Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1)

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Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1) Page 10

by Gwendolyn Casey

  “Okay.” I watched her look back at the computer and wring her hands in her lap.

  “I know I overreacted about Jackson, but the thing is—”

  “Izzy, you finish those figures yet?” Max called from the door.

  “I just need ten more minutes,” she said over her shoulder. “Sorry, Max wanted me to double check the books for the bar. Can we finish later?”


  She looked relieved to hear it. I stood up and went to the door, pushing Max back through it.

  “Why is she looking at our books?” It made no sense. Max was an accounting whizz. He didn’t need help.

  He shrugged. “It’s a test. I want to see if she is a competent accountant. I’ve only given her access to the legit accounts.”

  “You’re trying to prove she will betray us,” I said through gritted teeth. Why wasn’t I told about this?

  “On the contrary, I want her to prove she is trustworthy. I spoke with her for a while and thought this was a good opportunity to see what she is made of.”

  When the hell did they talk? Were they alone in his office?

  “Don’t talk to her unless I say it’s okay.” The statement was out before I could stop it.

  “And why would I need your approval, Rem? Last I checked, the only time I need a member’s approval to speak to a woman was if she was his property.” Max faked a confused look. “Is she your property, Rem?”

  I was about to punch Max when Isabel came through the door. “I’m all done. I do see a few items I’d like to ask you about.”

  “Sure.” Max gave me a wink before ushering Isabel toward his office.


  I tried to find another moment to talk to Isabel, but someone else was always around. I thought about simply dragging her to a room alone, and then I realized that plan was flawed. I could scare her if I was too aggressive.

  Now I watched Isabel from across the room. She was standing at the bar with Amy and Jackal, looking all kinds of hot.

  I loved how she dressed up for our parties. Before Isabel, I always thought sexy meant showing off all the assets but not anymore. Somehow Isabel proved that sexy was more than tits and ass. Her looks always teased me with a little skin but still showed off her body to perfection. Like tonight, she wore a leather skirt. It wasn't skin tight like the other girls’, but instead it looked like a cheerleader’s skirt that swung with her every move. I had no idea what to call it. The black boots with heels made her legs look longer, and the loose fitting hot pink Cyndi Lauper tank top just made me smile. I even noticed how her earrings and bracelets complemented the outfit.

  Isabel was a good influence because I noticed Amy’s outfit was subtler than usual.

  I shook my head. When had I become a fashion critic? Who cared what the girls wore? Just as I had that thought, Jessica and Tracy came down the stairs, and I found myself sneering at how they were dressed. They look like trailer trash with a crack addiction.

  Maybe I should tell Isabel to dress more like the others. She needed to blend in, not stand out. But would changing her clothes work? She would always look better than the others.

  I moved to talk to her again. I needed to lay down the law about other men before things got crazy again. But before I could reach her, Max came striding toward her. He bent down and hauled her over his shoulder in one quick move.

  "Let's fuck, woman," he said loud enough for everyone to hear. Isabel giggled and waved to Amy as she was carried toward the stairs.

  "Hawk, you game?" Max said as he passed by his friend.

  "Yeah," Hawk said as he got to his feet and followed them up the stairs.

  Damn it. I forgot that tonight was their night to protect her. I should have told them that I would take over.

  Now I’d have to wait until they were done pretending to sleep with her.

  I settled at the bar and kept to myself for almost an hour. At exactly sixty minutes, I couldn't take it anymore.

  I headed upstairs and walked to Max's door. I heard Isabel groan. "Come on, Max. Take it easy on me."

  "That's not how I roll,” Max responded.

  What the fuck? I pushed open the door and let it bang against the wall. I was ready to bust something, but the scene behind the door brought me up short. Max and Hawk sat on the floor in front of the bed with Xbox controllers in their hands. Isabel was lying on her stomach on top of the bed and was holding a controller as well.

  Max glanced over. "What’s up, brother?"

  "What the hell is this?"

  "Halo." Max looked back at the TV. "Shit, Izzy. No fair. I was distracted."

  Isabel kept her eyes on the screen but had a wicked grin on her face. "Karma's a bitch. You've been taking me from behind all night. Now it’s your turn."

  Hawk snorted, and Isabel giggled at her own joke.

  "Do you want to play, Rem? You can join the next battle," she said sweetly.

  "No. You've been in here too long. The others are getting suspicious."

  "Why are they suspicious? Everyone knows Izzy is hot enough to handle us for a couple hours," Max said, keeping his eyes on the screen.

  Isabel giggled again. "I'll take that as a compliment."

  She was flirting with them. She was laughing, smiling, and kicking her naked feet in the air as if she was at a slumber party.

  "By the way, how do you usually start?" Isabel asked.

  "I usually let him in the snatch first since I have a little more girth. He loosens them up for me," Hawk said without humor.

  Isabel just nodded her head.

  "But don't think I have a skinny dick, Izzy," Max said and turned to look at her. "Seriously, I have a monster cock. Do you want to see it?"

  That's it. I was across the room and hauling Isabel off the bed. "Put your shoes on. You're done here."

  "Can't I finish the battle? It’s only another three minutes—”

  I bristled. "No. Move your ass now."

  "All right." She bent down and grabbed her shoes.

  When I had her in the hallway, I cornered her against the wall. "What the hell was that?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "Asking about how they fuck."

  "Oh." She rolled her eyes. "I was just curious."

  I backed up a little. I wanted to scold her for talking to other men about sex, but I couldn’t explain a reason for it. "Let’s go to my room."

  “But I thought—”

  I gave her a hard look.

  "Okay," she said.

  Chapter Nineteen


  I sat on the bed as I looked around Rem’s room. I was surprised to find everything picked up. Most of the guys were content to leave their stuff on the floor. I knew because I helped Skinny with laundry. If it weren’t for the prospects, I imagined the guys would rather buy new clothes than approach a laundry machine.

  However, Rem’s bed was made and his floor was clean. He had a microwave with a mini fridge, a TV, and DVD player. Other than the pair of handcuffs hanging from the metal headboard, nothing seemed out of place. I didn’t see any pictures either. It made the room seem Spartan. Maybe his military background had something to do with that.

  I was about to ask when I looked up at him, the question stalling in my throat. He leaned against the door and just stared at me with that intense look in his eyes, as if he was taking in every part of me.

  It made me uncomfortable to say the least. I couldn’t help but feel like he was judging me. He probably didn’t understand a woman like me, weak, plain, and quiet. The women from the MC were outspoken and sexy. Although they bordered on trashy, they could at least defend themselves. I was more of a pacifist, and favored acumen and subtlety.

  Like a Vulcan.

  I smiled to myself as I imagined making the V with my hand and stating “Live long and prosper” when I entered the clubhouse.

  “Why are you smiling?”

  I blushed. My mind had drifted, as usual. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

  He w
alked toward me and stopped a couple feet away. “Tell me.” His voice became deeper at the command. I felt myself shiver at the sound, and it tickled at all my girlie parts. I found myself explaining my thought process, starting with the stare he gave me and ending with me making the Vulcan symbol and actually saying, “Live long and prosper.”

  The intense look was still there.

  “I don’t know if you ever saw Star Trek, but there is this character named Mr. Spock—”

  He cut me off. “I know who Mr. Spock is.”

  “Oh, okay.” I looked at my hands sitting in my lap.

  I was a little surprised when he sat down on the bed next to me. Not too close to be romantic but not so far that he hated me. It was a friendly distance. His next comment surprised me even more. “So, what you’re saying is that, while you are here, you feel like an alien from another planet?”

  “Yes, basically.” I relaxed a little. Maybe his question was just to kill time, but feigning interest was better than the cold shoulder.

  Chapter Twenty


  Her eyes were bright now, telling me that she wasn’t scared anymore.

  “You are different, Isabel. But it’s not a bad thing,” I said, trying to be subtle. It felt strange, being subtle. Any other woman, I would have beneath me by now. But, like I said, Isabel was different.

  She laughed. “To hear Tracy tell it, I might as well have horns and be covered in slime.”

  “Don’t worry about her.”

  “How can I not? She is such a bully.” She breathed out and looked at the ceiling. “At first I felt sorry for her, but now that she is stealing my clothes, I just hate her. She is the first girl I’ve ever imagined hitting.”

  Tracy is stealing her clothes? I’d have to deal with that later. “What stops you?”

  “Because bitch-be-crazy.” She giggled at herself again. “Even if I knew how to throw a punch, she would be a Tasmanian devil of hair pulling and biting.”

  “You said that you felt sorry for her. Why?” I asked.

  She flopped back on the bed. “I’m pretty sure that jealous rage is covering up some major insecurity. She probably thought she would be branded by now.”

  I had to hold myself back from leaning over her. She was clueless to how sexy she looked sprawled on my mattress. I had to look away. “She’ll never be branded,” I said.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Tracy doesn’t understand what it takes to belong to an Ace.” My eyes wandered back to Isabel, hoping she would take the bait.

  She turned on her side and leaned on her elbow. “What does it take?”

  “It has to do with respect. An old lady has to be able to earn it and maintain it. Not just from her man, but all the members.”

  She grimaced. “That’s a tall order.”


  “Yeah. You are intimidating. I wouldn’t know where to start with earning the respect of the club.”

  I wanted to laugh because she was obviously clueless to how much she was liked around here. Instead I looked at her seriously and said, “You already have.”

  “What? How?” she said, shaking her head.

  “By cooking breakfast, first of all.”

  “The way to a man’s heart, right?” She put her boots down on the side of the bed and turned her body toward me, bringing her legs up on to the bed.

  “Sophie has been singing your praises, and so has Max. Their opinions are important around here.”

  She was quiet for a moment and then asked, “But what about you? Don’t you think I’m weak?”

  I met her eyes so she could see the truth. “I don’t think you are weak. I’ll admit, at first, I thought you would be the stereotypical girl from the suburbs, stuck-up and annoying. But I was wrong. You are smart and sweet and brave.”

  She blushed and looked down at the comforter.

  Slowly, so I wouldn’t scare her, I took her wrist in my hand. I let my fingers embrace its softness. “I do believe that you are fragile.” I wrapped my whole hand around her wrist so I could show her how vulnerable she was to my strength, how easily I could have her, control her, and not just physically. Her innocence would allow me to own every part of her, down to her soul.

  Her eyes became cloudy, and her mouth fell open a fraction, as if she could feel my thoughts.

  “But I don’t want you to change. Instead I want to protect you.” It came out with a growl at the end.

  She just stared at me. She was probably feeling confused.

  I moved a little closer. “How about we go for a ride tomorrow?”

  She blinked up at me. “Um, I thought it was too dangerous.”

  “I’ll keep you safe,” I whispered as I leaned in to her. I heard her take in a sharp breath. She knew what was coming, but she wasn’t stopping me.

  “VP.” Bang. Bang. “Pres is looking for you.” It was Skinny pounding on the door.

  “Fuck,” I said. I could not win with this girl. Whenever I got close to having her, the universe conspired to take her away.

  She sat up. “You better go.”

  “Yeah.” I released her wrist and stood up. “Why don’t you head to bed? Tomorrow morning, we’ll go for that ride … and breakfast.”

  She gave me a bright smile and nodded vigorously. “Okay.”

  I gave her a long look before heading out the door.

  I made my way downstairs, where I found Greyson standing at the bar.

  “Hey,” I said.

  Greyson turned. “Sorry to interrupt,” he said with a little smirk. He must have known that I was with Isabel. “But Jackson is leaving and he wanted to discuss something with us before he goes.” We headed toward the offices where Jackson was waiting in the hallway.

  “What’s up?” I said, ready for this asshole to be gone.

  Jackson stood tall with his hands on his hips. “I got a call from Vincent. He has caught wind of your party at the chicken farm.”

  Shit. “We have it handled,” I insisted.

  “I know, but he wanted to talk to you about it,” Jackson said calmly. “It’s been a while since we’ve had someone dumb enough to move against one of our clubs. He is convinced there is something else going on, something bigger.”

  I looked at him sideways. “Just say it, Jackson. Are you questioning our loyalty?”

  “I’m not questioning anything. We all know Vincent is a paranoid fucker.”

  Greyson let out a breath. “So what does he want specifically?”

  “He wants Rem to give him all the details of their raid, now.”

  “What do you mean now?” I said.

  “As in, pack a bag. We leave as soon as you’re ready,” he said. He turned down the hall to head outside.

  I wanted to say no, but I couldn’t. Vincent was one man you did not refuse.

  I gave Greyson one last glare before I went back into the clubroom. I wondered if Isabel was still awake. I’ll have to break our date for tomorrow.

  On my way to the stairs, I stopped Jordan and told him about it so he could let the others know. Then I went to my room and packed a few things. I checked the girls’ room on my way out, and I could tell the light was out. Isabel was probably asleep already. I spotted Jessica coming out of one of the boy’s rooms.

  “Jessica, I need you to give Izzy a message when she wakes up in the morning.”

  She looked tired but nodded her head.

  “Just let her know that I had business, but I’ll talk to her as soon as I get back.”


  I was almost to the stairs when I realized I wanted Isabel to know one more thing. “And tell her to move all her stuff into my room. Now that the party is over, I want her sleeping there from now on.”

  Jessica’s tired eyes suddenly popped open as I walked away.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  I finally made my own plate after waiting for over an hour for Rem to come downstairs. I had been all ready to go out
on our date, complete with a cute sundress, makeup and my hair perfectly curled.

  I felt so stupid when Hawk and Max came down and looked at me expectantly. “Where’s breakfast?” Hawk said. I thought about explaining it to them but realized that I would look naive if Rem hadn’t been sincere. I told them to hold on and went to knock on Rem’s door. There was no answer.

  When I came back downstairs, I proceeded to make eggs, bacon and toast like I did every day, feeling like the biggest idiot.

  Most of the other clubs and hang-arounds had left last night or early this morning so I only had to cook for the resident Aces and nomads, making things easy to handle as I wallowed in self-pity.

  Now, I took my own plate to the table where I sat next to Jordan. I didn’t want to be obvious, but I needed to know. I leaned closer to Jordan and said softly, “Where’s Rem?”

  “Club business,” he said with egg in his mouth.

  I just nodded my head. So it was work that took him away, no big deal. Unless Jordan was lying to spare my feelings.

  “Feeling rejected because he didn’t say goodbye?” Tracy mocked from down the table where she sat next to Jessica. The blonde got up and walked toward the kitchen with her plate. “Don’t worry, hon. I gave him a proper send off before he left,” she said with that bitchy smile.

  I just stared down at my plate and pushed my food around. After a while, I noticed that Jordan wasn’t eating either. I looked up to find him staring down at me, his eyes dark and calculating.

  I let out a frustrated breath. “Stop looking at me like that,” I whispered so the others wouldn’t hear.

  “Like what?” he said, keeping is voice low.

  “Like you think I’m stupid,” I spat, barely maintaining my soft tone.

  “I don’t feel sorry for you. But I do think you’re being foolish.”

  “Why?” I couldn’t help the bitchy tone as I said it.

  “What is the old saying about the bird and fish?”

  I had to think for a moment before it hit me. “A bird and a fish can fall in love, but where would they live?’”

  “Exactly.” He stood up and left me alone at the end of the table.


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