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Night of the Senses

Page 35

by Victoria Blisse

  She swallowed rapidly.

  “Yes, master.”

  “And now, I am going to spank you—not as a punishment but just because it will give me great pleasure to do so.”

  Charlotte nodded. “Yes, master.”

  “Come up here. Sit, next to me,” he ordered.

  She sat next to her master on the sofa. Rather than turn her over his knee right away, the way she expected him to, he just let her sit up next to him on the thickly cushioned comfort and receive kiss after gentle kiss. She tried to wait patiently for him to get started but although she enjoyed the way his lips caressed hers, it was soon impossible not to squirm in frustration.

  He promised her a spanking. She wanted it now.

  “Sometimes you won’t get what you want right away,” he whispered against her lips.

  Charlotte jerked away from her master. No. She really hadn’t thought this through. There was no way she could be spanked while Zachariah listened in on her thoughts. He would know… he would know everything…

  “Master… I…” she trailed off. What could she say? She didn’t want a spanking? He would know it was a lie. He would know why she lied. A submissive had no right to make such a request. Her safe words rose to her lips as panic bubbled inside her.

  Her master bridged the gap between them and pushed her hair back over her shoulder.

  She couldn’t say it. The word stuck in her throat. Her eyes jerked up and met his.

  He knew. He’d read the intent from her mind and now he knew.

  “I didn’t say it,” she protested.

  “I know.”

  “I didn’t mean to think about it.”

  He stroked her cheek. “I’m not angry with you, pet.”

  Charlotte looked down. He should be angry with her. She was acting like an idiot.

  Zachariah stroked his hand down her back and over the full curve of her bottom. He ran his hand back and forth over the skin, teasing her with the possibilities without giving her any sensation strong enough to enjoy.

  Very gradually, he coaxed her to lean into his body, to arch her back and offer her bottom up to his hand. She went with the move, letting him gradually turn her into his body so her head rested on his shoulder.

  She felt every breath he took—slow and steady under her hand when she rested her palm on his chest. He felt solid—sure and certain about everything. His touch was still infuriatingly gentle, but it moved across her skin with complete confidence. Charlotte sensed the strength under the gentleness, the dominance under the careful concern.

  Her breaths tried to speed up. Charlotte tried to hold them in check so he would never be able to tell how turned on she was, how much she was thinking about her own pleasure rather than what would please her master.

  He slowly encouraged her to lean so far into him she was leaning across his lap. He stroked her bottom with the palm of his hand, trailing back and forth over the sensitive skin. She wasn’t in the right position for a spanking, Charlotte tried to wriggle forward, but her master seemed content to let her rest over his lap as she was.

  “Do you want this, pet?” he asked her softly.

  Hell, yes, she did! “If it pleases my master,” she whispered.

  He chuckled, and she knew he’d picked up the enthusiasm she’d hidden away in her thoughts. “It pleases your master a great deal.” He tapped her on the rump, not a proper spank, just an encouragement to finally move forward into the right position.

  When she was turned over his lap and arranged just the way he wanted, Zachariah left her lying there for several minutes. He stroked her hair back from her face as if he needed to watch her, as if he had to attempt to read any expression she might let slip across her features. But she knew he could just read them from her mind.

  “That doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy looking at you,” he said. He went back to his gentle stroking until she squirmed against him. Charlotte wanted her master to spank her now!

  “Impatient, little pet?” he teased.

  There was no point lying about it. She nodded. “Yes, master.”

  He stroked her skin, running his hands over her back and down along the backs of her thighs, into the dip behind her knees, along the line of her calf to the tips of her toes.

  Her heart pounded at break neck speed, but she forced herself to stay still and silent, her cheek resting against the cushion he’d placed under her head.


  The noise snapped in the silence of the room. Charlotte whimpered, a mingle of protest and pleasure. Her finger tips curled into the cushion. Her eyes flew open. She took a deep breath and relaxed back against his lap.

  Zachariah’s hand smoothed the skin he’d struck.

  She wriggled, just the tiniest fraction under his touch.

  He made her wait for the next spank. His hand landed on her left buttock, leaving a matching hand print there. She watched him over her shoulder, waiting for the next spank. He wriggled his fingers, letting the air brush against his skin and cool his palm before he brought it down onto her backside again.

  Charlotte hid her reaction better that time. She gave no outward sign she wanted more from him.

  He smiled. “Do you want more, pet?”

  “I want what it pleases my master to give me,” Charlotte said. Her voice was husky with arousal, but it betrayed none of the impatience that probably laced every thought.

  Zachariah relented in his teasing. He began to spank her in earnest. Alternating cheeks, he covered her bottom from the top of the muscle down to the crease where her buttock merged into the top of her thigh. He was meticulous, covering each inch of her backside with an even coat of pleasure. Charlotte began to squirm against Zachariah, unable to stay still under his touch. She felt her master grow hard under her stomach.

  She whimpered and clung to the cushion. Her breath came in pants. Sweat broke out on her skin. She pressed her stomach down against his erection, desperate to somehow return the pleasure he gave her with whatever friction she could offer him.

  Everything built up inside her. It almost reached a peak. He stopped, his own breaths came hard and fast.

  Don’t stop, Charlotte repeated over and over inside her mind. Please, don’t stop.

  She stilled. She swallowed down her emotions, closing her lips and her eyes to prevent them pouring out to him, she whimpered, remembering it was impossible to hide any of it from her master. The bond held nothing back.

  He ran his hand over her scorching hot behind and down her leg. Sliding back up her thigh, his fingers slid between her legs. She opened them for him without hesitation. Charlotte was so close, she could feel her orgasm right there—only just out of her reach.

  Her master slipped his thumb inside her. Her muscles desperately clenched and relaxed around the digit. His fingers located her clit. Just a few tiny circles and she was on the verge. Zachariah took her to the edge. He showed her the beautiful view over the abyss. Then he pulled her back at the last moment.

  She tried to struggle and move her pussy against his hand when he refused to move against her.

  “Stay still.”

  There was no way to disobey any command issued in that tone of voice. Charlotte immediately fell still. He slipped his fingers from her body and went back to stroking the heated backside. Her wetness clung to his fingers, coating her bottom and soothing her skin as it cooled on her. His touch didn’t feel angry, but Charlotte was sure he had to be.

  He turned her over on his lap. She moaned as her bottom touched his trousers but she forced herself not to squirm with pleasure. A glance at his expression told her he wasn’t angry with her, but she couldn’t help but worry anyway.

  Zachariah stood up and carried her into the middle of the room. Instinct took over, she put her arms around his neck and curled close into his body. He put her down.

  “I gave you a command,” he said seriously. “You followed it. There is no reason for me to be angry.”

  She nodded. “Yes, master.” He was right.
She had no reason to think he was angry with her. It was just so strange to hear him snap commands, when she was so used to him speaking so gently.

  “You’ll get used to it,” he told her.

  Charlotte pushed aside the instinctive rebellion against his plucking thoughts out of her mind.

  He was her master. He had the right.

  “Yes,” he said with evident satisfaction. “I do have that right. You are mine to do whatever I want with—isn’t that what you told me when I became your master?”

  Charlotte nodded. When he sounded so confident, so sure everything would be fine, it was hard to remember why the bond worried her so much. When her master wanted to read her mind, he did. There was nothing wrong with that. She was still safe.

  “Yes, you are safe,” Zachariah said. He stepped away and walked around her. “It is safe to let me inside your mind, to let me see what you truly desire.” He trailed his fingers over her skin. “Perhaps I will not let you have everything you wish for, but it is your master’s place to decide if you deserve such special treats, not yours. It is my right to see you are happy when I want that to be the case.”

  She nodded. “Yes, master.”

  He smiled slightly at her, but his eyes stayed serious. She looked down. He resumed his journey around her. “If you are very good, I will let you have your fun. But your master’s pleasure comes first, doesn’t it?”

  She nodded. “Yes, master.”


  The muscles in her legs reacted to the command before it filtered through her brain. She dropped heavily to her knees, all grace and practised motions forgotten. Charlotte stared at the floor, her brain tried to catch up and work out why it was suddenly much closer than it should be.

  Zachariah wound his fingers into her hair and held her head still while he gazed down at her. Suddenly he turned away. Stepping back a few paces, he shrugged off his clothes.

  “Does master wish me to…?”


  Charlotte looked back down. By the time she gained the courage to look back up, Zachariah was naked. His erection curved up to his stomach, flushed with arousal, as he slowly stroked the shaft. Charlotte forgot everything. Her training slipped from her mind as if it never occurred. She reached for her master.

  “No!” He turned away before her finger tips touched his leg. He went back to walking around her. “From now on there are two states of protocol in this house.”

  Charlotte tried to follow his path as he walked around her. Her head spun.

  “State one—low protocol. Things will continue between us exactly as they have from the beginning. You will do as I say and follow my rules, but you will learn to expect a certain amount of relaxation, a certain degree of freedom. At those times it is not your place to give yourself less comfort than your master sees fit to provide you with.”

  She nodded. “Yes, master.”

  His journey brought him back in front of her. “And that brings us to high protocol.” He smiled down at her—not the warm friendly smile she was so used to seeing curving her master’s lips. This smile announced that from this moment on the world was going to run exactly to one person’s wishes—and Zachariah knew he was that person.

  Charlotte swallowed. He hadn’t said a word about it, but high protocol sounded wonderful already.

  “It is wonderful, pet. For me, at least. If you enjoy being teased and turned over my knee, if you enjoy crawling at my feet and serving me, no doubt you will find some sort of enjoyment in it too,” he shrugged as if he couldn’t care less if she would enjoy it or not, it was going to happen regardless.

  “Yes, master,” she whispered. Her eyes followed the movements of his hand over his shaft. He swirled his palm over the head, slicking his shaft with his pre-cum as he stroked himself. He moved out of her line of sight. She turned.

  “Stay still.”

  He came around the other side of her. She looked up into her master’s eyes. There was no apology for ordering her about, no concern over if he hurt her feelings. Charlotte swallowed down her pleasure, the relief flooding through her. Her eyes dropped to his cock. She licked her lips.

  He chuckled. “I told you you’d get your treat when I want you to—not before.” His hand sped up, stroking his cock faster, his grip tightening around the shaft on each stroke.

  Charlotte’s own hands, feeling very left out, began to stray toward her clit.

  “No!” Zachariah’s idle left hand wound into her hair. A sharp jerk and she pulled her finger tips away from her swollen clit.

  She whimpered in frustration. Zachariah’s self satisfied smile grew.

  He offered his cock to her, so it was just an inch away from her lips. Charlotte tried to lean forward, but his grip on her hair prevented it. His fist tightened painfully around the thick dark strands. A jolt of arousal shot through her. Somewhere inside her the pain morphed into pleasure. Unable to do more, she flicked out her tongue and licked the head, swallowing down what pre-cum she could catch from the tip.

  Charlotte murmured her enjoyment.

  She pulled at his grip on her hair again, whimpering her frustration at not being allowed to take him into her mouth the way she wanted to. She looked up at him.


  She tried to project the word over the bond.

  Want. Please.

  His grip in her hair only tightened, holding her in place regardless of her thoughts on the matter. With his other hand, he stroked the length of his erection.

  She moaned her annoyance, pulling at her hair hard enough to hurt as she lapped at the head. It wasn’t fair.

  Zachariah continued to jack himself off faster and faster.

  Want. Please. Master.

  She looked up at him, concentrating on each word in turn, desperate to make him understand how much she needed to feel him inside her body.

  Please! Need!

  His grip tightened a fraction more in her hair. His stroking hand twisted around his shaft. His hips bucked, finally offering the head of his cock to her mouth. She succeeded in wrapping her lips around the very tip of the head only a second before Zachariah spilled into her mouth.

  Her master let her swallow him down, but the moment he was finished, he turned his back on her, dropping the tangle of curls he’d held so tightly.

  “Come, Charlotte.”

  She rose to her feet and followed her master. He strode briskly up the stairs and into the bedroom.

  It was a few moments before she caught up with him. She stumbled slightly on the threshold. He sat on the bed and held out a hand to her.

  She came and knelt on the bedside rug, leaning her head against his knee. “How can I serve you, master?” she asked softly.

  “Is that how you would like your master to treat you all the time?” he asked.

  She fidgeted with the edge of the rug. “Yes.” It was the truth. It was what she asked him for.

  “Or do you like knowing when your master strings you up or pins you down that afterwards, he will hold you close and tell you how pleased he is with you?”

  Charlotte looked down. No, she wouldn’t want that. It was the essence of fake submission. She couldn’t want that sort of life. She shouldn’t…

  … but she did. Charlotte closed her eyes, hating herself for her weakness. She really was that type of submissive.

  “No!” he took her hair back into his grip and jerked back so she looked up to him. “I don’t know who put those ideas into your head, but you will not talk about yourself, or think about yourself, that way again. I will not have you ashamed of wanting to be loved by your master.”

  No matter what she wanted, Charlotte knew it was impossible. He couldn’t love her. Masters did not fall in love with their pets—even human masters didn’t do that. She tried to look away, but Zachariah wouldn’t let her.

  “I chose,” she whispered, when she couldn’t stand the silence stretching out between them any longer.

  Zachariah frowned down at her.

>   “A woman can’t be submissive and be loved. I chose. I chose this way of life because it’s what I want. I’m not asking for you to do more than let me submit to you.”

  “Your master loves you, Charlotte,” he whispered. “Is that really so impossible for you to believe?”

  Charlotte hesitated. Masters couldn’t love their pets. Love was a weakness dominant men didn’t indulge in. She glanced up at Zachariah. He met her eyes. He didn’t look weak, or submissive.

  “Come to your master.”

  She climbed up onto the bed next to him when he tapped the mattress. She should stop now. If he wanted to say such things that was his right as a master, it didn’t mean it was acceptable for her to say the same.

  Charlotte couldn’t say she loved her master in return. She didn’t have the courage to take the risk.

  “I know you do, little pet,” he said softly, “I know you do.” He wrapped an arm around her and pressed a kiss to the top of her head, guiding her to curl in close to his side and lie down on the bed with him. His hand dropped to caresses the sore skin on her bottom. Heat flared over her skin. Moisture gathered once more between her legs.

  Charlotte wondered if there was any chance he would allow her to…

  “None at all,” Zachariah said cheerfully.

  She looked up at her master.

  “You hid too much from your master, pet—all these weeks, never letting me see how you felt, never truly belonging to your master. Those weeks cannot be brushed aside as if they did not occur.”

  Charlotte tried to pull away from Zachariah.

  He caught her and easily pinned her to the bed. She tried not to be pleased.

  “You can like being held down,” he allowed.

  Stupidly, she felt her shame at the pleasure fade away. If it was okay with her master it couldn’t be wrong. She had his permission.

  “Hiding yourself from your master the way you did before the first feeding, that will never happen again,” he told firmly. “Until I am sure you understand that you will not be allowed climax.”

  Charlotte looked down, wondering if she should suggest she leave the room and not take the comfort his arms offered her until he was pleased with her, until she deserved to be held close.


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