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Reviving Kendall (White Trash Trilogy Book 1)

Page 11

by Brandy Slaven

  “Why would it be such a bad thing if you guys cared for me? Because I don’t come from the right family?” I ask carefully.

  Maverick looks like he gets pissed for a second, but then his face settles back down, “That has nothing to do with it, and you know it. Do the math, Kendall. There’s four of us and only one of you. How exactly do you see this ending? I’m going to speak for myself when I say that I don’t share well with others.”

  “I’m not asking you to,” I say quietly. “It’s just nice to have friends again.”

  His eyes cut over to me, “Think things will stay that way?”

  That’s not exactly something that I can answer honestly. I’ve kissed two out of four of them and have almost kissed one of the others. I didn’t set out for any of this to happen, but it’s like being on a rollercoaster. Once you’re strapped in and the chain is pulling you up, there’s no turning back. You can’t do anything but crest the hill, fall over and pray to all that is holy that nothing will go wrong before you make it back to the loading dock.

  Everything in the Rover is quiet for the next few minutes before he says, “What happened to your hair? Goose make you ride with your head out the window of the truck or something?”

  If it wasn’t for the barely contained smile on his face, I would have probably smacked him. Who would have thought Maverick had it in him to hand out a joke?

  By the time that we make it to Sleepy Pines, things with him are better than they’ve been since the first day that we met.

  We pull up outside of the trailer and I grab Goose’s bag as I hop out, “Thanks for the ride Mav.”

  The smile that he throws me before pulling off leaves me with sweaty palms, a racing heart, and my mouth gaping like a fish.

  A Million Other Excuses

  After apologies were made, and bridges were rebuilt with the quad, the next month or so flies by. Almost every day is spent with at least one of them, but I have taken Maverick’s words to heart and haven’t let any of them kiss me. I haven’t even given them the opportunity to do so. I’d rather have them as friends than not at all.

  Thanksgiving comes and goes just as it has every other year. The guys invited me to Lucas’ house and even extended it to Gramps too, which I find super sweet. There’s no guarantee to how many I have left with him, so I decline, and Gramps and I spend the day together. I even cook some of Nana’s favorite recipes. He doesn’t eat much, but I can tell that he at least appreciates that I take the time to do it. I see more smiles out of him that day than I have in a full year.

  School doesn’t even suck as bad as normal either. Neither Derrik nor Stacey bother me in the least. I just have to fend off advances from Billy at least once a week. It’s not all bad, truly. The genuine attention is nice for a change. He just doesn’t do it for me. It might partially have something to do with there being no room left anywhere inside of me for him. Brain or heart.

  Today is the first official day of winter break from school, and I’m more excited about sleeping in than anything. I should have known that the guys would have other plans. Around seven-thirty my phone starts going off. I let it go to voicemail the first time, but then it starts ringing again right after.

  I swear under my breath as I dig it out of my jacket. Waiting until I’m back under the covers, I answer with a mumbled, “Hello.”

  “Wakey wakey eggs and bakey,” Ryleigh’s voice calls out to me in a chipper tone that makes me want to throw my phone.

  I grunt, “Dude it’s not even eight yet. You do realize that this is called vacation for a reason. That means that normal people sleep in.”

  “Well, we aren’t exactly normal, are we?” she asks.

  “Do I have to?” I whine.

  She laughs, “Yep. We’re going shopping.”

  “Oh. My. God. Ryleigh. You woke me up this early to go shopping?” I growl.

  I hear her trying to contain her giggles, “Well yeah. We have to drive up to Riceville to the good stores. None of these around here have good snow stuff.”

  Snow stuff? “Ryleigh, it never snows here. Why the F would we need snow shit?”

  A gasp comes over the line, “The guys didn’t tell you?”

  I’m wide awake now and sitting up in bed, “Tell me what Ry?”

  “Oh, this is too great,” she says a little too gleefully. “Get up and get dressed. I’ll be there in thirty.”

  It takes less than fifteen for me to get ready, and then I spend the other fifteen minutes nervously fidgeting and biting my nails while I wonder what she’s talking about. I do a double check in the mirror at least four times. My brown hair fans out from under Teagan’s hat that I’ve taken to wearing more often than not. The usual minimal makeup covers my face. A blue shirt that reads Prim Woods Football underneath my leather jacket, is the only new addition. Goose made me take it a few days after he expressed his disgust with the maroon one from my own school. It’s a little big, but I don’t like tight fitting clothes anyways, and it’s easy enough just to tuck into my pants without looking like white trash.

  My phone pings, letting me know that Ryleigh is outside. I run and check on Gramps real quick and find him still asleep in bed. He’s been doing so good lately that it’s kind of given him a little life back as far as getting around. I leave him a note on the counter letting him know where I’ve gone and when I’ll be back. I put my number down at the bottom just in case. I always do lately.

  Making sure that I have everything, I race out to the Jeep. It might not ever snow around here, but it still gets pretty cold, and I’m a fucking wimp when it comes to being cold.

  The door has barely shut before I start grilling her, “Ok, now what am I supposed to know and why are we up at the ass crack of dawn to go shopping three hours away?”

  She can hide her toothy grin all she wants, but I can still tell that she’s beyond herself with being the one to tell me, “Well, for the past two years, the guys have been taking a long trip to a ski lodge up in the mountains during Christmas break. Normally it’s just them, but this year Teagan asked me if I wanted to go. I said yes only if I could bring Eddie.”

  “Sounds like fun,” I tell her matching her enthusiasm.

  This time she lets out a loud laugh and I can’t help but to join in. “They’re probably going to kill me, but I can’t help it if they were supposed to talk to you and didn’t. You know you’re coming with us right?”

  My mouth hangs open in shock before I sputter, “I can’t, Ry. I’ve got work and Gramps and…”

  “And a million other excuses,” she finishes for me. “That aren’t going to work. You said that Gramps is doing better. Plus, it’s only for three days and I hope you’re not mad, but I talked to Charles. He’s already given you the time off. I told him it was for a surprise and not to tell you.” For the first time, she looks a little guilty.

  “I’m not mad,” I say honestly. “I just can’t afford to go. I don’t have clothes or jackets or whatever else I would need.”

  She looks at me like I’ve grown two heads, “Why do you think we’re going shopping? I may have eavesdropped at little on the guys talking and they were trying to figure out the best way to drop the bomb on you about getting stuff. They knew you’d be difficult in letting any of them pay for anything, so I figured I’d help.” I open my mouth to tell her that I just can’t when she says, “Please don’t tell me no, Kendall. I couldn’t decide what to get you for Christmas anyways, so this is like the two birds with one stone thing.”

  Trying to choose the best phrasing I can think of, I say, “It’s really nice of you guys to think of me and all, but won’t your parents be pissed that you’d be spending their money on me?”

  I’m relieved that she doesn’t seem pissed, “It’s my money we’re spending actually. I didn’t tell you before, but Teagan and I both have this trust fund thing that we’re allocated money from every month. My brother, believe it or not, is a wiz with numbers. He’s got us both invested in a few things that turn a pr
ofit every month on top of that. I still use dad’s money sometimes. I stopped for a little while about a year ago, but he got upset about it. Something about not providing enough for his children or some crazy bullshit. That’s why I still swipe his credit card from time to time. If that’s what it takes for him to feel better, then screw it.”

  I take a few minutes to absorb what she’s told me, “Will you let me pay you back?”

  She shakes her head no and I can’t say that I’m surprised, “Let me do it as a Christmas gift if you must. Please.”

  After a pause, I finally nod my head. Who can say no to her pleading like that. She just about jumps out of her seat and it makes me laugh. The music cuts off suddenly and her Bluetooth lets her know there’s a call coming through. Yes, I finally understand the purpose, and how to work it for the most part.

  Ryleigh cuts her eyes over to me, makes a shh motion with her hand, and grins as she sing song answers, “Heellllooo.”

  Teagan’s voice comes across the speaker and makes it sound like he’s in the car with us, “Hey sis, have you talked to Kendall? I was thinking about riding over there today, but I haven’t been able to get her to answer.”

  “Shit,” I say without thinking, automatically going on the search for my cell.

  “Kendall?” he asks curiously.

  Ryleigh rolls her eyes and smiles as I mouth ‘sorry.’ “Yeah, it’s me. Sorry. We had the radio going and I didn’t hear my phone.”

  “It’s cool,” he says. “What are you ladies up to today?”

  We look at each other in question, and I answer, “Ummm, shopping.”

  There’s rustling on his end of the line like he’s moving around, “You guys heading over to the square? We can meet up for lunch if you want.”

  “Actually,” Ryleigh starts and then runs her words together really fast, “We’re going to Riceville.”

  She makes an uh oh face at me, and I try to fight the laugh in my chest. It takes a few seconds before Teagan finally answers, “Sprout, what did you do?”

  “Nothing. We’re just going shopping like Kendall said,” she smiles.

  “Yeah right. Because I believe that for a second,” he says into the phone. “Knew we should have waited until the last second to tell you.”

  Jumping on the defensive, she sasses, “We are leaving in a week and Kendall has nothing to wear up there. Besides, she’s my best friend and I tell her everything.”

  Wow. I knew we were good friends, but her words almost bring a tear to my eyes.

  He sighs, and I can tell he’s smiling when he says, “Whatever, sprout. So, you’re in, Kendall?”

  Ry’s face turns red at his drop of the dreaded nickname yet again, so I save him, “I need to talk to Gramps about it, but I don’t think Ryleigh’s taking no for answer.”

  “We aren’t either,” Goose says.

  They must already be together in the Rover, because Maverick says, “We’re going to meet you guys up there in Riceville.”

  “So much for a girls’ shopping day,” Ry says in fake dramatics.

  “Well, you should have waited on us to talk to Kendall and then you could have had your girls’ day,” he chastises.

  She makes a face toward the hood of the Jeep, “Whatever.”

  I laugh, and she ends the call.

  I’m not getting a lecture again, so I unlock my phone and text a quick goodbye in the group chat and laugh again as I hit send.

  Blinding As The Snow

  I manage to survive the shopping expedition. It eats at me to let Ryleigh pay for everything, but I’m pretty sure that once the guys got there a few of their cards were replacing hers. She manages to set a rule, even though she had to talk me into it to begin with. The rule was no looking at price tags. Maybe she got the impression that I would try to pay her back anyways, and that’s not too far from the truth. Between Ryleigh and the guys, they pull all of the tags off of everything before the bags make it to my house. They’re all cheaters, but it’s not like I could ask for them back.

  Gramps gives me the all clear to go. He says he’s feeling better, and I can tell by how much he’s moving around and not wheezing that he’s not lying. I’ll only be gone for three days, and Robert’s already promised to stop by and check on him during the day while I’m gone. Plus, they will both have my cell phone number just in case. Gramps just warns to me to be safe and not get into any trouble.

  When the guys show up Friday morning, I’m packed and ready to go. Goose and Lucas meet me at the door to take all of my stuff out to the Rover. Gramps is already up and sitting in his chair, so I go to hug him.

  “Remember what I said now,” he reminds me. “Don’t be getting into any trouble up there and have fun. Lord knows you deserve to after the past few years.”

  I throw my arms around his neck and kiss the bald spot on his head, “Thanks Gramps. I promise, no trouble. You don’t cause any trouble for Robert here either.”

  He laughs and ends up in a fit of coughs that doesn’t sound too good. When I try to say something about it, he just waves me off, saying that he’s fine and not to worry.

  When I start to pull away, he hugs me back and says, “I love you, Pea.”

  “I love you too, Gramps,” I say, not wanting to let go.

  It takes a minute, but I do. When I look back, he’s lighting up a cigarette, and it makes me smile. Same ole Gramps.

  The guys already have my stuff loaded up, but Maverick is standing at the back, “Have anything else that needs to go in?”

  “Nope, good to go,” I assure him.

  He reaches into a corner and pulls out a heavy looking black bag. Unzipping the top part, he pulls out an expensive camera, “Goose said something happened to yours and I never use this one anymore.” When I start to tell him that there’s no way in hell that I’m taking that camera he says, “It’s a loaner for now. You can’t tell me that you won’t take it if I’m not giving it to you and simply asking you to take the pictures for me.”

  Leaving no room for argument, he hands the camera over to me. “I’ve never had one this nice. I don’t know how to use it,” I tell him honestly.

  “Goose can give you a run down on the way up there,” he says shutting the back, “but for now. Spin this little knob right here to turn it on and press that button to take one. You’ll hear the shutter and if you did it right, it’ll pop up on the screen.”

  I do as he says, and the ready symbol shows up in the top corner. Backing up a little, I aim it at Mav. He’s a good sport, and even smiles for me. When it snaps, I know that I’m going to have trouble taking a new favorite this weekend.

  With the trip to the cabin set to take several hours of driving, the guys give me the choice of riding in the middle in the back between two of them, or riding with Ryleigh and Eddie. That’s not even a true choice. Even if it wasn’t for the fact that I would love nothing more than to be stuck in a car with the quad, I don’t want to be a third wheel and crash Ry’s alone time with Eddie.

  The only thing I didn’t account for is how hot it would get squished between two huge males. Handing the camera up to Goose for a second, I strip off the thick jacket that they forced me to buy on the shopping trip managing to elbow Lucas in the side and smack Teagan in the face with the sleeve in the process, “I am so freaking sorry.” And I am, but my insides are complete mush at being so close to all of them and it’s given me the giggles.

  I start laughing and Goose turns around to snap a picture of us with a smile on his face. Meeting Mav’s eyes in the mirror, I can tell that he’s smiling too.

  Teagan stuffs my jacket over the seat, and when everything settles back down, I’m surprised to realize just how much room that thing was taking up. We’re still brushing arms, but the guys aren’t squished against the doors anymore. It makes me giggle again thinking about them being too nice to say anything.

  Lucas smiles at me, “Someone’s in a good mood today.”

  I shrug, “This is the first time that I’ve
ever really been on a trip like this, and Gramps is feeling better. Plus, I’m pretty sure you guys mentioned snow.”

  “Lots and lots of snow,” Teagan whispers in my ear giving me chill bumps on my arms. “Good for building snowmen, snowboarding and snowball fights.”

  My eyebrow goes up on the last one and Lucas, who couldn’t have helped but to overhear, laughs, “Don’t worry. I’ll protect you if war breaks out.”

  “Thanks,” I tell him as I pull the sleeves of my shirt up to match his. “It’s so hot back here between you guys.”

  “Hey,” Teagan complains, “We’re not the only ones generating body heat.”

  “Yeah,” I argue, “but I’m not my own personal space heater like you two either.”

  The four of them laugh and Goose adjusts the heater.

  “Are Ryleigh and Eddie meeting us up there?” I ask.

  Teagan nods and pulls out his phone. He hits a few buttons and after a minute or so it beeps at him, “She says they left a few minutes after we did to come get you, so they’ll probably beat us up there.”

  With the temperature at a normal level, and the motion of the car, I find myself trying to fall asleep. I nudge Teagan with my arm, “Don’t let me fall asleep. I don’t want to miss anything.”

  He smiles down at me as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it, “I won’t.”

  After I return his smile, I look back to the front to see both Lucas and Goose watching us. Neither says a word, but they don’t look pissed. It’s the same kind of expression Lucas wore when he saw us kiss before.

  It’s at least three hours before we even start to see snow, and another two before we’re at the cabin. The first thing that comes to mind as I step out of the car and someone wraps my jacket around my shoulders is how absolutely fucking beautiful it is. It’s a little after midday, and the sun shining off the white of snow is almost blinding. There are tiny ice crystals dripping down from the barren trees that surround the cabin. I snap a picture of a tiny bird on one of the branches. It takes off mid click, so I’m not sure if that one will turn out to be any good.


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