Book Read Free

A Virtual Affair

Page 19

by Tracie Podger

  “Medium? And flavoured,” he teased.

  I reached to grab the box from him, but he held his hand up high.

  “Uh ah. I’m intrigued.”

  He opened the box whilst still holding it too high for me to grab. The packets spilled to the floor but he’d caught one. I watched as he used his teeth to tear one open. That ‘fanny tingle’ returned at the sight. There was something very raw and sexual about the way he was staring at me as he did. I took a deep breath.

  “So,” he said as he unrolled the condom over two fingers. “A medium,” he added.

  “How the heck was I supposed to know what size, and as for flavoured…I was mortified, Carla made me buy those. I grabbed the first box that came to hand.”

  “I’m flattered that you even thought to, but…” He stalked towards me, peeling the condom off his fingers and dropping it to the floor.

  I backed up until the back of my legs hit the bed. He reached forwards and placed both his hands on my hips. He turned me away from him.

  “Am I just a medium?” he whispered into my back.

  “No,” I squeaked, inwardly cursing myself for fucking squeaking.

  “Shall we see?”

  He placed his hand between my shoulder blades and pushed the top half of my body down towards the bed. I had no idea what he was doing but my body was telling me I was going to like it. I felt a pulsing between my thighs; my clitoris throbbed just at his words.

  Using his foot, he kicked my legs apart. I had leant on my forearms and my hands gripped the bedding. Before I could take a breath, he slammed into me. I cried out his name. He stilled.

  “How long can Dini wait?” he whispered. The blond stubble on his chin scraped over my back.

  “I don’t care,” I replied.

  “Right answer.”

  I had never been fucked that way before. In fact, I’d never been fucked, full stop. Whatever it was that Michael had done bared no resemblance to what had happened that night and what was happening that morning.

  It was short, sharp, and deliciously erotic, especially when he called out words in his own language as he came.

  I collapsed on the bed, landing on the edge of his holdall and laughed.

  “Oh my God,” I said.

  “He won’t save you from me,” Stefan said as he took a step away.

  I stood and faced him, laughing at the wicked grin he gave me.

  “I could fuck you all day,” he said.

  “I think my body may protest at that. I’ve gone from nothing to…well, this.”

  “You must have been very frustrated. You’ll need to show me what…”

  I cut him off with a raise of my hand and headed from the room, back to the bathroom.

  “Not going there,” I called over my shoulder.

  “Oh, you will. I want to see you make yourself come.”

  I laughed as I cleaned up. I was cleaning my teeth when he came into the bathroom and gave a brief kiss to my shoulder before climbing in the shower. He was so confident in his own skin, so brazen with his words—maybe it was a Danish thing. Maybe there was that British reserve, that stiff upper lip the world talked about.

  I looked into the mirror, partly to watch him but I caught sight of myself. My eyes shone, my hair was a tangled mess, that ‘just fucked’ look women paid a fortune at the hairdressers for. Who was the woman looking back me? That woman had a smile from ear to ear, pink cheeks and sparkling eyes.

  I dressed in jeans and a sweater, pulled on some socks and rushed downstairs, worried about the dog. He was standing by the back door and if a dog could cross his legs, he would have. I hadn’t got the handle all the way open before he barged out.

  I put the kettle on to boil and picked up my phone. I switched it on to see five messages from Carla, each one getting more demanding for information.

  I laughed as I replied.

  Let’s just say, I’ll need treatment for thrush at this rate.

  I switched the phone off again and set about to grill some bacon. I could hear Stefan moving around in the room above me and smiled as I thought about the previous night and that morning. I’d surprised myself with how much I’d wanted his touch. I giggled as a thought crossed my mind. As gross as it sounded, the dam had been opened.

  “Is he happy now?” I heard. Stefan strode in to the room in jeans and a t-shirt.

  “Yep. I’m grilling some bacon.”

  He stood behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist as I re-boiled the kettle.

  “Mmm, smells good. So does the bacon.” He nipped the side of my neck before heading for the back garden.

  I chuckled at his response and smiled further when I saw him throw a ball for Dini. I took a cup of coffee to the back door.

  “You’ll freeze out here,” I said.

  He smiled as he came towards me and took the cup from my hands. Dini bounded in and fussed around his bowl. I fed him, made bacon sandwiches, tea and then joined Stefan at the kitchen table.

  “What do you want to do today?” I asked.

  He raised his eyebrows and smirked.

  “We can go for a walk along the beach,” I said.

  “Sure, sounds good. We should book that restaurant, the one you told me about.”

  We ate our breakfast and I left him to clear the dishes while I found my walking boots and coat.

  Hand in hand, we walked the beach. We passed other dog walkers and bade a good morning. Using his phone, Stefan took pictures; he threw his arm around my shoulders for a selfie. I protested; I had no make-up on.

  “I want to send that to my kids,” he said as he fiddled with his phone.

  I couldn’t imagine he would realise how profound that statement was. I wasn’t a secret in his life, and I felt a little guilty that it was only Carla and Kerry that knew about him.

  He showed me the photo. My hair was streaming behind me, still a tangled mess, and we were laughing. It was a beautiful photograph, and I was surprised at the quality, bearing in mind he’d used his phone.

  “You’ll have to send that to me as well,” I said.

  Stefan picked up a stick that he threw to entertain Dini while we walked. We talked the whole length of the beach and up to the restaurant. I waited outside while he went in to book a table for the following evening.

  He came out with two coffees and we sat on a bench warming our hands with the mugs.

  “I love it here. I can’t believe I’ve never visited before,” he said.

  “I used to come here all the time as a child. See those huts over there?” I pointed along the road. “We used to stay in similar ones, they’re gone now but all we did was spend every day on the beach.”

  After we’d drunk our coffee we made the walk back. The cold air stung my face and brought colour to my cheeks. The sea pounded the centuries old cliffs and we climbed over the shards of black rock that snaked their way out to sea. We must have walked for a couple of hours.

  The kitchen was warm as we stepped in; it was welcoming. We left our boots just at the back door and Stefan took my coat to hang in the hallway.

  He retrieved his laptop from his holdall while I made more tea. He sat at the kitchen table to answer some emails he’d told me he needed to reply to and I sat and watched. His brow furrowed in concentration and I watched his fingers fly over the keyboard. Fingers that had, only a few hours prior, brought such pleasure to me. I blushed.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked without looking up. I guessed he’d seen me watching from the corner of his eye.

  “Nothing. I’m going to grab my Kindle and read while you work.”

  I wasn’t about to tell him what I was thinking. I walked to the living room and plugged my phone in the docking station. The wind had picked up, the window frames rattled and the room chilled. I decided to light the fire. Once it was lit, I curled on the sofa and read.

  An hour or maybe two had passed before Stefan joined me. He gently pushed me to one side so he could sit in the corner of the sofa wi
th his legs outstretched then pulled me between them. I rested with my back to his chest and his arms around me. He nuzzled my neck.

  “Do you remember you asked me what my fantasy was?” he said.

  “Oh, God, I do. Sorry, that was rather embarrassing.”

  He laughed before replying. “This is partly it. A fire roaring on a winter’s day and you in my arms. It’s been a lonely year, and your emails kept me going.”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  He sighed. “I met Tasha in university. She was very driven, very educated. We dated on and off, we graduated then married, and she was awarded a position in a medical research facility to complete her PhD. She worked long hours and we didn’t see each other that much. I started my business and I guess she looked down on Marketing. She thought I could have done so much better for myself. Anyway, she fell pregnant and was furious about it. She wanted an abortion, and whether I was right or wrong, I wouldn’t allow it. I’d have given up work and cared for our son myself.”

  Stefan paused, he shifted position and I wondered if he was uncomfortable in telling me his story.

  “You don’t have to tell me,” I said quietly.

  “I want to. She went through the pregnancy, blamed me for all the sickness, the clothes that didn’t fit but she carried on working, right up the week before her due date. Alec was born and she was back at work within two weeks. We had a nanny and I worked from home most of the time. She never bonded with him, and even today, he finds it difficult to spend time with her. A couple of years went by, she fell pregnant again but that time seemed happier about it. It was while she was pregnant that I discovered she’d been sleeping with my best friend. Because of the baby, because of Alec, I forgave her and we limped on.”

  “Is he…?” I didn’t finish my sentence, realising too late it was intrusive.

  “My son? Biologically I don’t know, to be honest. I don’t know why we stayed together for as long as we did. There was no love between us. I could forgive the affair but I could never forgive her favouring Eric. Alec lives with me now.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that. Do you speak now?”

  “Not unless we have to. You know, you’re the only person I’ve told this to. Tasha knows I’ve questioned Eric’s paternity but we’ve never really spoken about it.”

  “I’m glad you can talk to me.”

  “So am I.”

  We settled into a comfortable silence. The fire crackled in the hearth and the sun began to set. We had dozed on and off, chatted some more about our friends, our lives and our children. My stomach grumbled, reminding me that we had missed lunch.

  “How about I make us dinner,” I said, reluctant to leave the warmth of his embrace.

  I slid my legs from the sofa and stood, stretching my arms over my head. As I walked around the sofa and to the door, Stefan reached out and his fingers trailed down my arm.

  He stood and followed me.

  “What do you want me to do?” he asked.

  “You can let Dini out and then lay the table.”

  “I know what I’d like to lay on the table,” he replied with a laugh.

  “Is it normal for the Danes to think about sex all the time?” I teased.

  “I can’t help it if I find you desirable.”

  “I find it strange, that someone wants me,” I said, my voice lowered to a whisper.

  He stopped in his tracks, his hand hovered over the door handle and he turned his head to look at me. I stared at him, at the sadness I was convinced I’d seen in his eyes.

  He opened the door and Dini bounded out, once he’d closed it he walked towards me.

  “I wanted you from the moment you stumbled on a speed boat. I don’t know what it is about you but I need you. I’ve never connected with someone the way I connect with you. You pull me, all the time. I got scared about that, and I still kick myself for sending that fucking letter.”

  He was close, his hands were either side of me on the counter top. I looked up at him.

  “I know you feel the same,” he whispered.

  I reached up and cupped his face with my hands, he lowered his head so his mouth was just millimetres from mine. His body pressed me on to the cupboards and I could feel his erection against my stomach.

  “I don’t know how this is going to work,” I said.

  “We’ll figure it out, we have to. For now, I’ll fly back and forth, but I want you to visit me as well.”

  His kiss was gentle at first, deepening as his want for me grew. I moaned and gripped the hair at the nape of his neck. His stubble scratched against my face as he devoured my mouth. My legs grew weak; never had I been kissed with such passion. The dog whining to be let back in broke the moment.

  He chuckled and rested his forehead against mine.

  “I don’t know what it is about you, Jayne, I just know I don’t want to let you go.”

  He stepped away and walked to the back door. I scowled at Dini as he sat, wagged his tail and looked between us.

  “I’ll feed the dog, you feed me,” Stefan said.

  I laughed as I raided the fridge. I placed some cheeses, meats and breads on the table. Stefan opened a bottle of red wine.

  “How about we take this into the living room,” he said.

  We carried the plates and wine, set them on the coffee table and picnicked in front of the fire as the evening drew in.

  Once we had eaten, I sat on the floor between Stefan’s legs as he rested his back against the sofa. His hands were on my thighs, gently caressing until he moved them up to my waist. As he kissed my neck, he undid my jeans. I gripped his thighs as he slid his hand inside.

  “This is the second part of my fantasy,” he whispered.

  His fingers teased my clitoris. Just the slightest touch from him had me moaning. I slid my jeans down my thighs, I drew my knees towards me and they fell to my ankles. I kicked them off. I leaned forwards slightly and pulled my t-shirt over my head, I unclasped my bra and threw the clothes to one side.

  I pushed myself from the floor, turning to straddle his lap. I took hold of the hem of his t-shirt and lifted it over his head.

  With just the flickering flames for light, I explored his body. I kissed his neck, letting my tongue run along his collarbone. I kissed his throat and up his chin. I held his head in my hands and kissed his mouth.

  I raised my body slightly so he could remove his jeans and pants, all without breaking that kiss. There was something I wanted to do for him, something I’d never done before. I lowered my head, gently licking then nipping his nipple. I shuffled back slightly as I lowered further. My heart hammered in my chest as my tongue gently touched the tip of his hard cock. I heard his sharp intake of breath as my lips closed around him.

  I could feel my body shaking with nerves. I held his hips as I dipped my head lower, taking him further into my mouth and sucked as I released. His hands fisted in my hair, gripping and pulling. When I heard him moan, I smiled. Perhaps I wasn’t doing such a bad job after all.

  Encouraged by his moans, by the tightening of his hands in my hair, I took him further. I sucked harder and let my tongue swirl around the tip before I lowered again.

  “Fuck,” he said as I took him to the back of my throat.

  I reached below him to cup his balls with one of my hands. I gently rolled them in my palm.

  “Jayne, shit, you’re going to have to stop,” he growled.

  I didn’t want to stop; I wanted to bring him to his release. It wasn’t something I was prepared for though. He tried to warn me, he pulled my hair to encourage me to release him. I felt his cock pulse, warm liquid shot to the back of my throat. I tried to swallow but his come filled my mouth quicker than I could. I raised my head holding it in my mouth. My eyes were wide with, well, shock, I guessed.

  He laughed when he saw me. I tried not to smile and covered my mouth with one hand. I looked around the room, not sure what I was looking for. Stefan handed me his t-shirt and I deposited the contents
of my mouth into it.

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry,” I said.

  “First time, huh?”

  “Can you guess?” My face burned.

  “I’m sorry for laughing, but your face,” he continued to laugh.

  Tears formed in my eyes. “Hey, come here,” he said.

  I shuffled on my knees and he held my head in his hands.

  “That was an amazing blow job. I’m sorry for laughing.”

  “I’m just crap at all this,” I said.

  “No you’re not. Jesus, Jayne, if you were crap, I wouldn’t have come.”

  I chuckled. I don’t think I’d ever had a conversation with as many sex terms before.

  He kissed me, tenderly. It concerned me that he would taste himself on my tongue. He held the back of my head and twisted his body. He gently laid me down on the rug and lay beside me.

  “I want to make love to you,” he whispered.

  There was something in the way he said those words that had tears roll down my cheeks. He kissed my eyelids, his lips followed the path the tears had left. He kissed every part of my body.

  He was gentle, he took his time and did as he said—he made love to me like no man has ever done before.

  Stefan and I spent the following day driving along the coast, stopping to take pictures and walk along the many beaches we found. We found a little pub and sat in front of the fire to eat lunch. Most of all, we didn’t stop talking or laughing.

  “We’re going to have to get ready,” I said.

  We had been back at the cottage for a couple of hours and I’d taken a nap on the sofa. The sea air and the walking had worn me out.

  “You go shower first, I’ll be up in a minute,” he said.

  Stefan had been sitting beside me with his laptop resting on his thighs. He closed the lid and picked up his phone.

  “I’ll just give Alec a call,” he said with a smile.

  I headed upstairs and stripped off before stepping under the warms jets of the shower. The only thing the cottage lacked was a power shower, but the gentle fall of water was enough to wash my hair and clean my body.


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