President McKinley
Page 70
army mustered by, 340, 347
and Bacon’s resolution on Philippines government, 348
in battle with MacArthur, 368
capture of, 468–70
counterattack on U.S. launched by, 365–66
desperation of, 389
Otis’s disdainful attitude toward, 345–46
Otis’s unleashing of forces against, 388
proclamation declaring new government issued by, 331–32
in standoff with U.S., 333
U.S. forces in Philippines attacked by, 349–50, 362
and U.S. orders to remove troops from Manila, 346
U.S. promises of Philippines independence claimed by, 402
U.S. relationship with, 330–31
Akron, Ohio, 53
Alabama, 107, 128, 344
Albany Law School, 35–36
Aldrich, Nelson, 77, 78, 99, 191, 410–11
Alfonso XII, King of Spain, 220
Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 220
Alger, Russell, 64, 107, 271, 283, 285, 298–99, 362–63
Camp Wikoff visited by, 321–22
and capture of Santiago, 303
Cortelyou’s criticism of, 297
declining popularity of, 356
Dodge Commission’s interviewing of, 351
and Eagan’s court-martial, 355, 356
as elderly, 284
Gage criticized by, 356–57
ineffectiveness of, 187
invasion of Cuba planned by, 293, 294, 295, 296
and Miles’s accusation against Eagan, 353
Miles’s antipathy to, 353–54
offered War Department, 153–54, 157
in preparation for war with Spain, 263
press criticism of, 357
resignation of, 357–58
and Shafter’s illness, 305
and Shafter’s inability to move troops, 315–16
on Tagalog strategy, 381
troop movement in Cuba ordered by, 313
U.S. protocol signed by, 317
Allegheny College, 17–18
Allen, Charles, 299, 317
Allen, John B., 82
Allen, William, 216, 261, 348
Alliance Record, 45
Allison, William, 64, 78, 104, 108, 151, 439, 440
Altgeld, John, 143, 158
Anthony, Carl Sferrazza, 452
Antietam, Battle of, 25–26, 27
anti-imperialists, 361–62, 365, 382, 388, 401–2, 431
antitrust abuses, 106
Arguelese, Manuel, 369
Armour, Philip, 93
Army, U.S., 282–83, 285
Army and Navy Journal, 294
Arrel, George, 36
Arthur, Chester A., 231, 484
Associated Press, 67, 354, 441
Augusti (Spanish army officer), 331
Australia, 144, 167
Austria-Hungary, 421
Azcárraga Palermo, Marcelo, 221
Bacon, Augustus, 348
Bailey, Joseph W., 190, 269
Baldwin, Michael, 12
Balfour, Arthur, 323
Baltimore American, 468
Baltimore Sun, 270
Bank of England, 202, 203
banks, 94, 106, 117–18, 137, 167, 189, 445
Barber, Mary, 472, 478
Bawsel, Charles, 88, 97, 195
Bayonet Constitution, 174
Bayonet Revolution, 250
Beach, Michael Hicks, 203, 234
Beardslee, Lester, 206, 207, 208, 209
Beijing, 423–24
Beisner, Robert L., 361
Belden, George, 36–37, 38
Beresford, Charles, 416–17
Bernal, José, 369
Bierce, Ambrose, 361
bimetallism, see free silver coinage
Bingham, Theodore, 245–46
Bishop, Joseph. N., 199, 247, 453, 472
Blaine, James G., 99, 153
in election of 1892, 89
in election of 1894, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67
protectionism opposed by, 80–81
Blakelee, E. M., 16
Blanco y Erenas, Ramón, 224, 242, 265
spending by, 264
Bland, Richard Parks, 130–31, 134
Blandin, John, 258
Bliss, Cornelius, 310
cabinet post rejected by, 17, 149–50
and election of 1900, 437, 439, 440
Interior position accepted by, 157
Blount, James, 175
Boer War, 477
Boies, Horace, 131
Bonifacio, Andrés, 329–30
Boston, USS, 174, 175
Boston Daily Globe, 409
Boxer Rebellion, 418–27, 456, 475–76
Boyle, James, 377–78, 390
Bradford, R. B., 327
Bradley, William, 104, 129
Bresci, Gaetano, 451
British Guiana, 188
Brodrick, William St. John, 414
Brooke, John R., 374–75
Brooke Hall Female Seminary, 40–41
Brooklyn, USS, 262, 281, 304
Brooklyn Citizen, 380
Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 241
Brooklyn Eagle, 187
Brooks, Sidney, 419, 420
Brown, John, 201
Brown, William, 29
Bruce, James, 423–24
Bryan, William Jennings, 118, 130, 131, 456
as anti-imperialist, 361
background of, 132
in campaign of 1900, 444, 445, 446
campaign budget of, 137–38
campaign travel by, 138
class-driven politics of, 141–42, 146
“cross of gold” speech of, 133
free silver pushed by, 132, 134–35, 141, 248, 444
New York Journal’s endorsement of, 148
oratorical flair of, 131–32, 133, 139
peace treaty with Spain endorsed by, 350
Theodore Roosevelt’s criticism of, 143–44, 158
Buchanan, James, 132
Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 142
Burton, Theodore, 74
Bushnell, Asa, 105, 384, 385, 386
and Hanna’s desire for second senatorial term, 234–35, 239–40, 241
in reelection campaign, 234, 236, 237
and Sherman’s possible Senate vacancy, 151, 152, 153
Butler, Marion, 464
Butterworth, Benjamin, 67, 181
Caldwell, John, 385
Calhoun, William J., 215–16, 217, 218
California, 135, 441
Calumpit, 368
Cambon, Jules, 309–10, 312, 316–17, 320, 333
Campbell, James E.:
in run for Ohio governor, 84–86, 87
silver coinage pushed by, 85–86
Camp Wikoff, 320–22
Canada, 79
canals, 87, 106
see also Central American canal
Cannon, Frank, 125, 126
Cannon, Joe, 263, 318, 373
Cánovas del Castillo, Antonio, 171, 220, 221
Canton, Ohio, 36, 38–40, 42, 49–50, 61–62, 82, 96, 449–50, 483–84
Carlisle, John, 131
Carnegie, Andrew, 361, 396
Carnes, Allan, 49
Carpenter, J. L., 238–39
Carter, Thomas, 125
Cavite, Philippines, 332
Cebu, Philippines, 328, 380
Cedar Creek, 31–32
Cedar Mountain, Battle of, 24
Central American canal, 8, 178, 208, 214, 231, 251–52, 372, 408–11, 412, 456, 458, 461, 476–77
Cervera, Pascual, 286, 294–95, 296
in escape from Santiago, 303–4
Chadwick, French, 300
Chamberlain, Joseph, 323
Chandler, William, 154, 264–65, 272, 278, 324, 375, 464
Chaplin, Clarence, 163
Chicago, Ill., 159–60
Chicago Times-Herald, 115, 380, 407
Chicago Tribune, 40, 144, 227,
231, 432, 484
Chi-Li province, China, 416
China, 2, 167, 402, 453, 456, 475–76
open door policy in, 413–14, 416–17, 429–30, 454, 455, 484
power struggle for, 428–30
rebellions in, 414–15
see also Boxer Rebellion
Chipman, John L., 106
Choate, Joseph, 196, 324, 462, 463, 477
Cho-Ta, 427
Cincinnati, Ohio, 52
Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, 62, 67, 68
Cincinnati Enquirer, 56, 95, 131, 386
Civil Service, 375–76
Civil War, U.S., 13, 19, 20–34, 96, 105, 119, 146, 166, 212
debt engendered by, 77
start of, 18–19
Cixi, Empress Dowager, 415, 419, 420–21, 424, 426, 428
Clara (maid), 472
Clarkson, James S., 99, 104, 109, 114
Clay, Henry, 12, 54, 75
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 252, 372, 373, 408, 409, 461, 462, 477
Cleveland, Grover, 7, 106, 125, 132, 135, 376, 395, 484
as anti-imperialist, 361
congressional relations of, 182
and Cuban rebellion, 171, 172, 214
deficit financing of, 189
Fitzhugh Lee disdained by, 219
as free-trader, 77, 84
as Gold Democrat, 131, 141
and Hawaiian annexation, 175, 176, 486
press’s relationship with, 182–83
Ruiz’s death and, 215
and WM’s transition into presidency, 161, 164, 165
Cleveland, Mrs., 160
Cleveland, Ohio, 52, 53, 384–85
Cleveland Electric Railroad, 101–2
Cleveland Herald, 57
Cleveland Leader, 57–58, 101
Cleveland Plain Dealer, 62, 382–83
Cleveland Press, 101, 102
Cloyd Mountain, Battle of, 28
coal, 52, 57, 95, 166, 190, 396
coke, 168, 396
Collier’s Weekly, 227
Colombia, 461
Colorado, 126, 135, 441
Columbus, Ohio, 52
Columbus Dispatch, 186–87
Comley, James, 25–26
Committee on Public Comfort, 465
Concho, 315, 316
Conger, Edwin, 419–22, 425, 426, 427, 430, 475
Congress, U.S.:
and Cuban rebellion, 171
Spanish disdain of, 213
WM’s relationship with, 182
see also House of Representatives, U.S.; Senate, U.S.
Conservative Party, Spain, 221, 225
Constitution, Hawaiian, 250
Corbin, Henry C., 283, 305, 317, 334, 388, 389
attacked in press, 353, 354
and Eagan’s court-martial, 355
Otis instructed by, 346–47
in plan to capture Cuba, 298, 299
corn, Ohio production of, 12
Cortelyou, George, 6, 8, 9, 183, 185–86, 251, 264, 271, 274, 283–84, 297, 317, 344, 349, 358, 390, 408, 435, 444, 452, 453, 459, 472, 477, 478
Alger disparaged by, 357
Alger’s resignation approved by, 357–58
on alleged assassination plot against WM, 451
and choice for vice president in 1900, 441
and Hawaiian annexation, 318, 319–20
Long and Alger criticized by, 297
and Shafter’s inability to move troops, 316
and Theodore Roosevelt’s nomination for vice presidency, 442
on U.S. peace terms, 311
at WM’s assassination, 479–80
on WM’s leadership style, 307
and WM’s renomination, 377–79
on WM’s temper, 298
Cortes, Spanish, 220–21, 269, 316, 330
cotton, 76, 77
Cowles, Anna, 466
Cowles, Edwin, 57–58, 101, 102
Cox, George B., 385
Cox, Jacob, 220
Cramp, Charles H., 396
Cristobal Colon, 304
Cromwell, William Nelson, 373
Crook, George, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
Crook, William, 453
Crowninshield, Arent S., 262, 263
Cuba, 2, 168, 324, 350, 363, 371, 392, 411, 456, 458, 475, 484, 485
debt of, 337–38
fears of Spanish elite in, 225
food and medicine provided in, 374–75
independence of, 378
Maine sent to, 254
military governor installed in, 374
reconcentrados policy in, 170, 218, 230, 265, 267, 269
Ruiz’s death in, 215–16
Shafter’s landing on, 300
Spain’s relinquishing of, 310, 311, 316–17, 335, 340
Turpie’s desire to recognize government of, 275
U.S. filibustering in, 215, 224, 243
U.S. plans for invasion in, 285–86, 293–97, 298–99
U.S. renunciation of annexation of, 375
U.S. trade with, 471–72
U.S. troops removed from, 320
Cuban rebellion, 169–72, 189, 213–27, 242–44
Liberal manifesto of, 223–24
in WM’s Annual Message, 230
WM’s desire to end, 263, 265–67
WM’s statement to Spain on, 221–23
Cullom, Shelby, 105, 110–11, 112, 123, 182, 265
WM’s dispute with, 179–80
currency, 106, 107, 110, 113, 115, 117, 119–21, 122, 123, 124, 125, 131, 134, 135, 141, 189, 229, 357
Curtis, W. E., 393
Cutler, Manesseh, 11, 12
Czolgosz, Leon, 9, 478–80, 481
Dagu, China, 414, 421, 422, 423–24, 425
Daly, William, 354
Dalzell, John, 406
Daugherty, Charles, 384–85
Daugherty (bodyguard), 162
Davenport, Homer, 148
Davis, Cushman K., 104–5, 109, 248, 251, 272, 319, 324, 348, 410
Davis, Jefferson, 17
Davis, Richard Harding, 282, 301
Dawes, Caro, 188, 478
Dawes, Charles G., 109–10, 111–12, 130, 131–32, 134, 285, 362, 390, 394, 434, 435, 478, 487
and election of 1900, 440
on free trade with Puerto Rico, 404
made comptroller of currency, 188
made head of WM’s Chicago campaign, 135–36
and Theodore Roosevelt’s nomination for vice presidency, 442–43
on U.S. peace terms, 311
and WM’s assassination, 481
and WM’s renomination, 377–79
Day, William, 37, 134, 245, 262, 271, 333, 382
acquisition of Manila desired by, 310–11, 337
and annexation of Hawaii, 207
cabinet position proposed for, 152
on commission to negotiate terms with Spain, 323
criticism of, 186–87
on Dupuy de Lôme’s insult to McKinley, 256–57
Dupuy de Lôme’s diatribe to, 252–53
and looming Philippines crisis, 338–39
Maine inquiry read by, 268
resignation of, 335
and sending of Maine to Cuba, 254
and Spain’s offer of peace terms, 309–10, 337
Spanish proposal to avert war disdained by, 271
U.S. protocol signed by, 317, 333
Washington’s position on Spain clarified by, 266–67
and WM’s debts, 91
Dayton, Ohio, 53
debt, 77, 189
DeCell, Ken, 484–85
deficit, 167, 189
deflation, 193
Democratic National Conventions:
of 1896, 132–34, 240
of 1900, 444
Democratic Party, U.S., 7, 17
Hawaiian annexation and, 249
limited government desired by, 12, 75
in Ohio, 53–54
in South, 46, 135
Dempsey, James, 148–49
Denby, Charles
, 349, 382
Depew, Chauncey, 64, 204, 474
Dewey, George, 279–80, 332–33, 334, 338, 349–50, 378, 402
and election of 1900, 382–84, 387, 434–35
Manila victory of, 289–90, 294, 324, 341
message sent to WM by, 326, 327
sailing to Philippines, 287–90, 331
sent to Asia, 277–79, 280
WM’s questioning on Philippines of, 387–88
Dick, Charles, 105, 108, 180–81, 234–35, 441
Dingley, Nelson, Jr., 150, 153, 190–91, 192, 263, 405
Dingley bill, 167, 190–93, 455
Dockery, Alexander, 274
Dodge, Grenville M., 322, 345, 352
Dodge Commission, 322, 345, 351–52, 354
Dole, Sanford B., 206, 250–51
Dolliver, Jonathan, 440
Dover, Elmer, 58, 447
drought of 1887, 94
Dubois, Fred, 125
DuPont family, 342
Dupuy de Lôme, Enrique, 219, 222, 252–53, 254
McKinley insulted by, 255–57
Duval, Isaac, 31
Eagan, Charles, 352, 353, 354–56
Early, Jubal, 28–30, 31–32
Ebbitt House, 47, 71–72, 73, 160, 161
economic disparity, 146
Eight-Nation Alliance, 421
El Caney, Cuba, 301, 302
elections and campaigns, Ohio:
of 1832, 395
of 1876, 45–46
of 1878, 48
of 1880, 48
of 1882, 48–49
of 1886, 51–52
of 1890, 83, 89
of 1891, 84–86
of 1893, 94
of 1897, 234–36
of 1899, 384, 385–87
elections and campaigns, U.S., 322, 324–25
of 1840, 118
of 1860, 18
of 1876, 46–47
of 1884, 59–60, 61, 135, 153
of 1888, 61–67, 139
of 1890, 83, 84
of 1892, 135, 137
of 1894, 95–96
of 1900, 238, 377–79, 382–84, 387, 394–95, 412, 432, 434–35, 444–48, 449–50
of 1904, 238
elections and campaigns, U.S., of 1896, 94, 97
Republican candidates in, 104–5
see also Bryan, William Jennings; McKinley, William, 1896 campaign of
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria, 451
Elkins, Stephen, 275–76
Europe, 2, 192
Everett, Edward, 17
Everett Literary and Debating Society, 17
exports, 166, 390, 396
Fairbanks, Charles, 37, 125, 179, 260, 437
Farley, John, 384
farmers, 134–35
Farragut, David, 124, 279
Far West, 135, 142, 157
Federalist Party, U.S., 7, 75
Fifth Corps, 298
Fionn laoch (Scottish chieftain), 13
First Bank of the United States, 117
First Great Triumph (Zimmerman), 485
First Infantry Division, 302
Florida, 107, 166, 320
Floyd, John, 23–24
Flying Squadron, 281–82
Foraker, Joseph Benson “Ben,” 384, 385
acquisition of Philippines desired by, 348