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The Making of Americans, Being a History of a Family's Progress

Page 125

by Stein, Gertrude

  David Hersland was understanding the being in some one and was telling that one then about this thing about understanding the being in that one. Some one was understanding the being in David Hersland and was not telling him about this thing was not telling about understanding the being in him. David Hersland was understanding the being in some one and was certainly never telling that one very much about that thing about understanding the being in that one. Some one was understanding the being in David Hersland and was telling him something about this thing something about understanding the being in him.

  Some, one was not understanding the being in David Hersland and was telling some other one about this thing about not understanding the being in Hersland. Some one was understanding something of the being in David Hersland and was telling some other one about that understanding of his being.

  Some one was not understanding the being in David Hersland and was asking David Hersland about this thing about not understanding the being in him and David Hersland was explaining about this thing about that one not understanding the being in him. Some one was understanding something of the being in David Hersland and was asking some one who was not understanding the being in Hersland to explain that thing, the not understanding in the one not understanding, the understanding in the one understanding something.

  One not understanding the being in David Hersland was asking every one knowing that one to explain that one not being one understanding the being in Hersland. Some one understanding the being in David Hersland was explaining that some one was understanding some of the being in David Hersland and that that one was one who was not needing any more explaining for certainly that one needed that David Hersland was not needing any more explaining. Some one was understanding the being in David Hersland and this was one needing that some other one was not understanding the being in David Hersland. One was understanding something of the being in David Hersland and was sometime telling about this thing that that one had been understanding something of the being in David Hersland and that one was then forgetting this thing forgetting the understanding of the being in David Hersland. Some one was not understanding the being in David Hersland and was not ever forgetting this thing not ever forgetting not understanding the being in David Hersland. Some one understood the being in David Hersland and was explaining this thing explaining understanding the being in David Hersland to every one understanding the being in David Hersland. Some one was understanding the being in David Hersland and was sometimes explaining this thing, sometimes explaining the being in David Hersland. David Hersland was the son born of his mother Fanny Hersland after Martha Hersland, Alfred Hersland and two who did not come to be ones going on being living were born out of her. He was the son of Fanny Hersland and her husband David Hersland. David the son was something like his mother and something like his father. He was something like his sister Martha, he was something like his brother. He was different, quite different from his mother and his father and his sister and his brother. He was remembering in his being living that the one who was his mother and the one who was his father and the one who was his brother and the one who was his sister was his mother, was his father, was his brother, was his sister. He was not remembering in his being living sometimes he was not remembering anything about any one being his mother, any one being his father, any one being his sister, any one being his brother.

  He was living the living each one in the Hersland family was living when the Hersland family was living their family living. He was living a living not any other one in the Hersland family living was living when the Hersland family was living the Hersland family living.

  He was one needing to be one being living to himself inside him and to be one sometimes having some be certain of this thing be certain that he was one being living to himself inside him. He was one needing to be one being living to himself inside him and to be one sometimes having every one not knowing anything of any such a thing being in him of his being one being living to himself inside him.

  He was one being living to himself inside him and some were knowing this thing, they were not mentioning this thing, they were not remembering this thing, they were knowing this thing and he was one to them living in being living and not then knowing them in being one being living with them.

  He was one being living in being one being living to himself inside him and he was not remembering this thing and he was knowing this thing and sometimes he was certain that some were knowing him in knowing this thing and sometimes he was certain that some were not knowing him in knowing this thing. He was sometimes certain that he was knowing some he was knowing he being one knowing himself being one being living to himself inside him. He was sometimes certain that he would be one knowing some he was knowing if he could be one not knowing it inside him that he was one being living to himself inside him. He was sometimes certain that he was knowing some knowing him he being one being quite certain that he was not knowing that he was being one being living inside him. He was one being quite certain that he was not knowing any one knowing him he being one knowing inside him that he was one being living to himself inside him.

  Surely he said some things and did some things that some said he said and did. David did some things alone when he was a young one, some things he did not do alone when he was a young one.

  Some are knowing some one, are hearing that one say some things, are knowing that that one is doing some things and it is then when that one is telling some other one what that one has been hearing what that one has been knowing that some other one is a surprised one. Surely some one is saying the things that some other one is hearing that one saying, certainly that one is saying those things, only it happens that some other one never happens to be one hearing any one saying such things.

  Surely David Hersland was saying some things, was doing some things that some said he said and did. Surely he was saying some things and some said he said such things and some were certain that he had not said any such thing and some were wondering about his saying such a thing, and some were wondering if some are saying the things some are saying they are saying, and some are certain that some are saying some things and some are ones not being ones hearing such things.

  Surely David Hersland said some things and did some things that some said he said and some said he did. Certainly some knowing him were wondering if he had been saying some things he had been saying, certainly some knowing him were wondering if he had been doing some things he had been doing.

  When he was a young one he did some things alone and when he was a young one he did not do some things alone. Certainly he did some things that he was certainly wondering, when some one was telling that he had been doing, that he was wondering if he had been ever doing any such a thing. Certainly he was saying some things and certainly when some said such things to him as things he had been saying he did not recognise them as a thing he could ever have been saying. Certainly some are doing the things and are saying the things some are saying they did, some are saying they said. Certainly David Hersland did some things some said he did, and said some things some said he said.

  Sometimes some one knowing some one is saying that that one said something and it is something that would astonish some to believe that one was saying and surely that one had been saying that thing because the one telling about the thing was one certainly not one having it to be one thinking any such thing, hearing any such thing from any other one. Sometimes it is very astonishing to some knowing some one to be knowing everything that that one they are knowing is saying, everything that one they are knowing is doing. Certainly it is very often astonishing to some one when that one comes to be knowing what some one that one is knowing has been saying. Certainly each one is saying very much in being one being living. Certainly something some one has been saying is astonishing to some one when that one comes to be hearing that that one has been saying that thing.

  Surely each one certainly did some things and said some things that some said he
did and said. Certainly it is astonishing to some one hearing that some one has said something that that one has said. Certainly it is astonishing to some one knowing that some one did some thing that that one did. Each one is doing some things in being one being living. Some are knowing such a one, any one. Some are knowing what this one is saying in being living, what some one is saying is believing is some times hearing some other thing that this one has been saying that some one has been saying, and then the one knowing this one is wondering whether the one did say such a thing and then sometimes is one finding it to be very astonishing that the one is one saying such things and then some time is one hearing the one saying such things and then is one not then astonished at knowing the one as being one saying such things in being one being living.

  Certainly each one in being one being living is saying some things, is doing some things. Certainly each one knowing any one is hearing some of the things that one is saying. Certainly each one knowing some one is hearing some things that that one has been saying to some other one knowing that one. This is sometimes something that astonishes the other one the one then hearing what the one that one is knowing has been saying to the other one.

  David Hersland said some things in being one being living and some heard him saying some things and some repeated what he had been saying. Sometimes he was not certain that he had, that he had not been saying some things he was hearing then, sometimes he was certain that he had not been saying any such thing and sometimes he had been and sometimes he had not been saying the things he was certain he had not been saying. He said some things and sometimes he was certain that they were not things he could have been saying but he was not certain that they were not things he had been saying. He was one saying some things in being one being living. Some certainly were certain that they had been hearing every kind of thing he was saying in being one being living. Some of such of them had been hearing every kind of thing he could be saying. Some of such of them had not been hearing every kind of thing he had been saying. Some of such of them were sometimes wondering about such a thing about not having heard every kind of thing he was saying.

  David Hersland said some things when he was a young one, said a good many things when he was a young one and some heard very many things he said then and some heard very few of the things he said then. Some were certain that they heard very many of the things he said then when he was a young one and some were certain that they heard every kind of thing he said then when he was a young one.

  Certainly David Hersland said some things then when he was a young one that some said he said then. He knew that he had said some of them. He did not know whether be had said some of them. He knew he did not say some of them. He did say some he knew he did not say, some he knew he did say, some he did not know whether he did or whether he did not say, he did say some he knew he could not say, he could not have said as they were not the kind of things he did say. He did not say some of the things he knew he did not say the kind of things he could not say because they were the kind of things he did not say.

  Each one in being living is saying things, is doing things. David Hersland in being living was doing things, was saying things. When he was a young one he did some things alone, when he was a young one he did not do some things alone. When he was a young one he said some things and some heard the things he said, and he said some things and some did not hear the things he said. Some told some other ones some things he said and astonished them. Some told some other ones that he did not say some things and that astonished them. Certainly he said some things in being one being living then when he was a young one, certainly he said some things that some said he said, certainly he said some things that some said he had not said. Certainly some are saying some things to some one listening and it is quite astonishing that they should say that thing and it is not at all astonishing that they should say that thing. Certainly sometimes they are astonished at having been saying that thing and certainly sometimes they are not astonished at having been saying that thing. Certainly sometimes some are astonished at that one having been saying such a thing. Certainly sometimes some are wondering about that one having been saying such a thing. Certainly some are not ever believing that that one has been saying such a thing. Certainly some are certain that that one is one often saying such a thing. Certainly some are saying that it is a very simple thing that that one is saying such a thing. Certainly some are wondering if he will ever say such a thing again the thing the one said to some one who was listening.

  Certainly when one is a young one some one is hearing that one saying something that not any one else is hearing that one saying and very often that one is telling some other one that the one said that thing and is telling that thing and pleasantly and simply telling that thing and the one hearing that thing hearing that the one was saying such a thing is wondering if the one was saying that thing or whether the one telling that the one was saying that thing is simply and pleasantly imagining that the one was saying that thing.

  It certainly is astonishing that each one is saying all the things each one really has been saying. It certainly is astonishing that any one can be saying so many kinds of things so many things as every one is saying in being living. This is astonishing to some, interesting to some, exciting to some, simple to some, doubtful to some.

  David Hersland was a young one when he was one being a young one, he knew some then, some knew him then, some heard him saying some things he was saying then, some heard him saying these things and saying other things, some did not hear him saying any of these things then, some heard him saying many things, some heard him saying a few things. He was one saying things. Each one is one saying many things in being one being living.

  Some were with him very often when he was a young one. He was with some one very often when he was a young one. Some one was with him very often when he was a young one. He was with some very often when he was a young one. He did some things alone when he was a young one, he did some things with some other one when he was a young one, he did some things with some other ones when he was a young one.

  One thing is certain, some do not like some one thing. Some do not like a thing and certainly that thing is a thing that some do like, that some are certain is a thing any one would like if one understood the meaning of that thing. Some do understand the meaning of that thing and certainly they do not like that thing, they completely do not like that thing. David Hersland was such a thing. Some certainly did not like him as a thing being existing. Some were certain that any one understanding the being in him would be ones liking that thing would be ones liking his being one being existing. Some were understanding the being in him, some were then, some of them, were ones not liking his being one being existing, were completely not liking that thing, were not at all liking his being one being existing.

  Certainly some were certain that any one understanding the meaning in his being existing would be liking that thing. Some were certain and then later were certain that this was not what every one understanding the meaning of his being one being existing would be feeling. Some were certain that any one understanding the being in him would be liking his being one being existing. Some of such of them were learning in being ones going on being living that some could be understanding the being in him and would then be ones not liking that thing not liking his being one being existing.

  He was one being existing and some were completely liking that thing. He was one being existing and certainly some were completely not liking that thing. He was one being existing and certainly some could be persuaded to be ones liking that thing. He was one being existing and some were almost persuaded to be ones liking that thing. He was one being existing and some were ones telling about liking that thing. He was one being existing and some were not liking that thing and were ones wanting some other ones to be persuaded to be ones liking that thing his being one being existing. He was one being existing and some were certainly not liking that thing not liking it that he w
as one being existing. He was one being existing and some were certain that any one coming to be one understanding the being would be ones liking his being one being existing. Some of such of them were certainly all their living certain of this thing, some of such of them were telling again and again about this thing about every one liking him being one being existing when they came to be ones understanding the being in him. Some were liking it all their living that he was being one being existing, were completely liking this thing, some of such of them were telling this thing again and again and were then ones learning that certainly some completely understanding the being in him were completely not liking his being one being existing, were completely not liking that thing.

  David Hersland was all his living clearly feeling some of the things he was feeling. He was clearly thinking some of the things he was thinking. He was completely thinking some of the things he was thinking, he was almost completely needing completely thinking the things he was thinking. He was completely feeling some of the things he was feeling, he was not needing to be completely feeling the things he was feeling, he was not completely feeling some of the things he was feeling. He certainly was one thinking in being living. He was completely thinking about some of the things about which he was thinking. He was not completely thinking about some of the things he was thinking about in being one being living. He was completely thinking about some of the things he was thinking about in being living. He was not completely needing being one being one completely thinking in being one being living.


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