Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1)

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Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1) Page 11

by Gwendolyn Casey

  He was right. This world was very different from the one I lived in. Even if I could get used to the sex and violence, I would always be an outsider. And a man like Rem would be miserable in the suburbs.

  I shook my head. It didn’t matter anyway. Rem wasn’t interested in me that way. Maybe he did just want to be my friend. Maybe the ride he offered was just to show me around town. He did say that I was unlike any woman he ever met. But dorky is not exactly sexy, Isabel. No, Tracy was sexy in Rem’s kind of way. Jordan was right. I was foolish. I could never be something he wanted.

  That’s okay, I reminded myself. My true love was out there. Just because Rem didn’t want me doesn’t mean I won’t be wanted by someone. It was disappointing that it couldn’t be a panty-soaking badass with eyes that pierced my soul, but there were other things to consider. I wasn’t going to waste time trying to list them right now. There were other things, more important things.

  I eventually got up from the table and made my way into the kitchen. As I helped Skinny clean up, I made the resolution to treat Rem as a friend. I would never be immune to him completely, but I could stop the fantasies and foolish mooning. To keep hoping would only lead to heartbreak and embarrassment.

  My decision made me feel better. I was in control again.

  I smacked Skinny on the ass on my way out and said, “Thanks, Peaches.”


  Within the next few days I found a routine for myself. After breakfast, one of the boys would drop me off at the salon where I helped the girls answer phones, wash hair, and sweep the floor until noon. Then it was back to the clubhouse where I served as assistant to all the officers.

  Fortunately, the nomads had vacated the clubhouse yesterday to go back to wherever. Jackal was nice enough, but Cougar just made me uncomfortable. When he wasn’t calling me something gross or sexist, he was staring at me like I was his next meal. Part of the reason I started going to the salon was to escape him.

  Now that I was helping out, I found out how many businesses the club actually owned. I already knew about the salon and auto shop, but they also owned a pawnshop and a bar in town. Rem managed the auto shop, Sophie had the salon, Max ran the pawnshop, and Sam had the bar. Hawk and Duncan worked at the garage. Donny worked as assistant manager at the bar but also worked at the pawnshop. All the members held ownership in the parent company that owned all the businesses. Of course, each business had more employees, but with all the work, I was surprised they had time for all the parties.

  Max had me do some of the bookkeeping that he deemed “easy peasy”, and Greyson was more than happy to let me handle things in the garage while Rem was gone. To Jordan, I was a simple waitress. “Izzy, Red Bull.” “Izzy, burger.” He did say “thank you”, well most of the time.

  I used Rem’s office as my workspace and kept the door open so I could hear the shouts for my assistance. It was nice but awful at the same time. I was trying to forget about him, and yet all his things surrounded me. He had pictures all over of him and his friends. Some he was smiling, others not. Either way, I found myself staring a bit too long.

  It was Wednesday afternoon when Jessica popped her head in. At first, she was smiling, but it turned into a frown. “What are you doing in here?”

  “Max said I could use Rem’s office while he is away.”

  “Well don’t get too comfortable. Jordan said he would be back today.”

  “Okay,” I said simply. I didn’t want to engage her snotty attitude. I also didn’t want to ask more questions. Like what time did Jordan say he would be back.

  Amy came in behind her. “What’s up?”

  “I’m just warning the princess that Rem would not like having a woman in his office.”

  Amy gave her a dull look. “Jessica, these boys may be assholes, but they are not misogynists.”

  Jessica scoffed. “I’ll believe that when an Ace goes downtown.” The she walked away.

  “What is she talking about ‘downtown’?” I asked Amy.

  “She means oral sex. Aces don’t do that,” she explained.

  “Why not?”

  “Hell if I know. It’s probably in their by-laws or something,” she said with a little laugh.

  I couldn’t seem to help my curiosity. My time here had shown me that very little was taboo for the Aces, so why no oral sex? “Have you simply asked for one them to try?”

  “Yes, I have. That was an unpleasant conversation.” She brushed her hair away from her face with a sigh.

  “Gotcha.” I just turned back to the computer because I actually couldn’t imagine the conversation. I did wonder who it was that she asked though.

  “Anyway, Duncan sent me in here to let you know that he was ordering pizza tonight so you’re off the hook for dinner.”

  “Oh, good.” It would be nice to have a night off.

  “Well, I’m off to work so you’ll probably be asleep by the time I get back.” I nodded in agreement and gave her a smile as she walked away. Amy was a waitress at the Aces bar and usually took the night shift since it was better tips.

  I quickly saved my work and started to shut down the computer. All the boys had left to do other things so I was free to go. I wanted every second possible to start getting ready for tonight.

  I needed to look perfect when Rem showed up. Not because I still wanted him but because he doesn’t affect me. Makes total sense.


  I spent quite a while in the shower that afternoon. I felt the need to shave and exfoliate everywhere. My hair took even longer since I decided to blow dry and style it. My makeup was simple but perfect. I was going to make Rem regret standing me up.

  When I came downstairs, there were only a few people around so I decided to play pool with Jordan and Hawk or at least tried to play. It was more like they were trying to teach me. It was my turn so I leaned over the table and lined up my cue. I wore one my flirty jean skirts and my Captain Kirk t-shirt about being from Iowa.

  I knew the moment he entered the room. My entire body tensed and the erratic heartbeats started again. I had to force myself not to turn to him, not to acknowledge him until it was appropriate.

  “Hey, man. How was it?” Jordan asked.

  I looked up at Jordan, and he was looking behind me.

  “Stressful.” Rem’s deep timbre came from close behind me. I couldn’t help the little tingles that went through me at the sound. Jordan glanced down at me and smirked. I licked my lips and took the shot. I thanked the gods when the ball went into the pocket. I leaned back onto my feet and immediately felt Rem at my back. He had his hands on my hips. “Hey, babe.”

  Before I let myself misinterpret the action, I moved away to the adjacent corner of the table. “Hi,” I said without looking at him. I bent for my next shot, which I missed. “Damn.”

  “You’re still not holding the stick right,” Hawk commented.

  I giggled. “That’s the first time I’ve been accused of mishandling a stick.” I lifted a brow at Hawk.

  “Let’s hope you’re talented with other sticks,” he responded.

  A growl sounded from the other end of the table. I finally looked at Rem and his gaze was on me. His eyes were intense, and his lip was hinting at a snarl.

  I looked back at Hawk. “It’s your turn.”

  I listened to Rem walk away.

  A few minutes later, Jessica came into the room. “Did I hear Rem?”

  “Yeah, he went to his room,” I replied.

  “Did he want some company?”

  I kept my face neutral as I shrugged. “Maybe. He said the trip was stressful.”

  “Well I can help with that.” She smiled and turned toward the stairs.

  When I turned back to the pool table, I noticed Hawk and Jordan were smirking at each other.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I slammed the door when I got to my room. I had no idea what happened. The last time I saw Isabel, she was practically panting for me. What the fuck?

  I was relieved to be home and looking forward to picking up where we left off. My meeting with Vincent went smoothly, and I think I convinced him that the Aces were solid. We met on Monday morning, but he invited me to dinner that night which turned into a night out. I knew it would be rude to refuse his hospitality, so I went along with it. While Vincent didn’t control the Covenant, he was a strong ally and kept business simple but profitable.

  I finally was able to break free this morning by mentioning I had a woman waiting for me. Vincent was more than understanding and said I could go right after he gave me something.

  I’m not sure how, but Vincent knew about my father and the circumstances surrounding his disappearance. He also knew about my obsession with finding the bastard. On my way out of his house he handed me a manila folder and said, “I hope this shows how much I value our friendship and encourages your support for the coming move.”

  Scheming bastard, I thought. The manila folder was in my saddlebag. I would go through it when I had time.

  When I came into the clubhouse, I made a beeline for Isabel. She bent over just as I came up behind her. It was as if she was presenting herself to me. When Jordan asked how the trip went, I answered honestly, and my friend knew exactly how I intended to work out that stress by the way I was looking at Isabel. She stood up right into my arms, and it felt so good to touch her. But she moved away before I could kiss her. Then she flirted with Hawk. What the fuck?

  I needed a shower and to speak to Greyson. I would get that done and then figure out what was up with Isabel. I was done playing the guessing game with that girl.

  I had just taken my shirt off when I heard a knock on the door. Jessica stood in the doorway. “Hi.”

  “Not now,” I growled and turned my back on her.

  “Are you sure? Izzy said you were stressed out and could use a release.” She gave me a sultry look as she slinked closer.

  “What?” I spun around to face her. “Isabel sent you in here?”

  “Well, not exactl—” She reached for my face, but I gripped her wrist.

  “God damn it.” I dragged Jessica out my door and down the hall toward the stairs.

  The shower would have to wait.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The door at the top of the stairs swung open with a bang. I watched as a shirtless Rem pulled Jessica by the arm down the stairs, a mask of pure fury on his face.

  When he made it to the bottom, he shoved Jessica toward Hawk.

  "Everyone out. Now!" he yelled. Jordan, Hawk, and the prospects started toward the door to the outside. I set the queue on the table and turned to follow.

  “Not you, Isabel.”

  I stopped where I was and turned slowly to face Rem again. I heard the door close, leaving me alone with him. He stalked toward me, and fear rolled through me at the look on his face, somewhere between anger and lust. While I knew he would never hurt me, I couldn’t help being scared. After all, he was a powerful man, more than capable of causing harm. I moved backwards as he came closer, and I felt the pool table hit my backside.

  My fear made my hands spring up in defense. "Rem."

  "Quiet,” he said, and then he grabbed me and spun me around to bend over the table. I swung my arms back at him, but it only made it easier for him to pin both my wrists to the small of my back.

  "Enough of this bullshit. We tried things your way. Now it’s time for my way," he said, his voice low and rumbling.

  Before I knew it, Rem had one hand holding my wrists and the other was bunching my skirt around my waist. Then I felt a hand on my panties, and I only had time for small yelp before he ripped away the crotch.

  The open air against my center made me wriggle and I looked over my shoulder to scream at him, but what I saw stopped the sound in my throat.

  The way Rem was looking at my pussy was feral and ardent. His eyes were intense but focused and his upper lip pulled back to show clenched teeth, like a wolf ready to bite. A rough palm cupped my ass gently, and my skin tingled under the contact.

  After a moment, he looked up to my face, and I could see the beast in his eyes, angry and possessive. I stilled under his gaze, suddenly feeling languid, like my body was ready to surrender to his.

  Next thing I knew his hand was smacking my ass, hard. It was a real spanking, not some playful petting, three times in a quick succession.

  I cried out. The pain was searing.

  "Rem, please stop."

  He stopped, but his hand stayed on my ass, cupping the cheek he just lit on fire.

  "What was that for?" I screamed at him and tried to wiggle loose again.

  "That was for flirting with other men,” he growled through his clenched teeth. “And this is for sending Jessica to my room."

  Then he gave three more violent slaps to the other cheek.

  "Rem, please.” I didn't understand why he was spanking me, but more importantly, I didn't understand why each one was like an electric shock to my nipples and pussy.

  He was rubbing that cheek now. "Come on, babe. You are a smart girl. You know exactly what this is about." His fingers wandered gently to the edge of my sex. My eyes widened, and I froze in place. Was he going to touch me? My rational brain told me to keep fighting, but my body didn’t want to fight. With his touch, the languid feeling had returned. It wanted to hold still for his hand, and that’s exactly what I did. I put my head down on the table and simply breathed as I felt his callused fingers stroking closer to my center.

  But I was still confused. “I thought you didn't like me like that,” I said as I looked back at him.

  The anger still burned bright in his eyes, and he gripped my wrists tight in his hand. "Are you fucking kidding me? Do you think I take the time to talk to a woman … ever?"

  "I thought you were just being niii—” His fingers found my clit, and I gasped, fighting for air as Rem touched me where no one had touched me before. "Oh, God." I closed my eyes and let the sensation flow through me. His touch was gentle, but I could feel the roughness of his fingers, rough from real work. The thought only turned me on more.

  "No, darling. I wasn't being nice. I want inside this pussy. I've wanted to possess you since the moment I saw you." His fingers pressed harder against my center, and I felt his thumb play at my entrance. I could feel the wetness gathering, and I was feeling an ache from deep within. "Now I'm through with this courting bullshit. I tried to do this the right way, but it's clear you need a good, hard fucking to get through to you."

  His thumb was right at my entrance, and I arched my back as much as I could. I groaned as my inner muscles started aching for something more.

  In that moment, lust completely consumed my mind. I was so ready to be taken, to be owned. I didn't care how he was doing it. In fact I loved this brutal part of him. This was my fantasy for the past week coming true.

  "That's it, baby. Show me how much you want me inside you."

  I moaned like a wanton slut and pushed back at him. Rem removed his thumb, and his two fingers that were toying with my clit slid an inch up to push inside me. I whimpered as my muscles clamped around him, finally giving them something to hug. It felt so good I went up on my toes to get his fingers deeper. Rem pushed my hips back down with the hand that still held my wrists behind my back. "Keep still and take what I give you."

  My body answered his words with another rush of moisture. He was my master in every way. Fortunately, he showed me mercy and let his fingers go deeper. I groaned into the table. I felt his fingers move in exploration, as if he was looking for something. My panting filled my ears as he took his time.

  "There it is," he said after a few moments. He rubbed at something inside me. "There's that sweet cherry." I opened my eyes and looked over my shoulder at him, silently begging him to take it. "I thought I would break it with my fingers, but looking at you now I want to break it over my cock.”

  I bit my lip and begged him with his eyes.

  I whimpered as his fingers lef
t me to attack his belt. I was leaning over too far to see, but I suddenly felt something warm and hard prodding my slick folds.

  "Rem," I whispered, suddenly scared. I did want this, but it was happening so fast.

  He looked away from our bodies to my eyes.

  "Baby, everything is all right." He released my hands slowly and laid them on the table by my head. Then his fingers slid on top of mine and I felt his chest against my back. His lips nuzzled my ear. "You are mine now, and I take care of what’s mine."

  Then he stood back up, and I felt one hand on my lower back, keeping me pressed to the table. The other went between us to place his cock at my entrance.

  I tensed for a second, but then he rubbed the head up and down my slit, hitting my clit and teasing my pussy. I relaxed again, eager for his entry. I couldn’t help the whimper that escaped my lips as he began to push inside.

  The initial presence of Rem inside me felt good, but it started to hurt as Rem went deeper. He used both hands to hold my hips as I squirmed to adjust. He couldn't possibly go further. Then he gripped my shoulder with one hand and made one quick, hard thrust into me.

  I cried out and raked my nails on the table beneath me. I was so full. I felt burning and stretching where I never felt anything before. It was on the tip of my tongue to tell him to stop it hurt so much.

  He leaned forward so his lips were at my ear. "That's it, baby. Take every inch of your man." One hand came around to wrap around my throat while the other slid up my front to push my shirt and bra over my breasts. He ran his palm over my nipple, finding the hard point, and then he plucked at it, causing my back to bow and he slid a little deeper.

  "Tell me what you feel," he whispered as he continued to caress my chest.

  I was panting when I lifted my head to speak. "It hurts."

  I could feel his smile against my ear. With a firm grip on my neck, he took us back into a standing position. The hand around my throat turned my head so our lips met.

  Our first kiss was fierce as he thrust his tongue deeply, and I met him eagerly. It was wet and messy, but I loved it. His mouth commanded mine. It should disturb me that Rem took my virginity before he actually kissed me, but I didn’t care. He was kissing me now, and I could feel his passion in every sweep of his tongue.


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