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Reign Over Me (The Covenant Book 1)

Page 16

by Gwendolyn Casey

  After a couple moments, I said, “It must have been hard raising Rem on your own.”

  She shook her head. “I’m sure your dad had the same struggles. Although, I don’t imagine you were a rebellious teenager.”

  “Not really,” I admitted. “So Rem was rebellious?”

  “I can’t tell you how many times I was woken up by a police officer pounding on my door. He was lucky he never went to juvie.” She sighed. “Greyson was a big help, though. Rem just needed a little guidance.”

  Sharon stopped talking and just looked out the window, as if she was thinking about something she hadn’t thought about in a while.

  I decided to let her reflect instead of trying to something.

  “Oh, here we go,” she said after a few moments. She stood up, and I followed her to the window.

  Rem stood next to the running lawn mower talking to a skinny blonde. I couldn’t say she was ugly or too old, but you could see the desperation in her body language. She kept playing with her hair and touching him at awkward moments. I might have been jealous if it didn’t look so pathetic.

  We looked on as Rem grew more annoyed and tried to back away, but she only moved closer. I giggled as we watched him struggle.

  I could go out there and mark my territory but I figured this was a just punishment for not telling me that we were going to meet his mother.

  “Are you going to go out there?” Sharon said.

  I shrugged, completely unsympathetic. “He can handle it.”

  She smiled. “We’re going to get along just fine.”


  “Are you coming to the party tonight?” Amy asked me the next morning as we sat across from each other at breakfast.

  There is a party tonight? I didn’t even know about it, but that was not surprising. Rem had a thing about keeping me all to himself and we rarely came downstairs after the sun went down. I didn’t mind most of the time. I’d witnessed enough debauchery the first weekend to last a lifetime, and that was usually what happened after dark in this place anyway. That being the case, I asked, “So what’s the difference between a party and what happens every other night?”

  “We invite people to a party. Other nights they just show up,” Duncan chimes in as he sat down next to me.

  “Are the old ladies coming?” I don’t imagine having much fun without the other ladies there. Without them, it was just the Hearts and hang-arounds. With the exception of Amy, they did nothing but hang all over the guys, even the members in relationships. It was all about sex and attention. That was my reason for keeping Rem upstairs when I could.

  Duncan shrugged. “How the hell should I know?”

  I turned back to Amy. “I’ll be there.”

  She smiled and said, “What are you going to—”

  “Are you sure Rem is okay with that?” Duncan cut in.

  I waved it off. “I’m sure it’s fine … and he can’t stop me anyway,” I said with confidence, but the look on Duncan’s face told me that the lie was obvious. Rem could totally stop me. But, according to Beyoncé, the woman’s power of persuasion could build a nation. It was time I put mine to the test.

  Later at the salon, I convinced Michelle and Lydia to come with very little effort. Michelle’s mother would take the kids overnight, and I rescheduled all their appointments for tomorrow so they could close the shop in case of massive hangovers.

  “I want to party hard, and that usually means I don’t walk the next day,” Lydia said. She promised to come to the clubhouse a little early to do my hair and makeup. It was my first Aces party as an old lady, so we were going to celebrate.

  A couple hours before the party, I asked Duncan to distract Rem when Lydia got here so I could get ready.

  “Sure,” he said. “For a hand-job.”

  I gave him a dead look. “How about you do it and then I don’t tell Rem that you asked me that?”

  His smirk disappeared. He knew Rem was possessive to the point of crazy, which was why I had to be ready before I told him I wanted to go to the party.

  Lydia arrived soon after, and we locked ourselves in my room. Luckily, Duncan managed to keep Rem away long enough to get ready.

  When I looked in the mirror, I saw Carrie Underwood staring back at me. The big curls made my hair look thick, and the highlights stood out perfectly. The makeup was bold with smoky eyes, but she kept my lips a soft pink.

  Oh, yeah, there is no way Rem is saying no to this.

  I decided to keep going with the country chic so I threw on some daisy dukes and a soft white fitted t-shirt that showed a little cleavage. I added a belt with a faux rodeo buckle and my cowboy-inspired half boots.

  “Cute,” Lydia said as she changed into black leather pants and a sparkly top. She did touch ups on her hair and makeup before picking up her phone.

  “Michelle just texted me, so let’s head down.”

  She was about to open the door, but Rem opened it first. He looked confused to see Lydia, but then he turned his eyes to me. They traveled down my body slowly and then shot back up to my face, an expression of lust and anger mixing on his face.

  “I’ll see you down there,” I said to Lydia so she could get out of the line of fire.

  When the door closed, he walked toward me slowly. It took everything I had not to back up, but I stood my ground.

  Chapter Thirty


  When I stepped into the room, I was already in a foul mood because of Duncan. The kid had kept me busy for an hour claiming his bike wouldn’t start. He worked in the garage, too, but he said he needed my help because he couldn’t figure it out. After I searched for all the things that could be broken, I noticed that throttle cable was cut. Duncan just shrugged and said, “Well I’ll be damned.”

  Now I know the reason he was distracting me and it was standing in front of me looking like a biker’s wet dream. Daisy dukes, tight t-shirt, and boots with her hair curled.

  “You are not going to the party,” I said simply.

  She put her hands on her hips and stuck out her chest. “And why not?”

  I had to swallow a growl as I saw her cleavage try to spill out.

  “It’s not safe.” And I was not talking about her safety. She was showing off way too much skin, especially in those shorts. All I could think about was letting my fingers fit under the tight fabric and cupping those perfect cheeks. I just knew that if any man looked at her, he would think the same thing, and I couldn’t allow that. If she went downstairs, I was going to end up hurting someone.

  That reminded me that I needed to get her cut made with a property patch. I was looking forward to seeing her in a cut with my name on the back, making it all official. I also wanted her to get a tattoo, but that would take some convincing.

  “I’ll stay with the girls the whole time,” Isabel said as she slinked forward, pushing her tits into my chest and wrapping her arms around my neck. “Or you can be my bodyguard.” She pulled my head down and took my mouth in a sweet kiss, giving me small licks with her tongue.

  I gripped her hair and pulled her head back with a rough tug. She gasped and looked up at me. “If you are trying to use your body to convince me to let you go to the party, it won’t work. I’m not the type to be led around by my dick.” Then I kissed her hard and deep, ready to take her against the wall. It pissed me off that she thought she could manipulate me with sex. It was time to remind her who was boss.

  Isabel struggled against me, but I held her tight. “You can’t keep me locked in a room forever, Rem. I want to go to the party.”

  “No. Why don’t you get on your knees and suck my dick instead? Your cute attempt at seduction got me hard.”

  She froze in my arms and looked up at me. Then something happened. It started in her lips, a trembling. Then her eyebrows came down and her eyes squinted, wetness appearing at the corners.

  Oh, fuck.

  She squeezed her lids closed, and the tears slid down her face. She was crying, really crying.

>   What do I do?

  For the first time in my life, I was utterly lost on what to do. My woman was crying, and I caused it. I had women cry over me before, but I never cared enough for it to affect me.

  What do I do?

  She pushed me away, but I kept hold of her arms, wanting to keep her close.

  “Why would you say that to me?” She sniffled. “Am I just another whore to you?”

  “No, damn it. I just—” I didn’t even know how to explain.

  She pushed again, and I let her go. She went over to the bed, putting distance between us. “I want you to leave. I’ll stay in the room, but I don’t want you here.”

  I walked toward her but didn’t try to touch her. “I’m sorry, Isabel. I shouldn’t have spoken to you that way.”

  She still didn’t look at me. I knew there was only one way out of this.

  “If it will make you happy, I’ll take you downstairs to the party,” I said.

  She shook her head. “I’ve been crying. I can’t go now looking all puffy.”

  I got a little closer and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her back to my chest. “I think you look beautiful. Just go to the bathroom and see for yourself. Then we’ll go downstairs.” When she still didn’t move, I said, “The girls will be expecting you.”

  “Yeah, okay,” she grumbled and walked to the bathroom, closing the door.

  After a few minutes, she came out looking a little better. She accepted my hand when I offered it, and I led her to the door.

  I’d have to get the prospects to help me protect her tonight, but even with their help I’d probably still end the night with bloody knuckles.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  I felt a little guilty. After all, Rem’s comment about getting on my knees didn’t actually offend me. In fact, I was turned on by how dirty it was. But I was determined to have my way. While Rem was wonderful, I did need to get out of our space for a while. It was also useful to know that sex was not a weapon against Rem, but tears worked like a charm. I would have to remember that in desperate situations.

  When we made it downstairs, we danced a slow song together and I cuddled into him to let him know everything was okay. He really was a good man.

  I spotted Lydia and Michelle at the bar and waved them over. Rem said, “I’ll be watching you. Have fun but behave.” After he left, the girls and I proceeded to walk in a triangle every fifteen minutes. It started at the dance floor, then to the bar for sips of our drinks, followed by the bathroom and ending back at the dance floor.

  After our third time, the alcohol had settled in and I was feeling good.

  I was dancing with the girls when I felt hands grab me. I knew it wasn’t Rem. The fingers were too skinny and nails bit into my skin. I looked over my shoulder to find one of the hang-arounds. I didn’t know his name, but he was ugly with a long icky beard and a pockmarked face. I turned in his arms and put my hands on his chest to push away gently.

  “Sorry but I have a boyfriend,” I said with a sad smile. This technique usually worked with college boys.

  Unfortunately, I forgot that bikers did not take rejection very well.

  “Yeah, right.” He pulled me closer by grabbing my ass under my shorts.

  “Hey,” I yelled and shoved him hard. He backed up a few steps but kept hold of my arm.

  He tried to pull me back to him, but someone stepped in between us and grabbed the man’s wrist. Rem.

  He released my arm, and I immediately stepped behind Rem. I heard him growl, “Back off, Warren.”

  The man scoffed. "What is this? Is she club pussy or not?"

  "She is my old lady."

  "I don't see a property patch."

  "It doesn't matter. I'm the VP here. If I say she is off limits, then you back the fuck off."

  "What if I don't feel like it?" Warren stepped directly in front of Rem so their chests were nearly touching. I got the feeling that Warren's resentment for Rem went beyond simple cock-blocking.

  "You want to challenge me, Warren? Just say the word."

  By then, the crowd around us began to watch and it was quiet except for the music. I saw several of the Aces move slowly toward us, ready to back up their VP.

  "Challenge," Warren said loud and clear.

  Rem smiled and turned toward the door. "Let's go."

  Everyone started moving toward the exit. I grabbed Lydia as she passed. "What is going on?"

  "It's a challenge. They are heading out to the ring to settle their differences."

  I gasped. "What? They are going to fight?"

  "Sweetie, these men are not the type to talk-it-out. They have an issue, it gets settled physically."

  I had to admit that Rem was better at expressing himself physically than verbally. But this just seemed barbaric. I followed Lydia to the front of the group and Michelle tagged along. When I got there, Rem was waiting for me. He slipped off his cut and t-shirt and handed them to me.

  "Is this really necessary?" I whispered.

  "You bet your sweet ass it is." He kissed me swiftly and then pulled himself into the ring. Someone turned on the large lights high on the clubhouse, so the ring was lit up like a Madison Square Garden.

  Things started slow with the opponents circling each other.

  Lydia leaned into me. “I’m looking forward to this.”


  “Warren has been a hang-around for a while now, but none of the brothers like him and he is pretty skeevy with women. You know the Aces don’t go for that, so he’ll never make prospect.” Lydia smiled toward the ring. “Hopefully he’ll take the hint after Rem kicks his ass.”

  I looked back toward the ring. Lydia seemed confident that Warren would be the loser, but I still cringed at each punch Warren threw. Rem stepped away from each attempt but kept his eyes on Warren.

  “Come on, pussy,” Warren taunted.

  Warren kept punching air as Rem kept getting out of the way. His jabs were getting sloppy as his frustration grew. Then he threw a punch and Rem blocked it with his left arm. Warren was caught off guard, so Rem delivered a straight punch right into his nose.

  Warren stumbled back and covered his bleeding nostrils. “Son of a bitch,” he whined. With rage bright on his face, he ran at Rem, meaning to tackle him. But Rem was ready and absorbed Warren’s charge by planting his feet. He trapped Warren against his stomach and slammed his elbow into the other man’s back. Then he pushed him away by the shoulders and gave him a right hook.

  Warren fell against the ropes but didn’t go down. After a few seconds, he came back at Rem with wild swings.

  Rem was obviously the better fighter as he avoided every blow and landed an uppercut in between Warren’s punches. Then Rem went on the offensive, landing each hit swiftly and powerfully. Warren tried to hit back, but the swings were weak. He was fading fast.

  Rem's muscles bunched and rippled with the power of each blow. He dominated this fight as he did so many things.

  I felt my body begin to heat and cream gathering in my panties. I shook my head. Why am I turned on? Fighting never affected me this way before, but here I was, getting wet for Rem like some MMA fan girl. Every move he made seemed to send a jolt of lightning down to my pussy. He was so strong, and all I could think about was feeling that strength fucking me deep and hard.

  With one last punch, Warren was on the floor with his eyes closed. Everyone let out a cheer at Rem's victory. He hopped out of the ring and stalked toward me, receiving several shoulder pats along the way. I felt dizzy as he got closer. "You okay, babe?"

  I looked up at him. "Yeah … are you okay?"

  "Just fine." He was so hot and sexy in that moment that I knew exactly what I wanted to do. He reached for his shirt, but I pulled it behind my back. I looked over his shoulder and saw that everyone was heading inside.

  "Come on." I took his hand and led him toward the side of the building.

  "Are you still mad?"

  Once we were in
the darkness, I pushed him against the building, dropped his shirt, and cut on the ground in front of him. Then I dropped to my knees and began pulling on his belt. I needed to have him in my mouth. For the first time, I actually craved the taste of his cock. I wanted to worship this man and knew the only way to do that was to pleasure him. But at the same time, it was for my pleasure, too. I needed to feel his hardness pulsing on my tongue. I wanted to swallow his cum as if it were ambrosia.

  He was semi hard by the time I freed him from his jeans. I took as much as I could into my mouth and sucked hard. I wanted his dick at full mast so I could worship it properly.

  I felt his hand in my hair. He did not push, but he didn't let me move away either. "Look at me."

  My eyes went to his as I began to lick and suckle his cock. He looked back at me with a feral lusty gaze, as if he wanted to shove the whole thing in my mouth but was holding himself back.

  I’d never done this before, so I was nervous about pleasing him. It didn’t take long before I had Rem at his full length and girth. It was truly a wonder. So thick that my hand struggled to accommodate it and the length was perfect to fit inside me, as if we were made for each other.

  The thought had me sucking the head into my mouth and trying to take in as much as I could without my teeth scraping. Rem hissed and gripped my hair even harder. Encouraged, I dipped my head again and again, trying to take a little more each time. I went faster as his hand began to push gently. I brought my hand up and stroked the length that was already soaking in saliva.

  “Fuck, Isabel.”

  I leaned back and gave him a smile, panting from the effort. Then I licked and nibbled along the bottom before taking his cock into my throat again. I could taste the saltiness of his cum and wanted to swallow every drop.

  I’d finally found my rhythm when his hand dragged me back by my hair. "Enough."

  "No," I said as he lifted me to my feet. "I want to taste your cum."

  "Too-fucking-bad." He picked me up by my thighs and dropped my ass on the metal picnic table. He quickly pushed my panties and shorts to the side and entered me with a hard thrust. "Fuck, you’re so wet."


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