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Wild Within

Page 5

by Mima

  “Rylan lived with you outside the City walls?”


  “When did he come there?”

  “I don't know. We were very small and wild when we found each other. We have been tied from then to now, living in the City fringe. We only left when he was near death. The forest has been good for him, and he is revived a little, but still very ill.”

  “How old is he?”

  “We call each other twenty-five.” She wanted to be as accurate as possible with these people.

  “How long has he been sick?”

  “Months. Seriously, about ten-no eleven days, now. Please go to him while you put me to your tests. Ease him…”

  {Stop} he motioned. He stared steadily at her and she waited, maintaining calm. “Why are you here?”

  “Rylan wishes to live, and I will make sure he does. I will do what is required.” More eye flicking among the men. She definitely thought they were using magespeak.

  “What do you know of what is required?”

  “Only night whispers.”

  “Tell me them.”

  She raised her chin. “For a Beast to be taken into the caves, he must give them a woman. They say I must die, or become a slave. That I will be given to dark mages, and drunk of my essence.” He grunted. She took that as a prompt. “I know only that Trey was accepted, yet the woman he took with him never returned.”

  “There are seven Cities. She could be anywhere.”

  “Yes,” she acknowledged. She reminded herself, Scuffle told me that I would be Rylan's key. Sera told me that I will be harmed but not in a way that matters. But her soul whispered, She lies to protect her friends, you know it, you know it. Inside, her heart began to tremble and she couldn't stop it. Her soul whispered-alone, unwanted, unneeded, useless, alone… Aloud she told it and the men, “I will do this.”

  “Even if I tell you to take your knife and open your wrists?”

  “That would be easier than many of the other whispers.” A few eye flicks this time among the men.

  “None of those things happen to the women who are adopted into our caves.” She blinked at this statement. His tone had softened considerably, almost apologetic. “What were you in the City fringe?”

  “My way of life is that of scout, messenger,” she paused and added reluctantly, “and thief. I am, was, part of a small clan outside of the Guild controls and Dark status wars. I live simply and do not require much. I have a few other skills. I don't know what you value.” This made her feel itchy, like a smoothskin girl calling her charms.

  “Have you children or husband?” She couldn't stop her hands from twitching and knew they had seen the telling reaction.


  “What are your mageskills?”

  “I have none. Well, I’m good with traps.”

  “That’s all? No element?” Everyone fell into the six elemental strengths. She was the only person she knew of that did not.

  “All that Scuffle, our old clan leader, thought worthy to train.” Her heart moved from trembling to thumping. Would she have enough skills to be of value? The Beast closest to her shifted and she thought, impossibly, that he could hear the change in her heart.

  “What of Rylan?” the tan man growled. His chest was massive, heavily muscled. He’d be a tough opponent on a one on one. KarRa's stomach churned at the thought of Rylan being judged and found wanting by this hard man.

  “He is golden inside and out. He is powerful in a fight, skilled in magic, yet wise in his ways. He is steady, the most honorable person I have ever known. He…”

  “Stop. Are you mated?”

  “Married? No.”

  He tipped his head, motioned with his hand and the closest guard crowded her as the gate guard had. She stood her ground, showing him her neck.

  “Are you mated to Rylan?” the Beast asked again.

  KarRa turned her head and looked directly into the dark guard's eyes. “No.”

  He leaned into her and sniffed in little huffs, then backed away, eyes flicking to the mage. Could they smell lies?

  The tan Beast spoke again. “You have run together from childhood, you would die for him, yet you are not lovers.”

  “Yes. I mean no.” She thought she saw a smile flick through mouth.

  “He is gold haired?”

  “Dark gold. Yes.”


  She hesitated. He had such a focus on that word and she was not sure she understood it.

  He clarified, “He has not chosen one woman to keep in his bed?”

  “He has chosen several over the years, but they do not stay long. The longest lasted a year.” And I hated her guts.

  “He has no children?”


  “Look at me.” She raised her eyes from his chest to his eyes. She held his black stare for many minutes and couldn’t read him at all. He turned away and mindtalked with her first guard. The room was entirely still.

  He looked over at her again. “There is only one test you must pass. It will take only a moment and will not hurt. Turn around and put your hands on the wall at shoulder height. Spread your legs wide.”

  She did it immediately, hating that her heart was still thumping hard. The guard nearby took her club from her belt, then nudged her feet farther apart, rather gently. He moved away and another presence came up.

  “I will touch you. This is a simple body reading.” It was the tall mage. He crouched down behind her and slid his hand between her legs to rest low on her stomach, fingers spread wide. He was under her sweaters but did not try to get into her leathers. She hardened her muscles so as not to betray any reaction, and was glad she did when his other hand came between her legs and stopped, the heel of his palm pressing firmly up against her core, his fingers curling into her mound.

  In an instant she became hyper aware, and although everyone remained utterly still for many moments, she swore she could feel the other men become vividly more focused on her than they had before. Heat washed through her lower stomach to leak out between her legs—she swore she could feel it pulse through her body between his hands, flowing like water and her skin only a sieve.

  After a half dozen pulses of heat, his hands slid away and he stood. She felt him move away and he said, “Turn.”

  She was surprised that he was still so close to her, on her side of the table, leaning casually against it, his legs and arms crossed in front. He stared at her with a heavy lidded look that reminded her of drunks. She could have reached out and touched him. That she wanted to was a completely uncharacteristic urge.

  “You are fertile.” Not drunk then, randy. All of the guards shifted restlessly in a ripple of power around the room. He blinked sleepily at her. “The price you choose to pay for Rylan's rescue is fair. If you want us to take him, Clanless and untrained, we take you as well. You will become one of us. You will be matched to suitable mates, and given a choice among them. You will have children. What you do among us is up to you—there are many duties to choose from.

  “Our lands are vast. You will not be enslaved in dark caves, but you will not return to your old life in the human world. You will find a place for yourself among us when you accept a mate. You will be matched no sooner than a moon from now, but it has taken up to three years to settle mate choices on an adopted woman. You will be taught our ways, some of which will seem strange. You will have a place of respect among us, and many freedoms. In no way will you be abused. All of this will come to pass if you agree.”

  “If you do, we will try to rescue Rylan but we cannot promise he will live. Unbonded, untrained, unguided Beasts such as he have become spirit lost, and if his sickness is at the stage you say, he has a good but not total chance of recovery. If he lives, he will be adopted. It is common that your paths will separate.” He came to an end and continued to watch her.

  As soon as she realized he was waiting, she said, calmly and firmly, “Yes. I agree. I accept. I so pledge to any terms you state.” Her h
ead whirled, unable to take it all in immediately. Not abused … children … freedoms … never return … good but not total chance…

  He reached behind him and withdrew a gorgeous carved stone knife from his waist. Moving back around the table, he motioned her forward. She came to it in one pace, holding out her right arm without being asked, pushing the sweater sleeves to her elbow. He held the knife to her forearm, looked her in the eye and asked formally, “Do you KarRa of Far's Clan and the Fourth City swear by your lifeblood to accept a mate among my people, the Truxet, with open heart and firm mind?”

  Holding his gaze she said, “Yes.”

  He cut fast, turning her wrist and dropping the blood onto the stone. She noticed he chose to trace the line of one of her previous scars, leaving one less. Nice touch.

  Letting go, he cut his own arm and turned his blood on top of hers. “I see your oath and hold it in keeping as the sacrifice you make for Trux Rylan.” He lowered his arm to his side, and she did the same, ignoring the sting and the warmth of the small cut.

  He stared at the tiny puddle of blood, and it began to glow. She glanced at him, but he had not stiffened and swelled the way Beasts seemed to when they used magic. She looked down in time to see the blood begin to steam, and the edges sizzle; yet the stone at her hips was not hot. Three of the dark guards stepped forward, laid hands on the stone, and stated, “Witness.” They stepped back from the stone. The blood sank away and the cut on her arm sizzled faintly.

  “Welcome KarRa. Know you are honored and needed by our people. We will hold you well. This is Tril.” He motioned to the guard that had found her at the edge of the forest. “He will take you to meet our other women awaiting mate matches.” He held his hand out to one of the other guards and was handed Rylan's club. He stared at it, began to swell.

  She blurted quickly, “I want to help with Rylan's recovery. He responds to me as to no healer. I need to know his progress.” He gave a sharp nod without shifting his concentration. There was a popping sound in her ears and all five of the men were gone. She swallowed her shock.

  Turning to Tril, she met his dark black eyes for the first time. He was looking at her, fascinated. “That’s it?” she asked. “Was that your leader?”

  “He is Merk, a Council spiritmage, an alpha gold pack Wolf. Not a leader.”

  “Oh.” They stared at each other a few more moments and she became aware that Tril was quite young. His size was misleading, but his youth was clear on his face. “Should we go?”

  “Oh! Yes.” He didn't move.

  “Is it far?”

  “In distance, yes, but I will sift us there.” At her blank look, he added, “The way Merk left. We call it sifting. Magical transport.”

  “All Beasts can sift?”

  “No. But we can all use a magestone to do it.”

  She looked down. Walking through the woods for two days and two nights was catching up with her. “I'm very tired. And hungry.” She realized that for the first time in days she truly was. Rylan was going to live. She knew it. It had to be so. She would make it be.

  Her heart was still pounding, and her arm still stung, but she was suddenly so incredibly full of energy. I am going to live as well. She thought of contacting Rylan, but did not want to interrupt what was happening with Merk. “Let's go Tril. I can't wait to see what's next.”

  He led her out of the room and down the tunnel, no longer concerned about showing his back to her. “We can't use that stone?”

  “No. That's a truth stone. Wow, I can't believe I actually helped bring a new woman in on my first duty. Wait till I tell Sed! Hey, wouldn't it be wild if I was your mate?!” She tipped her lips wryly to the side. How had this child seemed so powerful on the cliff? He chattered as they walked past several other small rooms.

  “I mean, the last woman came in moons ago! It's so hard for us, you know. Humans think we're animals. City mages are jealous and scared. Willing women are worth more than gold. Especially when they just walk up and agree to be adopted. And you brought in a lost brother too! I hope he makes it. That hasn't happened in forever. Most women find out they're being traded and have to come here to mate and flip out. Or they try to put demands in-”I want this many dresses and that kind of mate. “Like we're a pleasure shop!”

  He sounds just like any boy from the streets, she thought, wondering.

  He turned into a room just like all the others. “Put your hands on the table. So, when I sift us, you might get a little of dizzy after, but it's fine, it doesn't hurt you. You'll get used to it.” She laid her hands on the stone. All of a sudden searing heat went up her right arm, and her left felt icy cold. The room seemed to fall out underneath her, and while it spun in a drunken wave her knees threatened to buckle.

  She was in a similar, room but the magelights were in different locations. They stepped out into a hall, with two men talking a short distance to her right. They did not look up. Tril led her through what appeared to be a maze. She tried to hold onto the path, but every glimpse of a Beast had her tensing, wary. Fool. This is their territory. Calm down.

  Finally, after ascending some stairs, Tril was speaking to a man standing next to a carved doorway. Even though he was not armed he was obviously a guard.

  All the other doors they’d passed had been entirely open, or had fabric hangings over them. This one had a pivoting stone slab, currently open. The rock halls appeared as if a giant had simply chewed through it, looking naturally jagged. This doorway carving was of flowers, and fruit, graceful feminine hands, curvy bodies in silhouette, with flowing long hair. Scruffing the shaggy ruff on her head, she thought if that was their idea of women, she wasn’t going to do well here.

  Tril led her down some halls and into a room with a red curtain. It was perhaps two bodylengths across. A solid wood table and two chairs stood in the middle of the space. A bed with a thickly stuffed mattress and heavy, well made blankets was beyond it against the wall. The rock walls held several empty niches and a few magelights.

  Tril cleared his throat. “Wait here for your mentor. She may be a few minutes.”

  “I am under guard?”

  “No! I just showed you the way. I have to go now.” His voice held more disappointment.

  “The guard in the hall?”

  “Safety. To keep us out, if someone slips their grip. Which really never happens. Well, I mean, there was this one guy a few years ago—I think he was a Watercoaster, he went a little crazy and took an unmated woman back to the Cove, that’s their clanhome, but of course he got caught.”

  “Of course.” One guy? A few years ago? She didn’t think so.

  Tril edged toward the door. He chewed his lip. “Well, I hope I see you again. I mean, maybe at the Darkmoon gathering. It would be nice, if, maybe, we could dance…”

  “Goodbye Tril,” she tried to make her voice kind. “Can you check and see if they brought Rylan in? Will someone tell me?”

  He suddenly stood tall again. “Sure! I’ll do that! I can do that!”

  He bounded out.

  KarRa looked around the room. One door out. One guard at the main entrance. If this wasn’t a jail she didn’t know what was.

  It was perhaps an hour later when Tril was back. “Your mentor didn’t come?” He seemed surprised.


  “Huh. Rylan is amazing. He's so strong willed. Man is he stubborn. He insists on having you there. He wants to live but he's willing to let go for you. He's refused the bonding ceremony with his Alpha. It's really weird you two aren't mated.”

  “Our souls are.” The words slipped out, so easy to respond to the chatter of Tril's back. It was a stupid mistake. Exhaustion was no excuse.

  Tril stopped dead and spun to face her in a blur of black skin. She leaped back and into fighting stance. He stared at her open mouthed, blinking his black eyes at her. “Wait ’til I tell Merk,” he breathed. Whirling again, he began to jog and she followed.

  Only a few turns later they pushed through a knot of pe
ople in the hall and she came to a room three times as big as hers, but darker. A raised pallet in the middle was the only furniture. Three groups of men gathered in whispers around the edges but she went directly to Rylan at the center.

  Falling to her knees she clasped his hand and drew it to her chin, doubling his arm up. It went smoothly with no resistance and his eyes were closed. Her heart stopped. “Rylan!” It was a command. His eyes flowed open, the gold glowing in the low light and her breath eased out long and tired.

  She smiled gently at him. As always when coming into his presence, peace settled deep into her bones. “Look at you! You are here in the Beast caves. You are home!” They were so close to finishing this.

  His brow creased, “They said all women were well treated here, and free, then they told me some story about you being safe…”

  “Hush. I'm well. Not one unkind touch. And they tell me you are not agreeing to a bonding ceremony.” Laying her head next to his she hissed into his ear, “You will stop delaying and do this immediately. You are weak again and I will not have it.”

  He chuckled weakly, more of a hiccup in his breathing, and turned his head to her. “You did it, KarRa. You made it through the Wild.”

  She smiled, feeling a thrill of pride. He didn’t need to know about the near miss with the fuzzy. Or the recently shredded carcass she’d stumbled over, or the red eyes that had followed her for hours. “I didn’t do it for nothing. What’s going on?”

  His eyes were devastated, confused and lost. “They chose my Clan in a Council,” he whispered. “A mage poured energy onto me and it bounced off onto a couple of men standing in a circle around, and the others left, then they proceeded to debate who had last had a birth, who had more deaths. They never even looked at me.” He closed his eyes but not before she saw the fear and hurt. “They never even talked to me.”

  “Rylan I'm sorry.” She smoothed his hair, hot and sticky, from his brow. She didn't know what magic they used that didn't take into consideration the will of the man they were adopting, but didn't care. She agreed with Rylan that beginning their life among the Beasts by being bartered like a chuck-hunting kitten was unacceptable.


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