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Her Invisible Soldier: A Military Romance with a Twist

Page 6

by Grace Risata

  Walking down the hallway, I wondered what type of reception I was going to receive. Undoubtedly there would be anger, swearing, a phone ripped out of my hand, and a door slammed in my face. That gave me about four seconds to stammer an apology for Kassie’s behavior. I have no clue what the fuck was running through her mind when she spouted all that nonsense. She should know better. Or maybe I’m the one who should have known better. Kassie has a reputation for being less than friendly when she doesn’t get her way.

  I passed apartment 10A and shit started to get real. What’s the game plan, girl? Okay. I’ll knock on the door and then wing it.


  While I waited for him to answer, I couldn’t help but hear some very strange noises coming from the other side of the door.

  “Yes, baby, give it to me harder.”

  Wait, what?

  A woman’s voice then began to moan in ecstasy while a man grunted.

  “Suck that cock deeper, honey, you’re my little cum guzzler,” a deep male voice demanded.

  But the voice didn’t sound like Dixon. What the royal fuck was going on in there?

  Before I had a chance to further contemplate this bizarre development, a half naked man flung open the door and scared the crap out of me.

  Holy Hotness, Batman. I was face to chest with a very ripped set of six pack abs, and it took all my self control not to reach out and touch them. While I blatantly ogled the dripping wet and shiny pecs, I couldn’t help but notice the black tattoo that was etched across the man’s chest.

  Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

  Shakespeare? Isn’t that a quote from ‘The Tempest?’ Well, I’ll be dipped in shit. Who was this masterpiece of body and mind standing before me?

  “You’re drooling, sweet cheeks,” he murmured with amusement. “I take it you like what you see?”

  I let my eyes wander upward and instantly blushed when I realized the glistening body in question belonged to none other than Dixon Wade. He stood there in nothing but a white bath towel.


  More moaning and grunting and sucking sounds came from inside the apartment and I cocked my head in confusion.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked. “Have you never seen a real man before?”

  “The words don’t make sense,” I replied idiotically. “Some lady was just begging for her partner to give it to her harder, yet the guy replied by saying she was his cum guzzler. I don’t understand that.”

  Yes, I realize that this little mystery should have been the least of my problems, but my brain couldn’t get past it.

  “A cum guzzler is a woman who swallows cock juice, Alyce. When a dick is sucked properly, it gets all tingly and magic fluid shoots out. I’d be happy to show you how it works if you’re unfamiliar with the process,” he so eloquently offered.

  I raised an eyebrow and further elaborated, “Thank you, kind master of all penis knowledge, but that’s not what I was referring to. How can the lady ask the guy to ‘give it to her harder’ if his dick is in her mouth? I would assume it’s nearly impossible to speak with a chubby prick buried tonsil deep, is it not?”

  While I waited for another genius comeback from the man standing mere feet away from me, I couldn’t help but be blown away by the situation. I was actually at Dixon’s apartment with his dripping wet body close enough to lick and we were discussing sex logistics. How had my evening taken such a turn for the absurd? I couldn’t process every new twist as it hit me…there was way too much going on all at once.

  “It’s an orgy,” he explained. “One chick is getting banged while another gives a blow job. Want to watch?”

  “No!” I exclaimed in outrage while backing up further into the hallway. “I do not want to be a voyeur to your wild swinger party. What happens in your apartment can stay there.”

  At first Dixon looked confused, but then he ultimately burst out laughing. I had never seen him so full of joy. It was breathtaking. The man had a beautiful smile and his whole face lit up. I wish he would look like that more often.

  “Alyce, you’re so fucking naïve. I’m not having a damn sex party. It’s a porn movie! Look!”

  He waved me inside and pointed to a giant flat screen TV playing image after crude image of seventies porn stars involved in a multitude of sex acts.

  “Couldn’t you find anything more modern?” I asked in disgust. “That dude has a porn-stache for Heaven’s sake. Not to mention the women’s crotch areas. Did they not have razors back then or what?”

  Dixon erupted in more laughter to the point that I thought his towel might fall off. I wasn’t sure if that would be a good thing or a bad thing.

  “Really? The actors are about five minutes away from doing anal, and all you can focus on is their facial hair and pubes? I would assume you have some weird hair fetish, but I know you’re way too innocent for that. Something tells me you’ve never even watched a whole porn movie, Alyce.”

  “I’m not that pure, okay?” I really wasn’t. I’ve had sex before with different people in different positions. The virginity ship sailed a long time ago. While I don’t have a super high number of lovers, I know plenty about how the equipment works.

  “Yeah, I doubt that,” he countered. “From what I’ve heard, I’d say you’re pretty virtuous. If you were one of the fun girls, then the hockey player wouldn’t have fucked your friend instead of you.”

  Is he seriously still caught up with that whole conversation? Time to set the record straight and fix my loser reputation.

  “Look, Dixon. You don’t know the whole story about that.”

  “Then enlighten me,” he said, leaning back against the door frame with his hands behind his head to strike a very seductive pose. Sexy tousled hair hung haphazardly in his face while rippling biceps taunted me, begging to be touched.

  Why the hell had I come into his apartment anyway? This was dangerous. I should have waited outside. I took an opportunity to scan the room for anything freaky that would set off my instinct to run. No dead bodies, no stash of drugs spread out over the coffee table, and nothing ominous. A black leather couch, a television full of porn, and some glass end tables were the only items in the entire room. Dixon was a formidable decorator.

  “Alyce, eyes up here,” he chastised. “This isn’t a tea party. Tell me the story or get the fuck out.”

  “So bossy. Fine. I had a crush on my chemistry partner who just so happened to be a popular hockey player. Kassie and Kennedy had a rager of a party when their mom was out of town and they invited all the cool kids. Beer and hard liquor were passed around, most of the people got drunk, and it wasn’t long before a private game of ‘truth or dare’ broke out with a few of our closest friends. When it was my turn, Kassie dared me to go talk to Heath since she knew I liked him.”

  “Heath? Who calls their fucking kid ‘Heath’ and expects him to get laid with a name like that?”

  “Are you going to keep interrupting me or do you want to know what happens?” I barked, hands on my hips, eager to get this over with.

  He didn’t answer, so I kept talking.

  “I was a pussy and refused to do the dare, so Kassie took it upon herself to do it for me. She sauntered up to Heath like a dirty bitch, whispered in his ear, and they took off to one of the bedrooms.”

  “Then she fucked him, you cried yourself to sleep about missed opportunities, and lived unhappily ever after. Lame!”

  “Wrong. I left the party after her blatant betrayal, vowed never to trust her again, and found out the truth in chemistry class the next day. Heath told everyone who would listen that Kassie was a trashy whore who got drunk and puked on him right as she was sucking him off. I realized what a douchebag he was and that she actually did me a favor by making me see his true colors.”

  “If the guy was an asshole, then why are you still pissed after all these years?”

  “Kassie never apologized and pretended she was too drunk to remember anything that happened. It didn
’t matter anyway. The next day she moved on to some guy who was a freshman in college and gave her an STD.”

  “That was all very long and boring,” he complained, faking a yawn. “Why are you here?”

  Oh yeah. Duh. I reached into my pocket and pulled out his cell phone.

  “This must have fallen out of your jacket. I came to return it and apologize for Kassie’s behavior.”

  He snatched his phone out of my hand and said, “You don’t have to apologize for her. From what I’ve heard, she’s clearly a piece of shit. Why are you really here?”

  “To drop off your phone,” I answered slowly and articulately. Had I not just said that? I’m pretty sure the words were spoken out loud and not only in my head.

  “That’s the only reason?” he inquired, eyeing me up from head to toe. “Shouldn’t you be home studying for that college class so you ace your test?”

  “What? I’m not taking any class.”

  “Liar. Yesterday you told the shrink something about needing to get home to study,” he reminded me.

  Wow. Since when did Dixon actually listen to what I said?

  “Yeah, I lied. I hated school and never went to college at all. I just wanted to sound like a good girl so he’d believe I was helping you and get off your back.”

  “Are you?”

  “Am I what? Helping you?” Why are we talking in circles?

  “No, Alyce,” he replied, closing the distance between us. “Are you a good girl? Or are you a bad girl?”

  I couldn’t stop the smirk that formed on my lips. Were we really doing this now?

  Dixon was inches from my face before I was capable of a reply. It came in the form of a sultry whisper.

  “I guess there’s only one way to find out…”

  He remained frozen, unblinking, staring deeply into my eyes. So close. Yet not close enough. Who would make the first move? How had things gotten to this point? Did I care?

  Reaching up, I ran my fingers through his tousled hair and brought his face down to mine. Our lips crashed together, tongues invaded mouths battling for control of the situation, and I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist.

  Definitely not one to back down, I made sure to give as good as I got. Arching my chest up to press against Dixon’s shirtless wonderland, I moaned in pure joy as his toned body merged with mine.

  Life is short, might as well make the most of it, right?

  After a few moments of unbridled passion, his tongue abruptly left my mouth and he pulled away.

  “What was that?” he asked in surprise, clearly taken aback. “Where’s the shy girl who was too afraid to talk to the hockey player?”

  “She grew up and quit being such a pussy.”

  That was all the permission he needed. In one fell swoop, my shirt was ripped over my head and my bra was thrown across the room.

  Damn. Dixon had some skills. I wondered what other tricks were hiding up his sleeve? Okay, he had no sleeves. My attention then turned to the mystery that waited under his towel.

  The forceful man backed me up against the wall and planted seductive kisses along my neck trailing down to my breasts. I dug my hand into his shoulders and urged him on, positioning his face at breast level.

  Moaning involuntarily once his tongue darted out to lick my nipple, I knew there was no going back from this. I moved my hands over to his long, untamed hair, brought him closer, and shoved a small tit into his mouth. They weren’t quite a handful, but Dixon didn’t seem to give one single fuck about the size of my girls. Eagerly sucking, nibbling, and fully possessing them, he took everything I offered and then some.

  Without wasting any more time, his mouth traveled lower. Down my stomach and past my belly button, finally stopping at my jeans. He tugged on the zipper and whispered my name.

  I opened my eyes long enough to look down at him. What a sight! Dixon Wade, on his knees in front of me, staring with a raised eyebrow as though asking if he could continue.

  Meeting his gaze, I firmly nodded my head. I could think of no better way to spend a Friday night than getting ravaged by the beast knelt before me.

  “What are you waiting for?” I prodded. “Show me what you’ve got.”

  I had intended for him to pull down my pants and take a tongue trip around pussyland, but of course that’s not what happened.

  “You want to see what I’ve got, Alyce?” he asked, standing up and taking half a step backwards. “Feast your eyes on this.”

  He actually dropped the towel, awarding me with a breathtaking view of his very erect cock. Honestly, I was quite impressed. It wasn’t the longest dick I’ve ever seen, but he made up for that in girth. It was also extremely happy to see me, judging from the bulging veins and twitch of the tip.

  “Very nice,” I murmured, taking it in my hand and casually sweeping my thumb over the length. “I appreciate the lack of hair down there. But the important question still remains…do you know how to use it?”

  Dixon growled and swept me into his arms, clearly accepting the challenge as I knew he would. Typical guy, always had something to prove.

  The dominant man carried me to a dark room to the left of the living room. It was pitch black and I couldn’t see a damn thing. Fortunately he flicked a switch and I thought that might help me get my bearings.

  I thought wrong.

  Instead of getting any light, I felt a steady breeze blowing on my nipples.

  “What the hell?” I asked breathlessly.

  “That’s the ceiling fan. You’re about to get sweaty, Alyce. You can thank me later.”

  “I can’t see,” I complained, flinching as he deposited me on a soft, but lumpy comforter.

  He sighed and turned on a bedside lamp, simultaneously opening a drawer and fumbling around. I took a minute to assess my surroundings. While I already knew I was in Dixon’s bedroom, I needed further details.

  I sat atop a very rumpled navy blue comforter that appeared to be haphazardly thrown on the bed instead of neatly made. I saw a dark mahogany dresser, a mismatched nightstand with a lamp, and a half-opened closet door with clothes spilling out onto every square inch of the floor. What a pigsty!

  “I suppose you’re only doing this if I have a condom, right?”

  “What?” I nearly screamed, snapping my attention back to the man. “I do not have unprotected sex.”

  If he couldn’t produce something resembling a Trojan, I was going to drive my ass to the nearest pharmacy at speeds formerly unknown to man.

  “Relax, sweet cheeks,” he replied with no sense of concern at all. “I have half a box, but they might be expired.”

  “Let me guess…you don’t like the feel of latex and how it gets in between you and the hot, wet pussy? Is that the excuse to convince your lady friends to go bareback?” I surmised.

  “Nope. I just haven’t gotten laid in a long, long time and I’m not sure if these things are any good. Despite what you might think, I don’t usually have hot Asian chicks busting down my door in need of sex.”

  “Is that why you’re so rock hard and ready?” I asked while he shook the box of condoms, dumped one out, and held the packet up to the light while squinting at the expiration date. “You got a thing for Asian girls?”

  “No,” he growled, eyes snapping back to me. “Not all of them. Just the ones who make me brownies and stick their tits in my mouth. Those are my favorites.”

  I got out of bed, grabbed the condom from his hand, and examined it closely. With a sigh of relief, I pointed out the fact that the date was a solid eight months away.

  “We’re good,” I happily declared, shimmying out of my jeans and pulling down my black panties. Yes, they were cotton, but at least they weren’t pink or some girlie-girl color. “And just so you’re aware, I don’t make a habit of busting down people’s doors in need of dirty sex.”

  “Who said it was going to be dirty?” he drawled, taking in the sight of my naked body and licking his lips in anticipation.

  “Is there an
y other way?” I purred, motioning him closer as I hopped up on the bed.

  Not needing any further encouragement, Dixon quickly crawled on top of me and began a new exploration of my body. This time he concentrated on parts that hadn’t been easily accessible until now.

  After kissing his way down my stomach, the frustrating man went right past my aching lady parts, and settled on my upper thighs. There was nothing there, so I have no clue why they were an attraction.

  That is, until he abruptly scooted off the foot of the bed, gripped my legs, and pulled me down so my crotch was directly in his face. Taking a deep breath and grunting in approval, Dixon literally buried himself between my legs.

  I tugged helplessly at his head while that skillful tongue worked its way around my swollen outer lips and into the area beyond. The most obnoxious noises came from his mouth as he sucked, lapped, and furiously tortured my clit.

  It felt like pure ecstasy as I let myself get swept away, completely abandoning reality and surrendering to each and every fabulous sensation. With not a care in the world, I wrapped my legs around Dixon’s head, squeezing him deeper, wordlessly begging for more.

  Not one to ever let me get an ounce of happiness, the man had to back away causing me to lose the momentum seconds before an earth shattering orgasm.

  “What the fuck?” I demanded. “Keep going!”

  “I just wanted to tease you a little, Alyce,” he admitted. “I’m trying to make sure your pussy was good and ready to take my cock. But I don’t think that’s a problem because you’re very soggy down there.”

  Soggy? Are you fucking kidding me? Who tells their partner that they’re ‘soggy’ mid tongue-fuck?

  “I’m dripping wet, asshole,” I whispered, reaching down to play with my nipples and enjoying the look of surprise on his face. “All for you. Now are you going to sit there staring at me, or are you going to make me come?”

  Thankfully he plunged his face back where it belonged and continued to claim my pussy without restraint. In a matter of seconds, I was trembling beneath his masterful tongue work and I could sense that a giant release was imminent.


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