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Burn (Drift Book 3)

Page 11

by Michael Dean

  Sheriff Taylor just nodded his head. “Do you need a ride home, son?”

  “No, but thanks. I’ll get myself home. Take care, Sheriff.”

  “Take care, son.” He waved goodbye before placing his hands on his hips.

  I took my time going home, walking the whole way. I thought about what just happened and what I must do next. So many times now in my journey here in Mountainside, I’ve been discovered for what I truly am. This was becoming commonplace now; people finding out that I was a demon. There was no sense in hiding it anymore. The fight that I was putting up to disguise myself from humans was almost as tough as my quest of Diccittidel. The only difference was I was losing the battle to hide who I really was.

  When I got home a couple hours later, I knew I would have no visitors that night, and for that matter, for awhile. I didn’t feel like hanging around at my spot since I wasn’t going to be graced by the company of even Shadow anymore. So, when dusk hit, I took to the skies.

  I flew around for awhile before deciding to land at the highest point on the Eagle Peak Mountain Range. It was near the spot where I met up with all three council members for the first time and fought Darryl. I could see it clearly from up here, along with pretty much everything else.

  Shortly after I landed I saw two white winged creatures soaring down from the heavens in my direction. Bright light surrounded them, and as usual, the light dimmed the closer they got. Just yards away, the two figures landed and eased into a stroll when they did so. I knew who it was.

  “Argento…Elysia. Hello,” I called out.

  “Hello, Leo.” Argento spoke as the two of them lowered their white hoods and pulled out their very long blond hair out from under it.

  “What brings the two of you here on this night…stalking me?” I greeted them with a joke.

  “An order of congratulations, my dear boy, brings us here,” Argento answered.


  “Of course. First you’ve taken out the Goyle Queen, Agrelia, now you’ve defeated one of the mightiest foes Heaven as ever seen in Shimmer. Well done.”

  “Not without some help…in more ways than one. I couldn’t have done it without you two…thank you.” I nodded to Elysia, who did the same in return to me with a smile.

  “What does Heaven think about this…alliance with a Drift Demon?” I added.

  “Alliance? There’s no alliance here.” Argento flashed a patronizing grin.

  “So…it wasn’t you that brought down the lightning? Only angels can do something that powerful.”

  This was something I was curious about, the source of the lightning that had helped me not once, but twice. I knew they had to be responsible.

  The two of them looked to each other sharply before Argento spoke further. “We don’t deny using earth’s elements in assistance of certain…needs, but we don’t dictate what happens after that.” They both continued to grin at me.

  “I see. Well, anyway, thank you.”

  Both of them bowed but never said “you’re welcome” verbally, but I knew what they meant.

  “Is that all? You’ve met up with me tonight just to exchange pleasantries?”

  “You’re very wise, Leo. No wonder you’re still alive.” Argento smiled and approached me. “I’m afraid, more counsel is in order.”

  The last time Elysia counseled me, it served me very well against Shimmer. I would have surely met my end if it wasn’t for the angel’s input, so needless to say, Argento instantly had my attention.

  “As you know, the time has come in your quest when you will be meeting a demon, more powerful than any foe you’ve ever met and twice as cunning. Of course I’m referring to your Demon Lord Christian.”

  “He’s no longer my Demon Lord.”

  “My apologies.” He grinned. “Elysia, if you would.” He extended his arm, directing his hand to step forward.

  “As Argento was saying, Leo, you know and have personally felt just how powerful Christian is, but like Shimmer, he too has secrets. Secrets that once exposed can only aid you in your endeavors.”

  “I’m sure he does,” I added.

  Elysia smiled and continued. “Christian possesses certain abilities that no other demon other than Bellock and Satan have…except for you.”

  “What abilities would those be?”

  “Your ability to turn to shadow form being one of them,” Argento chimed in.

  “But…all Drift Demons are able to do this…aren’t they?” I questioned.

  “No…they cannot. Only Christian, up to this point, could do this…until you. You share a power that only angels and the highest ranking demons like Christian possess,” Elysia added.

  “I thought all of us could do that. I had no idea.”

  “That’s what Christian wanted you to think. He’s known for quite some time that you both have similarities exclusive to only you two and the demons ranked above him.”

  “Why wouldn’t he bring that up to me, though? It’s not like it’s that big of a deal.”

  “Because…it scares him,” Argento said.

  “…and it is significant,” Elysia added.

  “Why is it significant?”

  “Because he knows it’s a sign of his strength and power. He knows you are stronger than most of your kind, but not as strong as him…” Elysia was interrupted by Argento.

  “Yet.” He smirked.

  “Yet?” I urged them to continue talking.

  “Do you have another ability, Leo?” Argento raised an eyebrow.

  “I guess…I’m not sure. You tell me. I can see things.” The pair looked at each other in surprise as I continued. “I saw exactly how Scruffy got to me in the caverns. He confirmed it when I told him what I saw. I even heard you call to him. I saw Shade sitting in my tree once when I was nowhere near her, and now I see a vision of these two girls…never mind.” I stopped myself, trying not to go too in depth.

  “You possess the gift of vision. Also a trait that only angels and high ranking demons have. This is how angels can keep up with multiple events unfolding on earth at one time. This is also how your Lord…excuse me, how Christian…is able to keep up with Drift Demons on earth. Just like how the other demons ranked above him keep tabs on him.”

  “But I can’t control anything. The visions usually pop up without warning, mostly in times of stress. I mean, I can stop, slow down, even back up the visions, well, some of them, but I can’t really dictate what I see in them. They just…unfold. Sometimes faces, or words are blurry and muffled, but then they clear up.”

  “It’s a mild form of vision, but nonetheless, you have the ability…and that, Leo, is a very powerful thing as well,” Argento added.

  “Why is it powerful?”

  “It gives you eyes where you have none. It also tells you things that will be, and have been. Visions even can clue you in on past lives when you lived in the physical realm…if you’re lucky,” Elysia said.

  “Like the lightning, you’re responsible for these…visions, too?”

  “As I said before, we use earth’s elements in an assistive manner, we don’t dictate how they are used. As for your visions, this has nothing to do with us…in any way whatsoever. This isn’t something conjured up by the heavens, this is solely within you. My advice to you…listen to them…pay attention, visions always serve the greater benefit of the beholder. I would also tell you to keep this particular strength you have to yourself. I don’t believe Christian knows about this. The less he knows about you, the better. I’d do my best to keep it from the humans, too. I wouldn’t tell them anymore than you already have.” Argento finished.

  I shook my head in agreement.

  “You’re an interesting character, Leo. I have a feeling that the mysteries of who you are, what you have within you, and what you’re capable of doing with those things will continue to come out. Your path to self discovery may have just begun, yet it seems well underway at the same time, and in that enigma I feel you will gather answe
rs to the things you know now, and the things you know nothing about…yet. As for the other questions you may have, that is why we are here, Leo, to keep the advice coming.” Argento smiled.

  “Why are you doing this for me?”

  “Christian has counsel from those that rank above him in Hell, it’s only fair that someone can extend you the same courtesy. Balance, Mr. Cutler…balance must always be maintained.”

  “Fair enough…is there any more counsel to offer me today?” I grinned.

  “Actually, there is just one more thing. There will be more advice I’m sure you’ll need later, but that isn’t necessary at this point. Only this…” He motioned for Elysia to take over.

  “Christian has the ability to physically manifest himself in many places at once. There have been times when you have directly encountered him while on earth, there were other times that it was merely a manifestation that kept you thinking it was him. It’s like having your vision, except not only does Christian possess vision, he can actually appear other places while being somewhere else without the help of a portal. Of course he cannot transport himself to the future or past, just the present,” Elysia informed me.

  “He’s a Doppelganger?” I questioned.

  “Well, that’s the human version, but we call him a ‘Throg,’” Elysia answered.

  “What’s the difference?”

  “It is believed in the physical world that when a human sees a Doppelganger, the spiritual manifestation of self, or in other terms, seeing yourself in the spirit form while you’re still alive, that it is a sign that death will come to the human who sees it. A Throg in the spiritual world is when a being can manifest him or herself in many places at once while being elsewhere—”

  I interrupted her. “What does this mean for me? He’ll use this as some sort of weapon?”

  “Of course he will,” Argento chimed in. “Christian will use whatever power he has to beat you. If he can use, say five manifestations besides himself, he will. Most beings are only powerful enough to share themselves up to five times, so as far as we know, he can’t go over that number.”

  “You’re saying that I might have to battle up to six Christians?” I said in shock.

  “Well, technically there is only one Christian…but yes…although they are weaker forms of him and not equipped with his full powers and abilities, you may still have to deal with that very possibility.”

  “Great…that’s encouraging. Is there anything else I need to know?” I said, discouraged.

  “Yes, but not now. In due time, Leo, in due time.”

  “Well, that has certainly given me enough to think about.”

  “That’s why we will stop here until next time. All we want to do is make you aware, Leo, that’s it.”

  “One more thing, Argento. I have the Demon Dagger. He hasn’t come for it yet, but I’m guessing he will, what should—”

  “He won’t,” Argento cut me off.

  “He won’t what?” I was confused.

  “He won’t come for the dagger.”

  “Wait…what? Why?”

  “Another time, Leo. For now, prepare for him. That’s all.”

  “I will. Thanks again…to both of you.”

  The two of them nodded and placed their hoods back over their heads. Their beautiful white wings extended and flapped them into the sky. There were out of sight in no time. I decided to stay and take in the sunset from where I was standing.

  Chapter 13


  The sun began to peek over the horizon and I watched the sky light up in a beautiful array of colors. The earth is truly a beautiful place. Before daybreak set in, I took off and went back home.

  For days I repeated this same routine. I avoided going into town for any reason, and during the day I mainly stuck to my spot and the forest that surrounded it. At night, I didn’t go over to Shade’s like I used to, I wanted to honor her and her family and give them some space until things got sorted out. I knew Shade wouldn’t mind me slipping in at night, but I think we both wanted to respect her mother and father’s wishes of distance, so instead of going to stay with her each night I’d take off to various locations around the state, country, even in space. I was incredibly lonely and missed her company, as well as my cat…who wasn’t a cat, after all.

  Then one day, about a week or so after the meeting at the small convention hall, I heard the sound of a car struggling up the hill to my spot. As usual, I laid low until I could see who it was. When the vehicle got to the top, I could see that it was a small, black pickup truck. When the dust settled, I could see that it was a little worse for wear. It had a few dents here and there with quite a few large paint chips as well.

  The door creaked and then slammed shut. It was Scruffy.

  “Leo! You here, man?” he shouted.

  I leaped from the tree I was hiding in and landed in front of him. This caused him to stumble backwards before falling on his butt. I laughed at him before reaching down to pull him back up.

  “Very funny…very funny.” He dusted himself off.

  “It was,” I kidded.

  “Good to see you, buddy.” He smiled as we shook hands and hugged.

  “Your parents know you’re here?”

  “Actually, yes, they do. They were concerned about you and wanted me to look in on ya.”

  “That’s really cool of ’em.” I bowed my head.

  “Even though you’re a demon, you’re still my friend. They know that. They might be uncomfortable about it, but at least they know everything now.”

  “Is that yours?” I pointed to the truck he pulled up in.

  “Yup, suuuuurrre is! Isn’t it sweet?” He jogged up and patted the hood.

  “Whatever you gotta tell yourself, buddy,” I harassed.

  “Hey…it’s more than what you’ve got at the moment,” he fired back.

  “Touché, sir.” I grinned.

  “I think my parents were a little embarrassed about Sandra having to come get me all the time, so they got me this.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to be able to take me for a ride soon?”

  “Hell, man, I can take you for one anytime. My parents are cool with us hanging out as long as we do it around them. Looks like you and I will be over at my house more often than not now, if ya wanna hang.”

  “I can handle that, bro.”

  “As a matter of fact, my parents want you to come over for dinner sometime soon if you want to.”

  “I’d love to, but…” I took this time to finally tell Scruffy a little more about myself, “I’d rather not eat if I can avoid it.”

  “Why not?” Scruffy looked a little offended.

  “Don’t take it the wrong way, part of being a demon means missing out on the finer things in human life…like food.”

  “I’ve seen you eat…you eat all the time!”

  “True. I have to eat. I’m still in a physical human-looking body, so I need to eat and drink or the physical part will of me will become very, very weak, or even die, I don’t know. The part that sucks is that I can’t taste or smell any of it. Everything I take down tastes like a shovel full ash, while everything I smell reeks of sulphur.”

  “Dude, that really sucks.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “So, then a no go on dinners from now on, I take it?”

  “Not at all. Like I said, I still gotta eat. As a matter of fact, I’ve been bored as hell around here lately. Can I go over to your house tonight?”

  “Hell yeah, bro, let’s go. My parents will be tickled to see you. Even though they know what you are, they got close to you over the past couple years. They’re a lot more wary of you now, but they’re still concerned for you out here alone.” Scruff jumped into his truck and waved for me to get in.

  Excited that I had something to do for the night, I leaped into his truck, pushing some trash off the seat as I did.

  “Damn man, already junking up your truck?” I harassed.

sp; “Shut up and put your seatbelt on.”

  I looked at him in surprise. “Doesn’t really apply to me, but okay.”

  “I forgot, Mr. Demon…guy…thing…whatever you are. Besides, I don’t need a ticket, so wear it. It’s a human thing.” He laughed.

  We small talked all the way to his house. When we pulled up in the driveway, I remembered something that had been bothering me about his parents for a long time.

  “Hey man, I know this sounds terrible, but I’ve only known your parents as Mr. and Mrs. Spears.”

  “So?” He pulled out the keys and we got out. “That’s their names.”

  “So…what are their first names?” I shrugged.

  “Really? All this time and you’ve never known my parents’ first names?” He looked perplexed.

  “No, you’ve never told me.”

  He shook his head as we strolled up to his front door. “Their names are Benjamin and Amanda Spears, Leo. Ya frickin’ goober.”


  The rest of the day we stayed around Scruffy’s house doing a whole lot of nothing. I noticed that his parents were a little hesitant around me when I first arrived but they relaxed over the course of the day. They even asked me to stay the evening, being that they knew I had nowhere to go.

  It was great being able to tell them about my food issue, well, Scruffy did, while he took pot-shots at me the whole time. They were naturally curious and I told them about not having a heart, which I let both of them feel for my missing pulse. I told them about how I don’t even have the luxury of being self-aware. I have no idea what I look like to the human eye so they spent all of dinner telling me about myself. It was a trip.

  Again, Scruffy couldn’t resist taunting me during the entire evening. He was getting the biggest kick out of harassing me. Much like being around Shade’s parents, I felt like I was part of their family. It almost seemed as if Benjamin and Amanda were embracing me as one of their own. Scruffy was already like a brother to me, so it felt natural.

  Day after day, Scruff’s parents wouldn’t let me leave without extending another offer for me to stay. After about a week or so of going to school with Scruffy, the only place where I was able to see my beautiful girlfriend lately, and Sandra, I got the impression that they might not want me to go back to my spot at all.


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