Giovanni, My Love: A Tale of Romance & Suspense
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“I know, and I will…soon, I promise.” Marissa nodded slowly. “But Friday’s are always the busiest day of the week. I just need to make it through tomorrow then I can relax a little.” A mischievous grin lifted her cocoa cheeks. “Nichole is coming to stay this weekend.”
Jasmine raised her arched brows; an amused look washed over her face.
“She is?” A small giggle slipped through her lips. “Oh, I cannot wait to see how she’s doing. What is it? Three month countdown?”
“Yes!” Marissa’s stomach cramped with laughter. “Don’t forget to add in the six months of complaints and whining. I swear…I have no idea how Eric is managing to deal with her.”
“Me either.” Jasmine shook her head from side to side. “Love is a very strange disorder, one which I am so glad I do not have to suffer through.”
“Mhm…so you say…right now.” Marissa tossed her sibling an amused half-grin. “Just wait until an ebony prince comes to sweep you off your feet. Then we’ll see what your new opinion on love is.”
“Not likely to happen,” Jasmine said and rolled her eyes. She walked over and kissed her sister’s cheek lightly. “Between working at the group home and classes, my schedule is too busy to fit him in. Maybe in the New Year, I might be willing to schedule an appointment for him.” A small yawn slipped from her mouth as she spoke. “Night…love you.”
The younger woman turned and dragged tired feet toward the direction of her bedroom.
“Love you too, Jaz. See you in the morning.”
Once she was alone in the living room again, Marissa returned to her vigil at the window. Marissa. Her mystery man’s hoarse voice echoed in her ears. Haunting light blue eyes watched her through the glass. She would never forget his arctic stare; one powerful glance had frozen time and captured every breath in her body.
A twisted web of emotions churned within her heart’s secret place. Desire fused with terror is an alarming combination, to be expelled from the soul without haste. Yet, her dark hero evoked strange new feelings from deep within Marissa. The sudden fascination was too strong, too tempting to be completely denied. The passion she had experienced while locked in the flaming gaze they shared was only rivaled by the memory of the intense fear that had merged their two paths together.
Marissa pulled the curtains together then walked to her bedroom in silence. A peculiar trace of bold romance had weaved its way into her ordinary life this evening. Her champion was out there somewhere, roaming the long gray streets of the city. Though her eyes hungered for another glimpse of his icy sapphire stare, and her mind ached for another close encounter with the daring stranger, Marissa was certain she should never dare cross paths with him ever again. Strong intuition had convinced her that her safety depended on keeping as far away from the hooded man as possible. She would do better to push this forbidden attraction from her thoughts and bury his memory forever. Some love affairs should never be pursued, only lost to the four winds, to be swept away like an unwanted destiny.
Chapter Three
In spite of the unanticipated and violent brawl in the alley, the villain had managed to escape with the exact item he needed from the woman.
This minor victory brought a pleased smile to his handsome face. However, as quickly as the amused expression lifted his rose-tinted lips, he abandoned his tiny spasm of glee. Complete success was still a long way off, and he could not afford to make any more mistakes or to be drawn into any further distractions, such as the unexpected scuffle he had become tangled in earlier tonight.
The smuggler’s brow creased slightly as the image of his foe entered his mind. He knew the man well, and it had taken the villain every effort in his boiling blood not to swiftly snatch the life from his rival’s body. Without realizing he was doing so, the evil man folded his mighty hands into tight and deadly fists. His powerful body was preparing to launch another vicious attack, as if his enemy were crouching in a nearby corner of the motel room. The thief squeezed his fists into hard knots until his knuckles cracked loudly. The sharp sound halted his escalating agitation. Paranoia, especially at this critical stage of the game, would cause him to make a grave error. Reluctantly, he shook the furious and howling anger from his mind and focused his scheming thoughts on his real goals.
The timeline was short and simple: Confiscate the package at the pickup location; deliver the merchandise; and collect his fee. As long as his associates played their roles to perfection, the heist would be successful and would end with a very lucrative payment being deposited into his anonymous account.
While the crafty man replayed the details of the plan in his mind, the doorknob to the motel room turned slowly. He unclenched his fists and glanced down at the gold watch strapped to his thick wrist. Out of habit, the villain was sitting in the cheaply upholstered armchair with his back toward the window and his eyes fixed on the front door. If anyone other than his dark-haired beauty stepped through that entryway, he would have about three seconds to fire off a few rounds from the semi-automatic lying within arm’s reach on the table next to him. Afterward, he would fling himself over the third floor balcony behind him, jump down the fire escape, and flee on foot toward his car parked two blocks away. That would be his exact exit route, if his lovely lady were not the first person to cross the entrance he was watching with hawk eyes.
At the sight of her slim figure entering the dingy room, he relaxed his tense muscles. The woman closed the door behind her with a soft click. In response to his hungry stare, the smuggler’s donna immediately tilted her ruby red lips upward to form a naughty grin. Emerald green eyes, outlined by dark lashes, lowered seductively in his direction. In seconds, his manhood hardened and was throbbing to sink deep inside her creamy walls. Before he claimed his woman in the throws of beastly passion, he had one small detail to attend to first. It was time to give his client, that sickly fool, a status update.
The rogue turned his eyes away from his delicious prize only long enough to retrieve the cell phone from the pocket of his pressed pants. He dialed the number by memory; after two rings, a hoarse male voice answered the call.
This was not a social call, so the thief bypassed all pleasantries.
“Phase one is completed.”
“Excellent,” the other man replied. There was a slight wheeze hidden behind his raspy words as he spoke. “I’ll handle my end once you arrive tomorrow.”
Before the thief could respond, a dry cough crackled across the line. After a few seconds of painful hacking, the other man quieted down but his breathing remained labored.
“Make sure that you do so.” The smuggler’s words were sharp and impatient.
He rolled his eyes with agitation, while squeezing the edges of the mobile phone until the plastic groaned under the pressure. He had little tolerance for amateurs, and had only taken this job as a means of cashing in on its enormous reward. In return for his elite services, this one assignment would pay enough to finally retire from this draining business. The idea of wreaking havoc and revenge on his sworn enemy also brought a glimmer of joy to the villain’s restless mind and would satisfy his malicious tastes.
Just as his aggravation was climbing to its peak, the arousing scent of his bella donna filled the villain’s flaring nostrils and soothed his mounting anger. She always did have a way of easing his tension. As a prize for her continued devotion to him, soon he would have her screaming out an intense release.
“We will be checking into the hotel by midday tomorrow.” The words rolled from his tongue with less strain.
“Okay, good. I should be able to have everything situated by then.” The gravelly voice was only a half octave above a whisper. “Do you expect any issues with delivery of the package?”
Another ear-splitting cough shot across the line.
While he waited for the ailing man to recover from the terrible respiratory attack, a delicate hand touched the nape of the former
agent’s neck, just above his starched white collar. The same hand dipped below the dress shirt’s neckline and began to follow a slow and sensual trail around his hard upper back, over the bulging curve of his shoulder, and finally coming to rest on his smooth broad chest.
The thief eyed the sexy vixen staring down at him seductively. She cupped his free hand between her two milky palms and playfully pulled him up from the seat, luring him toward the nearby bed. Her sparkling glare spoke volumes about what her intentions would be once the heated couple reached their destination. When her legs stopped at the edge of the bed, she snaked her thin arms around the full width of his shoulders. The European woman with model features casually leaned forward and pressed her crimson lips against his tanned neck. The intoxicating scent of her French perfume caused his arousal to flare wildly.
Another labored cough cut into his absorbed thoughts. For a moment, the villain had become so consumed by dizzying lust that he had nearly forgotten his business call was ongoing. Without further delay, he turned his mind back to more important matters. Raising his forearm, he used his brute strength to nudge the sly female away. His push caused her to lose her footing and she fell against the bed with a muted thump.
“How about your associate? Is she ready to do her part?” The man on the phone asked the question with nervous concern floating in his voice.
The villain’s cobalt blue eyes eased toward the woman. She had sprawled her perfectly sculpted body across the bed, further tempting his restraint.
“Sì.” A wicked grin touched his lips. “She is very ready to do whatever I command.”
The alluring treat began to unbutton her silky white top. He could make out the shape of the creamy breasts that were spilling halfway over her lacy bra. Slowly, he ran a hand through his short blond hair. He needed a distraction to keep his appetite under control for a few more moments, until he could end this exhausting conversation.
Before he turned away from his delicious donna, the man thrust his index finger in the air to signal that he was almost done with the call.
“Don’t forget…I can’t have this situation traced back to me.”
“As I have said many times, uomo, I am no amateur.” His fiery anger flashed once more, but he managed to rein it in. “I will retrieve the valuables and pass them on to you. What you should keep in mind, signore…what is very important to your health…is that once you receive the package, I expect to receive my final payment without any delays.”
“I understand the terms,” the other man replied in a dismissive tone.
“So long as you do, then there will be no problems between us. For now, our business is concluded. I will be in contact once the goods are secured. Addio.”
Without awaiting a response, the thief hit the end button on the disposable cell phone. He broke the cheap plastic into two pieces. Afterward, he used the strength in his large thumbs to crack each of those pieces into two smaller ones. For the time being, he set the four fragments on the wooden table at the back of the room. Later, once his lusty fantasy was satisfied with his raven-haired siren, the man would crush the pieces again then flush the remnants of the phone down the toilet.
His hungry eyes returned to his woman. When she saw that she had regained his attention, she cast another sizzling grin at him. Her slim fingers lifted the hem of her short black skirt above her tiny hips. Then she allowed her thighs to spread wide for his full view and enjoyment. There were no panties hiding under her garment, and this drove the villain’s desire beyond his control.
“Vieni, amore mio.” The woman's sultry voice beckoned to him as she opened her legs wider.
He would not keep her panting any longer. Tonight she would be his weak lover and tomorrow she would be his willing accomplice. The rogue walked closer to the bed, stalking the woman with a cruel and hungry gaze. In a flash, he reached down and grabbed a fistful of her dark hair then pulled her face to his. The female winced slightly, but obeyed his silent command, willingly submitting herself to his ravenous kiss. She understood that she was his property, to be used and controlled at his discretion. From now until her dying day, the villain’s woman belonged to him only, body and soul.
Chapter Four
Familiar Faces
Throughout the night, haunting nightmares taunted Marissa’s shaken nerves.
Her body was weakened from being restlessly tossed across the bed for several feverish hours. Minutes before dawn touched her bedroom window, exhaustion pulled the delirious woman into a bottomless sleep. At the sound of the alarm, she awakened to the sight of a frail glare of morning light filtering through the nearby window. The pale stream provided little escape from the lurking shadows, which remained patiently waiting to continue their harassment on her waking thoughts.
The first half of her shift as one of the supervisors at the upscale Manhattan hotel, La Grande Roi, floated by in an empty blur. During most of the hectic Friday, Marissa managed to stumble through her usual routine, refusing to allow her mind to be lured into repeatedly reliving her frightening ordeal.
While walking from the concierge desk toward the center of the crowded lobby, the heavy chime of a mahogany Grandfather clock thumped her eardrum. Seconds after the massive timepiece at the rear of the large atrium struck noon, a wave of dread exploded through her body. Instantly, a dismal gloom descended on Marissa’s conscious. All around the woman, the tepid air shifted to ice cold, as though a chilling and malevolent presence was looming close by.
Marissa paused mid-step; a renewed terror clung to every inch of her skin. Intense fear overwhelmed her senses, freezing her body in place. One alarming thought raced through her mind – Wicked eyes were watching her, studying her every move. The dreadful power of the unseen gaze sank deep under her skin, touching the raw nerves beneath. Immediately, the terrified female became desperate to catch a glimpse of the hidden stalker. Her eyes darted from person to person, from face to face, anxiously searching the active crowd, trying to seek out the menacing glare.
Whenever a male lightly brushed her shoulders, a harsh shiver ran down Marissa’s spine. Every masculine voice filled her ears with horrible fright.
Then she saw his silhouette.
A tall man with broad shoulders stood motionless against the backdrop of the busy atrium. The slanting shadow of the gigantic marble pillar he was leaning against masked the full view of his face. When her hazel gaze connected with the dark stranger’s cobalt blue stare, Marissa saw death in his eyes. An intense impulse to dash for the sliding doors at the front of the hotel, not more than five frantic paces to her left, instantly seized her mind. The slight touch of a hand against the curve of her shoulder stopped the woman’s hammering heartbeat. Marissa fixed her lips to scream for help from one of the security guards standing near the entryway. At the same time, she prepared her body to flee into the safety of the moving crowd.
“Marissa,” a female spoke cautiously. The sound of the soft voice calling out to her halted the woman’s escape. Eyes the color of midnight stared at Marissa with concern swirling at their centers. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Confusion quickly passed, and Marissa finally recognized the face of her assistant, Lysette Quinones. A tiny breath of relief slipped past her full lips then Marissa pushed a small smile across her flushed cheeks. None of the staff had any knowledge of her horrible episode from last night, and the woman preferred to keep her anxiety and fearful thoughts private for as long as possible. Quiet strength was part of her family’s heritage. Only by this same strength was she able to maintain a grip on sanity, until her mind could find a way to bury these unwanted memories and emotions forever.
“You didn’t,” Marissa said, forcing her smile to become more genuine. “I thought I saw someone I knew standing over there –”
When she angled her body to point out the man she was speaking of, the words went dead in her mouth – He was gone. She
searched the entire crowd, but there was no sign of his unique profile or of those burning eyes anywhere in sight.
“Who?” Lysette moved up beside her. “Where are you pointing, Missy?”
Confusion swept over Marissa, followed by the unmistakable first thump of a throbbing headache racing across her brow.
“Never mind,” she sighed.
A set of nervous fingers ran through her lengthy dark auburn hair. Marissa pressed her lips together tight and squeezed her dark lashes closed for a few seconds. She used the brief pause to fight off oncoming paranoia before it spiraled out of control. Once her pulse slowed to a normal pace, Marissa wasted no time in trying to convince herself that the man she had seen was only a random guest, not a wraith nor a ghost who had come to terrorize her.
“Did you need help with something?” She quickly turned her attention back to Lysette.
The attractive young woman with hair the color of onyx glanced at Marissa with a baffled look but hastily blinked the expression away.
“Yeah, can you come to the front desk? Someone needs to check some luggage into the vault.”
“Why didn’t Julius and Schaeffer handle it?” Marissa knitted her thin eyebrows. “Julius was standing at the counter right before I walked away.”
“Not anymore,” Lysette answered with a shake of her long curly hair. She tossed her friend a knowing glance as she continued. “He cut out early. He said he had an urgent appointment to get to.”
“Another one? That’s the third time this week.”
“Mhm…yeah, I know,” the other woman said while rolling her eyes in disapproval.
The second dayshift supervisor, Julius Smith, was a notorious slacker and narcissist. His afternoon appointment was most likely with a masseuse at an uptown day spa or a stopover at a men’s boutique on Broad Street. Although both women were easily convinced that their story was the true reason for the glamorous man’s sudden disappearance, neither of them spoke this assumption. Instead, the pair moved on to concerns that were more worthy of their time and attention.