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FORSAKEN: On The Edge 0f Oblivion (Beauty 0f Life Book 1)

Page 10

by Laura Acton

  TRF HQ – Outside Briefing Room – 8:59 a.m.

  Seething at their malicious words Dan’s exterior showed not a hint of his inner rage as he sat ramrod straight listening to the men in that room. Whoever this Burl guy is—he is nothing like me. My actions are always calculated to save lives of innocents—targets not so much, but that is a sniper’s duty.

  Not my fault the bomb detonated. I saved the hostages. Shit, I’m joining a unit which doesn’t want me. Will this team be like Parsons’ or any number of other units? Déjà vu from my time in the Fourteenth Division too. I need to be on guard and prepare to defend myself. So much for getting a fair shake and a fresh start.

  He stood, coming to attention as soon as Commander Gambrill appeared down the hall. As Gambrill approached, Dan automatically saluted. Realizing his entrenched behavior was unwarranted he lowered his hand.

  Walter grinned. “Old habits die hard. Welcome, Constable Broderick.”

  “Yes, sir, Thank you.” Dan appreciated being addressed by his professional title. He didn’t want their personal relationship known, particularly after overhearing some of the comments. It would cause problems or more accurate, cause more problems.

  “Ready to meet your new team?”

  Dan nodded … now or never. He took a deep cleansing breath and followed Gambrill into the lion’s den.

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 9:00 a.m.

  Alpha team, minus Lexa, stood near the bank of windows at nine o’clock. Nick silenced any further ranting a few minutes ago. However, their facial expressions betrayed all—none pleased with this situation. All traces of Loki’s usual happy-go-lucky countenance gone, in its place Loki’s body language … crossed arms tightly hugging his torso, clenched jaw, scowling mouth, narrowed eyes, and scrunched brows … openly reflected his antipathy.

  Nick turned to Loki. “Slow deep breaths. Relax.”

  Loki inhaled deeply through his nose and gradually exhaled as Boss directed. His mentor’s calm demeanor helped him, and Boss always said the right things. Whereas, he tended to put his foot in his mouth and say stupid stuff. One reason he rarely acted as team spokesman.

  He wondered what position this unwanted member would take. Not too worried his job would be usurped, leastwise not the techie part. Though, they could be bringing in another bomb expert. They already had two snipers, so that was unlikely. Boss, Lexa, Bram, Ray, and Jon were all expert negotiators, so they didn’t require any more of those either. Perhaps they decided to add another tactical person for entry because they certainly didn’t need another information officer … Ray fulfilled that position awesomely. He glanced at his best friend. “Why aren’t you raging?”

  Ray shrugged as he spoke in a soft tone to his friend trying to be the voice of reason to calm Loki. “We have no idea who this new team member is. Fruitless to become overly excited at this point. The brass opted to place another person on our team—well within their rights. We can speculate all day long, but until we work with the person, we can’t reasonably judge if the individual fits or not. So chill, for now, Loki.”

  His thoughts were fueled by firsthand experience of the emotional drain caused by being the new man on a team which was not thrilled about him joining. Boss worked hard to convince Jon, Bram, and the other two who had been with Alpha Team when he started. In the end, they picked him with a little rank pulling by Nick.

  In that way, this situation was different, but in some ways, they remained the same. No one could accurately ascertain what a rookie would be like before they started this job. One reason for the high turn-over rate in TRF and yearly psychological assessments. Many constables couldn’t handle the stress or fit in, but that didn’t become apparent until after they joined.

  Lexa scooted in the side door from the adjoining room just as Gambrill entered. She made it to the standing flipchart before she stopped dead in her tracks. What is he doing here? Did he track me down? Crud, this could be really embarrassing, like Skeeter all over again.

  She stayed hidden from view. Cowardly, she admitted, but after the whole Sven thing this morning she wasn’t ready to deal with more garbage.

  Walter strode in and addressed Nick. “Sergeant Pastore, you are one shy. Where is McKenna?”

  “She will be here any moment. She is speaking with Inspector Griffiths.”

  “Okay. Well, I’ll let you do the introduction to her when she arrives.” Walter pointed to Dan who stopped at attention to his left. He sighed. Damn, William’s training. “At ease, Constable.”

  Dan assumed a parade rest stance … feet ten inches apart, legs straight without locking knees, hands at the small of his back and centered on his belt, fingers of both hands extended and together, right palm over left facing outward with thumbs interlocking, chest out, chin up, and eyes forward. Dan remained silent and unmoving, with all emotion wiped from his face, waiting for direction.

  Rats! A freaking soldier like Burl. Loki didn’t suppress his groan.

  Jon’s gaze bored into Broderick. Soldier is written all over him. His very stance and expressionless face tell me everything I need to know. Another goddamned Burl.

  Walter started again, “Let me introduce you to Daniel Broderick, your new team member.”

  Lexa stepped out from behind the flipchart. Shocked beyond belief, she blurted out, “Team’s full. We have six members.”

  Her? What is Lexa doing here? Dan’s head whipped toward the voice.

  Nick raised his palm to Lexa indicating for her to stop. “Quiet. I’ll explain later, Lexa.”

  Lexa’s outburst loosened Jon’s tongue. “She’s right. Team’s six. We don’t need a seventh. We are the top performing team. If you must put him on a team place him on another one. Though, I can’t fathom why TRF would hire another reckless soldier. He almost got everyone in the bank killed.”

  Stunned and reeling at how fate screwed with him—Lexa on this team, Dan confronted the tall, bald man. Sick of staying quiet and taking shit from people like Murphy. “I had everything under control until TRF barged in. I moved the captives away from the explosives. I could’ve taken out the targets, every last one, before they blew the doors.”

  His anger getting the best of him, unleashing emotion, Dan’s brows drew down and together as the corner of his lip on one side tightened and raised in a sneer. “But you come barreling in yelling police, and screw up everything.”

  Jon strode forward, stopping mere inches from Broderick. His gunmetal gray eyes narrowed to slits, boring into the soldier. Intense hatred, unnatural for Jon, flared inside. He jabbed a finger into Broderick’s chest. “You forced our hand. You created an active shooter with your hairbrained move. You put the hostages in danger with your irresponsible actions.”

  Dan glowered at the bald officer. “I had things in control. The remote was down and their weapons lay on the chairs. It was the right time to act and the only way to get the non-combatants clear of the C-4. If you hadn’t ordered me to lower the rifle, the hostiles wouldn’t have triggered the explosion.”

  Briefly wondering why he lost control—so unlike him—Dan allowed his contempt to display as he took a deliberate dig at them. “And two targets, one a cold-blooded murderer who killed a man because he couldn’t kneel, wouldn’t have escaped. They’d be dead, and the citizens would be safer.”

  His mouth open and eyes widening, astonished at his tactical leader’s and godson’s behavior—both highly inappropriate and out of character, Gambrill recovered fast, and commanded, “Enough! Constables back off now!”

  Jon pivoted and strode to the window, then returned his gaze to Broderick, scowling and pinning him with a hard glare. I can’t work with this impulsive, arrogant soldier. His lack of caution is going to end up getting one of us killed.

  Dan clenched his jaw maintaining an icy glare on his antagonist. That man doesn’t know me and has already judged me. The Toronto Police Department is still full of close-minded idiots. Why the hell did I think it would be any different now? This is one of
the reasons I left the force in the first place. Maybe I shouldn’t have accepted Gambrill’s offer. He fought hard to rebury his emotions and reapplied his stoic mask.

  Walter took a deep breath and blew it out. “Let me put this in plain words. Dan is your new teammate. He graduated the police academy and spent time with the Fourteenth Division before joining the Army. He comes to us with two years military police experience with almost a year of with their Quick Reaction Force and most recently six years as a Special Forces sniper. His primary role will be a sniper, but he has a variety of useful skills.”

  Pointing to each person as he went, Walter made the introductions of the team members. “Dan, this is Alpha Team Sergeant and lead negotiator, Nick Pastore. Tactical Lead and sniper, Jon Hardy. Entry and close quarters combat specialist, Bram De Haven. Technical and explosives expert, Dante Baldovino. Information specialist and tactical, Ray Palomo. Sniper and profiler, Lexa McKenna.”

  Dan studied each one registering undisguised anger and dislike in all but Pastore and Lexa. The sergeant’s expression remained imperturbable, like most commanding officers in his experience. Lexa’s countenance was one of disbelief coupled with irritation, and he glimpsed fear flash in her eyes. The fear puzzled him. What does she have to fear?

  Cloying tension clung to everyone as five men and one woman stared at their unwanted blond teammate. Narrowing in on Pastore, Gambrill said, “The air needs to be cleared. Debrief the bank call in the usual manner if you must. Then spend the day training and acquainting Broderick with TRF protocols.”

  Turning to Dan, he said, “Supply is on the second floor. Ask for Marian. She will issue you your uniforms, sidearm, sniper rifle, and gear. Do you have any questions, Constable Broderick?”

  “No, sir.”

  “Good. I will leave you with your team. Remember, we have an open-door policy here. You can freely speak with any of the leaders if questions or issues arise.” Gambrill strode out leaving his best team to resolve the issues his decisions unintentionally created.

  He had faith in Nick, though. Pastore was an insightful man and Walter had no doubt Nick would quickly recognize Daniel’s pain and what he needed to heal. Though, Dan’s untimely involvement in the critical call put a monkey wrench into his plans. A shame that things are getting off to such a rocky start, but I’m confident my elite team will work out their differences. Debriefing the call should highlight that Dan’s actions were well thought out and reasonable.

  Nick stepped up to his role as sergeant, regardless of his personal feelings. “Welcome to our team. Do you prefer Daniel or Dan?”

  Still at parade rest, Dan answered, “Dan, sir.”

  “Please, call me Boss … or Sarge.” Nick included the option of Sarge after noting the stiff military bearing, believing the term might be more comfortable for him. The flash of anger earlier was nowhere to be seen now. He couldn’t get a bead on Broderick, except, it appeared both Dan and Jon were alpha males. Neither backed down which didn’t bode well for team dynamics.

  Probably best to avoid rehashing the Central Bank heist today—unlikely that would change anyone’s mind. One view military tactics and one police tactics—better to drop the bone of contention for now. Nick directed the rookie, “Go see Marian. Then gear up and meet us back in here.”

  “Roger, Sarge,” Dan said, came to attention and stopped himself before he saluted. He executed a precise pivot and briskly marched from the room in rigidly straight, military fashion. He went straight to the stairwell avoiding the tight, confined, elevator.

  When Dan left, there was a collective expelling of held breaths and a general consensus that this sucked.

  Lexa slumped into a chair. What the hell am I going to do now? My one-night stand just turned into an unwanted teammate. This could get me fired if he says anything about last night.

  She realized they would likely be granted a pass since neither was aware they were on the same team when they hooked up. But she didn’t want the guys to know she slept with Broderick. Oh, God, what if he is the type to brag about his conquests? Crud! She shoved her thoughts away as Boss began to speak.

  Last Night Did Not Happen


  July 15

  TRF HQ – Men’s Locker Room – 10:15 a.m.

  Dan finished dressing in his new uniform, confident that taking this long wouldn’t win him any points. Unfortunately, Marian took quite some time gathering his requisite items. Recognizing her loneliness, he didn’t rush her. He assumed a sociable grin and exchanged pleasant words with the kind woman.

  Marian was wholly dedicated to her work and enjoyed talking with the people she served. Dan found her friendly nature encouraging after his unwelcoming introduction. At least two people here didn’t hate him or wish to banish him from the face of the earth.

  One thing finally worked in his favor though, the men’s changing room was empty. He had no desire for the men to gawk at his scars or bruises. He didn’t want to field questions or deal with pitying stares—he didn’t cope well with pity, he might do something he later regretted.

  He could lie and tell them he received the contusions in the blast, a few he did, but that didn’t address the scars, and he preferred being truthful. Usually, he only deceived when required for a mission. He found lying difficult, went against his nature, and blatant falsehoods broke trust. Better all the way around if no one spotted them.

  After tying his laces, Dan stood and stomped his feet a couple of times. The boots didn’t fit properly—a half size too small. Marian searched twice for his size but couldn’t locate any larger than this pair. Tonight he would buy boots which fit since Marian said it would take a week to requisition another pair. Today he would suck it up and perform wearing these.

  Dan holstered his service weapon, the grip of the Glock foreign in his hand. He would ask Gambrill if he could acquire and use a SIG Sauer instead, his preference after carrying one for almost eight and a half years in the military.

  Glancing at the standard issue sniper rifle, a Remi 700, Dan realized he would miss his C14 Timberwolf. In some ways, it was like missing a part of his body. His rifle had been a twenty-four seven extension of him for six years. Well, not all six. He lost his original one when he was captured by terrorists. Though his replacement Timberwolf had been his constant companion for the last four years, and he had the C14 dialed in perfectly.

  He needed to spend some time on the range to acquaint himself with the new rifle. He would need to start a dope book for the Remi. His accuracy and speed would take a hit until he got up close and personal with his new weapon. Dan also needed some quality hands-on time with the HK MP5. Although one of the most widely used submachine guns in the world, Dan didn’t have much experience with one. He hoped they would train on the gun range today so that he could become proficient with all his weapons.

  Dan slung the strap of his Remi case over his shoulder, picked up his MP5, and headed to the conference room. One thing I’m not going to miss is lugging around my ghillie suit. That was a pain in the ass. Glad they aren’t needed here.

  TRF HQ – Briefing Room – 10:20 a.m.

  Striding into the room, Dan found six pairs of eyes staring at him. He clamped down his mask and didn’t allow a single emotion to show. He felt like fresh meat entering the lion’s den, which sadly was not a new feeling for him. Though this time, he didn’t have Brody covering his six if the shit hit the fan. Now entirely alone, the only one he could count on was himself—he had lots of practice with that too.

  “About damned time. Speed is valued here, lives can be lost if you can’t prepare quickly,” Jon said snidely.

  A bit put-off by Jon’s uncharacteristic biting remark, Bram cringed. “Jon, you know Marian. She likes to talk.”

  Jon ignored the comment as he scrutinized his rookie. Like it or not, Broderick is on the team. Nick made that abundantly clear in the past hour. Well, I damn well don’t like this. While the undesirable rookie acquired his gear, Jon insisted they review the bank
call—he wanted to find ammunition to be rid of Broderick. What he discovered pissed him off. Instead of uncovering a reason to kick him out of TRF, the witness reports corroborated Broderick’s claim.

  Although Jon still believed Broderick played at being a reckless hero and behaved rashly, he would give him some rope. The rope with which Broderick would probably hang himself. Jon would keep a close eye on the rookie to ensure Broderick didn’t take any of the team down with him.

  “Lexa will give you a quick tour, and I mean quick. We’ll meet on the track after.” Jon strode out of the room without a backward glance.

  Bram, Loki, and Ray followed Jon out without speaking to Broderick.

  Nick stood and addressed Lexa. “I have some paperwork to fill out. Tell Jon I’ll join you in a bit.” Then he left the room.

  Lexa rose as she eyed Dan. She spoke curtly, “This is the briefing room. Follow me.”

  Dan turned and trailed after her without saying a word. Lexa didn’t appear pleased at all about giving him the tour, but at least the fear was gone from her eyes. She must’ve drawn the short straw. He chuckled at the thought. She is short after all.

  “What’s funny?” Lexa demanded.

  “Nothing, ma’am,” Dan answered, wiping all emotion from his face.

  Pivoting swiftly to face him, Lexa glared daggers. “Never call me ma’am!”

  Dan almost ran into her as she stopped abruptly. Pulling up short at her comment, what he did next surprised even him. He came to attention, saluted and teased, “Yes, sir.”

  Growling, Lexa spun on her heel and stalked away. Damned cheeky, insolent, infuriating, pain in the ass, soldier.

  Lexa led him on a fast tour of the TRF building. She showed him the dispatcher desk and told him Tia Walsh customarily worked with Alpha Team, but it could be any one of five dispatchers. Lexa took him to the gym, the break room, a tech room, the live-fire shoot house, an indoor firing range, and the commander’s office.

  She informed him which floor the psychologist’s office was located on and indicated they required yearly evaluations. Next, they toured the cage where all the weapons, ammo, and special gear were housed. After assigning him a spot for his Remi and MP5, Dan left them there. Lexa briskly walked, showing him the five conference rooms, besides the large one used for briefings.


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