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Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1)

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by Gwendolyn Casey

  It did sound romantic, in a strange way. Women had been giving themselves over to men for protection for thousands of years, but my feminist brain still didn’t like the word “property”. “I’d be property? Sounds old-fashioned. Does my father pay a dowry, too?”

  At the mention of my father, I remembered why I was here. Why was I laughing and flirting? I shook my head and went back to scrubbing dishes.

  “Hey, Izzy.” Duncan noticed my sudden change in mood. He nudged my shoulder with his own. “Everything is going to be okay. For all we know, your dad and uncle are holed-up somewhere riding this out. They know it’s dangerous to reach out to you right now. They are trying to protect you by staying hidden.”

  I nodded my head but didn’t look up. The brown sudsy water seemed to reflect my mood perfectly.

  “Hey, how about I take you for a ride on my bike?”

  I looked up at him and found that he was serious. I’d never been on a bike before. I was about to say yes when Rem came into the kitchen.

  “Duncan, they need you in the garage.”

  “I’m glad you’re here, VP. Do you think it’s cool for me to take Izzy out?”

  “No, she isn’t leaving the compound,” Rem said with a scowl.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I had been listening to their conversation for the last few moments. I came in to fetch Duncan but came up short when I heard him talking about branding. I knew that Duncan was just kidding about branding Isabel, but I found myself imagining my own name on her skin. Where would I want it? Would I want my road name or my real name? I always thought the lower back was cliché for a woman. Maybe it would go on her shoulder or on her ribcage under the arm.

  Hmm, but I want to be able to see it from any position.

  When she became upset about her father, I made the decision to press Jordan for more information. Greyson had given him the task of trying to find out more about the Rochester’s work, and the rest of us were supposed to keep our ears open for Snake movement.

  I needed to end this thing with the Snakes somehow. That they brought an innocent civilian like her into this battle was bullshit. I might as well be fighting the Taliban again.

  “Come on, man. I’ll be careful.” Duncan whined after I told him he couldn’t take Isabel for a ride on his bike.

  “I said no, Duncan.” I took a step closer to the younger man, ready to show him who was boss.

  Duncan stood up straight to accept the silent challenge.

  We were in a deadlock glare for a long moment before Isabel’s soft voice broke the tension. “It’s okay, Duncan. It’s not worth the risk.” I watched as she reached for Duncan’s shoulder and squeezed. He looked away from me to her. “But it was really sweet of you to offer. Maybe we can go out some other time when things aren’t so crazy.” She gave Duncan a sweet smile.

  He smiled back. “Yeah”, he said and looked back at me. “It’s a date.” Duncan walked out of the kitchen toward the garage. I knew that last statement was meant to rile me. If Isabel wasn’t standing here, I would teach Duncan some respect.

  I glanced back at Isabel, who was glaring at me.

  “Why are you such a jerk?” she said, her arms crossed in front of her.

  “What did you say to me?”

  “Just because you hate me, doesn’t mean you have to threaten your friends who don’t,” she spat, not at all intimidated by me towering over her.

  “You think I hate you?”

  “So you’re mean and surly with everyone?” She lifted an eyebrow.

  That made me pause. She was right that my behavior had been less than pleasant, and she didn’t deserve it. It stopped now.

  I looked down. “No. I don’t hate you.”

  “So why did you threaten him?”

  Because I don’t like you smiling at other men. But I couldn’t admit that, so I met her eyes and said, “I’ve got my reasons.”

  “Are you sure those reasons aren’t to make my time here miserable?”

  Her eyes were alight with a fire I had yet to see from sweet Isabel. This bitch side should have turned me off. Instead, I found myself getting hard. I wanted to taste that passion and anger on my tongue. I wanted to feel it beneath me, clawing the shit out of my back while I felt her fire from within.

  “No, they’re not.” I growled at her, physically holding myself still.

  “Could have fooled me.” She suddenly turned back toward the sink and started washing again, dismissing me.

  She was pissed, and so was I. I should walk away, but I knew I couldn’t leave it this way, not if I intended to take Greyson’s advice. “Listen, I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you,” I said to her back. “I know you don’t deserve it.”

  She looked at me over her shoulder. I could see my statement surprised her.

  “I am trying to help you and keep you safe.” She slowly turned toward me as I spoke. “But I’ve never really had to deal with a woman like you.”

  “What do you mean a woman like me?” she said, the anger in her eyes replaced by something else.

  I rubbed the back of my neck, unsure how to explain. I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. “Um, you’re so soft.”

  “Oh.” She turned back to the dishes, taking what I said the wrong way.

  I suck at this.

  How could I explain that her softness was what drew me to her? That even if she wasn’t in trouble, I’d still want to protect her. “I just mean that you are different than the women I’ve known before.”

  I moved behind her, close enough that I could smell her vanilla scented shampoo. I lifted my hand to let my fingers caress her arm. This was the first time I’d willingly touched her. The warmth of her skin soaked into my roughened fingertips, and I felt my heart speed up. She stopped washing but didn’t look at me.

  “And I like that,” I whispered, more to myself than her.

  Once the words were out of my mouth, I panicked. This couldn’t happen. Before she could say anything I left without looking back.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I glanced over to where Rem was cuddling with some slut named Stacey. I was on the couch opposite of them while they cooed and flirted.

  The party was in full swing, and Jordan was my protector tonight. He stepped outside to make a phone call a few minutes ago. I looked around for another Ace, but Lydia waved at me from the couch where she sat next to Michelle. It wasn’t Heart protocol to hang with the old ladies, but I was too depressed to care.

  I tried my best to keep my attention on the girls, but I couldn’t help a quick glance every few minutes.

  Duncan told me that Stacey was just a biker slut. Those were girls that want to sleep with bikers but don’t want to live the life twenty-four seven. She was pretty with long dark hair that was almost black, and her lips had that Angelina Jolie poutiness.

  She had her long, smooth legs across Rem’s lap, and she kept kissing and licking his neck. Rem didn’t kiss her back directly, but his hands were roaming all over and he kept whispering in her ear.

  It was disgusting.

  Rem had been avoiding me since this afternoon, and now he was letting that ho-bag hang all over him. I had a feeling that he was trying to send me a message. He was saying just because he “liked” me, didn’t mean he wanted to be with me.

  I was disappointed to say the least. I knew it was stupid to get my hopes up, but I couldn’t seem to help it. After he left the kitchen, I went straight to my bunk where I’d lain daydreaming of our future babies.

  But I’m just a foolish girl. He had no interest in me that way. If anything, he probably saw me as a baby sister.

  What I wouldn’t give to be the one in his arms now.

  Just then, the song “Crazy Bitch” came on, and Stacey jumped up as if it was the national anthem. She hopped up on the table and started dancing. However, dancing was the wrong word. She just kept bending over and shaking her butt, all while making eyes at Rem.

>   Rem looked on with mild interest, as did the rest of the guys. It was sickening that they were used to this desperate behavior.

  I turned to Lydia. “I used to like this song.”

  Lydia nodded. “I used to love hard rock, too. Now I just think of sluts. Hearts have a tendency to ruin a lot of things.”

  I glanced at Skinny, who was the DJ tonight. “Maybe we can get him to play something else? How about some Lady Gaga?”

  “Yeah,” Michelle shouted.

  A loud, “No” came from my left. Duncan had pushed Tracy off his lap to glare at us. “Lady Gaga is not MC,” he said loud enough for everyone on the couches to hear.

  “Lady Gaga is so MC,” I shouted back. “Just watch the “Judas” video.”

  “What?” he said, clearly confused.

  “Oh yeah,” Lydia said, eager to explain. “The setup is that Jesus is the president of an MC and Judas is the VP. It was an awesome video. Oh and Norman Reedus played Judas. You know Darryl from The Walking Dead?” Lydia’s eyes lit up as she spoke.

  “I think he is so sexy,” Michelle said.

  “I know. I love him,” I agreed.

  I heard a snort from across the way. Rem was scowling at me. Stacey was still dancing but had lost her original gusto.

  I turned back to the girls. “Let’s get Skinny to play it. He can’t deny me.”

  “He’d only take orders from an old lady,” Tracy cut in loudly.

  Lydia slammed her drink on the table and stood up, making Stacey jump and stop her gyrations. “I’m going to make Skinny do it, ya dumb slut,” she said, letting her Southern accent flare up with her temper. “But if you talk to her that way again, you’ll find out what it’s like to have an old lady’s boot up your ass. Ya hear?”

  Lydia stared down at Tracy for a few seconds before turning away to head toward Skinny. She swung her hips and let her heels click as she approached the prospect. I couldn’t hear the conversation, but I’m pretty sure it involved intimidation on Lydia’s part.

  I got up from the couch and stuck my tongue out at Duncan as I headed toward the bar, like a little sister getting her way. I decided to get us all shots to start our dance party. “Crazy Bitch” ended, and I heard the beginning of “Judas”. Bobby set the Jaeger shots in front of me, and I had to use two hands to carry them all the while shaking my booty. I made my way over to Lydia and Michelle. They both were pushing tables out of the way to create a dance floor.

  We threw back the shots and started dancing. I sang along with the song and let the Jaeger work its magic. The alcohol lubed my limbs so I moved without thought and just let it flow through me. It didn’t take long for the other clubs’ hang-arounds and old ladies to join in.

  We danced to Beyoncé, old school Britney, Sia, Rihanna and a few hits from the eighties.

  As always, where the girls go, the boys followed. Around the fourth song, the men trickled in around us. My dance partners were stolen by their husbands to bump and grind, but Sam was nice enough to bring us more shots on his way. My buzz was steady so I decided to close my eyes and just dance with myself. The next song was Lady Gaga’s “Heavy Metal Lover”. This song was spot on tonight.

  Then there were strong hands on my hips and someone’s breathe against my ear. Rem. My heart leapt, and my pussy felt a tingle. He nibbled on my ear and down my neck. I reached back and cupped his head but his hair was a little too short. I opened my eyes and looked back to find Jackson.

  “Surprised to see me?”

  “Yes.” I smiled and turned in his arms. I locked my wrists around his neck but tried to keep a little distance between our lower halves. “I would have thought Duncan scared you away.”

  His hands stayed on my hips to keep us moving. “No, I simply respected his claim.”

  “And now?”

  “Well, I’m sure another Ace will be along soon to pull you away so I’m getting it while I can.”

  “And what are you getting?”

  “The feel of your body pressed to mine.” His hand came around my back and pressed me closer. He was strong and warm. I had to admit that my body liked the feeling of his.

  “These boys are awfully protective of you,” he said into my ear.

  I leaned back to look into his eyes. “Like you said before, I’m special.”

  The look in his eyes told me he was going to kiss me and this time I was ready. I just wanted one kiss. Rem had made me feel so crappy, and I wanted to feel good. Jackson could make me feel good, if only for a few moments. I closed my eyes and leaned in…


  Jackson groaned. “I told you.” I opened my eyes and turned to see Rem. He looked murderous.

  “I call dibs, Jackson.” Rem reached out and gripped my wrist, pulling me toward him roughly.

  Jackson let me slip out of his arms, but his fingers gripped my hand as I went. Rem wrapped an arm around my waist, enveloping in his scent and warmth.

  “Why do you guys keep cock blocking? I thought we were friends,” Jackson said above the music.

  “We’re not willing to share Izzy with friends yet, only brothers.”

  “Can’t we let the lady choose?”

  Rem’s fingers tightened on my side, but he didn’t look at me. “You’re sure she would choose you?”

  Jackson looked at me with that wicked smirk of his. Of course, I was powerless to stop the blush that crept up. He was so sexy and charismatic. “I think I stand a chance.”

  “It doesn’t matter. She belongs to the Aces. She belongs to me.”

  My mouth fell open in shock. I wanted to slap him for speaking about me as if I wasn’t in the room. I may be pretending to belong to his club but not him.

  I was ready to contradict him, but then his gaze turned to me. “Isn’t that right?”

  It was as if all the molecules in the room sped up, making it hot and hard to breathe. He was angry yet so much more. His eyes were possessive, concentrated with lust and power. I felt weak under the pressure. His body was tense against mine, and he towered over me, demanding obedience. If I were a wolf, I would be flipping onto my back to show my submission to the Alpha. But I imagine Rem would demand something different. I had this flash in my mind of walking toward the nearest table and bending over it, flipping up my skirt to present myself for his punishment or pleasure.

  I felt myself nod. “Yes, yes, I belong to you.”

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’d never wanted a woman so much as I did right then. Isabel had gone soft under my touch, and she was looking at me in a way that proved her statement true. She belonged to me. I was about to take her lips when Jackson interjected.

  “Fine. She’s yours,” he said in a deep growl. “For now.”

  Just like that, I was back to being pissed. For the past twenty minutes, I had been watching her from the edge of the spontaneous dance floor. It took everything I had not to join her. She was begging for a partner with the way she shook her ass. I shouldn’t have been surprised that another man noticed. But when Jackson touched her, my body was moving before my brain gave the command.

  How dare she behave that way with him?

  I dragged her toward the back door. “What were you thinking?” I said as I flung her outside. Everyone was either inside or toward the front so we had limited privacy for the moment.

  “What are you talking about?” she yelled back.

  I took a step toward her. “You were throwing yourself at him.”

  “What? He came on to me.”

  “And you didn’t stop him. You just—”

  “What?” She took a step close to me, getting deep into my space. The alcohol on her breath explained her brave response. “I’m supposed to be a Heart, remember. A club whore. A biker slut. So, why would a Heart push away a man like Jackson?”

  “Don’t act like it was part of your cover. You liked his hands on you.” I snarled at her.

  She rolled her eyes. “So what? Of course I liked it. Jackson is hot.”<
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  I felt my anger boil over like nothing I ever felt before, like a fever in my brain. Next thing I knew, I was turning her around and pushing her against the wall. I held her hands captive to the small of her back and took her hair in my other hand. My body pinned hers to the concrete.

  “Ahh,” she said when I tugged on her hair roughly.

  “Listen to me. You will stay away from Jackson from now on. You do whatever you have to, but he is not to be within twenty feet of you. Do you understand?”

  She gritted her teeth. “Fine.”

  “I swear to God, Isabel, if he touches you again—” I’ll kill him, but I didn’t say it. That was crazy. Yet it was how I felt. Fuck.

  The silence stretched so that all I heard was Isabel’s breathing, both our breathing. Her body was still, like she was waiting for my next move. It was then I noticed I had a raging hard-on pressed against her ass.

  I almost pulled away, but she licked her lip and looked at me over her shoulder. What was that look? Did she like it … or was she scared?

  I wasn’t sure of anything. I let her go and stepped back. I expected her to run, but she just turned to me slowly and leaned back against the wall. Her eyes held an innocent curiosity. She just kept staring at me. Then she licked her bottom lip before biting it.

  I knew it. I started to lunge for her, ready to slam my mouth on hers and finally set the kindling on fire, but Jordan came flying out the back door just in time to stop me.

  “There you are. Jesus. I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”

  I turned to my best friend. “Where were you?” I demanded in the same tone Duncan had taken with me last night.

  “Sorry. I had a phone call that I couldn’t ignore.”

  Isabel slinked inside.

  “What happened?” Jordan asked.

  “Nothing,” I said as I walked through the door. I went straight for the stairs.

  I was still pissed at Isabel and Jackson. The more I thought about it, I knew it was my own fault. I’d hinted at my feelings for Isabel this morning and then tried to push her away by hanging with Stacey.


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