religion for other delicious things,” she whispered in my ear. Brent and Samantha were talking about their class tomorrow, so I didn’t think they could hear us.

  “I think you’ve already decided to do more of that tonight.” I leaned into her and whispered my response back, and then I pushed my tongue against the lobe of her ear and felt her shoulder tense against my chest.

  “Looks like you two need to get a room.” Brent laughed from across the table.

  “Oh yeah,” Katherine sighed and then gave me back my fork. Katherine had cleaned all the sorbet from her bowl and was trying to skim the last drops of it from the dish with her spoon.

  The waiter asked if he could box up anything for us, and we agreed. Soon, Brent was paying the bill, and we were all standing from the table. Spago was packed now, and I doubted that we would have been able to get a seat without reservations.

  “Thanks for dinner,” I said to Brent while I reached my hand out to shake his.

  “No problem, buddy.” He took my hand and pulled me into a hug. Then Katherine thanked him for the meal while she hugged him.

  “You two be safe tonight,” Samantha giggled when we walked out of the restaurant. I’d ended up drinking four vodka tonics, and, while I wasn’t totally wasted, the sensation of walking was pleasantly weightless.

  “Oh, we will. Safety first!” Katherine pointed at my car, “This is you right? Gimme your keys.” I handed the tall woman my car keys, and she stepped around the Subaru before sliding into the door.

  “Ha! I don’t even have to move the chair. See? We are made for each other.” Katherine did adjust the mirror down a bit, and I guessed that any height I had on her was in my torso, and probably only an inch or so.

  “Where we headed? You are in the Valley right?”

  “Yeah, Northridge. Off of Reseda Boulevard.”

  “Right in the armpit, huh?”

  “That is Van Nuys,” I clarified, and we both laughed.

  “Mind if we swing by my house for a minute? I’ll grab an overnight bag.” She turned the engine on, put down the parking brake, and then shifted into first.

  “Sure, if your parents won’t mind a gentile in their home.” I meant to say it as a joke, but I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth.

  “Don’t be like that, sweetie.” She checked the side mirrors and then feathered the clutch out to move my car forward. I was actually surprised by how well she drove.

  “Sorry, you are right. I guess I’m still bitter,” I sighed.

  “I understand,” she shifted an
d shrugged her pretty shoulders. “I’m sad you are leaving for a year, but what are we gonna do? Let’s just enjoy what we have while we can.”

  “Okay. You are right.”

  “Of course I am! Oh, and speaking of enjoying each other. I had a long conversation with Kim yesterday. You two were naughty while I was away!”

  “Yeah...” I couldn’t tell if she was annoyed.

  “I’m so jealous. She got you all to herself for a whole day, and then you made her breakfast in the morning. You never asked me to have breakfast.” She glanced over at me, and her pretty lips pouted.

  “Katherine,” I said dramatically, “do you want to have breakfast at my place tomorrow?”

  “Yes!” she laughed. “Finally you ask me on a date, kind of.”

  “I thought you said you didn’t want to date?”

  “Don’t be all remembering stuff!” she laughed again. “Anyway, Kim said her pussy hasn’t been that sore since we spent the weekend at her house. I think that girl is falling in love with you.”

  “Oh?” The alcohol was catching up to me, and my head was starting to buzz a little more.

  “Yeah. What do you think?”

  “What do I think?”

  “Yeah, about her?” Katherine glanced over at me and then turned her eyes back to the dark roads of Beverly Hills.

  “I like her a lot. I’m worried about her parents. I guess I think she’s going to end up telling me the same thing you did.”

  “You don’t have to worry, her parents aren’t Jewish.” She laughed.

  “No, but they are Korean. They might be open minded, but plenty of Asian families aren’t.”

  “Oh, I see.”

  “And it doesn’t really matter now. I’m leaving.”

  “True,” she said.

  We had started to drive up a hill in the back part of Beverly Hills. I didn’t think it was the same street that Aimee’s parents lived up on, but it could have been. I was probably too drunk to remember.

  “What do you think?” I asked Katherine.

  “I love the idea of you and Kim, you two are super cute together, and I know she will share you with me. So I’m a fan.”


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