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Among the Chaos: Book 2 of the Soldiers of Chaos MC Series

Page 7

by A. A. Askevold


  Trace listened to the sound of the shower running and was thoroughly tempted to join her. He’d only had her the night before last and he wanted her again every minute since. That was nothing new though, he always wanted her. He couldn’t go in there though. There was a plan he had to follow. He went through his little checklist in his head. Ice bucket and drinks? Check. Snacks on table? Check. Fire burning nicely? Check. Rug for later? Check. Lights off? He flicked the switch. Check. Movies set up? Check. There were only two things missing now. Make that one.

  Nikki entered the lounge area in an old oversized Harley shirt of Tex’s. She always looked sexy in that shirt. Her cleavage peaked through at the top and it gave a completely uninterrupted view of her beautiful smooth creamy legs. She couldn’t reach up or bend forward without the shirt riding up and giving a peek at that delicious round firm ass of hers. Even though it wasn’t his, he loved that shirt.

  “Hey we’re all set,” he told her as he flopped on to the couch and patted the seat next to him.

  As she crossed the room he watched the hem of her shirt skim across the tops of her thighs. A few more centimeters and he’d know what sort of panties she was wearing. The thought had him hard quicker than an adolescent boy viewing an adult mag for the first time. She had that effect on him.

  “So what are we watching?” she asked as she curled up on the couch next to him.

  “Well I’ve got that nineties classic Fear ‘cos I know how much you loved that rollercoaster scene back in the day.”

  He smiled at her as he thought about how much she’d liked that scene when he’d put his own fingers to work during it. She smiled right back at him that same cheeky minx grin she’d had back then.

  “And then we can follow that up with whatever you like.”

  He passed her a drink, flicked on the movie and settled her back against his chest.

  He tried to be patient as he watched her watching the film. Her mouth turned up in a sexy little knowing smirk as the rollercoaster scene approached. He wondered if it was because she was remembering his hands on her the last time they'd watched it. His eyes travelled down to her creamy thighs and his fingers began to stroke her soft skin. He traced light circles on her thigh slowly moving his hand towards to the prize. He leaned down into her neck kissing her lightly teasing her in the way he knew made her squirm. Her legs parted slightly and her own hand slid backwards up his leg. If she touched him he wouldn’t be able to wait.

  He shifted slightly taking away Nikki’s ability touch the growing bulge in his sweat pants. She tried to wriggle around but he held her still.

  “Uh aahhh Baby girl. Just lay back, close your eyes, relax and let me touch you ok?”

  She nodded her agreement and settled her head against the arm of the couch with her back across his lap. The change of position gave him access to her lips as well as what was between her legs. Trace switched the movie off and turned on some mood music. Nikki smiled.

  “You always were the smooth one,” she said.

  “I try my best.”

  He stroked and petted her skin coming so close to touching her sex then his fingers skipped over to her other thigh. Her sigh of frustration was audible. He smiled and looked up towards the kitchen.

  Tex was leaning against the island watching them. Trace nodded at him and Tex began to move forward quietly. Trace let his fingers drift up under the hem of her shirt and find their way to. He froze. No panties. He exhaled loudly as the realisation that she was completely naked under that shirt hit him. Tex’s head came towards him and he caught his questioning gaze.

  “No panties,” he mouthed to Tex.

  Tex groaned quietly, “Show me.”

  Nikki shifted at the sound and Trace quickly captured her lips and slid his fingers into her wetness hoping she hadn’t picked up on Tex’s faux par.


  Nikki relaxed and let go of the crap rolling round in her brain. All she could feel were Trace’s fingertips teasing her, coaxing her to arousal. It wasn’t a difficult task. She was naked under her shirt and jammed up against Trace with his hard shirtless torso and his soft sweat pants. Trace’s finger suddenly changed direction sliding over her naked sex. She heard Trace release a breath loudly. Very faintly whispered words reached her ears. Was that Tex? She opened her eyes to check but Trace pounced. His lips found hers and his tongue swept into her mouth. His fingers mimicked the movement of his tongue sliding into her wet heat and sweeping over her clit.

  Her shirt slid up and she felt the air caressing her. He nudged her thighs further apart spreading her wide. His fingers circled her clit teasing her and making her grow wetter still. He eased out of the kiss and made his way down to her neck. His breath warmed her skin and his wet nibbling kisses sent shivers through her body.

  “Trace,” she whispered his name in appreciation.

  Her eyes opened slowly and the first thing she saw was Tex. He was lingering in the kitchen doorway. His gaze firmly locked between her legs. His body was tense and she could clearly see the serious bulge he was sporting in those jeans. She thought for a moment about saying something when he lifted his gaze to hers. The look in his eyes was pure hunger and it sent a shiver of arousal through her. He lifted a finger to his lips motioning her to keep silent. She didn’t know if she should. Her first instinct had been to alert Trace to Tex’s presence but then something made her hesitate and in that moment Trace slid his fingers inside her.

  “Mmmmm,” she moaned and her muscles clenched.

  Both boys groaned in reply and the sound ratcheted her level of arousal up a hundred percent.

  Her gaze flicked back to Trace as he pulled her shirt up her body revealing her breasts.

  “You are so fucking beautiful,” his eyes ran the length of her body as he spoke.

  She rewarded his compliment with a long deep kiss. When his mouth left hers it went straight for her nipple enclosing it in wet warmth. He laved the sensitive bud with his tongue then sucked gently. Nikki’s eyes closed and even then she could see Tex standing on the other side of the room watching Traces fingers move between her slippery folds. Her mind began to wander into dangerous territory.

  It filled with images of Tex approaching them, of his hands sliding on to her body and his fingers joining Trace’s. As she imagined, Trace found that little sweet spot inside her and began to stroke it driving the liquid fire inside her higher still. She pictured Tex kissing her, a bruising animalistic kiss then Trace following it up with a soft loving one. Trace’s thumb began to work her clit and Nikki felt that fire spread through every limb in her body. Then both their mouths would move to her breasts Tex nibbling with his teeth and Trace licking and blowing cold breath across her nipple.

  “Oh god,” she cried out and her eyes flew open to find both men staring down at her.

  The idea of both of them was too much for her and that liquid fire exploded. Her muscles convulsed around Trace’s fingers and neither of the men tried to hide their reactions.

  “Mmmmm fuck,” Trace moaned.

  And Tex’s groan across the room was loud and full of need.

  The noises set off a second wave of tremors as Nikki’s eyes closed again and she let bliss sweep over her. As she came down from that place Trace’s fingers were still stroking gently inside her prolonging the sweet ache.

  “Hello Brother,” Trace greeted Tex as if he knew he’d been standing there the whole time.

  “Evening,” Tex’s voice was husky and full of sex.

  Another shiver passed through her.

  “She’s so fucking beautiful when she comes isn’t she?” Trace asked.

  “Beautiful doesn’t begin to cover it,” Tex replied.

  Trace had definitely known Tex was there.

  “You knew?” she whispered to Trace in astonishment.

  “Yeah Baby girl I knew,” he replied shrugging his shoulders.

  Nikki’s mind was spinning. He’d known Tex
was there. She looked down at the way they were positioned and where Tex was standing. God, not only had he known he’d displayed her perfectly so Tex could watch. What the hell?

  Trace withdrew his fingers from inside her drawing an automatic whimper from Nikki.

  “I know Baby girl but I think that’s enough for now,” he responded.

  Enough for now? She couldn’t get her head around this shit. Had they planned this, the two of them? What was going on here? She opened her mouth to say something and Trace put his finger to her lips.

  “Sssshhhhh Baby girl. We’ll talk about it another time ok?”

  She just nodded at him as he smoothed her shirt back in to place and adjusted her legs so she was no longer on display. Tex picked up her feet and sat down on the couch placing them in his lap. Trace switched the movie back on and both boys turned their attention to the screen. It was like something incredibly hot and extraordinary hadn’t happened at all and this was just another ordinary night. Except for the hard ons both men were sporting no one would think any different.


  Tex lay awake in bed thinking about what had happened tonight. He had to admit he had not been prepared for that. He didn’t expect it to affect him quite so much as it did. The thought of any other man’s hands on his woman made him want to beat the shit out of something but for some reason with Trace it had never bothered him as much. He guessed that’s because he trusted the man and he loved him as a best friend and a brother. It should’ve been weird though. It should’ve been weird watching Trace’s hands on Nikki but it wasn’t. It was hot, it was beyond hot. Maybe Trace’s idea wasn’t so crazy.

  He wondered what she’d been thinking about before she came, if he featured in her little fantasy, if the both of them featured in her fantasy. God he needed to think about something else. He was hard as hell and being just down the hall from Nikki knowing she was naked under his shirt and having watched her come didn’t make it any easier. Or maybe it was the fact that it had been so long since he’d had his hands on her that the mental tease was driving him crazy. He needed her so badly but that wasn’t the plan and he had to stick to the plan.

  Nikki screamed suddenly frightening him out of his thoughts. He jumped out of bed and raced down the hall throwing her door open. She shot upright in bed whipping her Glock out from under her pillow and swinging around to face him her feet hitting the floor. He held his hands up as Trace skidded to halt behind him.

  “Whoa there Ace. It’s only us,” he stated as he held his hands up in surrender.


  Her finger halted on the trigger as his voice pierced the sleepy fog inside her brain. The horror of what she’d nearly done hit her and she cursed dropping her gun to the bed. She’d nearly fired at them. Tex entered slowly while Trace squeezed past him and rushed to her side.

  “Are you ok Nikki?” Trace asked as he smoothed her hair back.

  She could see the concern swirling in those ocean blue eyes of his. The fact that she’d pointed a loaded weapon at them not even factoring in with him. She flicked her eyes to Tex. He hung back eyeing her warily. From his body language she could tell he wasn’t so sure she wouldn’t have pulled the trigger. He was right. If he’d have spoken a second later he might’ve been bleeding out on the floor.

  She stared blankly at Trace trying to hide the turmoil of emotion going on inside her.

  “I’m fine,” her voice came out flat.

  She could tell from the look on his face he didn’t believe her. She took a deep breath and prepped herself for the fake.

  “I’m fine Trace. It was just a bad dream. I’m not the ones who were on the other side of a loaded pistol.”

  A fucking nightmare is more like it. Seeing Chrissy in that hospital bed and killing those two Niners had fed the monster inside her and if she wouldn’t let it out when she was awake it would get her in her god damn sleep.

  She dreamt she took Chrissy’s place. She was laying on the floor of this large room while Black’s goons beat the shit out of her. Black was standing back in the corner an evil smile plastered across his face. He was laughing with someone, the fourth person, the unknown one. Even though their back was to her and the silhouette was blurry it was somehow familiar to her. As she lay there in pain her body being beaten black and blue the unknown figure turned around. Fear, real fear over took her as she stared at her herself laughing sadistically with Black. Only it wasn’t her. The eyes were all wrong. The eyes belonged to the monster inside her and as she opened her mouth to scream it had launched itself at her. That’s why she’d woken and gone straight for her weapon.

  Trace smiled at her. His smile had always warmed her insides and melted her heart.

  “Not the first time and I doubt it’ll be the last. You wouldn’t have shot us. Anyway I’d happily take a bullet for you Baby Girl.”

  She had to smile at the faith he had in her.

  “Are you sure you’re alright?” Trace asked.

  She sighed. She was trying to be but it would seem the world conspired against her in that department.

  “Yes. You two go back to bed I’ll be ok.”

  “Ok Baby Girl just scream if you need us,” He grinned at her standing up and leaving the room.

  On the way past he and Tex shared a look then he gave Tex a quick nod before he continued down the hall to his room.

  Nikki dropped her head into her hands. She could’ve killed one or both of the only people in this world that truly cared about her.

  “Don’t,” Tex’s voice was firm.

  She looked up at him. He was still standing at the far side of her room his face hard with….. anger maybe?

  “He’s right you know. You wouldn’t have pulled the trigger,” he sounded confident as he made the statement but he was still standing as far away from her as possible.

  “Really? Then why the hell are you standing all the way over there looking at me like I could take your head off any minute.”


  It wasn’t because he thought she would take his head off it was because he was so pissed off. Pissed off at himself, at Trace, at her father, at the club, pissed off that they hadn’t done enough to protect her, and pissed off that she was the way she was because of all of it. She was hard on the outside no doubt about it but inside she was broken and he couldn’t figure out a way to fix it. Instead he did the only thing he knew how to do.

  He crossed the room and slid to his knees in front of her. His hands slid slowly up her arms over her shoulders. One hand slid round the back of her neck the other cupped her chin bringing her face up to look at him. He could see the doubt, the pain and the conflict in her eyes and there was only one way he knew how to take it away. He leaned forward brushing his lips gently against hers. She crushed her lips against his mouth opening in invitation to his tongue.

  Tex needed this as much as she needed this. He'd waited long enough to get his hands on her. He'd endured the heartache of watching her fall apart. He'd suffered through the hurt he'd purposefully caused her. He knew this was not a part of their plan but he was impatient and couldn't help himself where Nikki was concerned. He wanted to show her he still loved her and worshipped her too.


  She needed this. She needed everything in her mind gone if only for a short time. She needed to be numb to everything but his touch. Her hands went immediately to his chest smoothing their way over his pecks and down his abs. The man had the body of a greek god. His six feet something frame put them face to face with her even though he was on his knees. His shoulders were wide, his waist narrow and what lay in between was a wall of solid mouth-watering muscle. He stood leaning over her keeping their mouths locked together their tongues sliding hungrily over each other.

  She scooted back on to the mattress Tex following crawling over the top of her. He released her mouth and gripped the bottom of her shirt ripping it up over head leaving her in just a
pair of lace boy short panties. His eyes moved hungrily over her body and she revelled in his heated gaze. He stopped when his eyes hit her panties and licked his lips sending a shiver through her body that went straight to her clit.

  All of a sudden her body was alive for him her breath fast and shallow, her nipples hard and begging for attention, her clit swollen and her pussy wet and aching. Tex had always had this sort of control over her body one hungry look and she was ready to drop her panties and take him on the spot.


  Fuck she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, she always had been. Her long dark hair framed her pale skin, stormy blue-grey eyes and dark pink lips that were wet and swollen from their kisses. And her body, her body was so sweet it would bring the hardest man to tears. She had the sexiest curves, going in and out where a woman should. Her breasts were perfect teardrop shaped, sloping down to dusky pink nipples the weight of them sitting just below that, they just fit inside his large hand. Her legs were long, not slender as such she was a runner, but toned and sleek. And what lay between those creamy thighs of hers was heaven and hell all at the same time.


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