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The Maven Knight (The Maven Knight Trilogy Book 1)

Page 32

by Matthew Romeo

  Yet, seeing the abuse and torture of any of them stirs feelings of wrath. I feel protective, as if I’m defending my own family.

  Vyck carefully drags Vivían towards the edge of the pit. Projectiles pound against the energy barrier generated by Tálir’s armor. I duck in and out of cover to fire the bowrifle clenched in my hands. Tálir holds a look of fiery protectiveness on his face as he guards us. His defensive nature is admirable. He shows passion for those he cares about, and he’s determined to seek justice. Part of me finds him enthralling—the way he fights, his sense of loyalty, and the way he looked at me early on.

  In the midst of the chaos, I’m perplexed as to why this feeling bubbled up. Is it because of the heat of battle? The rush of emotions after watching Vivían’s torture?

  I’m not entirely sure, but I do know that it’s immensely satisfying to see him in the heated frenzy.

  Currently still surrounded by Leir’tah and her warriors, the Outlanders advance through the fires surrounding us. The heat doesn’t bother them at all. Crimsons with stunpikes and swords start rushing in as the ranged ones continue to fire from afar. From deeper in the village, I see more warriors scuttling around the ritual pit to reinforce the battle.

  A feeling of anxiety wells within me as I realize that we’ve placed ourselves into a trap. Vyck can’t risk moving Vivían through the fires without help, and we can’t fight them off at the same time. As the other Crimsons start to encircle the pit, Tálir blasts another two—but only for them to be replaced by more. I fire another volley of energy bolts from the bowrifle, killing two more. It’s not enough.

  “You is outnumbered, false wizardry!” Leir’tah says, planting her scepter into the dirt. “You burn with others, for kysh me’a!”

  “I don’t plan on becoming someone’s dinner today,” Tálir sneers, using the shield to deflect another blast.

  His armor fails though, and the barrier shatters in a mass of emerald sparks. Under his breath, I can almost hear him say, “Oh shit.”

  “O’rah tah!” the warriors shout triumphantly.

  The Crimsons start advancing into the pit, raising their weapons above their heads and chanting. Leir’tah holds up a hand and the riflemen cease fire. The stunpike-wielding Crimsons closest to Tálir rush forward and strike. Electricity sparks as they hit him with their weapons. Tálir fights them off briefly, but succumbs to the numbing pain. I fire at them. Three fall, but my weapon overheats. It’s a thirty second cooldown. Shit!

  I attempt to back away, but I can almost feel the flames licking my back. We have nowhere to go.

  “O’RAH TAH!”

  There’s a flash of emerald light. All of the Crimsons stop chanting and start looking for the source. Suddenly, the Crimsons closest to us are felled by multiple magic blasts as the rest begin to retreat several steps.

  Looking to my left and towards Leir’tah’s pavilion, I can see Remus and Aida through the flames. While a few yards away, I see the distinct bronze Maven armor fitted to his body. Within his palms swirls fiery tendrils of sage energy, and his pale face reflects powerful determination. Aida’s blades are drawn, and her body is tensed with fury.

  In a blur of motion, Devin rushes from the right side behind the Crimsons. Wielding his shortsword, the blade flashes through the air as he cuts down the surprised warriors. The crowd of Crimsons starts to falter in their formation, and a few more streams of energy soar from my right. Abrax walks gingerly towards the pit, his left arm extended and sending kryo energy. His right hand is clenched around a cartridge of kryo ammunition.

  “Tálir!” he calls out, just a few meters from us. “Catch!”

  He tosses the cartridge over the flames towards Tálir, who scrambles up to one knee and catches the metal case. Faster than I’d ever thought possible; he reloads his gauntlets and tucks the cartridge under his breastplate.

  I hear the hissing of steam and my head snaps around to see Aida dumping water over a portion of the flames. As the fire dies away in the section behind me, Vyck pulls Vivían out of the pit. With Aida’s help, they manage to secure Vivían further from the conflict that erupts.

  “Sarina! You might need this!” Aida calls as she tosses Silverlight to me. “Are you ready to fight off an entire Outlander clan?”

  “Are you?” I say with a sardonic snort, catching the spear. “Let’s do this together then!”

  She gives me an enthusiastic nod of approval before we turn to face the conflict around us. I extend Silverlight to its full length, and the battle begins.


  A certain thrill creeps up my spine as I move through the midst of the conflict. Blades flash, energy soars, blood spurts, and shouts reverberate. Yet, within all of that, there’s a focus I’ve achieved as adrenaline rushes through me.

  Back in the Flames of Z’hart, I’d been captivated by fear and survival instincts. I was unsure how to see myself in a battle, and that was something that had prevented me from effectively fighting.

  But after experience, training, and possessing a will to fight, I’m a different entity entirely. I’m precise and effective, and my body turns numb to avoid any sense of fear.

  In a way, I almost find it as a symbolic reversal from where I had been weeks ago. Early on, my heart had been perpetually fearful and solitude. But here I am, with the group I now call friends, not afraid of anything.

  The Crimson militia, still four dozen strong, forms up along the opposite side of the pit between us and Leir’tah. A dozen huts line a diameter of fifty meters around us. The common Crimsons rush away from the fighting and into their homes. The first rays of morning barely peek over the mountains, but a faint shadow can be seen in the sky. The Roil is approaching slowly from the north.

  “I’m not sure how long I can fight,” Abrax wheezes, as he hunches over.

  I hurriedly pat him on the shoulder. “We’ve got this, old man. You get Vivían into one of those tents for cover.” Then to the others, I command, “Everyone, form up!”

  Abrax does as instructed. Our group enters a formation naturally as Tálir and Remus generate Shields with their armor in front of us. With their positioning, the two Mavens are able to expand the reach of their Shields into an almost crescent-shaped wall. The magic barriers deflect an incoming volley of bowrifle bolts from the Crimsons. Their rifles overheat after a moment of constant firing, and there's a pause as they attempt to reload. We use it. Remus and Tálir shrink their Shields low enough to allow Devin and Vyck to fire their scavenged bowrifles.

  With precision, they target and eliminate all the Crimsons with ranged weapons before reloading. The Shields expand once again as the Crimsons charge at us. With swords and staffs, they batter against the energy barriers trying to get to us. But the Shields hold. Devin discards his rifle and draws his sword in preparation while Vyck keeps his rifle ready. Silverlight is steady in my hands and Aida flourishes her daggers. Tálir and Remus look back at us, awaiting the order. Beyond the emerald energy, I see the remaining three dozen Crimsons crowding before the barrier.

  “Tálir! Remus!” I call, drawing their attention. “Shrink the Shield again!”

  I glance at Devin and he recognizes what I want to do. We move into position. As the Crimsons enter a frenzy trying to batter their Shields, Tálir and Remus decrease the energy slightly. Their Shields no longer touch the ground, and it's just enough room for this to work.

  Devin and I roll out from under the Shields and hack at the legs of the Crimsons around us. Silverlight has an added benefit of being easily able to sweep out my opponents’ legs. Blood spurts from sliced limbs as three Crimsons topple over on my side while another four fall on Devin’s. The other Crimsons notice us and relinquish their barrage on the Shields. Tálir and Remus use the distraction.

  Diminishing their Shields to cover only one arm, they use their free hands to hurl orbs of green fire into the mass of Crimsons. Magic explodes into the chests of two warriors, seriously burning their flesh and sending them flailing backwards. D
ispersing due to the magic fire, the Crimsons start attacking sparsely instead of as a single mass. Easier for us to pick them off.

  Training with Silverlight has helped my movements. My stance is wide and my motions are steady and precise. The others are fluid as well, blocking and counterattacking with deadly efficiency. Our group fights as if of a single mind. Tálir and Remus provide shielding and dispersing attacks, Vyck fires from a distance and the rest of us pick off the Crimsons as they scramble. None have gotten near Abrax and Vivían’s tent.

  Tálir deflects a sword from a Crimson as I duck underneath the Shield and skewer the warrior from below. Remus throws Aida into the air using his Shield as a makeshift springboard. Twisting, she flings her daggers into a few Crimsons while using her legs to grapple around another’s head. Devin is in the midst of fending off two simultaneously until a bowrifle bolt from Vyck blasts off a chunk of one’s head. Slicing off the other’s arm, Devin claims his opponent’s sword and in a scissor-like motion, beheads his foe.

  Barely a dozen Crimson warriors remain as we press forward into the pit and towards Leir’tah. A concentrated beam erupts from Remus’ open palm and strikes the ground near three Crimsons. Like a grenade going off, the ground explodes into a mass of dirt, green fire, and flailing bodies. Tálir throws an energy disk towards a Crimson but misses. In a flash of motion, I see Remus fire a stream of energy at the disk and deflect it back into the Outlander’s head. Torrents of emerald flames envelop the Crimson’s face as he yells in pain. Forming a Shield, Tálir bashes the Crimson away with the hardened energy. More disks fly from Remus’ hands, blasting away three more Crimson warriors.

  A wooden spear is flung towards me and my heart jolts. Tálir immediately deflects the projectile, shattering the spear to splinters. Focusing my aim, I ready Silverlight and toss the spear over Tálir’s head towards my target. Silverlight flies several meters and hits true, impaling the Crimson spear-thrower. Rushing forward, I wrench the spear from my opponent’s body and skewer a Crimson in the midst of attacking Aida. Blood mists the air as she slices his throat for good measure.

  Smoke from the fires gyrate around us as the last of the Crimson warriors falls. The sky is illuminated by an orange light while smoke billows into the stars above. Black and blue mixes as the morning rises slowly.

  I see Leir’tah through the haze of smoke and death. I smile in satisfaction, for she looks afraid. Her eyes are wide, and the scepter in her hands seems to be trembling.

  We have won, and Leir’tah begins retreating up the stairs of her throne. The air reeks of smoke, bowrifle coolant, and blood. We begin to advance on the repulsor throne; Leir’tah bears a look of frightened disgust.

  “Demons!” she hisses dangerously as she points her scepter at us. “False wizardry! You all be rabble! Skavah!”

  “We may be rabble,” I say coldly as I approach the throne. “But we hold more unity and discipline than your warriors. You’ve lost, Leir’tah.”

  “Prepare to face the judgment you so willingly gave to Vivían,” Tálir growls.

  Even under the helmet, I can sense the dark glower present upon his face. Hate radiates from his armor like the magic energy itself. He generates an orb of fire in his right palm. Behind us, I hear someone exit the tent. Abrax limps into my view with caution in his eyes.

  “Tálir,” Abrax warns as he walks forward. “No. We’ve won our battle. We don’t need to become killers of clan leaders too. Itinerant Mind!”

  Tálir’s helmet folds into his pauldrons and reveals the conflicted expression on his face.

  “She’ll hunt us for the rest of our lives if we let her live!” he protests. “A Maven Knight ensures protection and order. She’ll bring chaos with her if she ever finds us again! I have to protect you all!”

  Both of them make sense. I feel conflicted. Tálir is right because Leir’tah will inevitably pursue us if we let her live. But Abrax is also right because we mustn’t cause anymore needless death. Leir’tah is outmatched and in retreat, and there’s no honor in killing someone like that. Even after what she did to Vivían.

  I step forward and place a hand on Tálir’s armored shoulder. “Tálir,” I say gently as he looks at me. “We’ve beaten her. Let’s just go.”

  Conflict is in his eyes for a brief moment. But as my eyes lock with his, a warm sense of tranquility emanates between us. His anger and his wrath begin to slowly fade. Sincerity radiates from me as if to say, our friends are safe. Tálir knows what he has to do.

  “I once thought that fighting the right fight was the only way to protect my friends,” he says quietly. “But I see now that walking away from the wrong fight can protect them all the same.”

  I smile at him. He has learned something on this journey of ours.

  Leir’tah’s shriek breaks me from my thoughts. “You all burn for this in future! We hunt you if you steal avah’kal! We—”

  Her words are cut short.

  There’s a blur. A ruby orb of blistering energy strikes the side of the throne. An explosion erupts and practically vaporizes the throne. Leir’tah gives an inaudible scream before she too is swallowed by red flames.

  A concussive wave blasts all of us backwards. I hit the dirt and see spots as Silverlight falls from my hand. I hear nothing except a high pitch ringing as I see a bloody fireball where the throne had been. As the cloud of fire dissipates, I weakly look around for the orb’s source.

  My heart nearly stops. From atop the canyon wall to our left by almost a hundred meters is a repulsor convoy. Hovering in position momentarily, the behemoth begins to fly through the canyon. It soon hovers five meters over the northern part of the village near a clearing.

  From an open blast door in the side of the hull, a figure stands in preparation for a combat drop. The distinctive shine of the bronze Maven armor can be seen. There’s a faint tinge of ruby energy sparking from his hand.

  I strain to see his face as I rise from the ground. Cold fingers grasp around my chest cavity, and my breath almost feels short. Septem’s cold, pale face watches us as he brings the swift vengeance of the Remnant down on us.

  Chapter 42: Tálir


  “ALRIGHT, GAME PLAN!” Vyck says in a panicked voice. His eyes are wide with anxiety as he stares at the convoy.

  More Remnant warriors begin dropping into the village from the convoy. I can hear magic blasts and the screams from Crimsons in the northern section. I gulp as my heart beats faster. We cannot fight that! The Crimsons were one thing, but the Remnant is something else entirely.

  Vivían lies unconscious on a makeshift cot while Aida checks her vitals. With no medical supplies on hand, the best she can do is bandage the contusions. Vyck eyes Vivían with grave concern.

  “The bikes and repulsorcart are likely being stored in that makeshift garage along the eastern side of the village.” Devin says resolutely, twirling the shortsword in one hand.

  “What’s to stop them from pursuing us?” Sarina asks as she collapses her spear. “We don’t have a day’s ride on them anymore. Their convoy can keep speed with us.”

  My emotions have started to subside and I can clearly think of strategy. I noted at least a dozen Remnant warriors dropping from the convoy. With the packed and panicked village between us, they’ll be slowed for a few minutes. But that won’t be enough.

  A thought springs into my mind. I consider the chess game I played so long ago. A king gambit. Use two pawns for bait to lure the opponent into a diversion. The only difference is, the pawns will be facing a queen and knights. Even with my new experience, I know I cannot match Septem’s power. But it’s our only option.

  I inhale deeply before stepping forward. “We need a diversion,” I say pointing towards the convoy. “I can hold them off for a few minutes and give you all a head start. It won’t be much, but you all can get some distance before…”

  “Before what?” Sarina jumps in, a worried expression is on her face. “Tálir there’s no way Septem will just let
you run away from something like that! He will kill you!”

  Her blue eyes seem to shine with a storm of emotions. Sarina knows that I stand little chance against Septem. Her lips purse with anger, yet her expression reflects deep compassion.

  Abrax steps forward weakly, cradling his right side. “She’s right, lad,” he coughs. “You are not ready to face him alone. Rushing in head-on will lead to failure. We’ll have to think of something else.”

  A ruby ball of energy destroys a hut nearly a hundred meters from us. I hear the ring of a sword slicing through flesh. Screams echo. The Remnant is massacring this village. They’re closing in. We don’t have enough time to formulate another plan.

  “There’s no time, Abrax!” I say firmly. My voice reflects both fear and resolve. “They’re coming right now and we need to get out of here! I can do this. I can protect you!”


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