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Daddy's Virgin Nanny: A Single Dad & Nanny Romance

Page 42

by Tia Wylder

  “I’m simply going to tell her that I’m a friend who cares very deeply about you,” he explained. She smiled, and the expression was so bright it could bring to light a dark and cloudy day. He struggled to ignore the warmth in his gut, the growing adoration for the woman who stood eagerly at his side. He had expected her to be angry, and he supposed she would have had every right to be. However, she simply seemed thrilled that he had taken an interest in her, as well as her family. He couldn’t deny his growing enchantment with the woman, and it was only a matter of time before his feelings came spewing forth. He could only contain it for so long. Just as he was sure he was going to blurt out his feelings, the elevator dinged to indicate they were on the proper floor. She led him out of the elevator, seeming to have a bit of a skip in her step as she led him down the hallways. The nurses recognized her immediately, greeting the blonde-haired woman warmly as she and Jackson made their way through the floor. He couldn’t help feeling as if their collective gaze upon him was mildly suspicious, but he managed to swallow the feeling as they stopped outside of Svetlana’s sister’s room. Svetlana knocked out a pattern; ‘Shave and a haircut’. Two knocks answered as well as an excited giggle. The door was pulled open by a young boy with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. His eyes widened dramatically upon seeing the tiger clutched in his aunt’s arms, and he scarcely seemed to even notice Jackson.

  “Auntie, did you buy that for me?” He asked with excitement resonating from every bone in his body.

  “My friend bought it for you, Klaus. Can you let us inside?” Svetlana murmured warmly, pressing the tiger into the young boy’s arms. It was nearly twice his size, but he managed to drag it deeper into the room, heaving it up and sitting it on a hospital chair. Jackson and Svetlana filed into the room, and Jackson was startled to see Natalia immediately scrutinizing him.

  “Your friend, huh?” She asked, her accent much thicker than Svetlana’s. His blonde-haired assistant laughed airily, taking Jackson by the arm and drawing him in closer. Natalia narrowed her eyes, looking between the two suspiciously. “That is no friend. That is your boss,” the gaunt woman commented with an authoritative tone. Svetlana laughed, and Jackson managed a nervous chuckle, setting the cooler of food beside the bed and offering his hand.

  “We’ve discovered as of late that it can be both,” he grinned nervously. Natalia narrowed her eyes upon him, reaching out to grip his hand with a surprisingly firm grip.

  “It has taken you long enough,” the older sibling said in a huff. Jackson chuckled, drawing away and opening the cooler of food. Natalia glanced over the side of the bed, eyes widening at the sight of the appetizing cold cut sandwiches. “Is this… for us?” The sickly woman inquired softly. Jackson smiled, grabbing one of the subs and handing it to the woman. She unwrapped it from its plastic, taking a tentative bite and moaning appreciatively.

  “I figured you were sick of hospital food. It’s not much, but,” he was cut short by her holding up a hand as she swallowed.

  “It is very kind of you, Mr. Wethers. I can only wonder why you are treating us with such kindness. You are only my sister’s boss,” she murmured.

  “If you think this is kind, wait until you see the cake he brought,” Svetlana announced as she rummaged through the cooler. Klaus gasped, and Natalia pointed a finger at him.

  “Real food first. Then cake,” she said firmly. The young boy groaned, but took one of the sandwiches out of the cooler and unwrapped it before taking a large bite. He grinned excitedly at Jackson, reaching out to tug at the leg of his pants.

  “Thanks for the food!” He announced happily, munching away at the sandwich. Jackson chuckled, reaching out to tousle the boy’s curls.

  “You’re quite welcome, Klaus. Miss Natalia, as far as only being your sister’s boss,” he paused, looking at Svetlana with warmth in his gaze. “I can assure you that my feelings run much deeper than that. I care about all of my employees, but your sister is quite special,” he murmured. Natalia considered the two for a moment, smiling mischievously.

  “You love her,” she bluntly remarked. Svetlana barked out a laugh, and Jackson could only nervously chuckle as he reached into the cooler to prepare the cake.

  “Auntie and uh… this guy, sitting in a tree,” Klaus sang, and Jackson could only try to mask his mortification.

  “Who wants cake!?” He blurted, slicing a large piece for the little boy. He was instantly distracted, grabbing the plate before digging into the chocolatey delight. Jackson went about serving everyone in the room a piece, and Svetlana moved to sit beside her nephew. As Jackson handed Natalia her slice, the older sibling gestured for him to move in closer. He did so warily, surprised at the warmth he saw on the woman’s face.

  “You will find I am less easily distracted than my son. You love my sister, but she does not know it yet. Yes?” She whispered. He hesitated before nodding the affirmative, his cheeks flushed. “Your secret is safe with me. I only ask that you treat her as she should rightfully be treated. You have my blessing,” Natalia murmured before taking the cake and loudly thanking him. He stepped away to enjoy his own slice. The remaining moments passed in relative silence, and Svetlana glanced at her wrist watch before gasping.

  “Oh, Jackson. We should be heading back soon,” she said, seemingly regretfully. He hesitated for a moment, looking at the woman who had so gripped his heart. His plan was perfectly set in motion. Initially, he had at least wanted some sort of recognition for his actions, but now he found that it seemed as if that would only tarnish the good deed. He smiled, gesturing towards the door.

  “Go on outside. I’ll be out in just a moment,” he cooed. When it looked as if she would protest, he winked at her before speaking again. “That’s an order.” She looked vaguely taken aback, but only rolled her eyes and laughed.

  “Alright, alright. I’ll meet you in the parking lot, boss,” she drawled. She slipped out the door, and Jackson hesitated before using the room phone to dial up the business office.

  “Yes, I’d like for a representative to come to room 525 to discuss a change in payment method.”

  Natalia watched him with a curious expression, and to their mutual surprise, it was only a moment before a representative from the business office stepped in the door. He winked at Natalia before finalizing his plan.

  “I would like to take over the payments for Miss Natalia Rhukov’s treatment,” he said with a smile. He could hear Natalia gasp, but he paid her little mind, providing his payment information to the representative. Once that was squared away, he turned to Natalia with a small smile. “Our secret, alright?” He murmured. She hesitated for a moment, but nodded her head.

  “You are a good man, Mr. Wethers,” she announced.

  “Just call me Jackson. And don’t give it a second thought. Family helps family,” he smiled. With a parting wave and another ruffle of the young boy’s hair, the man slipped out of the hospital room and towards the elevators. When he made it to his car, he was pleased to see Svetlana propped up on the hood. He grinned as he approached her, and she gave a slight start upon being caught. She scrambled off his car, immediately making sure she hadn’t left any scratches. “Well, weren’t you presented like the prettiest little present,” he hummed. Svetlana smacked him on the arm, rolling her eyes in exasperation. The two slipped into their respective seats, and as the engine revved, Svetlana reached out to adjust the seat settings herself.

  “Isn’t it hilarious that she thought you were in love with me? We’re better actors than we gave ourselves credit for, it seems,” she smiled toothily. He chuckled, reaching out to grab her by the hand as they drove back to the office.

  “It’s not exactly the most difficult role I’ve ever had to play,” he teased, enjoying the way his assistant’s face reddened.

  “Oh, hush,” she muttered, shyly averting her eyes but tightening her grip on his hand. He smiled to himself as they made their way to the office, a feeling of warmth blooming in his chest once more. He was sure tha
t Svetlana would eventually grow suspicious when her sister’s bills were no longer delivered to her home, but he could only hope he could keep up the act long enough to take off a bit of her financial burden. The woman who had captured his heart had enough on her plate without having to worry about whether she could provide for her sister’s treatment. His mind flickered to the young boy that had been so excited to see his aunt, and how that very aunt could someday soon be providing major care for him. Though Jackson was sure he was unprepared to take on a father role, he mused that for Svetlana, he could at the very least be there.

  God willing, if she allowed it.

  Chapter Six

  The following weeks at the office returned to a sense of relative normalcy. Svetlana and Jackson continued their farcical dating, and Jackson could only thank the stars that Lina had not been back. The line between farce and reality was growing increasingly blurred for the man, though he was quite sure the same could not have been said for his assistant. For her part, she carried on her normal duties as well as sneaking into his office for the occasional moment of alone time. He had initially questioned why she wanted to spend her off time with him of all people, but she had assured him that it was merely for the sake of authenticity. It had nearly broken his heart, but he’d managed to keep a cool expression, even as it grew increasingly evident that she would likely never care as deeply for him as he did for her. He couldn’t hold it against her; prior this arrangement, he’d not even known her name. He cursed every time he misspoke such a wonderful name, one that would come to send such chills down his spine.

  He had received several bills from the hospital, regarding Natalia’s treatment. He was immediately stricken by just how much his poor assistant had to pay to ensure her sister was kept alive for as long as possible. It seemed a bitter thing, how much finances played into whether one lived or died. As far as he was aware, Svetlana had not noticed the lack of communication from the hospital. He trusted Natalia would keep his secret safe, and though he wished he could grow closer to the blonde he so adored, things were about as good as one could hope.

  He was in the midst of sorting through his personal documents, only to notice that about half of the stack was missing. He realized that Svetlana was likely trying to get back into the swing of her previous duties, which had included seeing that his bills were kept up to date. His heart leapt into his throat at the thought of being discovered so soon, and he lurched to his feet without a second thought. The fact that he planned to demand his documents would likely arise suspicion in his personal assistant, but that was better than his plans being torn to shreds nearly immediately after execution. However, as he drew nearer the door, a familiar knock sounded from the other side. He hesitated, a lump forming in his throat. The knock repeated, more desperately this time. He could only hope that he could convince Svetlana to allow him to continue helping her, though he knew that was unlikely to be the case. She was a proud woman, and that was one of the things he loved about her. It had taken some time, but he had come to terms with the fact that what he felt for her could be nothing but love. He had never been on the losing side of unrequited love before, and he was beginning to understand why the many girls he’d led on in the past had been so desperate to contact him.

  He shook these thoughts off as the knock sounded once more, and the knob to his door began to turn. He took a step back, schooling his expression into one of absolute calmness. He smiled serenely as Svetlana all but barged into his office, her eyes red-rimmed with tears. Upon seeing her troubled expression, he immediately dropped the calm act, taking her by the arm and guiding her to the cushy chair he’d moved into his office specifically for her breaks. Her body quaked, and tears streamed down her face. Though he had a feeling about what had her so upset, his suspicions were only confirmed as he spied the bill clutched in her hand. He dropped into a crouch before her, trying to comfort her as much as he could.

  “I can explain,” he began, though he truly could not. Her hand shook as she thrusted the bill towards him, eyes wide and incapable of understanding.

  “Why? Why would you take over my sister’s cost of treatment? I told you that was the reason I had agreed to be your pretend girlfriend, for that end check. Are you trying to cut out the middle man? I don’t… understand,” she blurted. He hesitated, taking the bill and setting it aside. He took her by the hand, weighing his options before speaking.

  “You’ll still be receiving your check upon completion of this… farce, if that’s what has you in such a tizzy. This is simply an… added benefit,” he managed weakly. She gripped his hand tightly, drawing it towards her chest as she met his gaze earnestly.

  “But why would you do that for me? There’s nothing in it for you. D-don’t get me wrong, I appreciate it. But I don’t want to exploit your kindness, Jackson. You don’t owe me any more than we initially agreed upon,” she sputtered. He hesitated, reaching out with his free hand to caress her cheek. She stiffened, her cheeks turning as red as a tomato as he watched her with fondness in his gaze.

  “I don’t feel as if I owe you anything, darling. I’m doing this because I want to. I told you that I care about you. This is just… a way of showing it,” he murmured. She narrowed her eyes upon him, seeming to search his gaze for any sign that he was lying, or trying to lead her astray. He did his best to convey his true feelings through his gaze alone, to show that he only wanted what was best for the woman he loved. She drew her lip between her teeth, tears continuing to spill down her cheeks.

  “You really care. You actually care about me. I know you said as much, but I had never believed it. Jackson…,” she trailed off, and he smiled gently, moving to wipe her tears away. Suddenly, she lurched forward, pressing their lips together in a bruising kiss. Their teeth clacked together awkwardly, and he drew away slightly. She refused to allow him to gain much distance, however, working her lips against his. He groaned against her, tangling a hand in her long and luxurious locks. She drew him closer, until he was nearly pressed on top of her in the small yet comfortable chair. When he felt her beginning to unbutton his shirt, he drew away with a gasp.

  “Svetlana, I don’t expect any… favors in turn. You don’t have to do this,” he sputtered out. She smiled, bringing her lips to his pulse point. She grazed her teeth against his skin, and he fought the desire to moan her name.

  “I know. I want to do this, though. I care about you too, Jackson. I hadn’t known quite to what extent, but I’m beginning to get an idea,” she murmured against his skin, continuing to unfasten the buttons on his shirt. Her hands were deft, and it was all he could do to brace himself against the chair as she exposed his well sculpted chest and abdomen. She leaned in, dragging her tongue along the expanse of his collarbone, marking him with tiny love bites along the way. He felt arousal surge through him, his member growing stiff at her ministrations. He tried to shift his hips away from her to make his arousal less obvious, but she simply smiled fondly up at him, reaching down to grip the hem of her shirt. “I’d rather you be the one to undress me, but seeing as you seem a bit petrified right now,” she murmured teasingly, beginning to lift her blouse up over her head. He stilled her hands, his erection throbbing painfully in his slacks.

  “Y-you don’t have to,” he gasped out. She quirked her lips in a wry smile, taking him by the hand and slipping it under her shirt. He had to swallow a moan at the sensation of feeling her warm and soft skin underhand, and she leaned in to press her lips flush against his ear.

  “If you don’t want me, just say as much. All I’ll say is I very much want this to happen. Right here, right now. I won’t wait much longer, Jackson,” she purred. He shivered as her breath ghosted his ear, and before he could stop himself, he all but ripped her blouse off. He jerked it off over her head, but she had no complaints as he tossed the offending garment over his shoulder. His eyes drank her in hungrily, from the black lace bra she wore to the subtle swell of her stomach. He ground his hips against the chair, between her spread thighs. She
smirked, reaching behind herself to unclasp her bra. As it fell away, and her breasts were set free, for a moment, Jackson was certain he had died and gone to heaven. From the plump curve of her breast to the bright pink peaks of her nipples, everything about her screamed for his touch. He cupped a breast in his hand, brushing his thumb to the stiffening nub of her nipple. She mewled at his touch, and he hungrily lowered his head to take her other nipple between his lips. Her hips jerked up against his, and he had to swallow a cry as he rutted against her clothed thigh. Things were moving too far, too fast, but Jackson was helpless to stop it. God, he wouldn’t have stopped it even if it were within his power to.

  “Jackson, please,” she moaned eagerly, dragging her nails down his back. He moaned appreciatively, his throbbing erection only growing ever more eager for attention as she reached behind him to grasp his rear. She pulled him flush against her, settling him so his groin pressed against the apex of her thighs. There were decidedly too many layers of clothes between them. He reached between them to grip the waistband of Svetlana’s skirt. He could feel the lace of her panties under his fingertips, and as he pulled her skirt off, he grazed his knuckles against the front of her clothed womanhood. He could feel the vaguest of dampness against the front of the fabric, and he met Svetlana’s eyes only to have to swallow a desperate gasp. Her eyes were dark with desire, her lips plump and begging to be kissed. He leaned in, taking her lower lip into his mouth and sucking eagerly.

  “Jackson,” she cried desperately, and he had never expected how much he would enjoy hearing her moan his name. He’d had suspicions, but never had he thought it would set alight such a fire within him. He nudged the crotch of her panties aside, revealing her damp folds that were beading with her desire. He brushed his fingertip from the bottom of her slit to the aching nub that marked the top of her womanhood. She keened, clutching his shoulders as he continued to stroke her gently, slowly. It was an agonizing pace for both, and she was so desperate it was as if she had never been touched in such a way before. He slid her panties down, dipping his finger into her to test the tightness of her depths. He was not disappointed, as her inner walls clamped around his finger to the point that he could only wonder if she could take his full length. She was eagerly grasping at his slacks, however, struggling to expose his aching member.


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