Movie Nights with the Reagans
Page 27
South Korea, 199
Soviet Union:
in films, 152–72
response to Rocky IV in, 162
Rocky IV as metaphor for, 159–61
Ronald Reagan’s film career criticized in, 109, 123
spying by, 142
US compared to, 159–60, 162
US foreign policy toward, 15, 58, 67, 73–74, 84–85, 89, 91–94, 98–99, 140, 157–59, 162, 168–72
see also Cold War
space race, achievements of, 73–74
Space Shuttle Program, 72–74
tragedy of, 81–83, 154, 188–91, 196–97
Speakes, Larry, 188–89, 191, 213
Special Olympics, 88
Spencer, Stu, 125–26
Spielberg, Steven, 27, 35, 69, 74–78
Sri Lankan president, state dinner for, 116–18
Stallone, Sylvester, 77, 113, 152–7, 159, 162, 163, 164, 180, 192
Stark, Fran and Ray, xv
“Star Wars” (missile shield program), 85–86, 92, 94, 169, 225
Star Wars series, 33, 81, 89
popular response to, 5, 74, 86
see also Return of the Jedi
State of the Union addresses, 150–51, 208
Stein, Ben, 220–21
Stewart, Potter, 10
Stoessel, Walter, 168–69
Stone, Oliver, 182
Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START), 168
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI; Star Wars), 85–86, 92, 94, 169, 225
Straus, Ann, xx–xxi
Streep, Meryl, 56
Streisand, Barbra, xv
studio system, 184
subdural hematoma, 106
Sunshine Boys, The, 18
Superman II, 5, 89
Superman III, 87–89
superstition, 23–25
supply-side economics, 220–21
Supreme Court, 164
Bork nomination to, 187–88, 191–92
first woman on, 10, 27, 74
Swayze, Patrick, 152, 166–67
Sycamore (cabin), xvi
Sydow, Max von, 77
“Take My Breath Away,” 179
Taxi Driver, 31, 180
Taylor, Elizabeth, xi, 76
Taylor, Robert, 18–19
Taylor, Tessa, 19
Teachers in Space Project, 82, 154
Hollywood’s dismissal of, 20, 224
political impact of, xxi, 92
Ronald Reagan honored on, 111–14
Ronald Reagan’s career on, xxiii, 19–20
Ten Commandments, The, 17
Ten Days That Shook the World (Reed), 164
Testament, 93
Texas Tech University, 127–28
Thatcher, Margaret, 9, 58–62, 68
Thomas, Bob, 167
Thomas, Helen, 92, 200
Thompson, Lea, 166–7
Threads, 93
toasts, 117
Tokyo, 188
Tomlin, Lily, 1, 6–8
Top Gun, xxiv, 173, 175–82
Tracy, Spencer, 45
Trail of the Pink Panther, 104
Trudeau, Pierre, 27
Truman, Harry, 21
Turner, Stansfield, 168–69
UFOlogists, 76
United Kingdom:
Reagans’ visits to, 62–66, 230
US foreign policy toward, 58–62
Universal Pictures, 123
Untouchables, The (film), 198, 202–4, 207, 210
Untouchables, The (Ness), 202
Valley View Manor, 55–56
Victoria, Queen of England, 62, 103
Victory, 77
Vietnam War, 71, 89–90, 97, 178
antiwar viewpoint in films about, 180, 182
J. Fonda’s protest against, 7, 43–44
“voodoo economics,” 221
Wagner, Paula, 183–84
Walker, John Anthony, Jr., 142
Wallace, Chris, 105
Wallis, Hal, 194–95
Walters, Barbara, 106–8
WarGames, 84, 94–96, 214
Warner, Jack, 16
Warner Bros., 16, 37, 194, 221
“war-nography,” 162
Washington Post, 68, 90, 154, 169, 216
Wasserman, Lew, 151
Watergate scandal, 147, 222
Weathers, Carl, 164
Weaver, Sigourney, 127, 129
Weinberg, Erin, xv, 141, 234–36
Weinberg, Grace and Jake, xv
Weinberg, Herb, 124–25
Weinberg, Judy, 124–25
Weinberg, Mark:
cancer diagnosis of, 141
as nervous flyer, 23–25
on President’s Commission on White House Fellowships, 185–86
as Reagan press aide, xvi, xxiv, 3–4, 13–15, 29–30, 71–72, 102–3, 116–18, 124–25, 171–72, 188, 200–202
as Ronald Reagan’s postpresidential director of public affairs, 125, 151, 173–75, 185, 228–31
threat of job loss of, 188–91
value of Reagans’ relationship with, 236–37
Welch, Raquel, 153
Western movies, 34–36, 119, 123
films in tradition of, 90–91, 204
Where’s the Rest of Me? (Ronald Reagan and Hubler), xxii, 123, 224, 227–28, 231
White House Communications Agency (WHCA), xvii, 99–101
White House Correspondents Association dinner, 156
White House Fellows program, 185–86
White House Military Office, 10
White House Television Office, 99
Will, George, 219
William, Prince, 65
William Morris agency, 43
Williams, JoBeth, 93
William Woods College, 147
Windsor Castle, 63
“Win one for the Gipper” slogan, 193, 197
Witness (Chambers), 91
political advancements for, 10, 27, 74, 135, 175–6
Ronald Reagan’s respect for equality of, 9–11, 62
see also feminism
World Bank Group, 187
World War I, 56–57, 62
World War II, 55–56, 58, 60, 62, 77, 90, 97, 125, 146, 226
Wyman, Jane, xiv, 9, 112, 148–50
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 162
Zemeckis, Robert, 139, 151
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Copyright © 2018 by Mark D. Weinberg
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