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Blood of the Infinity War (Afterlife saga Book 8)

Page 17

by Stephanie Hudson

  “What are you doing?” he lifted a gloved hand to his mouth and bit down on the leather, pulling his hand free of the confinement. Then once free, he dropped the glove into his lap and came back to my sex. I would have lied if I had said it wasn’t one of the sexiest things I had ever seen in my life!

  “I want to feel your inner channel clenching my fingers,” he told me smoothly, before ducking his hand into my waistband and placing his palm flat against my mound.

  “Ahhh!” I cried out suddenly as he inserted two thick fingers like he said he would. I arched back against him, holding on to the horn, for fear that I needed something to anchor me to this world. The feel of him inside me was incredible and with the wild motions of the horse, it naturally set a rhythm for rocking his fingers against that inner bundle of nerves.

  “Tell me Nāzanin, do you want me to grant you your release?” he asked me and I was getting so caught up in the moment that I couldn’t speak. But then he gripped me harder and I cried out,

  “Now answer me. Do you want me to grant your need to come?” he asked firmly.

  “Yes, yes, please,” I said as I would have given him anything to do just that.

  “Mm, maybe you don’t want it as much as I thought,” he said cruelly and I suddenly gripped his arm to stop him from moving.

  “No! Please, please I do, I want it! I need it! Please Arsaces…oh please.” I begged enough to make him satisfied and if I didn’t need his hand as badly as I did right then I would have turned around and hit him for chuckling.

  “Ah, now that is better…such sweet words spoken when you beg for it. Now are you ever going to leave the palace again without my consent?” he asked and I suddenly knew what this was, it wasn’t just about punishment, no it was about compliance. I wish I could have said my will was strong enough not to give into him but with being so close to the pleasure he could give me, then my will had evaporated the moment he put his fingers inside of me.

  “No, I will not,” I told him.

  “There’s my good little lamb, now are you going to come all over my hand like a good pet of mine?” he asked and his erotic words just drove me higher and I moaned again, as it brought me that extra step closer to chasing my orgasm.

  “Yes, oh yes please.” I asked of him and he growled low, demanding me to do as he said,

  “Then hold on tight!”

  Then he shouted another commanded and suddenly the horse took off at a faster pace and this drove his fingers in and out of me at greater speeds.

  “AAAHHH!” I screamed seconds later coming in long hard waves, shuddering against him. Then as I could take no more, I begged,

  “Please, no more.” But at this he just laughed an evil, wicked sound and said,

  “Only I say when you are done and I have not finished with you yet!” he told me and I cried out again.

  “After all, this is a punishment,” he whispered down at me with sexual cruelty lacing his words.

  “No please…oh Gods, I am going to come again!” I warned him without needing to but then he said,

  “I can’t wait to feel you gripping onto my cock the way you do my fingers. To feel your juices dripping down my length, holding me tightly connected to your body, for I fear I will never want to leave such a sweet, warm home for my cock.” This once more pushed me over the edge and I screamed again. It felt like flash bombs had just exploded beneath my eyelids, for my eyes were still closed but I felt blinded by the intensity of it all!

  “One more I think,” he told me and soon I was sobbing.

  “No! no, no, no, please! I will do all that you ask, but I can’t take it…I…oh…please.” He stopped listening to my desperate words spoken in breathy moans and instead he listened to that of my traitorous body, moving with him and not wanting to let go.

  “I can’t wait Nāzanin, do you hear me! I cannot wait until I am seated firmly inside of your core, for you will be a good girl for me won’t you…?” he asked and I nodded frantically as he started flicking his fingers harder against me.

  “Then tell me, for I want the words.”

  “Anything!” I told him and I felt him smile against my neck before he whispered the last words needed to make me come one last time.

  “Say you will take all of my cock! Say it now!”

  “I will take it all!” I shouted and thankfully he let me find my last release, one I nearly passed out from. I screamed long and hard this time and once it was over he finally stopped moving inside of me and commanded his horse to slow once more. I turned my head side on and rested it against his arm, as it felt as though I didn’t have enough strength to even lift it.

  “Alright little one, Ssshh, just breathe…let’s calm that little fluttering heart of yours, shall we?” he said soothingly and when he gently removed his fingers from my now tender, pulsating flesh, I winced and moaned.

  “I think you will remember not to disobey me again so soon, am I right little lamb?” he asked and I could merely nod as my answer. Then I watched as he brought his soaking hand up and lick his fingers and palm as if it was honey he took great pleasure tasting.

  “Oh Gods.” I muttered in a hoarse voice, rough from screaming. I was so embarrassed by the intimate and carnal act, that I felt myself spasm again.

  “I see you blushing from here sweet girl, but you should know it is my gift to taste whenever I please and I will warn you…” he paused so that he could dip down again and gather up more of my release before sucking it from his fingers. I made small pleading noises at the sensitive feel of him touching me again.

  He simply grinned down at me and said…

  “I am Fucking addicted!”

  Chapter 15

  King of Kings

  When I woke I realised that I must have slept the day away and I was pretty sure this started from the moment after my last orgasm on a freakin horse! I think I must have even beaten Pip with that one. I know it was crass and probably not at all ‘pure’ of me but I knew the second she made it through the door I would just shout it out at her. Which just so happened to be precisely what I did.

  “I orgasmed on a horse!” I shouted the second she walked into the bedroom and thinking back, this sounded way too ‘weird, wrong, animal abusive, sick, twisted, violating and any other words of utter disgust that needed to be thrown in there, so I quickly added,

  “I mean on Draven’s horse and he was there…not watching or anything but, you know, like he did it to me with his fingers and…what? Why are you looking at me like…?” And this was when my shame hit hellish new levels, one that had the ability to set my cheeks alight by the Devil himself! Because swiftly behind Pip was of course,


  “Okay, so here’s your clothes…bye!” Pip said throwing me a bunch of material and legging it out the door. I could hear her roar of laughter from back inside a thick wooden door and past two stone walls. I think my mouth was still hanging open even after minutes had passed. Draven, on the other hand, was looking oh so pleased with himself and boy was he trying to fight a smirk.

  I might add that he totally sucked at it!

  “Would you prefer I send for the city’s crier, for I fear your news didn’t reach far enough?” Draven couldn’t help but tease and I groaned once, fell back down onto the bed, covered my head and decided to stay this way and moan for the rest of eternity.

  I heard Draven roaring with laughter and I groaned again and said,

  “I am going to die of shame!”

  “I don’t believe that has ever happened before,” he told me coming to sit next to me on the bed. I whipped back the covers and said,

  “Yeah, well there is a first time for everything!”

  “Like finding your release on the back of my horse?” he asked teasing me again, making me yell,

  “Grrr!” Then I re-covered my head and hid from the world.

  “Forgive me, for I find I am enjoying this greatly at your expense,” he said chuckling and I said,

  “Yeah and it so
unds like you’re really sorry about it!” The next minute the covers were yanked down and he was covering my lips with his. I let myself be lured into his kiss and once he pulled back I whispered,

  “That was a dirty trick, my naughty King.” He simply grinned down at me and replied,

  “When means must my sweetest one…now ready yourself.” I frowned and asked,

  “Why, where are we going?”

  “Tonight, we celebrate, so I ask for you to join me this evening in the Great Hall.” I looked down at the floor, where a pile of material now lay and said,

  “That was my dress, wasn’t it?” Draven laughed again and said,

  “I will send your servant back in here to help you.”

  “You know, she’s not really my servant…right?” I told him and he gave my chin an affectionate little shake before saying,

  “Yes, little lamb, I know this.” Then he pulled me closer for another kiss before he whispered sweetly,

  “Soon I will have you but until then, I will see you at my throne, little beauty of mine.”

  Then he was gone.

  For once I had to say I wasn’t looking forward to Pip coming back as I knew the second she popped her head around that door the teasing would start and probably not finish again until I did the next stupid and embarrassing thing. Which, granted, could be within the hour knowing me. Speaking of which, I was currently picking the dress off the floor when I heard,

  “So, the king gave you a wild ride, eh?” I mouthed the words ‘give me strength’ and turned to face our resident troublemaker.

  “Haha, you could have told me he was right behind you!” Pip laughed once and said,

  “Yeah well here’s a tip for next time, Tootie Shame Maker, a thought comes to mind, you hold on to it for say, twenty seconds longer than you want to and then blurt it out at me when the coast is clear. I mean geez…I hope the horse isn’t too traumatised.”

  “Whatever, laugh it up! And besides, it’s a boy,” I told her not really sure of what point I was trying to make.

  “Wow, you do work fast, Mazel Tov!” she said, this time making me laugh.

  “His horse, it’s a boy.”

  “Oh well that’s alright then, because it would have been like totally weirdo wacko if it had been a girl.” I laughed again and then said,

  “Come on woman slave, time to tackle my hair, for my presence has been requested in the throne room,” I said this putting on a posh accent and trying to sound like the queen.

  “Great, just the job for muggins here…seriously, can’ t they just make the afro comb and have done with it!”

  “Hey, my hair isn’t that hard to brush!” I complained making her wink at me and say,

  “Not when it’s in a cute little bob it isn’t.”

  “Oh no! You are not coming anywhere near me with a blade in your hand!” I warned making her giggle.

  “Fine, well we’d better get started because the festivities have already begun and you wanna get your ass down there before all the half-naked, coin dangling ditties all start shaking their titties at your husband from another time!” Okay, so as weird as that sentence sounded, I had to agree with her, so I said in a panicked tone,

  “Let’s get a move on!”

  I had no idea how much time had passed as without a clock to go by, days were all merging into one here. So, let’s just say some time later I was being led by four armed guards down into the Great Hall, a place I remembered back from when I first arrived. It was the same large space that I swiftly found Draven’s blade at my throat and I had to admit, not one of my fondest memories, including my husband.

  I don’t know why but I was nervous, just like I had been when Draven had first chosen me as his head concubine. And for some reason, just like back then, this felt like a test. Was this all to see how I would deal with this side of his world? After all, since I had come here, other than that one time, he had pretty much managed to keep me separated from his kingdom.

  Pip had told me of all the rumours flying around the palace as people were going crazy with gossip about me. She was halfway through pinning my hair up into barrel curls when she told me one story. It was that Draven had been so captivated by my beauty, he had locked me away so that no-one but him would ever be able to gaze upon it. I had blushed scarlet and thought, well at least that is one rumour that will be quickly put to bed after tonight. The same went for another one where someone heard that every day he had my whole body painted with gold flowers so that he would know if I had been touched by another. And these were the tame ones, as there were stories far more ridiculous, which was most likely why I found myself so nervous.

  “Seriously, couldn’t he have picked a more revealing dress, I don’t think I can actually see any bare skin other than on your neck and head!” Pip complained and I had to agree, it was true. Although something Pip said did surprise me.

  “Draven picked this?”

  “Well I certainly didn’t, that’s for damn sure! I would have had you in one of those glittering bikini tops and some see-though harem pants, like those chicks over there,” Pip said nodding to all the nearly naked dancers that were annoyingly beautiful and currently trying to entice their king into becoming hypnotised by their hips.

  “Kinda makes your eyes go cross-eyed, don’t it?” Pip said and I had to agree with her on that one.

  “Okay, let’s try and sneak closer so as not to draw atten…oh no.” This genius idea of mine was cut short when suddenly what sounded like a bloody gong was hit and was currently echoing through the enormous space. Of course, everyone turned to face me and I suddenly wanted to grab one of the dishes filled with fruit from one of the servant girls and throw it up in the air. Then I would make my escape as people focused on flying pomegranates and raining grapes.

  This was my most practical of ideas as the entire room parted in the centre like I was sodding Moses and had the power to plague them with flying cats or something.

  “Pip, I can’t do this…I can’t…” I muttered to her wanting to turn around and run.

  “Look, just pretend you’re at your wedding and you’re meeting your groom…just keep looking at the King…look, he is watching you,” Pip advised, so I took a deep breath and did what she suggested. Well, if I thought looking at Draven was any better I was very, very wrong. Seriously, why did he have to look as though he was undressing me with his eyes. No, scrap that, why did he have to look at me like he was currently ripping my clothes off with his eyes!

  I was now even more thankful for him picking my outfit choice as at least I wasn’t doing this wearing about as much as Princess Leia in a gold bikini. No, instead I was wearing a long, deep purple dress that had two slits up the sides that reached just under my bust. Thankfully though, I had trousers on underneath, so there wasn’t really much skin on show. The top part of the dress looked more like a long-sleeved kaftan design, only it had a large slit down the middle, one framed by thick gold embroidery that was at least four inches wide. The design spanned down to my navel and joined under my breasts in a tear drop shape, almost as if it was a gold arrow pointing the way to a woman’s sweet spot. Not that Draven needed any directions where to go, I thought with a deepening blush, recalling this mornings ‘wild ride’ as Pip had put it.

  The sleeves of the dress were made from a sheer material and tapered off into wide cuffs, stiff with the thick gold borders in the same design as the top part of the dress. There was only my cleavage on show as it was quite low cut and, thanks to my ample size, it was another dress I had to be squeezed into. The little mandarin style gold collar, completed the look and curled slightly outwards.

  “You’d better get a wiggle on Chickey, as he looks ready to come and get you any minute,” Pip informed me and I had to say, she was right. Draven had one elbow to his chair’s armrest and the other hand was currently gripping onto the end, that being a snarling lion’s head. And if I thought that wasn’t intimidating enough, then where he was positioned in the room, certain
ly made up for it.

  The Great Hall was as it sounded, full of colossal sized pillars, elaborately decorated arches and a pair of carved, monstrous sized doors at the end that looked as if they would have needed six men either side just to open them. But this was nothing compared to Draven’s throne, as it was set back at the far end of the room and dominated the space with it grandeur and size.

  It was, in true Draven fashion, raised up by seven steps and a platform high enough so that the whole room could be viewed from wherever you sat up there. It was almost like its own room and I smiled thinking back to the VIP at Afterlife. I was happy to see that even after 2000 years things didn’t change that much.

  The space wasn’t only separated by the steps, but also by the huge intricately cut scalloped arch coming down from the balcony above it. From this hung two vast lengths of material, that framed the space in a royal purple shade that was decorated with a large gold emblem I has seen a few times in the palace. It was a picture of a full-length lion from the side, holding a curved blade with a sun behind him and all of this was framed in a circular vine of some kind.

  Then, at the centre, was the man himself sat upon a massive throne which rose up high at his back in tiered tear drop shaped arches. Scattered carpets in lush colours gave the room its colour along with the crowd, no doubt all dressed in their finest. But every single one of them were just shadows in the background of the masterful figure that sat waiting for one thing…me.

  He was dressed differently than I had ever seen him dressed before. His impressive torso was for once covered with a sleeveless tunic style jacket that could be seen underneath another layer of draped dark purple material. It hung down loose around his neck and covered his chest and abs, where it met length after length of leather, from the many belts that hung off to one side.

  To this he’d added black armour to one shoulder that was covered in layered curved plates and this matched the wicked looking metal gauntlet he wore over one hand. In fact, it looked as though he had dipped his hand into Hell itself and pulled it back to find a demonic black glove. Sections of arrow shaped metal all overlapped one another to create free movement, but it was the deadly points that covered his fingers like demonic claws. Yep, I think I would be staying away from that hand I thought, swallowing hard.


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