President McKinley
Page 72
education of, 16–18
family background of, 13–14
farmwork done by, 15
first legal case of, 37
Foraker’s run for governor supported by, 51–52
as forgotten, 484
funeral of, 483–84
in Hayes’s governor campaign, 38
and Ida’s demanding ways, 71–72, 343–44
and Ida’s epilepsy, 44, 195
Ida’s first meeting with, 41
and Ida’s health problems, 5, 43–44, 49–50, 71–73, 96–97, 159, 194–99, 246–47, 451–52, 453
idealism, 340
intellect of, 16–17
in law school, 35–36
letter to Hanna from, 147–48
as loving husband, 72–73, 87–88
miners represented in court by, 45–46
and mother’s death, 232–33
oratory of, 17, 37
presidency desired by, 73–74, 85, 94, 97
protectionism of, 85, 134
religious views of, 16, 22, 159, 200
rising legal career of, 38–39
slavery opposed by, 17, 33, 47, 201
as teacher, 18
temper of, 298–99
wedding of, 42–43
McKinley, William, as congressman:
Blaine supported by, 59
as chair of House Ways and Means Committee, 7, 58–59, 75, 78–81
as chairman of Resolutions Committee, 60
considered for 1888 Republican nomination, 66–67
election of, 45–46, 74
Hayes’s encouraging of presidential ambition in, 74
Hayes’s political advice to, 70
leadership style of, 75
leave of absence from, 73
in Ohio GOP rift, 67
as protectionist, 7, 45, 58–59, 70–71, 78–82, 83, 84, 107
Reed vs., 75, 111
Repository editorial on protectionsism of, 83, 84
at Republican convention of 1888, 65–66, 68–69
Sherman supported by, 66
start of friendship with Hanna, 68, 74
and supposed promise not to run in 1882, 48–49
tariff bill of, 1, 78–81, 82, 83, 85, 125, 166–67, 170, 174, 189
McKinley, William, 1896 campaign of:
Bland as likely opponent of, 130–31
Bryan’s divisive politics disdained by, 141–42
at convention, 126–29
currency issue in, 106–7, 113, 115, 117, 119–21, 122, 123, 124, 125, 131, 134, 135, 141
Dawes accounting methods in, 135–36
doubtful states in, 144
“Front Porch” campaign in, 139–41, 158, 171
fundraising in, 136, 137, 138–39, 146
Hanna hired for, 100–101
Hanna’s confidence in, 144
Hanna’s meeting with New York GOP bosses in, 98–100
Hanna’s strategy for, 105, 107–9, 111, 113, 145–46
New York bosses vs., 113–14
protectionism in, 141, 144
spending by, 136–37
victory in, 145–46, 486
WM’s shrewdness in, 103–4
McKinley, William, as Ohio governor:
daily rituals of, 88
in election of 1891, 84–86, 87
major initiatives of, 87
militia troops deployed against strikes by, 95
at Republican National Convention of 1892, 88–89
speeches in 1894 election by, 95–96
McKinley, William, as president:
administrative mind of, 4
African Americans’ relationships with, 391–92
Alger’s resignation demanded by, 357–58
and Americans in Cuban prisons, 215
annexation of Cuba disdained by, 375
Annual Message on economy by, 394, 395–98
Annual Message on unity by, 229–32
assassination of, 9, 478–82
attention to Ida during, 5
and battle of San Juan Hill, 302
bimetallism and, 201–4
Boston speech on colonial responsibilities of, 362–65
and Boxer Rebellion, 425, 426, 427, 456
Cabinet and government put together by, 149–59
Cabinet meeting behavior of, 181–82
at Cabinet meeting on acquiring Philippines, 310–11
as calculating politician, 180–81
Cambon’s conversation on Philippines with, 312
Camp Wikoff visited by, 321–22
as caught between congressional agitation and Spanish intransigence, 269–70
Central American canal desired by, 8, 214, 231, 251–52, 372, 408, 461, 476–77
Chinese landgrab refused by, 428–30
and choice for vice president in 1900, 441–42
civilian efforts in Philippines desired by, 460–61
Civil Service policy reformed by, 375–76
congressional relations of, 182
contemporary criticisms of, 3
and Cuban debt question, 337–38
Cullom’s dispute with, 179–80
in decision to occupy Philippines, 333–34, 340–41, 347, 553
declaration of war against Spain sought by, 276
in departure to Washington, 159–61
desire for Spain to give up Cuba, 263, 265–67, 270, 310, 311
Dewey sent to Asia by, 278–79
discussion of renomination of, 377–79, 387, 394–95
distancing from Hanna, 437
Doles reception given by, 250–51
Dupuy’s insult to, 255–57
in election of 1900, 445–48, 449–50
final cross-country trip of, 470–82
free trade with Puerto Rico pushed by, 405, 406, 407–8
geography of Philippines studied by, 291
gold standard praised by, 247–48
and Hanna’s desire for second senatorial term, 233–34, 238–39
Hawaiian annexation and, 176, 189, 201, 204–11, 212–13, 214, 230–31, 248, 249, 318, 319–20, 486
historians’ views of, 484–88
Hobart’s death and, 393
inauguration of, 161, 162–65, 178, 187–88, 189
kindness of, 3–4
leadership style of, 306–7, 487–88
leaking of statement on Cuban rebellion by, 222–23
leisure activity of, 199–200
and looming Philippines crisis, 338–39
and Maine explosion, 259, 261
Maine sent to Cuba by, 253–54
message on Maine by, 268–69
military reorganized by, 371
minister to Spain chosen by, 219–20
money for Americans in Cuba appropriated by, 218
neutral intervention in Cuba desired by, 273–74
nomination in 1900, 443–44
offices of, 184–85
at Pan-American Exposition, 1, 3, 5–8, 479–82
peace proposals to, 272–73
Philippines commission created by, 349
Philippine War and reelection campaign of, 438–39
popularity of, 3, 6
as protectionist, 5, 153, 164, 188–89, 471
relationship with press, 182–83
Root made Secretary of War, 358
second inauguration of, 465–68
and Shafter’s inability to move troops, 315, 316
and Spain’s offer of peace terms, 309–10, 316–17
speeches on accomplishments of, 454–56
State position chosen by, 150–51
strategy in war with Spain, 277, 280–81
Taft instructed on Philippines job by, 400–401
tariff pushed by, 188–89, 190–93, 205, 396
taxes passed by, 462–63
on territory captured in Spanish-American War, 307–8
third term renounced by, 474–75
travel by, 183, 200–201
troops sent to Ph
ilippines by, 332
trusts vs., 390–91, 433–34, 456, 470–71, 477–78, 487
at Twenty-third Ohio reunion, 228–29
ultimatum against Spain by, 275–76
U.S. citizens in Cuba investigated by, 218
vacation of, 379
volunteer commissions of, 183–84
White House socializing by, 344
as worried about civic anger in Cuba, 458–59
as worried about Cuban rebellion, 172, 189, 213–14, 218–19, 221–23, 226–27, 230, 263, 265–67
McKinley, William, Sr., 14, 15, 18, 39, 232
McKisson, Robert, 234, 240, 384–85
McLean, John R., 131, 386, 387
Mahan, Alfred Thayer, 8, 176–77, 178, 208, 210, 248, 280, 307, 341
explosion on, 258–62
inquiry into, 260, 261, 264–65, 267–68, 282
sent to Cuba, 254
WM’s message to Congress on, 268–69
malaria, 285, 313, 314
Manchester, C. E., 233
Manchuria, 416
Manderson, Charles, 104, 109
Mangrove, 264
Manila, 290–91, 294, 310–11, 327, 328, 341, 347
Aguinaldo’s attack on U.S. in, 349–50, 362
Aguinaldo’s capture of, 330
Spanish surrender of, 332–33
Manley, Joseph H., 99, 123–24, 129, 449, 450
Mann, Matthew, 480
manufacturing, 82, 84, 232, 324–25
Maria Cristina of Austria, 220–21, 223, 224, 226, 242–43, 244
and Maine explosion, 261
peace proposals and, 272–73, 340
Mariel, Cuba, 295
Mason, William, 261, 433
Masters, Edgar Lee, 361
Matthews, Stanley, 21
Medical Department, U.S., 353
Medill, Joseph, 40, 152, 336–37
Merchant Marine, U.S., 7–8
Merriam, William, 107, 122
Merritt, Wesley, 290–91, 332, 333, 334, 345
Mexico, 167, 168
Michigan, 135, 144, 145
Midwest, 135, 144, 145, 157
Milburn, John, 5–6, 479
Miles, Nelson A., 199–200, 282, 290–91, 296, 298, 332
accusation against Eagan by, 353, 354–55
Alger disdained by, 353–54
and Schacter’s plan for Santiago, 306
Miller, Marcus, 346–47
Mills, Ellis, 206
Mills, Ogden, 156
Mills, Roger Q., 77, 78, 79–80
Mindanao islands, 380–81
mining, 82, 84, 95
Minnesota, 109, 144, 145
Mississippi, 108, 392
monopolies, 164
Monroe Doctrine, 172, 214, 230, 458
Montgomery, Benjamin, 283
Moore, John Bassett, 284–85
Moore, Opha, 104
Moret y Prendergast, Segismundo, 224, 242, 243–44, 255, 257, 265–66
and Maine explosion, 261–62
Morgan, H. Wayne, 488
Morgan, John Hunt, 28, 214–15, 269, 373, 409
Morgan, J. P., 477
Moros, 381
Morrill, Justin, 55, 76–77, 248–49
Morton, Levi, 104, 107, 123, 129
Nanjing, Treaty of, 415
Nash, George, 235, 385, 386–87, 468
Nation, 116, 118, 134, 141, 167, 186, 207, 231, 248, 257, 264, 341, 389, 397, 406, 411, 433
National Association of Manufacturers, 247
National Association of Wool Manufacturers, 191
National Cash Register Company, 52
National Silver Party, 142
Navy, British, 423–24
Navy, U.S., 231, 408
rise of, 2, 280–82, 341
Navy Department, U.S., 155, 157, 206
Neal, Lawrence, 94
Nebraska, 109, 135, 447, 448
Negros, 328, 380, 388
Nelson, Henry Loomis, 406
Nevada, 126, 441
New England, 135, 145, 157
New Hampshire, 105, 111
New Jersey, 66, 135
Newlands, Francis G., 317–18
New Panama Canal Company, 373
Newton, C. H., 258
New York, 108, 109, 135, 157, 387
New York, USS, 281, 304
New York Evening Post, 77, 322, 417–18
New York Herald, 255, 301, 439
New York Journal, 148, 186, 216, 222–23, 255–56, 260, 262, 352, 409
New York Junta, 170–71, 215, 243, 244, 252–53, 255–56
New York Mail and Express, 241, 433
New York Press, 240, 408–9
New York Sun, 349
New York Times, 3, 6, 58, 162, 163, 165, 233, 246, 247, 269, 274, 277, 287, 304–5, 315–16, 321, 322, 348, 350, 356, 357, 379, 381–82, 387, 392, 400, 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 407, 411, 413–14, 416, 424, 426, 427, 428, 429, 431, 435, 438, 444, 448, 459, 461, 465, 471, 477
New York Tribune, 40, 116, 218, 241, 329
New York World, 142, 260, 262, 383–84, 406
New Zealand, 390
Nicaragua, 208, 251, 372, 409, 461
Niles, Ohio, 14–16
Norman, Henry, 307–8
North Dakota, 135, 441
Northern Pacific Railroad, 477
Northwestern Gas Light and Coke Company, 110
nullification crisis, 76
Ochs, Adolph, 444
O’Donnell y Abreu, Carlos Manuel, duke of Tetuan, 221, 222
Ohio, 65, 144, 145, 228–29
canals in, 87
in Civil War, 13
governor’s race of 1899 in, 384, 385–87
growth of, 11–12
growth of population in, 52–53
manufacturing in, 52
miner strike in, 95
politics of, 12, 53–59
population groups in, 12–13
railroad strike in, 95
taxes in, 87
Ohio Guards, 19
Ohio National Guard, 163
Ohio Repository, 38, 40, 43, 160
WM’s editorial on protectionism in, 83, 84
Ohio Republican Convention (1884), 59–60
oil, 137
Okuma Shigenobu, 206, 208, 209
Olcott, Charles Sumner, 307
Olney, Richard, 171
Omaha World Herald, 130, 132
Opequon Creek, Battle of, 30–31
Opium War, 415
Osborne, William McKinley, 18, 120, 149, 341, 356, 379, 451, 455
army joined by, 19, 20
and Hanna’s political ambition, 150–51
Otis, Elwell S., 368, 369, 388
Aguinaldo and counterattack against, 345–46, 365–66, 389
negotiations with rebels opposed by, 370
Tagalogs vs., 381–82
on victories in Luzon, 397–98
Otis, Harrison Gray, 97, 154
Pago Pago, 389, 390
Paine, Charles J., 201
Pall Mall Gazette, 231–32
Palmer, John M., 142–43
Panama, 461
Panama Canal, 373–74
Pan-American Exposition, 1–3, 5–8, 470, 478–82
Panay Island, 328, 346, 380, 460
Panic of 1819, 117
Panic of 1837, 117, 118
Panic of 1893, 106, 165, 191
patronage, 231, 237, 241, 245–46
Pauncefote, Julian, 211, 408, 409, 411, 462, 477
Payne, Henry C., 120, 158, 406, 449
Pendleton Act (1883), 231
Pennsylvania, 65, 108, 109, 387
miners strike in, 95
People’s Party, 142, 444
Pershing, John, 302
Peterson, Frederick, 452–53
Pettigrew, Richard, 248–49, 401–2, 447, 448, 463–64
Philadelphia Inquirer, 232
Philippines, 169, 319, 322, 363, 411, 412, 431, 455, 456–57, 476, 484, 486
aldo’s proclamation of government on, 331–32
civilian authority in, 4660–61
Dewey’s sailing to, 287–88
Greene’s desire for acquisition of, 326, 327–29, 336
insurgency against Spain in, 327, 329–30, 332
native sentiment on U.S. occupation in, 380–81
population of, 328
resources of, 327
Taft put in charge of, 398–400
U.S. acquisition of, 2, 4, 336–40
U.S. promise of independence to, 331
in U.S.-Spanish peace talks, 310–12, 316, 335–37
WM’s decision to occupy, 333–35
WM’s instructions to Taft on, 400–401
Philippines War, 453
Aguinaldo’s attack on U.S. in Manila in, 349–50, 362
Aguinaldo’s counterattack in, 365–66
casualties of, 362
insurgent negotiators of, 369–70
opposed at Democratic Convention of 1900, 444
Otis’s attacks in, 388, 397–98
Schurman’s desire to negotiate an end to, 368–69
U.S. troop numbers in, 368, 370
and WM’s reelection campaign, 438–39
Phillips, Kevin, 484
pig iron, 168
Pingree, Hazen, 356
Platt, Orville H., 405, 457–58
Platt, Thomas, 143, 220, 324, 358
anger at WM, 104
at 1896 Convention, 121, 122, 123, 124, 129
in election of 1896, 107, 108, 109, 486
Hanna’s meeting with, 98, 99–100
McCook recommmended for Justice by, 155
on McKinley’s GOP lead in South, 103
and nominations for Cabinet, 149–50, 156, 157
Theodore Roosevelt disdained by, 436, 440–41
Treasury secretary position sought by, 99–100
Platt Amendment, 457–58, 459, 475
Poland Seminary, 16–17, 18, 216
Polk, James, 75, 76
Pollock, John, 49
Polo de Bernabé, Luis, 273, 275
Populists, 142
Hawaiian annexation and, 249
Port Arthur, 416
Porter, Horace, 203
Porter, J. Addison, 164, 183, 185–86, 192, 297
Porter, Robert P., 375
Pratt, E. Spencer, 330, 331
Primo de Rivera, Fernando, 330
Proctor, Redfield, 111, 120, 387
Alger endorsed for War Department by, 154
Cuba toured by, 265
and Dewey’s mission in Asia, 278–79, 290
Prussian Revolution, 212
Puerto Rico, 2, 9, 169, 324, 352, 363, 371, 411, 431, 456, 476, 486
conquering of, 306, 353
plan to capture, 295
Spain’s relinquishing of, 310, 311, 312, 316–17, 340
U.S. trade with, 403–8, 433, 457
Pulitzer, Joseph, 383
Pullman, George, 93
Quay, Matthew, 98–99, 107–8, 109, 113, 114, 123, 128, 129, 486
Quigg, Lemuel Ely, 208, 210, 358
Ragsdale, J. W., 425
railroads, 87, 105, 106, 110, 132, 137, 477