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Worldly Philosopher: The Odyssey of Albert O. Hirschman

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by Jeremy Adelman

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 384

  Joint Committee on Latin American Studies, SSRC, 468–70, 473, 476

  Jourdan, Henri, 85

  Journal of Economic Literature, 613

  Journal of Interdisciplinary History, 520

  Journal of Political Economy, 446

  Journal of the American Statistical Association, 204

  Julius Rosenwald Fund, 181

  Julliard, Jacques, 610

  Junkers, 205

  Justice and Liberty. See Giustizia e Libertà

  Jutland, 16

  Kafka, Alexandre, 333–34

  Kafka, Franz, 16, 38, 52, 74, 85, 119, 153, 187, 193, 219, 252, 279, 284, 295, 325, 353, 382, 415, 455, 489, 531, 567, 599; The Great Wall of China, 340; “Investigations of a Dog,” 39; The Trial, 232, 237

  Kahn, Harry, 428

  Kaldor, Nicholas, 122

  Kallscheuer, Otto, 636

  Kalmanoff, George, 311–13

  Kalman Silvert Award, 623–24

  Kamarck, Andrew (Andy), 399, 405

  Kant, Immanuel, 500

  Kapp Putsch, 19

  Karl, Terry, 575

  Karl Marx University of Economics, 631

  Kästner, Erich, 73

  Katzenellenbogen, Conrad, 31, 43–44

  Katzenellenbogen, Estella, 31, 38

  Katzenellenbogen, Leonie, 31

  Katzenellenbogen, Ludwig “Lutz,” 31, 37–38, 47–48

  Katzenellenbogen, Max, 31

  Katzenellenbogen, Stephan, 31, 43–44

  Kautsky, Karl, 58, 68

  Kaysen, Carl, 383–84, 418, 461, 471, 476, 486, 494–96, 537–38

  Kenen, Peter, 365

  Kennan, George, 496, 498

  Kennedy, Jackie, 416–17

  Kennedy, John F., 360–61, 416

  Kennedy, Robert (Bobby), 427

  Keohane, Nannerl, 520–21

  Keohane, Robert, 536, 547, 556, 604

  Kesselring, Albert, 230

  Keynes, John Maynard, 121–23, 201, 208, 279, 287, 350, 506, 606; The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money, 122, 141, 160, 201, 228

  Khrushchev, Nikita, 360

  Kierkegaard, Søren, 3, 236, 443, 451

  Kincaid, Jamaica, 635

  Kindleberger, Charlie, 269, 351–52, 501, 650

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 424, 428

  King, Rodney, 636

  Kirchheimer, Otto, 223

  Kirov, Sergei, 99

  Kís, János, 631

  Kissinger, Henry, 449

  Kittredge, Tracy B., 182, 188, 206, 220, 222, 285

  Klee, Paul, Highways and Byways, 613

  Klemperer, Otto, 20

  Knapp, Burke, 258–60, 263, 264, 307, 310, 385, 399

  Knibbs, George, 141

  Knoop, Bernd, 56, 93

  Koestler, Arthur, 131

  Kölln, 33, 35

  Kondratiev, Nikolai, 66

  Kondratiev long cycles, 66–67

  konfessionslos (without denomination), 22, 24

  Korean War, 274, 279

  Kornai, János, 631

  Kracauer, Siegfried, 172

  Krasner, Stephen, 419, 604

  Kristallnacht, 21, 155

  Kristol, Irving, 405

  Krugman, Paul, 615, 654–55

  Kubitschek, Juscelino, 377

  Kuczynski, Jürgen, 81, 619–20

  Kuczynski, René, 81, 620, 651

  Kundt Commission, 169

  Kuomintang, 299

  Kuwait, 634

  Kuznets, Simon, 417

  Labor and Socialist International, 102

  Lachenmaier, Christa, 527, 642, 643

  Laclos, Pierre Choderlos de, 144, 196; Les Liaisons Dangereuses, 381

  Ladinos, 85

  laissez-faire capitalism, 238

  Lam, Wifredo, 172

  Landau, Kurt, 102

  Landsberg, Hans, 124, 228, 233, 255, 277

  Lane, Robert, 559, 561–62

  Langer, William L., 223

  language: Adam Smith’s use of, 512; coinage of phrases, 210–11, 438, 630, 633; English, 207, 336; French, 42, 99–100, 193, 195, 278, 336, 618; German, 532, 618, 621, 633; H’s love and use of, 6–10, 44, 54, 60, 99–100, 193, 196, 210–11, 303, 318, 452, 500, 587, 619, 621; H’s use of, in US military, 223, 226–27, 233–34, 236; Italian, 107–8, 618; mots justes, 7, 144, 196, 364; reactionary use of, 629–37; Spanish, 303; spoken in the home, 193, 278, 336. See also metaphor; narrative style

  Largentaye, Jean de, 228

  La Rochefoucauld, François de, 9, 439, 464–65, 516; Memoirs, 465

  Lasch, Christopher, 556

  Laski, Harold, 122, 340

  Latin America: development in, 295–324, 338, 356–61, 367–81, 409–13, 451–52, 463, 576–98; exits to, 2, 150, 157; H as expert on, 291, 367–70, 408–9, 455–56, 462–88, 576–98, 622–28; intellectuals in, 307, 366, 369, 379, 412–13, 467–68, 482; political context of, 367–70, 371–75, 484–85; reform in, 369, 372–80, 384; revolutionary movements in, 373, 379–80, 415–16; security concerns about, 360; social science in, 333–34, 338, 369–70, 376–77, 409–12, 466–76, 576, 624–25; Soviet Union and, 360; Twentieth Century Fund projects on, 367–75

  Latin American Faculty of Social Science (FLACSO), 409

  Latin American Issues, 369–70

  Latin American Studies Association (LASA), 468, 623–25

  laughter, 640. See also humor

  Lawrence, Ernest, 196

  leadership, 412, 485, 534

  League of Nations, 127, 150, 161, 214

  Leal Buitrago, Francisco, 482

  Le Bon, Gustave, 633

  Lechner, Norbert, 625–26

  Lee, Hermione, 11, 639

  Left, political: criticisms from, 466; criticisms of, 102, 104, 519, 546–47, 555, 557, 632; in Europe, 519; in Germany, 65, 68, 72; in Latin America, 410–13, 420–21, 470, 484–85; and public-private debate, 555; in United States, 519, 521–22, 555, 557, 629, 632; on the welfare state, 546–47

  Leibenstein, Harvey, 441

  Lekachman, Robert, 521

  Lenin, Vladimir, 17, 58, 69, 419, 609; H’s study of, 69–70, 103; The State and Revolution, 69; What Is to Be Done?, 69, 103

  Leontief, Wassily, 417, 419

  Leopardi, Giacomo, 144, 489

  Lepenies, Annette, 619

  Lepenies, Wolf, 4, 568, 617–19, 639, 642, 644

  Lerner, Abba, 121–23, 189–90, 228, 244

  letters: to Eva, 185, 281, 320; to Inge Franck, 88; to Katia, 25, 460, 464, 471, 473, 493, 499, 504–5, 522, 557, 564; from Lisa, 558; to mother, 83–84, 92–96, 102, 118, 139, 165–67, 185–86, 281; to parents, 43, 48; petites idées in, 115–16; to Sarah, 8, 195, 227–28, 230, 231–34, 236, 240–46, 248–51; to Ursula, 6, 46–47, 158, 167, 190, 194–95, 197, 200, 204, 254–55, 257–58, 260, 266, 275, 276, 279, 281, 287, 310, 320, 334–35, 337, 344, 349, 353, 384, 396, 408–9, 416, 420, 423, 427, 428, 441, 617, 633; on US military service, 222, 227–28, 232–34, 236

  Levi, Carlo, 112, 236, 260; Christ Stopped at Eboli, 236

  Levinstein (teacher), 54, 61

  Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 114

  Lewis, W. Arthur, 543, 613, 615; Development Planning, 402; The Theory of Economic Growth, 330

  liberalism, 117, 209–10, 452, 513, 580, 628–29

  Liebknecht, Karl, 18, 71

  Lilienthal, David, 321, 367

  Lindblom, Charles (Ed), 293, 355–59, 358, 368, 374, 396; Journeys toward Progress, 357

  Lindenborn (teacher), 54

  Linder, Staffan, 465; The Harried Leisure Class, 457

  linkages, 347, 477–78, 543, 575

  Lioubimovna, Ekaterina, 192

  Lipchitz, Jacques, 172

  Lipset, Seymour Martin, “Some Social Requisites for Democracy,” 451

  Lisbon, Portugal, 184

  literature: adult reading groups among the poor, 498, 580, 590; depictions and explanations of action in, 12; H’s affinity for, 9, 59, 93, 143–44, 167, 193, 195–96, 197–98, 279, 340; psychology
in, 144; Sarah and, 192–93; social science as, 9. See also books and bookstores

  Lithuania, 176

  Litvinov, Maxim, 165

  Lleras Restrepo, Carlos, 375–76

  LO (Gruppe Leninistische Organisation). See ORG

  loans, in Third World development, 586

  local knowledge, 299, 306, 414, 536–37

  Locke, John, 505–6

  London, England, 121–28, 249–50

  London Review of Books (magazine), 563

  London School of Economics (LSE), 118, 121–27

  Longo, Luigi, 151

  López Michelsen, Alfonso, 473

  loss. See tragedy, loss, and regrets, in H’s life

  Löwenburg (patient), 37–38

  Löwenheim, Walter (aka Kurt), 68, 103–4; Neu Beginnen, 103–4

  Lowenthal, Abraham, 575

  Löwenthal, Richard “Rix,” 137, 431, 449, 662n16

  loyalty, 285–86, 289–90, 292–93, 440–49, 647, 653

  Loyalty Review Board, Civil Service Commission, 281, 290

  LSE. See London School of Economics

  Lucas, Robert, 614

  Ludwig, Emil, 59

  Lurie, Herman, 35

  Lutheranism, 24

  Luxemburg, Rosa, 18, 71, 92, 419

  Luzzatto-Fegiz, Pierpaolo, 141

  Lyman, Richard, 574–75

  Lynd, Robert, 367

  MacArthur, Douglas, 274

  Machiavelli, Niccolò, 69, 130, 146, 189, 190, 206–8, 327, 489–93, 503–5, 507–8, 511, 530, 569, 576, 582, 646, 647; Discourses, 491, 508; The Prince, 226, 490–91, 493, 507

  Machlup, Fritz, 258

  MacKay, Donald, 227

  Maginot, André, 166

  Maginot Line, 166, 167

  Mahler, Gustav, 172

  Mahler Gropius Werfel, Alma, 172

  Maier, Charles, 546, 646, 649–50

  Maistre, Joseph de, 630; Considérations sur la France, 629

  Makinsky, Alexander, 182, 184, 285–86

  Malinowski, Bronislaw, 122

  Malvinas War, 580

  Mandeville, Bernard, 404, 511

  Mann, Heinrich, 172

  Mann, Thomas, 61; Buddenbrooks, 59

  Mannheim, Karl, 122, 244

  man of action, xiv, 114, 119–20, 131, 149, 219

  Manuelita (sugar plantation and refinery), 308

  Mao Zedong, 274, 278, 521

  Marc Bloch lectures, 561, 610, 611

  Marcuse, Albert (grandfather), 28

  Marcuse, Franz (uncle), 28

  Marcuse, Harry (uncle), 28

  Marcuse, Herbert, 223, 425, 438–39; One-Dimensional Man, 438

  Marcuse, Joseph (uncle), 28

  Marcuse, Mimi (aunt), 30

  Marcuse, Ottilie (grandmother), 22, 28, 34–35, 38, 49

  Marget, Arthur W., 279

  Marglin, Stephen, 458

  Mariátegui, José Carlos, 338

  Maritain, Jacques, 367

  Marjolin, Robert, 159, 228, 249, 267, 270–74, 650

  markets, self-correcting, 259. See also free market

  marriage, 193–98, 207, 221, 224–25, 241, 243, 252–53, 279–80, 336, 527–28

  Marseilles, France, 170–83, 284

  Marshall, Alfred, Principles of Economics, 125

  Marshall, George C., 262–63, 270, 650

  Marshall, John, 450

  Marshall, T. H., 122

  Marshall Plan, 261, 263–76, 289, 295, 307, 331, 386, 428, 544, 606, 647, 650

  Martínez, Tomás Eloy, 471

  Marx, Anthony, 600

  Marx, Karl, xiv–xv, 39, 58, 65, 433–34, 478–79, 489, 569–70; Communist Manifesto, 65; Der Historische Materialismus, 65; Das Kapital, 65, 337, 478

  Marxism: Austro-Marxism, 40, 58, 102; in Berkeley, 199; criticisms of, 433–34, 466–67; and development, 302; H and, 13, 58, 102, 209, 217, 400, 462; Italian intellectuals and, 117; Lenin’s form of, 69; in Weimar Republic, 64–65. See also micro-Marxism

  Maskin, Eric, 602, 615

  Mason, Edward, 383

  Mass, Otto, 36

  Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 308, 321–22, 330, 610

  Massenet, Michel, 564

  mathematics, 8, 203–4, 343–44, 359, 460, 550, 614

  Matos Mar, José, 589

  May, Ernest, 441

  McCarthy, Eugene, 426, 427

  McCarthy, Joseph, 260, 274, 278, 293, 310, 325

  McCarthyism, 2

  McCloy, John J., 296, 298

  McGovern, George, 457

  McNamara, Robert, 402, 407, 427

  McPherson, Michael (Mike), 547–48, 567, 571–73, 587, 608, 631, 639, 642

  McTwiggan, Russel, 285–87

  Mehring, Walter, 172

  Meller, Patricio, 598

  Mellon Foundation, 540–42

  Menand, Louis, 10

  Mendelssohn, Moses, 21

  Mendez, Jorge, 354

  Menshevik Trial (1931), 100

  Merton, Robert, 494

  metaphor, 8, 210, 344, 464–65, 516, 548

  meta-preferences, 550, 554

  methodological individualism, 123–24

  Mexico, 374–75, 434, 455–56, 462, 473, 624

  MI5, 286

  MI6, 284

  micro-Marxism, 461, 478

  middle ground: in development debates, 421, 463; difficulty of finding/holding, 462–63; H’s penchant for, 14, 434, 462–63, 486, 517, 547, 557; on human psychology, 565; between individual and common interests, 517; between Left and Right, 547; between public and private, 555

  military service: in France in WWII, 165–69, 166; in Spanish Civil War, 131–36, 289, 292; in United States, 222; in United States in WWII, 218–51

  Mill, John Stuart, 126; Principles of Political Economy, 125

  Millar, John, 503

  Millikan, Max, 308, 321, 354

  Milnor, John W., 496

  Mintz, Sidney, 335, 501

  MIT-Harvard Seminar in Political Development, 418

  mobsters, 177

  modernity, 20

  modernization, 302, 321, 330, 335, 350, 382, 552

  Molotov, Vyacheslav, 165

  Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact (1939), 165, 199

  Le Monde (newspaper), 564, 613, 636, 647

  monetarism, 368, 378, 469, 600

  Monnet, Jean, 636

  monopoly, 163, 422–23, 440, 441, 447, 550

  Montaigne, Michel de, vii, 144–46, 190, 297, 362, 506, 559, 655; Essais, 144–46, 167, 489–90

  Montealegre, Eduardo, 314

  Monteforte, Luigi, 257

  Monterroso, Augusto, 7

  Montesquieu, Charles-Louis de Secondat, Baron de La Brède et de, 461, 504, 506–8, 511, 513, 515, 517, 550, 569

  Moore, Barrington, Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy, 412, 451

  Moors and Legionnaires of Spanish Morocco, 130, 134

  morality: Adam Smith and, 519–20, 569; H’s thought and, 565; and public-private debate, 558, 567–68; and research ethics, 574; in social science, 567–98; unconscious, 571–73

  “Morality as a Problem in the Social Sciences” (conference), 567–68

  Moran, Theodore, 407

  Morandi, Rodolfo, 113, 150

  Morgan, Mary, 297

  Mortara, Giorgio, 150

  mots justes, 7, 144, 196, 364

  Mowrer, D. Hobart, Learning Theory and Personality Dynamics, 341

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 628–29

  Mühsam, Helmut, 56, 61, 63

  Mundell, Robert, 614

  Munich Pact, 164

  Municipal Hospital-Moabit, Berlin, 36

  Münzenberg, Willi, 136

  Murra, John, 501

  Murray, Charles, 631; Losing Ground, 630

  music, 42, 197

  Mussolini, Benito, 113, 125, 127–28, 130–31, 139, 152, 159–60, 162, 167, 229

  Myrdal, Gunnar, 367, 569, 613, 614

  Nadaff, Ramona, 648

  Nader, Ralph, 429–30, 439; “The Great American Gyp,” 429
r />   names, Hirschman’s, 1, 16–17, 169–71, 185, 187, 500

  Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del (NKVD), 132, 135–37, 155

  narrative style, 12–13, 163–64, 344, 400, 450, 526, 587–88, 590, 654

  The Nation (journal), 162

  National Advisory Council on Monetary Policy, 276

  National Association of Industrialists, 308

  National Development Bank, Brazil, 377

  National Endowment for the Humanities, 540

  National Guard, 429

  nationalism: and economic proposals, 270; in Germany, 48, 124; in postwar Europe, 263

  National Planning Council, Colombia, 299–302, 305–6, 309–10

  nativism, in France, 97, 124, 153–54

  NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization

  Nazis: academic support for, 75–76; assumption of power by, 78–82, 99, 101; Communists vs., 71–72; derision of, 69, 77; predictability of, 76–77; rise of, 63, 64, 67–69, 76–77; Soviet Union and, 99; theories concerning, 104

  Nehru, Jawaharlal, 390

  Nelson, Horatio, 640

  neo-conservatism, 533–34, 555, 556, 599, 630–31, 636

  Neu Beginnen, 68, 104, 128, 129, 132, 137, 171, 173–74, 178, 572, 606

  Neumann, Franz, 223

  The New Authoritarianism in Latin America (Collier), 480–81

  New Haven, Connecticut, 326–27, 335–36

  new intellectual history, 505–7

  New Objectivity (Neue Sachlichkeit), 60, 61, 74

  The New Republic (journal), 521, 564, 595, 635

  New School for Social Research, 157–58, 606

  Newsweek (magazine), 496

  New York City, New York, 363, 384, 388, 400, 407–8

  New York Review of Books (magazine), 429, 483, 563, 623, 627

  New York Times (newspaper), 247, 424, 496, 564, 614, 628, 635

  New York Times Magazine, 549

  Nexos (journal), 636

  Nicaragua, 314

  Nietzsche, Friedrich, 30, 39, 59

  Nigeria, 387, 388, 392–93, 401, 422, 424, 440, 441, 447, 462, 550

  Nin, Andreu, 132

  1952 US presidential election, 325

  1960s, unrest in, 415, 424–29, 441–42, 445

  1968 US presidential election, 427

  Nix, Otto, 54

  Nixon, Richard, 260, 274, 325, 360, 427, 449, 456–57, 499

  NKVD. See Narodnyy Komissariat Vnutrennikh Del

  Nobel Prize, 59, 293, 417, 493, 543, 550, 595, 602, 613–16

  Nora, Pierre, 610, 636

  North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 274

  notes. See writings and notes


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