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Burn (Drift Book 3)

Page 15

by Michael Dean

“I think it’s more than that. I believe Hell will open for something more than just dealing with Leo. I think there has been a series of events set into motion that have made this possible. Not only that, I have a bad feeling that you’re going to lose, Leo. I realize that no one in this room wants to hear this, but I feel that you’re going to die. That’s what I think the fire in your eyes in that dream means…the fires that burn in Hell will eventually consume you. This quest for Diccittidel…will be your end.” She bowed her head, looking ashamed.

  I stared at her with appreciation. Sheriff Taylor grimaced and folded his arms while my friends rallied behind me.

  “Mom, you’ve always had these strange, psychic dreams. Pretty much all of them do not come to fruition—”

  “At least from what we know on our end,” Anne interrupted Shade.

  “Fair enough, but that still doesn’t mean that your dreams—this dream—is going to come true. Besides, it’s up to your interpretation, anyway. Even if your dream is real, you could be wrong about what it really means…right?”

  “Well, yes, but—”

  “Then we can’t assume that’s what it means. It scares us all and gives us no hope. Leo was told he couldn’t defeat the two foes that he beat, but yet, here he is, still standing. So let’s not bet on the worst, okay?” Shade looked around at everyone.

  “Shade…there’s a lot of truth to what your mother is saying and you know it. The earthquake, my beef with Hell, the things we’ve been though, recent visits from certain guests…I think your mother might be right.” I glanced at my frustrated girlfriend, who looked at me with shock.

  “Of all people, Leo, you’re the one we’re counting on, and you’re saying that you might die?” She swallowed hard.

  “I’m not saying that.”

  “Then what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that nothing is set in stone…nothing. I was supposed to die twice already in this quest, but I didn’t. I expect no other news than I’m supposed to get killed again. I don’t believe I will die, and if I did, I might as well give up now, so of course I’m not saying that.”

  Shade looked relieved and leaned away from me as I continued to speak.

  “But what I am saying is that I feel your mother is right about one thing. Christian, and the couple of demons that rank above him, may be opening the doors to Hell.”

  “Are you saying that these demons, or vampires, or whatever, are just going to be allowed to run amuck?” Anne questioned.

  “Oh no, they’ll be held in check, they must be. Others are watching and making sure of that. They’re more about coming for me, not for humans…although I can’t completely rule that out, but I must admit that I can’t be certain of that, either. It’s just they’ve never done that in the past that I know of,” I warned.

  “Great.” Sheriff Taylor shook his head in frustration.

  “There is something that I haven’t told you all…something more.” I watched everyone in the room lock their focus directly onto me.

  “What?” Shade asked.

  “I’m afraid that there will be one more trial before my final meeting with Christian, but I hope I’m wrong.”

  “And that is?” Shade pushed me further.

  “A demon by the name of War.”

  “War?” Benjamin reiterated.

  “That’s right. War,” I confirmed.

  “What about this…War, Leo?” Anne urged.

  “War is the hand, or next in command, to Christian. In Hell, War is in control under Lord Bellock, son of Satan, when Christian is out of the underworld. He is feared by all that dwell in and out of Hell, even feared by angels. No one has ever seen what War looks like because he’s always concealed by a black, hooded cloak, but it’s rumored he can take the shape of anyone in Hell or even become an actual entity that dwells within the underworld. For instance, if I was stuck in Hell, he could take on my likeness or even embody me to fight as him and with his power. He’s loyal to Christian and only follows his commands, and of course Lord Bellock’s. To my knowledge he’s never left Hell… although I have no proof of that.”

  “So…his only interest is you or does War want more than just you?” Shade asked. I completely understood the logistics of her question because of what happened to her the last time we had to face a council member.

  “I’m sure he’ll come just to kill me, there’s no reason War would directly come after a human, that just doesn’t make sense and I don’t detect that’s Christian’s intent for him.”

  “Is there anything we can do, Leo?” Sheriff Taylor asked.

  “Yes. Stay out of the way…all of you. If a time comes when I must face War, wherever and whenever that may be, just stay away and hope for the best. That’s the best help you could give me.” I smiled at them.

  Everyone stared at each other around the table in obvious worry.

  “Don’t forget to continue to care for Leo as well,” a familiar voice to me, but not to the other guests in the room, well, maybe Scruffy, called out from a corner in the room. I turned to see Argento and Elysia entering from another room.

  Sheriff Taylor turned to them and reached for his holster. “Who are you two? How did you get in here?”

  Everyone that remained seated stood up while those that stood backed away. Only Scruffy and I remained calm.

  “Hey, Argento,” Scruffy called out.

  Argento bowed to him.

  “Easy, Sheriff,” I signaled to him that we were safe. “Everyone…meet a couple of bonafide angels straight from Heaven. Say hello to Argento and his hand, Elysia.” I stood up to introduce them and the two bowed again in greeting.

  A few reluctant hellos were muttered and the duo approached the dining room table.

  “Yeah…How did you guys get in here?” Scruffy smirked.

  “Dude, they’re angels…enough said.” I grinned at him.

  Argento and Elysia smiled. “We go where we are needed,” Argento answered, “Please…everyone relax, be seated, we have more to add to this evolving situation.”

  Everyone, except for me, sat down in the empty seats. Those that didn’t have a chair found one. I moved closer to the two angels and paid close attention to their words.

  “As Leo said, I am Argento, hand to Saint Michael the Archangel, and this is Elysia, hand to me.”

  Everyone greeted them.

  “We have been giving Leo the best advice we can and are here now because you are the chosen few that have been allowed access to this privileged information. You know what no other human on earth knows. You have insight as to what is going on in the world around you and why our mutual friend Leo is here.”

  “You’re really a couple of angels?” Richard asked.

  “Yes,” Argento answered.

  “And you’re allowing all of this to happen to him…to us?” Shade’s dad became a little ruder.

  “We allow nothing. We are observers, and at times, here to prevent things from going too far,” Argento continued.

  “Too far? Don’t you think Heaven could have stepped in a little sooner? You know…before vampires ran wild all over this town kidnapping and killing our children?” Richard started to rise but Anne grabbed him, pulling him back in his seat.

  Before they could respond, I jumped in. “Richard, they don’t have anything to do with what went on. This has everything to do with Hell. I know this may not make sense to you, but you must believe me when I say that without these two, your daughter probably wouldn’t have come home. This is above you…above you all. Take comfort in knowing that we’re doing everything we can to ensure that no harm comes to even one more human. There is an order to things…laws, that not even Sheriff Taylor would know anything about. They must be followed.”

  “Are you saying that an alliance, of sorts, is happening here between the three of you?” Sheriff Taylor pointed out.

  I looked to Argento for the answer. “In a sense, yes, but we realize Leo is still demon. There are reservations between us, I’m
sure. We are here as advisors to him and nothing more. It’s up to Leo whether or not to take our advice.”

  “So what brings you to our dining room today? Advice?” Amanda asked.

  “Indeed.” Elysia finally spoke up and stepped forward. “Leo, you are correct, War will be set free, but no one knows what or whose identity he will take…not even Heaven. As we speak, filth from the fires of Hell, are plotting to spill out all over the human world ahead of War. First they will come as a drizzle, then when War is released will come the flood.”

  “What do they want?” Shade asked.

  “Hell sees an opening for their beasts to come out and corrupt in numbers greater than any earth period in history. It appears they want to keep the eyes of Heaven very busy with this Diccittidel engagement. We fear that there may be a larger agenda falling into place…” before she could say another word, Argento reached over and grabbed her by the wrist. He stepped in front of Elysia.

  “As we’ve discussed, Leo, more information will come to you on an as needed basis. What my hand is trying to say is that we think Christian has more than just your quest for Diccittidel on his mind. As for what exactly he has planned, we are still unclear, but we are working on it.”

  Everyone looked around at each other in confusion, but I remembered from previous conversations that Argento would inform me as he saw fit. I respected that agreement, even though I knew there was more to the story than what they were telling me.

  “Is that why you’re here, then? To confirm that War will be coming for me and to hint that Christian has something more up his sleeve? I’ve pretty much put that together already.” I added a touch of sarcasm in order to prod them to get to the point.

  “Yes, but we’re here today more for the humans. We have shown up to introduce ourselves and have brought counsel to them as well,” Argento answered.

  “What do you have to tell us?” Shade asked.

  “As I’m sure Leo has warned you, Christian is one of the most dangerous demons in all of history, next to Bellock and Satan. He isn’t egotistical and foolish as Shimmer was, nor is he arrogant and as self-absorbed as Agrelia. He is the most dangerous mind any of us, and I do mean any of us, have ever encountered. Not only that, and this is directed at you, Leo, he is every bit as powerful as us angels.”

  “I was afraid of that.” I sighed in frustration.

  “But…he does have his weaknesses, too.” Argento half smirked.

  “What weaknesses are those?” Shade questioned.

  “Love,” Elysia answered.

  “Love?” Anne added.

  “Yes, that is why we have come to visit you. The kindness and generosity that you have shown Leo, knowing what he is and putting yourselves in harm’s way because you care for him, is the greatest weapon you have against Christian. These are signs that you are all beginning to love him, well, I think we know you love him, Shade.” Shade smiled and looked down at the table. “When the time comes, Leo will need that emotion. It will be his greatest weapon against Christian,” Elysia informed us.

  “But Leo has the Demon Dagger. That’s the greatest weapon he has against Christian…right?” Scruffy interjected.

  “The Demon Dagger means nothing to Christian,” Argento chimed in.

  “What are you talking about?” I was stunned.

  “The reason why Christian hasn’t attempted, and will not attempt to come for the Demon Dagger is because…no demon can kill him with it…not even Leo.” Argento glared at me more intensely than he ever had before. I wasn’t expecting that.

  “What?” Shade shouted as some grumbling broke out around the table, “Then how is he supposed to kill Christian?”

  “Another way,” he answered.

  Shade threw her hands up in annoyance, wanting him to stop being so vague.

  Argento then took his hard stare off me and gave Shade a look of serenity. “With Love. Like we are trying to tell you, the love you hold for him is the strongest weapon forged against Christian. When the times comes, let it blossom into courage.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Anne chimed in.

  “They’re angels, Anne, they always speak in riddles. Don’t bother trying to get a direct answer. Like your dreams, it is up to us to figure this out,” I responded to her. Argento and Elysia simply bowed again.

  I could visually tell that everyone was a little frustrated by the angels’ lack of directness, but I knew if we all put our heads together, we would not be led astray. I understood why they couldn’t be straight to the point with us, they couldn’t just give us the answers, that’s direct interference. I felt like presenting the information to us in this way brought us closer anyway because we needed to work together in order to figure out what they were talking about. Very clever.

  “What about this…War character? Can Leo’s dagger be used to kill it?” Benjamin weighed in.

  “Yes…which is why it’s still a necessity. Not to mention Leo can be killed by it, of course, in the hands of War or Christian...or anyone else, for that matter,.” Argento answered.

  “So let me get this straight. I can’t kill Christian with the dagger but I can kill War, and love is how I can kill Christian?” I scratched my head.

  Again, the two of them bowed.

  “Well, hopefully we’ll figure it out.” I looked around at everyone.

  “Remember, love one another and continue to care for Leo, it is your greatest strength.” Elysia smiled.

  “We will go for now, but know that we are watching, and when you need us, we will be there…but not a second earlier,” Argento added.

  With smiles they turned to walk out of the room.

  “Argento, when will I know for sure that War has arrived on earth?” I called.

  The duo turned around and Argento addressed me, “Don’t worry, Leo, when he sets his foot upon the earth’s soil…you’ll know.” He nodded.

  I returned a nod and we all bid them farewell. The duo walked out of the room and Scruffy, like a mischievous child, jumped up from his seat and followed them. In the couple of seconds it took him to get into the next room, they had already disappeared.

  “They’re gone…already.”

  “I’m not sure what part of ‘they’re angels’ you didn’t understand, Scruff,” Sandra teased.

  “That’s the guy, er, ah, angel, that flew you to Romania after Leo?” Scruffy’s father asked.

  ‘That’s right…and it was totally awesome.” Scruffy gleamed with confidence.

  “Even through all the screaming,” I added.

  The room lit up with laughter and it seemed to ease the tension that had built up. For the remainder of the night we discussed our dilemma as well how to go about proceeding with my adoption.

  Chapter 17


  When everyone cleared out for the night I felt like I needed some time to myself and left for my spot.

  For the first time in this strange non-life of mine, I felt included. The fact that in mere days, thanks to my demonic intervention and some help from the heavens, I would be the official son, in the human world, of Benjamin and Amanda Spears was astonishing. Even more insane was that I was going to be Scruffy’s official brother, too. Eeeek.

  I couldn’t believe that they cared for something like me, the most hated supernatural being in human history. What a trip this journey has been. I went from being an alienated outcast to a beloved and trusted friend. All those times when I sat in my tree and wondered what it would be like to be human and have a family was now coming to fruition, well at least the family part. This was more than I could have ever dreamed. However long this “family life” would last though, was anybody’s guess.

  It was more important than ever now that I protected my friends and soon to be family. Shade wasn’t the only one I was beginning to love. Even though a demon isn’t supposed to be feeling…feelings, especially the emotion of love, I was. There was no denying that.

  Processing everything from getting a job with
the Sheriff, the adoption, the pending arrival of War, and the fact that I couldn’t kill Christian with the Demon Dagger was overwhelming.

  I was completely lost about how to defeat Christian now. My chances were remote to begin with, but now beating him just didn’t seem plausible. I had no idea what Argento and Elysia meant by killing Christian with love.

  The night passed in a blur as my head spun in thought. It seemed like the week flew by even faster. Next thing I knew the night of the Senior Prom arrived. I drove Shade crazy making sure she still wanted to bypass the prom and make it a night just about us, she held true to wanting to ditch it and just hang with me.

  I flew over to her house and then we took off in her car to have dinner at Veitoni’s. We almost had the entire place to ourselves; I guess due to the prom, it was a little slow. Mr. Veitoni kept us company throughout most of our meal. It was on the house in celebration of our graduation and my adoption.

  We held hands over the table, and for the first time in what felt like months we simply talked about one another. We didn’t bring up Heaven or Hell, future or past, or the problems that awaited us because of those things, none of that. We focused on being together and enjoying one another’s company. I think this was one of the first times where we both forgot about the turbulence that surrounded us.

  After we ate, when we figured everyone else would be about to leave the prom for the after party, we went to the place we had our first date, Golf N’ Carts. We played the arcades and she kicked my butt on some go carts. Shade made sure that we ordered another chocolate avalanche desert, which of course I had to watch her squirm in ecstasy with every bite…again. The whole night was a blast. It was all about cementing the bond between each other. I was so madly in love with her it literally and figuratively hurt.

  At the end of our evening we went back to her house and sat on the porch and talked, along with a little making out. Her parents never came out to bother us, even when the late night hours began to stretch into the morning. We stayed up so late I didn’t even have the chance to snuggle her in bed for the night.


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