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The Prince of Cups (Villainess Book 2)

Page 14

by Melos,Alana

  “I wouldn’t say we don’t have a chan--” Siren began, but I talked right over her.

  “It’s my home,” I said, frowning deeply. “No one fucks with what’s mine.”

  Regulus threw up his hands and turned away from me, pacing for a moment. “And you said you weren’t self-destructive,” he said. He jabbed a finger at the door, “Taking that on? That’s suicide, and it’s what I wanted to avoid. We can get out, nice and clean, easy as pie. It’s the perfect job, no muss, no fuss. Everything went according to plan, and do you know how rarely that happens? It doesn’t.” He shook his head, “It never happens.”

  “They’re going to be right on our heels, Gerard,” I said. “And you know they’re going to go to Imperial City first… or if not first, then second. It’ll be high on the list because it’s metahuman central and they’ll want to neutralize us first. They wouldn’t be doing this if they didn’t think they had a chance, and a good one, considering the ass whooping they got last time.”

  “I don’t think we really got--” Siren started, but Regulus cut her off.

  “So we disappear somewhere else for a couple weeks,” he said. “We’ll go to the Bahamas or Paris or Italy or anywhere but where they are. It’ll be easy to avoid the hot zones until the heroes have taken care of them.”

  I rounded on Rebekah, “Do you want to go to a place that’s going to be infested with the cockroaches you’re running from?”

  “No, but--” she said. Once I heard the no, I turned back to Regulus and scowled at him.

  “She doesn’t want to go back to a Nazi infested world either, and that’s two against one,” I snarled.

  “I didn’t say--” Rebekah started, but Regulus approached me. We were locked in a staredown, and both of us missed what she said.

  “It’s not the smart move,” he said, his voice even as he enunciated the words slowly and carefully. “We don’t have the manpower or the resources to even begin to slow them down, much less stop them.”

  “I don’t care,” I said. “It’s my home. My world. No one fucks with my stuff but me.”

  “Will you two let me speak?!” Rebekah half-shouted, lowering her voice at the last word as she remembered where she was. Regulus and I both turned to look at her, and we arched our eyebrows as one. “Alright, uhm… we… they, I mean, they’re invading, yes, but it’s not to occupy. It’s to destroy. What, uhm, I’m sorry, what was your name again? Reece?”

  “Caprice,” I corrected.

  “What Reece was saying about the possibility of a bomb? True,” the Siren said, frowning. “So they’re not going to infest the world, they’re going to blow the crap out of it.”

  I glanced to Gerard, who shrugged. “So we have until tomorrow to think of something,” I said.

  “We could go back and give Prime a warning,” Regulus immediately supplied. “That would be the most appropriate response, and it would assuage your conscience, so you can let it go.”

  “What if they don’t believe us?” I asked him.

  “Have her do it,” he said, upnodding towards the Night Siren. “She can be a defector, bringing them valuable intel.”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head and making a wide negative gesture with her arms much like her father had done a few minutes ago. “No, no, no. I’m not going to work for some organization again, or even turning myself into them. You know what they do to criminals there? Especially war criminals, of which they’ll consider me one? Forget it!”

  I fixed Regulus with a look. “I’m not leaving until we at least try,” I said.

  He looked back and forth between the two of us. When I looked over at Rebekah, she was biting her lip, looking back and forth between Regulus and I, her fingers working absently on one of the buttons of her uniform. How she became a captain, I would never know, nor understand.

  Shaking his head, I knew he gave in. I didn’t know why, but all I cared at the moment was that he was giving in. I’d find the reason why later. “Fine, fine,” he said. “I can’t argue against two lovely ladies.”

  “Good,” I said as I smiled. “Now we just need to come up with…” I trailed off as I thought about my encounter last night. “Say, Rebekah, are they using the vampires on this?”

  She jumped, glancing furtively over her shoulder. “Vampires? What? Huh?”

  “The vampires,” I said, watching her. That wasn’t the reaction I was expecting. “I met Nosferatu last night… I know he’s their leader.”

  I heard rather than saw Regulus’ facepalm. “Reece,” he said. “Don’t. Don’t mess with them.”

  “No, no,” I insisted. “If they are, and if we can at least get them to stand down, then that’s a whole bunch of power we don’t have to worry about. So, are they?”

  “Ye-e-e-essss….” she said, the word trailing off as she looked around at the wall, the portal behind us, everywhere but at me.

  “What are you hiding?” I asked. Her mouth opened to speak, but then the door handle turned. In an instant, Regulus and I reached out with our minds and told the incoming scientists we weren’t here, while Rebekah melted into darkness.

  We’ve been here too long, Regulus sent. It’s a wonder we haven’t drawn any more attention.

  Let’s go back to the hotel then, plan there, I said. If nothing else, we can just use the small portal before the invasion and give them a head’s up… but we have most of a day to figure out something.

  I pointed towards the door and made a walking motion with my fingers as Regulus nodded to me. I could only assume as we slipped out that Rebekah was with us, and sure enough, as we strode down the hallway towards the exit, she coalesced out of the darkness to join us.

  “That was close!” she whispered.

  “Not really,” I said. “We’re going back to a quieter place, where we can plan.”

  “Oh, OK,” she said, bobbing her head. She trailed along behind her elders as we strode out.

  ~ ~ ~

  An hour later found us in the hotel room. I took off my cap and jacket with some relief and sat down hard on the bed, leaning back. Rebekah looked the place over nervously as Gerard watched us both, thinking dirty thoughts about the two of us in bed together with him.

  Stop it, I sent to him. Truce, remember?

  How can I stop? Seeing the two of you together, on the eve of my death… grant an old man his dying wish? He smirked at me. I scoffed, waving a hand dismissively towards him.

  “Jeez, I wish you two would stop that,” the Siren said, flopping down in an armchair. “That creeps me out, that you’re talking without talking? Creeeeeeeepy.”

  You’re not dying. Yet, I sent back, as I started to unwind my braid.

  I will be if we go through with your plan, he shot back, then turned towards his daughter as he took off his jacket and folded it neatly. “It’s more ‘creepy’ for us, seeing you there without really seeing you,” he said, smiling his boyish grin. “It’s sure a neat trick. That and the smoke thing.”

  “It’s not really smoke….” she said, kicking her feet absently. “It’s, uhm, hard to explain.”

  “Try,” he urged.

  “That’s not important right now,” I snapped. “Rebekah, the vampires, what are you hiding?”

  “Uhm,” she said, looking the floor. “We’re… they’re phasing them out. The wolves too.”

  “Wolves?” I asked looking around at both of them. They nodded in unison. I saw the family resemblance, now that I could take a moment to study them both side by side. The height was the same, and the thin lips and straight jawline, but she’d gotten her eyes and nose from her mother, making her look younger than she actually was. Of course, her attitude wasn’t helping with that either.

  “Werewolves,” Regulus interjected. “Vamps and wolves, the center of the Occulten Miliz.” I reviewed the memories I had seen in Nazferatu’s head. Although other creatures of the night were in the Occulten Miliz as well as the vamps and the werewolves, they were fairly rare. Either they were never that popul
ous to begin with, or they’d been killed, hunted down over the years.

  “That doesn’t make much sense, using things you’d not… think of as pure for the master race,” I observed. I was about to abandon that thought when Siren shifted uncomfortably, and Regulus picked up on it.

  “They’re not just phasing them out, are they?” he asked. “They’re cleansing them.”

  “Well, yeah,” she said. “You don’t just leave a weapon that dangerous lying around, you know?”

  “Why does that make you uncomfortable?” he asked, his voice mild as he unbuttoned his cuffs and rolled up his sleeves.

  “Who knows if they’re going to stop there?” she said in a burst of words. “I’m not normal, you know that already. What if I’m not super enough?”

  “You’re part of Übermensch,” Gerard said softly. “They won’t cleanse you. They’d harvest you. They spent a lot of money perfecting us.”

  “Harvest, cleanse, it’s all the same thing!” she exclaimed, throwing up her arms in exasperation. “I don’t wanna die!”

  With that reminder, I wanted to ask him about the program which created him, but decided to wait until we were alone. Although we talked over Rebekah easily enough, I didn’t know if she knew he wasn’t real, that he was a clone. It might freak her out.

  “What else can you tell us about that, Rebekah?” I asked. “The extermination, that is.”

  “One at a time,” she said. “You know, ‘transferring’ them to different posts, saying they died in battle… about the typical for any officer removal.” She snorted, “They don’t just retire here. Too many secrets. Unless they, you know, know how to work the system.”

  “Nosferatu can’t know this,” I said, my mind reeling. If she was right, then this would be even better than just asking him to step aside. I hadn’t been sure he would have, but with this bit of knowledge, he couldn’t help but to take offense since it was because of him and his actions they’d won their war. Not only that, but… we could offer them sanctuary on our world. A bunch of battle crazed vampires and werewolves unleashed upon Prime? It was my world, and I did want to protect it from outsiders, true… but I also wanted chaos to reign there, and this would be a great way to get a bunch of powerful beings indebted to me for something I was going to do anyway.

  “You’re thinking interesting thoughts, Reece,” Gerard said, reading my mind. “It’s worth a shot… but talking to them is dangerous enough. Are you sure you want to go through with this?”

  “Of course I’m sure,” I said, standing up. “Will we have to wait for nightfall?”

  “Probably,” Gerard replied, scratching his chin for a moment. “I don’t know where they lair, though.”

  “Me either,” Rebekah added.

  “I can find him,” I said. “Get us some food.”

  Gerard graced me with another one of his dark smirks, but I could tell he wasn’t happy I’d taken over. Oh well, he was just going to have to live with it. I sat down on the bed once more and shut out the sounds of movement around me. As I withdrew from Regulus’ mind to search for Nosferatu telepathically, they talked quietly amongst themselves. I stretched out my mental senses as far as I could, looking for that one particular signature I knew so well. Nosferatu, I called softly, trying not to shout in case any Schattenkraft were close by and listening. Nosferatu, I’ve something for you, I called again, then waited, listening for any whispers, any snags in my telepathic lines to indicate he might have heard me.

  I didn’t get an answer, nor did I sense him. Fingers brushed against my cheek, and I glanced up at Gerard. Maybe both of us? he asked.

  Maybe, I replied. When he connected our minds, I slammed my shields down on everything else, so that he only saw what I wanted him to see. I didn’t want him roaming through my thoughts while I was distracted. When he felt the shields he tsked at me, but with his power combined with my augmented ability, we covered damn near the whole city. This time we found him, somewhere deep underground below the city, sleeping with his progeny. Unlike my Nosferatu, he almost never gave the body back to his host, preferring to keep him locked and chained. Or maybe… it was because the host was weak willed, and Michael was not. I would have to study it more. His dreams, such as they were, loomed large and dark in my mind. I caught only flashes, wisps of memories that he tried to hold on to. It was harder every day for him. He’d forgotten more than I’d ever known. It was almost sad.

  Nosferatu, I called only to him. Nosferatu, wake.

  He didn’t move a muscle, but his mind snapped awake in an instant. Miss Caprice, he said, his mental voice almost formal. Both Gerard and I sensed his lust as he thought about his memories from the night before, and Gerard slipped a hand onto my thigh in real time. You… hunger?

  I have a proposition for you, for your people, I told him. I hesitated for a moment. Should I tell him now, or have a meeting with him? If I met with him, I could potentially convince him through seduction if he wouldn’t budge otherwise. Can I have a meeting with you?

  Another meeting, he thought, mentally licking his lips. He remembered very well fucking on top of the corpse, and I couldn’t help but to see his glee at the memories. Of course.

  Just tell me when and where, I replied, feeling my body heat up from his lascivious thoughts. My companion wasn’t helping either as he began kissing my neck, his hands roaming over my still body. Opening my eyes for a quick peek told me Rebekah wasn’t in the room, so I allowed Gerard to continue. As he unbuttoned my shirt and slipped a hand inside to cup my breast, thoughts of a threesome with the vampire danced through his mind into mine. Trying to keep those thoughts from spilling over into said vampire, I only vaugely felt Gerard move my hand to circle his cock, out and hard.

  Nazferatu gave me the address and specified ‘just after nightfall’, so we would have plenty of time to make the meeting and not so much to foil the invasion. Distracted, I thanked him and broke the contact. As soon as I did, Gerard kissed me hard. As I came fully to my external senses, I began stroking him. What about Rebekah? I asked.

  She went to get food and clothes for us, he sent back, unbuttoning my trousers. And let her walk in. I don’t care. I just want to fuck.

  You’re insatiable, I sent, sighing softly as he pinched my nipple. He slid his hand inside the cup and brought my breast out, bending his head to bite my tender skin. God damn….

  So are you, he thought teasingly. I stroked him faster, but he didn’t need much encouragement. His thoughts were still halfway on Rebekah, but mostly he wanted sex, and his desire positively infected me. It spilled into me like hot water, setting me aflame me wherever he touched. Our lust joined together and danced around each other. His want was stained so many different colors, and I caught upon one which we probably wouldn’t have a chance otherwise to fulfill: he loved fucking women in uniform, specifically the one I was wearing now.

  Feeling generous, I floated my abandoned cap over to me as he laved his tongue upon my neck then bit hard, near the healing bite but not directly on it due to the bandage. The high necked collar had helped to hide the bandage, but now that my shirt was undone, it was exposed as my breasts were, spilling out of my bra due to his roaming hands. His fingers worked my nipples restlessly, flicking and caressing them, then pinching them soft to hard. They were aching, sending shivers of sexual energy throughout my body, making me want him more and more. I stroked his threads of lust gently, encouraging the feeling as he’d taught me to do so well.

  I fluffed my hair so that it tumbled over my shoulders and put the cap on, then slid off of the bed. He saw my intent and smiled, two of his fetishes being pulled upon hard enough that thoughts of any others left his mind. He so loved being dominant, and the uniform…. Gerard was almost beside himself, and he touched my cheek gently, guiding my mouth to his waiting length. I licked him slowly from base to tip, then let the head of his cock rest there on my lips, the shaft of it between my small breasts. I looked up at him. His lips were parted, and while he gently thrust my
direction, he didn’t try to force it. Without taking my eyes off of him, I wrapped my lips around the head and sucked slowly.

  “Yes, Reece,” he murmured, biting his lip. “I love it when you suck me.”

  I stopped for a moment to answer him, “I think I owe you for last night.”

  Surprisingly, he shook his head, locks of blond hair falling over his brow, “No. No you don’t.” He bent over and kissed me. “That wasn’t what that was about.”

  It didn’t matter. I went back to his cock, taking him once more into my mouth as he leaned back to enjoy the sensations. As I slipped my lips over his hard flesh, I worked my tongue back and forth, teasing him. The further down I went, the more my tongue slid over him, licking him as I sucked him into my mouth. He pressed the mental connection between us a little harder, and I knew where and how to touch him, to graze my lips ever so lightly over the top of his cock which made him shudder, then to lick harder on the way down again, adding pressure. Gerard moaned, grabbing my head and urging me down, until I took almost all of him in my mouth. I even generously ignored the fact of his hand on my head, which I normally hated during going down on a guy. They’d be wise not to push too hard, or they’d… well, use your imagination.

  “Yes,” he gasped. “Just like that. Make me come, Reece.”

  I continued to pump his cock, taking him in fast, then withdrawing slow. Each bob of my head was accompanied by a thrust of his hips as he strove to get in deeper. When he was getting close and his pleasure spilled into me, I moaned with it, adding vibrations to the blow. It rumbled through him, causing his breath to come short. The edge of ecstasy lay within my grasp, so I backed off just enough so I could fit my hand around the base of his length. I worked him with both at the same time, a tight grip around him, lubricated by my mouth, and sucked the tip. He shot over the top, and we both cried out as he came in my mouth, my moans muffled by his cock.

  I drank him down as he spasmed and twitched, licking his cock gently to ease him off of his high. Even though I’d come with him too, I was still ready to go, wanting to feel him in me, wanting him to fuck me hard. His cock slipped from my mouth and came to rest between my semi-clothed breasts.


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