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Dead Days: The Complete Season Two Collection

Page 37

by Ryan Casey

  Riley followed Alan across the hard tiled floor, still staring around as he saw something new every second‌—‌a microwave, an oven, a table tennis table. This place was amazing. And Rodrigo knew about it all along? Why hadn’t he already started moving people over here? Sure, it was small, but it was out of the way. It was out of sight of bastards like Mike.

  “This right here is our path, my friend,” Alan said. He struggled with a wheel on another metal door, out of place to the side of the kitchen cabinets. “Give me a lift here, would you? Legs aren’t what they were.”

  Riley obliged. He grabbed the other side of the metal wheel and started to turn it. It was so heavy, so stiff. No wonder this strange little man had struggled with it.

  Eventually, it gave way. Alan wiped his head. “Phew. I’m getting too old for this. But not too old for what I have to do, of course.” He grabbed the back of the wheel again and pulled the door to one side.

  A cold gust of air filled the seemingly idyllic bunker. So too did a large echo as the door stopped opening. Riley peered through the door. Out into the darkness. It was like staring off the back of a boat in the middle of the night. No idea what was ahead. No idea what might be looking at you.

  “What…‌‌what is this place?” Riley asked.

  “Like I said,” Alan said, panting, squeezing past Riley and fumbling on the wall behind the door for something. “It’s our path.”

  “Our path to what?” Riley asked, but as he did, Alan clicked something on the wall and a series of dim lights flickered on behind the door.

  And what Riley saw was even more staggering than the bunker itself.


  “It’s a tunnel. A tunnel connecting all the bunkers like this from here right to Manchester. It’s where a strong, strapping lad like yourself is going to escort me. If you don’t mind, of course.”

  Riley stared down the dimly lit tunnel, Alan’s voice echoing in it. He heard drops of water dripping from the ceiling. Smelled that familiar damp smell, just like he had when he’d entered the place. “Why…‌‌Why are we going to Manchester? Why do you need me?”

  Alan patted Riley on the back. “Because I’m the only one who can stop the world falling apart.”

  “What‌—‌what do you mean?” Riley asked, his eyes still fixed down the seemingly endless tunnel, like a train track without any actual tracks.

  Alan smiled. “I know what started this virus. And I know how to end it. And that’s something you’re going to help me with.”

  Want More Dead Days?

  The full third season of Dead Days is now available. To read the third season and continue Riley’s journey, click here to get started:

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  About the Author

  Ryan Casey is the author of over a dozen novels and a highly successful serial. He primarily writes post apocalyptic fiction, and also has a series of mystery novels. Across all genres, Casey's work is renowned for its dark, page-turning suspense, unforgettably complex characters, and knockout twists.

  Casey lives in the United Kingdom. He has a BA degree in English with Creative Writing from the University of Birmingham, and has been writing stories for as long as he can remember. In his spare time, he enjoys American serial television, is a slave to Pitchfork’s Best New Music section, and wastes far too much of his life playing Football Manager games.

  For more information go to

  About this Book

  In October 2013, a chaotic infection spread across Britain, turning the majority of the population into bloodthirsty zombies.

  The weak fell. Many of the strong fell, too. The only survivors were those willing to sink to the most brutal depths of humanity in order to further their own existence.

  Dead Days is the story of a group of those survivors.

  Season Two of the thrilling, nail-biting series picks up right where Season One left off. After a chaotic escape from their home town, Riley and the group adjust to a new life on a narrowboat, in search of a safe place to spend the impending winter. The boat is safe. The group are closer than ever before. For the first time in weeks, hope and optimism is strong.

  But not for long.

  A devastating accident strikes.

  The group are shattered, wounded and disoriented.

  And there is something other than the creatures looming on the horizon. Something more dangerous…

  Morals are challenged.

  New depths are plummeted to.

  And harrowing twists lurk around every corner…

  There will be blood. There will be tears. In the Dead Days, nobody is safe.

  Dead Days Season One Recap

  This is a quick recap of the events of Season One of Dead Days. Feel free to skip it if you don’t need recapping. And of course, be very aware that this recap is absolutely filled to the brim with Season One spoilers. Don’t say I didn’t warn you…

  Riley Jameson returns home from work to find a reanimated corpse of a former flatmate in the car park of his flat block. His friend, Ted, agrees to leave the flat with Riley in order to locate Riley’s grandmother, who Riley fears for after hearing of the wider spread of what appears to be a zombie-like infection.

  The pair battle their way out of the flats, meeting a woman called Jordanna on their way. However, they are forced to leave Jordanna behind as they head to Riley’s grandma’s, which leaves Riley filled with guilt.

  Riley and Ted arrive at Riley’s grandmother’s to find that she has been bitten and turned into a “creature.” Riley shoots his grandmother, but the house is soon after overrun. The pair flee, but Ted is injured on a piece of sharp glass, so they are forced to search for a chemist of some kind for bandages and medical equipment.

  The two of them find a chemist but are intercepted by a new group, made up of Anna, Stan and his wife Jill, Trevor, Claudia, and her two daughters Chloë and Elizabeth. They are holed up in a Chinese takeaway restaurant. Some of the group heads out to a supermarket to salvage some supplies, but upon return, Riley discovers that a flu-ridden Jill has turned into a creature.

  Somebody kills Jill. Stan goes insane and blames Riley, before walking out on the Chinese takeaway. Anna confesses that, as a former nurse, she suspects that a tampered flu vaccine may have started the creature outbreak. Riley tracks Stan to an old farmhouse where the pair are captured and prepared for execution by two other men. However, after a bloody escape that costs Stan and the other two men their lives, Riley flees the farmhouse instead of trying to help, leaving him even more guilty.

  Upon his return, where Chloë has confessed to killing Jill’s reanimated corpse, the Chinese restaurant is overthrown and the group are forced to leave. Trevor loses his life in this departure, which leaves the group heading down some train tracks. The following day, a speeding train and a herd of creatures sees disaster strike once again as Elizabeth loses her life. But a mysterious armed group from the Fulwood Barracks led by Ivan and Pedro takes them all in.

  All is well at the Fulwood Barracks for a couple of weeks until Riley discovers that Ivan is freezing people for a backup food supply. Tensions flare, fighting breaks out, and Riley’s best friend and closest companion, Ted, is executed by Ivan in the chaos.

  The barracks are overrun by creatures and everyone must fight for survival. Riley and Pedro, who has decided to join with Riley aft
er growing tired of Ivan’s insanity, find the rest of the group in an abandoned house across the road. The following day, Pedro carries Chloë to Ivan, who is waiting in a armoured vehicle nearby, and Chloë knocks Ivan out using a chloroform blanket. Riley locks Ivan up in the freezer room of the barracks where the human bodies are stored and leaves him to die.

  The group finds a boat that Pedro’s grandma had stocked up by the docks. As they set sail up the River Ribble, no clear destination in sight, Claudia throws the ashes of Elizabeth into the water, and Riley throws the ashes of Ted, leaving their home of Preston behind once and for all…


  Dead Days

  by Ryan Casey

  Published April 2014 by Higher Bank Books

  This e-book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This e-book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your preferred retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. All characters and events portrayed in this book are fictional, and any resemblance to real people or incidents is purely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2014 Ryan Casey

  Table of Contents



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Want More Dead Days?

  About the Author

  About this Book

  Dead Days Season One Recap





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