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Blind Redemption (Viking Romance) (Blind Series)

Page 11

by Rand, Violetta

  Kara met Aaron outside her tent at dawn. Dark clouds loomed overhead, threatening rain. “Good morning, milord.” She proffered her only bag.

  He didn’t speak, but grabbed her satchel, then turned when Amelia approached with their horses in tow. She looked too happy to see her leave. And without a chaperone. Since when did her maid approve of her traveling alone with a man?

  “Lady Kara,” she curtsied.

  “Good morning.”

  Amelia handed the reins to Aaron, then approached Kara. “Embrace me,” she whispered.

  Kara preferred to smack her. Instead, she opened her arms wide. The maid pressed something hard into her right hand. What on Odin’s green earth?

  “For your protection.”

  Kara hid the bale under her cloak.

  “Are you ready to go?” Aaron asked.

  Home, Kara wanted to go home. Away from everyone. She brushed past him and mounted her horse—riding astride as she was accustomed to. She arranged her skirt so it covered her thighs.

  “I’ll make an exception on this journey.” He stared at her.

  What choice did he have? She gave him an appraising look. He’d taken time to groom himself, no stubble darkened his chin and his long hair was tied back in a queue.

  “Like what you see, lass?” he asked.

  “I’d prefer to see much less of you.”

  His horse trotted a few feet, then halted alongside her. “Hungry?”

  At the mere mention of food, her stomach growled. “Yes.”

  He rifled through his saddle bag and pulled out a crumbling oak cake. “Here.”

  “This wouldn’t feed a rat.” She eyed the stale lump in her palm, then dropped it on the ground. “Give me something more substantial.”

  “Only if you can catch me.” He heeled his mare. The beast shot forward, quick as the wind.

  Hours later, Kara winced. She’d never ridden a horse so far. Gone without food for so long. And never wanted to gut someone with a knife so badly. Her legs and arse were numb. When Aaron finally chose a place to stop for the night, her legs were too weak to dismount. Damn his underhanded tactics. He knew she’d never complain. Knew she’d fight to keep pace with him the whole way. And knew she’d be as stiff as a board, come nightfall.

  As he unpacked, he whistled as if he hadn’t a care in the world. Then he unrolled his fur and spread his tartan over it. The rogue represented a Norse king, but slept under his clan colors. She shook her head. Another reason she doubted him. Just who did Jarl McNally serve? What god did he pray to? What country did he love? He continued his preparations without stopping to check on her. Kara slumped in the saddle, nearly too tired to hold herself up. She bitterly refused to ask for his assistance.

  By now, her arms were tingling. She’d probably suffer a permanent disfigurement just so the jarl could show that she wasn’t as strong as him. She envisioned herself as a cripple, hunch backed from leaning over so long. Too tired and hungry to think about it any longer, she managed to drag her right leg over the saddle. When her feet touched ground, she staggered to the nearest cluster of trees. Before she went too far, Aaron called for her. Did he want to hold her hand while she relieved herself?

  He caught up with her. “I told you to stay close.”

  At first, there appeared to be two of him. She closed her right eye—getting the same result. “I’m not in the habit of asking permission to see to my personal needs.”

  “Look around Kara,” he said. “There’s no chamber pots. No safety.”

  Bullying swine. “I’m sure I’ll find my way back.” She turned away.

  Aaron’s strong fingers fastened around her arm. “It’s late. I’m tired. You’re exhausted. Don’t fight me.”

  Kara took a deep breath and swung around, suddenly feeling wide awake. The smug look on his face infuriated her. She jabbed a finger in his chest. “Fight you? You cast more insults than a stable boy slings shite.” She walked him back several feet. “I deserve respect. Unless all of this is because you wish to peek under my skirts.”

  His lips twitched. And then he came dangerously close, making her feel very small and helpless. “Careful with your words, lass.” His hot gaze swept over her. “And your body.”

  His words triggered something inside her. All of this tension, all this disagreement amounted to one thing. Attraction. She threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his narrow waist. Then she tugged him closer, clinging as if her life depended on it. It felt so good to be in his arms again. Aaron’s eyes brimmed with emotion. But he refused to touch her.

  “Will you deny me your affection twice?” she asked.

  “Jesus bloody Christ . . .” he moaned. “Do you know what you’re asking, lass?”

  She stood on her toes and planted a firm kiss on his lips. Then she raked her teeth across his bottom lip. His eyes flared open. Hesitation is weakness. Something Geilir had taught her. Although the adage pertained to battle, Kara knew a war raged inside him. Her, too, most especially between her legs. She felt a surge of moisture and heat. Her neglected lips ached for his attention. “Kiss me, Aaron.”

  There was no reason to deny himself. She didn’t need protection, she needed him. Staring heavenward, she noted the sun had nearly dipped below the horizon. Colors of dusk reflected in his eyes. She could languish in his warmth forever. Then she suddenly regretted every offensive word she’d pitched at him. Pride kept her from apologizing now, but it wouldn’t keep her from touching him. What she couldn’t affirm with words, she’d confess with her body. “Kiss me.”

  He attacked her frenzied and desperate, brushing his lips roughly over hers. His arms encircled her waist. “I cannot give you half my body, lass. Are you sure you want this?”

  She nodded. More than anything.

  His face broke into a dark, satisfied smile. She’d do anything to please him. When he threaded his fingers through her hair, bringing her face closer to his, his perfect mouth covered hers. Her heart thumped. She clenched her eyes shut, relishing the feel of his fingers frisking up her sides. Then a flurry of feather light kisses warmed her face.

  “I want to own your body, Kara,” he whispered against her ear.

  His voice prickled her skin. He thrust his hips, colliding with her center. Her hips bucked back, mistrustful of the hunger rising inside her. She strongly suspected Aaron was the only thing that could sate her appetite. Whatever she did would affect her future. Not that she’d ever seriously considered who she’d be with until now. As if he sensed her hesitation, his lips coaxed her mouth open. Slow, methodic kisses convinced her she’d chosen correctly. Anything Aaron did rendered her helpless—mindless. Her body relaxed under his special care.

  Is this what it meant to be a woman? Amelia told her she’d go to sleep a girl and wake a woman.

  “Når jeg berører deg, kan hele verden brenne og jeg vil ikke være i stand til å tenke på noe annet.” Aaron spoke perfect Norse.

  When I touch you, the whole world can burn and I will not be able to think of anything else. His words left her breathless.

  Her gaze dropped to his chest, then lower. His snug fitting braies couldn’t conceal his excitement. The swell between his legs stirred her desire. She wanted to feel him, hold onto him.

  “Kara,” he groaned.

  She blinked up at him. “Aaron.” She’d utter his name a hundred times if it would stop the strange, insatiable cravings invading her body.

  Gathering her in his arms, Aaron carried her to the edge of the lake a few yards away. Threads of golden light colored the sky, reflecting off the water. His mind struggled to maintain control over his body. He gently set her on her feet, searching her face for signs of resistance or fear. The lass didn’t fully understand the implications of making love. Her body served as her oath to him. As did his to her. There�
��d be no turning back—they’d belong to each other—forever.

  “Turn around, lass.”

  She did.

  Aaron untied the ribbon on the back of her gown. It gapped, revealing her pearly flesh. He closed his eyes, his hands plunging inside. Warm, smooth skin welcomed him. He swallowed. Odin—tell me if she’s my future—my redemption. He opened his eyes, then slowly peeled her dress off and tossed it aside. Not an inch of her flesh escaped his attention. He slowly turned her around and let his gaze move from her firm breasts to the soft curls covering her woman’s mound. He wanted to sink his cock inside her—ride her furiously until she screamed in pleasure.

  Mind reeling, he took a deep breath and removed her boots. He’d fantasized about her creamy thighs since the night he’d met her, debating whether she had slim or muscled legs. To his delight, they were perfectly formed, long and silky to the touch. He gazed up at her admiringly. Her blue eyes were closed. She was so unbelievably beautiful, indescribably so.

  With his face level with her slit, he couldn’t resist the urge to taste her. He stared thirstily at her nether lips, imagining the sweet nectar he’d find. He sank his tongue inside her.

  By the gods.

  Her inner muscles contracted, as she moaned, riding his face. She tried to edge away, but his hands instinctively locked her in place. She’d not deny him the pleasure. Or herself. His tongue moved with greater urgency, thrusting deep, then withdrawing, circling, and flicking. Her legs began to tremble.

  Unable to concentrate on anything other than joining with her, Aaron kissed his way up her torso until he was standing again. Her rosebud tips were tight with excitement, begging for attention. He cradled each breast reverently, nipping and sucking her nipples until a wicked grin spread across his face. “Undress me.”

  Kara cupped his face, chewing nervously on her bottom lip.

  “Do you fear what’s in my breeches?”

  “Nay,” she assured him hastily, placing her palms on his chest.

  Upon contact, he kissed her greedily again. Few things could rival her kisses. Moments later, thrumming with frustration, Aaron guided her hand between his legs. When she cupped his shaft through his braies, he groaned, pleasure spiraling through him. “Don’t be ashamed, Kara,” he murmured. “Our bodies are meant to fit together—not just for procreation—but for immeasurable pleasure.”

  She moaned as he pushed against her, rocking vigorously. Without warning, he stripped his tunic off. Feeling her skin against his own offered more contentment than Valhalla. “Do you wish to go for a swim?” He couldn’t think of a better way to overcome the hot evening air or her unease.


  Enthused by her answer, he unlaced his boots and kicked them off. Next, he removed his breeches. He straightened his spine, facing her again.

  Her eyes widened with inquisitiveness. “You’re beautiful.” She palmed his shaft. “So incredibly thick and long.” She focused all her attention on him, stroking gently, using her other hand to cradle his bollocks.

  He threw his head back, basking in the pleasure of her gentle, but awkward touch. Kara Dalgaard handled his manhood the way she did a sword. His soft laughter came unexpectedly. A woman had never called him beautiful before. Odin. He caught one of her breasts roughly with his mouth, curling his tongue over her areola. When the dusky bud hardened, he nipped it, enjoying the jolt it sent through her body.

  Unwilling to wait any longer, he gripped her hand. “The lake,” he managed to stammer between heavy breaths. Desire had overtaken him. “Walk with me.”

  They waded into the cool water, then Aaron crouched, tapping his thighs. He wanted her in his arms, wanted to consummate their relationship before she changed her mind. She fitted herself against his body, locking her ankles at his lower back. The exquisite sensations he experienced holding her so close, the love he felt while he stared into her eyes humbled him. Weeks of conflict had only served to enflame his heart. He adored her, from those perfectly shaped lips to her pigheaded determination. And her heart, that’s what he longed for the most. He’d never been so bloody driven to win a woman’s love.

  She laughed softly, lifting her arms over her head, sinking back into the water. Lust slammed inside his chest. She’d snared him body and soul. Staring wide-eyed at her, he knew with one jab he could penetrate her, claim her. Instead, he slipped a finger inside, then another, stretching her slowly. She writhed against his hand, moaning with pleasure as he gently rotated his fingers. Although she was half submerged in water, he could feel how gloriously hot and wet she was for him. His engorged shaft screamed for relief.

  “Come back to me, lass.” He pulled her into a tight embrace, sweeping wet hair out of her eyes. He nearly forgot to breathe, he was so excited. Cupping her backside tightly, he lifted her out of the water, then carried her to shore.

  The time for play was over.

  He trudged several yards, then stopped where grass covered the shoreline. Not the place he’d envisioned making love with her for the first time, but then he realized how truly fitting it was. The only bedchamber worthy of his prize was here, surrounded by Odin’s glory. He knelt with her in his arms, then slowly disentangled himself. She dropped onto her side, then rolled on her back, gazing up at him. He could lose himself in those stark blue eyes.

  A rush of emotion went through him. He suddenly realized why their personalities had played tug-of-war for so long. “I want you, Kara.”

  She spread her legs.

  “Lass . . .” He carefully lowered himself on top of her.

  Flush with her, he nipped and tongued her nipples. She arched her back, thrusting her breasts upward. His flesh caught fire. He wanted to feel the hot white heat inside her. She released her breath slowly as he positioned himself at her entrance. Then he moved his mouth to her ear. “Once I have you, Kara, I won’t share you—ever.”

  Did she understand? Would the finality of his words change her mind? “My heart is set on you,” she confessed.

  Pride swelled inside his chest. She’d chosen him. The expression on her face was unmistakable—indisputable—she hungered as he did. He captured her mouth, driving his tongue deep to distract her while he pierced her. He pressed his lips to her throat, caressing her with gentle kisses. She responded eagerly, her hips slamming against him. “Easy.” He exhaled. “Your body needs to adjust slowly.” He didn’t want to hurt her.

  He eased in another inch, preparing her for his full length. It had been much too long since he’d done this and his stamina was lacking. Especially with her. Although he praised the gods for forming such a lovely creature—sweeter and tighter than any woman he’d ever made love to—the agonizing waves of pleasure she inspired jeopardized his restraint. Kara’s eyes squeezed shut. He thrust again, slipping in a few more inches.

  By everything holy . . .

  “I’m going to make love to you until you scream my name . . .” Aaron shoved his hands underneath her, firmly gripping her arse, then pumped his hips again. Kara didn’t utter a sound as he buried himself inside her. She moved in unison, sinking her nails into his back.

  He should have known how brave she’d be, how passionate. After a dozen furious thrusts, Aaron arched his back and gritted his teeth. Release. That’s all his bloody body would let him think about. He’d never been so mentally unprepared, so physically vulnerable.

  Kara cupped his face and yanked him down. “I don’t want to wait,” she said. “Find your pleasure, then give me mine.”

  He growled, pushing into her again. She’d offered to selflessly let him find deliverance—relief from months of abstinence.

  “Please,” she whimpered into his ear.

  He powered forward again and again. “Kara!” His release was painful and thrilling. He collapsed on top of her, gasping for breath. Her fingers circled up his back. Her soft to
uch had restorative powers. Within seconds, he grew rod-hard inside her again. The lass would find more than simple ecstasy this time; Aaron McNally had everything to prove.

  Chapter 12


  Kara awoke with a keen awareness of everything she’d done the previous night. She’d relived the passionate moments in her dreams. After they’d made love a second time, she curled around Aaron, desperate to stay as close as possible. She leaned her head against her hand, gazing at his tranquil features. The loud calls of whooper swans flying overhead motivated her to get up. She stretched languorously, enjoying the cool morning air. Worried Aaron might be cold, she spread his tartan over him. How could he sleep? He’d whispered how he’d given all of himself to her. Perhaps she’d sucked all his strength from his body when she’d reached unimaginable heights of pleasure. She could scarcely breathe or move herself.

  Covered in her lover’s scent, she wandered to the lake to bathe. She couldn’t escape the overwhelming reality of what she’d done. It felt bittersweet, and for her sake, she hoped her feelings exceeded mere infatuation. Regardless, there’d be no regrets—even if this was the only time she’d ever be with him. A tingling sensation between her legs brought a smile to her lips. Had he really licked her there? Made her writhe and moan? She sighed. Everything Amelia had warned her about had come true; the tiniest spark ignited the fiercest flame. Kara couldn’t control her thoughts. She wanted to know everything about Aaron. And she guessed he harbored many deep secrets.

  Why did a Scotsman pledge to serve the Norwegian king? What connection did he have in her country? Family? Friends? Managing her newfound feelings and endless curiosity could wait. She waded into the shallows, washing away the last evidence of her purity. The frigid water revived her. Although her insides ached, she’d never change what had happened. Things would be decidedly different now, better between her and Aaron.


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