Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman
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Condliffe, John Bell “Jack,” 161–63, 181–82, 184, 200–207, 215, 217, 226, 241; The Reconstruction of World Trade, 201–2, 205
Conférence permanente des hautes études internationales, 161–63
confirmation, 24
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 467
conservatism, 450, 628–29. See also neo-conservatism; reactionary response, to social crisis
Constant, Benjamin, 144, 439, 549
consulting work, 291, 310–14, 325–26, 332–33, 382
Consumer Reports (magazine), 439
consumers and consumption, 429–30, 443–44, 549, 554, 555
contrarianism, 13, 547, 623
conventions of war, 244–47
Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe, 257
cooperatives, 582, 590–92
Cooter, Robert, 532
Cordier, Andrew, 384
Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica, 473
correspondence, 115
Corvo, Max, 226–27, 246
Coser, Lewis, 564
cosmopolitanism, 2, 60, 124
cost-benefit calculation, 401, 403, 535, 570, 583
Cot, Annie, 612
Cotler, Julio, 470
countervailing, concept of, 515
courage, 131
covering laws, 210, 214
critical reception: of “The Changing Tolerance for Income Inequality,” 466; of Development Projects Observed, 402–7; of Exit, Voice, and Loyalty, 440, 446–49, 520, 534; of Getting Ahead Collectively, 587; of H’s thought, 613–14; of Journeys toward Progress, 380; of National Power, 215–17, 604–5; of The Passions and the Interests, 520–21, 538; of The Rhetoric of Reaction, 634–37; of Shifting Involvements, 557–66, 578; of Strategy, 350–52
Critical Review (journal), 635
Croce, Benedetto, 110, 114, 117, 144
Croix de Feu, 97
Cuaca Valley, Colombia, 313
Cuba, 328, 360–61, 366–67, 653
Cuban Revolution, 366, 373, 468
culture, of Weimar Germany, 18–21
Cummings, Bruce, 521–22
Curiel, Eugenio, 138, 148–49, 152
Currie, Lauchlin, 289, 298–99, 301–2, 306, 309, 676n6; Accelerating Development, 306
Currie Report, 304, 306
Czechoslovakia, 152, 154, 164, 262
Daedalus (journal), 412
Daily Evening Star (newspaper), 256
Daladier, Édouard, 154, 164
Damisch, Teri-When, Marseille–New York, 649
Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC), India, 389–91
dancing, 528
dans la lune, H characterized as, 12, 172, 222, 537, 618
Darnton, Robert, 500, 530, 542
Dauzat, Pierre-Emmanuel, 290, 292
Davenport, Miriam, 176, 178
Davis, Natalie Zemon, 501
death, 603, 640, 651, 657
Le Débat (magazine), 636
Debré, Michel, 89
Debré, Robert, 89
débrouillard, 11
decision making, 435–39, 443. See also choice
decolonization, 296
defeatism. See pessimism and defeatism
De Gaulle, Charles, 249, 426
Delgado Barreneche, Rafael, 313
Delhi School of Economics, 597
Demangeon, Albert, 91–92
democracy: discourse in, 631–37; governability of, 533–36; in Latin America, 368, 372, 467, 476–77; participation and engagement in, 554–55; public debate in, 5–6; transitions to, 575–76
Democratic Party, US, 427
democratic personality, 619
demographics, 141–42
Demuth, Richard, 302, 385–86
Denburg, Mitchell, 593
dependency, 373, 413, 476
Depression. See Great Depression
depression, 279, 644–45
Derrida, Jacques, 540
details, particulars, and fine-grained analysis, 9, 111–12, 146, 163–64, 214, 268, 297, 304, 349, 434–35, 452–54, 525–26, 536, 576, 579, 588, 590. See also petites idées
detention camps, 154, 168–69, 170. See also concentration camps
determinism, 477–79, 509, 533–35, 547–48, 555–56
Deutscher, Isaac, 342
deutschmark, 275
devaluation, 264, 268
development: abstract and theoretical approach to, 322–23, 346, 349, 544, 552; agency in, 341–42, 400–401, 552; in Colombia, 298–314, 676n6; disequilibria in, 216, 331, 333, 339, 345–48, 379; evaluation of World Bank projects in, 386–407; expertise in, 307–8; failures of, 384, 389–93, 462, 543, 583–84; foreign experts and, 307–8, 323, 329–30, 347, 414, 455, 615–16; H and, 302–3, 328–54; in India, 387–91; inequality in, 462, 464; investment criteria for, 329, 346–47; in Latin America, 295–324, 338, 356–61, 367–81, 409–13, 451–52, 463, 576–98; Latin American scholarship on, 333–34, 338; obstacles to, 329, 341–42, 350, 381, 409–13, 418, 435; orthodoxy in, 322–23, 328–31; research and scholarship on, 321–22, 328–31, 354–55, 381; role of social agents in, 341–42, 400–401; seen from the social bottom, 576–94; technology and, 461, 546; theories of, 300, 322; traits of projects in, 401; unexpected benefits of, 398, 400–402, 577, 584–86. See also planning
development decade, 384, 413, 415, 463, 543
development economics, 306, 329, 331, 351, 372, 383, 542–45, 575, 596, 613, 615
dialectics, 58, 553
diaries, 11, 421, 463, 491, 603, 613, 620, 637
Díaz, Hernán, 372, 527
Díaz Alejandro, Carlos, 543
Díaz Quiñones, Arcadio, 653
dictatorships, 146–47, 163–65, 455–56, 477, 483, 515, 542, 551, 581, 591, 597, 608, 625
Diderot, Denis, Jacques le fataliste et son maître, 225
Dietrich, Marlene, 19–20
disappointment, 552–56. See also tragedy, loss, and regrets, in H’s life
disequilibria: in economics and development, 216, 331, 333, 339, 345–48, 379; in social life, 437–39, 444, 453, 557. See also inequality
disorder. See disequilibria
Dissent (magazine), 605
Di Tella, Torcuato, 609
divestment, 415–16
Doe Library, Berkeley, 190, 199, 200, 202, 213, 217
Dohna-Schlobitten, Alexander zu, 244
dollar gap, 264, 270, 272
Dominican Republic, 384, 579, 586, 588, 593
Donovan, William J., 223
Donzelli, Carmine, 647
Dostler, Anton, 244–47, 248
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 59, 93, 105, 621; The Brothers Karamazov, 93, 118; Crime and Punishment, 93; The Demons, 340
doubt, 116–17, 145, 146
driving, 197, 250, 256, 304–5, 320, 336, 429–30, 464–66, 549, 552
Duchamp, Marcel, 172
Dukakis, Michael, 628
Dunn, John, 505–6
Dupuy, Jacques, 86, 249
Dupuy, Michel, 86, 249
Dupuy, Monique, 85–86
Dupuy, Pascal, 85–86
Durán Vargas, Fanny, 310
Durieux, Tilla (née Ottilie Godefroy), 27–28, 37–38, 48
Easter, 83
East Pakistan, 387
East Prussia, 18
Ebasco, 309
ECA. See Economic Cooperation Administration
ECLA. See United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America
École des hautes études commerciales de Paris (HEC), 89–96, 118, 121, 126
École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 561, 610
École libre des sciences politiques (Sciences Po), 89–90, 602
Economica (journal), 126, 549
economic aggression, 212
Economic Commission for Europe, 278
Economic Commission for Latin America (CEPAL), 409, 596
Economic Cooperation Administration (ECA), 265–67, 269–73, 275–76, 278–80
Economic Development and Cultural Change (journa
l), 302, 337
economic elites, 484–85
economic intelligence, 127, 142, 157, 162, 219, 241, 260, 286
Economic Journal, 351
economic man. See homo economicus
economics: backwardness in, 302–3, 343, 346, 544; Chicago School, 469, 478, 485–86; development economics, 306, 329, 331, 351, 372, 383, 542–45, 575, 596, 613, 615; H and, 66–67, 75–76, 89–93, 118, 121–27, 142–43, 159–63, 201–17, 228, 259–83, 343, 432, 444, 447, 487, 532, 545–46, 564, 600–601, 613–16 (see also economists, H’s criticisms of); homo economicus, 435, 469, 507, 517–19, 526, 546, 600; international, 125–26, 160–62, 189–90; Keynesianism, 121–23, 201, 203, 208, 279, 606; LSE approach to, 122–24; mathematics and, 203–4, 343–44, 359; methodological individualism in, 123–24; 1970s crisis, 456–57; and nonindividualistic behavior, 570; orthodoxy in, 13, 259, 263–65, 268–69, 279, 332, 335; politics in relation to, 161, 207–17, 450, 502–24; postwar, 215–16; pre-WWII theories of, 66–67; WWII and, 165
The Economist (magazine), 269
economists, H’s criticisms of, 4–5, 5, 369, 422, 433, 481, 487, 502, 516, 518–19, 521, 532, 544–45, 570, 583, 599. See also social science: H’s criticisms of
Ecuador, 387
education: Hedwig’s, 29; H’s, 45, 49, 53–64, 74–77, 89–96, 118, 121–27, 142–43, 203; Ursula’s, 45; in Weimar Republic, 60–61
Ehrmann, Claire, 449
Ehrmann, Heinrich (Henry), 58–59, 65–66, 73, 75, 128, 170–71, 449, 572
Einaudi, Luigi, 264
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 325
Eisenstadt, Shmuel, 448, 541
Eliot, George, Middlemarch, 642
Eliot Janeway Lectures on Historical Economics, 550–51
Elliott, John, 496–98, 506, 542
Ellis, Howard, 203, 204, 218, 258, 282, 305–6
El Salvador, 387
Elster, Jon, 563–64
Emergency Rescue Committee, 171–83, 188, 648
empirical fieldwork, 337, 355, 374–75, 388–89, 576–94. See also case studies
empiricism, 568
Encounter (magazine), 402
end of history, 634
“Endogenous Growth” (symposium), 616
English language, 207, 336
Enlightenment, 23, 24, 26, 51, 75; French, 610, 612; German, 16, 18; Jewish (Haskala), 21, 24; Scottish, 503, 629
entrepreneurship, 485, 534
envy, 464–65, 504
Erikson, Erik, 438
Ernst, Max, 172
Estudos (journal), 635
Ethiopia, 387, 392
Europe: common monetary authority in, 272–73; H’s return to, 610–12, 616–22; integration of armies in, 280; integration of economies in, 269–75; postwar, 260–76
European Monetary Authority, 272–73
European Payments Union (EPU), 273, 276, 279
European Recovery Program (ERP), 264–76, 278, 289, 650
European University Institute, Florence, 560
Europe Nouvelle (journal), 162
Evans, Peter, 602
SS Excalibur, 185–87, 284
exile. See flights and exile
exit, 83, 430, 438, 440–49, 456, 564, 608, 621, 653
expertise, in development, 307–8, 323, 329–30, 347, 414, 455, 615–16
explanation. See historical explanation
L’Express (newspaper), 636
extremism, 13–14, 416, 427, 553
failure, 341, 390–91, 583–84. See also fracasos and fracasomanía
Faletto, Enzo, Dependency and Development in Latin America, 412
Fallows, James, 630
Fals Borda, Orlando, 376–77, 644–45; El Hombre y la Tierra en Boyacá, 376
fascism. See antifascism
fatherhood, 253–54, 253, 256, 276–77, 279–80, 317–19, 424–26, 651
Faure, Francine (wife of Camus), 228–29, 529
FBI. See Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 2, 200, 286, 291–94, 325
Federal Reserve Board, 258–79, 290
Federal Reserve Bulletin (journal), 260, 261
Feijoó, Mara del Carmen, 580
Felix, David, 368–69
Fellner, William, 203
Ferguson, Adam, 503
Ferraresi, Franco, 117, 143
Festinger, Leon, When Prophecy Fails, 436
festschrifts, 608–10
fieldwork. See empirical fieldwork
Le Figaro (newspaper), 564
file. See security file
Filene, Edward A., 367
Finance Ministry, Colombia, 305, 309
Fisher, Irving, 331
Fishman, Lena, 175–76
Fittko, Hans, 173–74, 183
Fittko, Lisa, 173–74, 183, 185
Flaubert, Gustave, 9, 34, 111, 144, 196, 197, 355, 365, 451, 489, 655; Madame Bovary, 525–26
Fleming, John D., 293
Flexner, Abraham, 493
flights and exile: chance involved in, 3; concept of “exit” and, 571; formative effects of, 2, 99, 120, 188; in France, 99–100; from France in WWII, 180–86; from Germany, 1–3, 82–85, 571; Sarah and H in, 194; from United States, 278–83
F line, 174
Florence, Italy, 233–36
Florinski, Michael, 216
Fogel, Robert, 614
Ford, Henry, 430
Ford Foundation, 331, 356, 382, 385, 386, 421, 423–24, 467–69, 471, 473, 486, 539, 545, 560, 574, 577, 597–98, 605, 608, 624
foreign aid, 413–14, 467, 594–95
Fortuna, 3, 9, 189, 206, 327–28, 332, 350, 362, 491, 497, 630
fortuna est servitus, 211, 360
Foucauld, Jean-Baptiste de, 636
Foucault, Michel, 114
Fox, William T. R., 262
Foxley, Alejandro, 470, 473, 481, 598, 608, 626, 627
fracasos and fracasomanía (failures and obsession with failure), 470, 481, 588, 624. See also failure
France: anti-Semitism in, 89, 128, 168–69; collectivism in, 239; economic policy in, 123, 126–27; German invasion of, 167; in Great Depression, 88; H’s return to, 610–12; military service in, 165–69, 166; occupation of, 168; policies of, toward foreigners, 154; politics in, 127–28; postwar, 259–62, 264, 266–68; prewar, 97–98, 153–65; refugees in, 152–55; in WWII, 165–83
Franck, Inge, 44, 88, 119, 619
Franck, Peter, 44, 61, 63, 81, 82, 157, 194, 199–200, 226, 255, 288
Franco, Francisco, 128–31, 178
Françoise (girlfriend), 158
franc Poincaré, 126, 142, 160
Frank, Karl, 171, 178
Frank E. Seidman Award in Political Economy, 561, 569
Frankfurt, Harry, 562, 647
Frankfurter, Felix, 493
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (newspaper), 622
Frankfurt School, 61
Franklin, John Hope, 628
Französisches Gymnasium (Collège Français), 45, 53–56, 55, 61, 63–65, 74, 620
FRAP, 379
Frederick the Great, 27
freedom, 238
free market, 122–23, 276, 297, 472, 580, 634
free-riding, 533, 535, 548, 552, 554, 591
free trade, 202, 210–11, 214, 270
Free University of Berlin, 619–20
Frei, Eduardo, 379, 409
Freire, Paolo, 498
French Enlightenment, 610, 612
French language, 42, 99–100, 193, 195, 278, 336, 618
French Revolution, 629, 633
Freud, Sigmund, 148, 340
Friedemann, Ulrich, 37, 82, 89
Friedman, Benjamin, 644
Friedman, Fritz, 316–17, 319
Friedman, Lore, 316–17, 319–20
Friedman, Milton, 469, 518–20, 599, 631, 634
Friedman, Rose, 634
Friedrich, Carl J., 367
friendships, 61, 124, 199–200, 282, 316, 3
35, 362–63, 365, 381, 417, 467, 481, 500, 546, 601
Fromm, Erich, 341
Fry, Varian, 4, 12, 171–80, 182–83, 185, 188, 606–7, 648–49; Surrender on Demand, 649
Fuchs, Klaus, 274
Fuentes, Carlos, 551
Fukuyama, Francis, 634
Furet, François, 610
Furtado, Celso, 333–34, 373, 375–78, 380, 384
Furtwängler, Wilhelm, 20
futilism, 381, 463, 633–34, 636. See also pessimism and defeatism
Gaitán, Jorge Eliecer, 298
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 367, 383, 416–17, 419, 446, 449, 459, 569, 605–6
García, Jorge, 481
García Márquez, Gabriel, 498
Gardes Mobiles, 173
Garner, Robert, 301
Gay, Peter, 19
Geertz, Clifford, 6–7, 10, 297, 461, 465–66, 477, 486, 494–97, 500–501, 505–7, 532, 534–40, 543, 568, 596, 600–602, 612–13, 617; Agricultural Involution, 461
Geiger, Theodor (Ted), 266, 271, 276
Geneva Prisoners of War Convention (1929), 245
Gente y Cuentos (People and Stories), 580, 590
German Enlightenment, 16, 18
German idealism, xiv, 55, 58, 65, 102
German language, 532, 618, 621, 633
German question, 102, 188
German Student Association, 76
Germany: actions leading to WWII, 150, 152, 164–65; anti-Semitism in, 1, 41, 54, 82, 177–78; collectivism in, 240; H on economic-political connections in, 208–9, 211–12; hopes for, at WWI, 16; Jews in, 21–24; politics and rise of Nazis in, 61–84; reunification of, 620–22; social science in, 617–18; in WWII, 165–83, 242. See also Berlin, Germany; Nazis
Gerschenkron, Alexander “Shura,” 205–8, 218, 257–58, 261, 284, 293, 343, 383–84, 411, 416–17, 423, 428, 432, 435, 458, 497, 645; Bread and Democracy in Germany, 205; “Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective,” 302–3, 343
Ghana, 330
ghetto Jews, 22, 25–26
Gibert Jeune, 249
giellisti (socialist-liberal circles), 118, 130, 133, 136, 147, 150
Gilbert, Felix, 498
Gilligan, Carol, 608
Gini, Corrado, 217
Gini coefficient, 204
Gintis, Herbert, 417, 458–59, 462, 532, 535
Ginzburg, Leone, 112–13, 236
Ginzburg, N., Lessico famigliare, 549
Giornale degli Economisti (journal), 141
Giustizia e Libertà (Justice and Liberty), 108, 113, 129–30, 229, 236, 508, 606
global intellectuals, 2–3
globalization, of H, 610–11
Gobetti, Piero, 117, 236
Goebbels, Josef, 72, 77–78, 155
Goering, Hermann, 77