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The Horror Squad

Page 4

by Kris Weeks

  “Dammit Willy, that’s dinner!” Nate bee lined it to Willy, grabbed the bird, rung its neck as well and let it fall to the ground.

  Nate’s forehead was scrunched up with frustration and he brushed back his thin hair that hadgrown longer than he had liked. “Damn birds. But we have dinner.”

  Nate picked both birds up by the legs and carried them out of the enclosure. The two left back down the path and searched each enclosure as they came to it. Some animals were dead, but both of them were surprised at how few animals there were; they all figured that there would be zombies inside the zoo and thattheywould have eaten some of the animals, but figured most of them would have been too fast to be caught by them.

  “Maybe someone got here first besides zombies?” Willy cupped his hands over his face to look through glass.

  Nate moved to the other side of the path and scanned the open land where a sign indicated that animals should be and saw a drunk stumbling through the tall grass. “Or maybe the drunks cleaned it out.” Nate pointed.

  *** Andrew, Karlin, and Adriana rounded a corner and came to small bridge. The three topped the middle of the bridge and hung their heads over the edge. Surprisingly fish swayed near the top of the water showing off their swimming skills.

  “There sure are not many fish in here for it being a zoo.” Adrianna noticed out loud.

  Andrew moved around to the side of the bridge, down the small bank and squatted to watch the few fish swim back and forth in front of him. “We need to go ahead and get what we can, maybe we can find a place to filet them out and cook them soon unless we can find a working freezer.”

  Karlin giggled for the first time in days at the thought of catching fish. “And how do you expect us to do that?”

  “Let’s go see if we can find some tools in the buildings over there, maybe there will be a net too.” Andrew started back up the bank.

  Adrianna and Karlin followed him to a small white building. Andrew pulled the handle expecting it to be locked when the door popped open. He looked at the girls with surprise and headed in. All three stepped inside and panned the roomlooking for anyof the undead then went different ways in the building to look for things. They all met back at the door with different tools. Karlin found a knife and a pitchfork, Adrianna showed up with shovel, a few bottles of iodine, and some other medicines. Andrew viewed all that they had found with a huge fish net in hand.

  “Well, let’s take all that we have in case we need it and catch these fish. I have aknife, so we can comeback here and filet it and I saw some plastic wrap back there I couldn’t grab.” Andrew instructed.

  They moved quickly back to the small pond. The girls stopped at the top of the bridge while Andrew went back to the side of the water, he reared back, threwthe net into the water and waited. He watched the water and quickly began to pull the net out of the water with only a couple of the few large fish in it that they had seen. He quickly grabbed them out of the net then shot the net back in the water and yanked it up. Another one caught.

  Andrew stood up walked back the bridge and over to the building. Karlin opened the door to let him in. A stainless steel table sat in the middle of the room, Andrew flopped the fish down onto it, pulled out his knife and began fileting. Adrianna and Karlin stood near the door and kept watch for anything else that they may be able to kill and made ugly faces at the sight of the opened up fish.

  “Look over there, that sign says bear!” Karlin pointed out. Adriannanodded andlookedtoward Andrew. “When I am done here, we can go check it out. You girls aren’t going anywhere alone. We don’t know what is out here.”

  Andrew disappeared and returned within a few seconds with some hefty plastic wrap. He wrapped the filets tightly then threw it into his backpack.

  The three steppedoutofthebuilding and shut the door to make sure they had somewhere safe to go back to in case they needed it. They took the small asphalt path up to where the girls had seen the bear sign earlier when Eric walked toward them from out of nowhere.

  “What have you found?” He queried. “Just a couple of fish, sure isn’t much around here for a zoo.” Andrew answered.

  “Someone has already been here is how it seems.” He responded. “Karlin, you are coming with me.”

  Karlin looked at Adrianna and Andrew, she dropped her head and made her way hesitantly to stand next to Eric.

  The threesome now made into a duo watched their third walk away with Eric andhoped that she would beokay. Karlin turned again to look at them with a desperate ‘help me’ look on her face. She hated being with Eric, he always put her in situations that she was not sure she could handle and knew that eventually he was going to get her killed. Adrianna gave her a half smile and mouthed to her that it was okay.

  Adrianna and Andrew did not want to rile Eric in anyway so they left it be, moving along down the small path. The sign that Karlin had pointed out was in full view now; Andrew and Adrianna searched for the animal’s movements or fur anywhere in the grassy area, but were unable to spot anything.

  “Maybe whoever was here before already got them.” Adrianna figured out loud.

  Andrew shrugged and started moving on. They walked quietly, both wondering and worrying about Karlin.

  *** “You know Karlin, you are pretty lucky to be with me. If anything happens you will have the chance to practice saving yourself.”

  Karlin glared at him with an angry furrow. “I guess I was just taught that children are supposed to be protected by their parents or other adults. You don’t seemlike a verygood protector.”

  Eric roughly grabbed her arm and pulled her in close. “Look here little girl, you have no parents now so you need to learn that protecting yourself is the best protection that you will ever have. Now, do not ever back talk me again, do you understand?”

  Karlin nodded her head, wanting so badly to run away from this man that she knew had killed so many people. Maybe not by his own hands, but he killed them none the less.

  “There ya go, look over there.” Eric pointed down the path they were walking. A scraggily looking man staggered back and forth. “Go take it out!” He demanded.

  Karlin glared at Eric but raised her pitchfork. She ran toward the grumbling growling man and shoved the prongs into his face then pulled it out and turned to Eric. “There ya go! Got him for you.”

  Karlin turned back around and continued down the path on her own hoping that Eric would not catch up with her.


  A COUPLEof hours had gone

  by when the groups reconvened at the front gate with Rue and the children. Not much had been caught except for Andrew’s fish and the quail that tried so hard to escape Nate.

  “How was it out there?” Rue asked.

  “Not much out there, pretty sure someone was here before us.” Nate made his way to her. “How are you?”

  Rue stared at him for a moment and nodded that she was fine and walked the other way,knowing thatif Ericsaw Nate even near her that it would probably start a ruckus.

  Andrew pulled the fish from his bag and looked for a place to start a fire as well as something to start the fire with. “We need to cook this fish soon and probably those quail.”

  Nate held up the birds that he and Willy managed to gather. “Where is Eric?” Willy asked.

  “He came and got Karlin and they took off the other way from us.” Andrew stated.

  “What the hell is his deal?” Adrianna blurted out to Rue.

  “Just do as he says, and things will be fine.” Rue advised.

  “Don’t you want away from him?” Nate asked. Rue just shook her head. “Just stop, I will not have this conversation.” Rue walked toward the gate.

  Everyone looked at each other, hoping that deep down Rue felt that Eric was wrong on so many levels.

  Andrew found a small tree nearby and began breaking small branches from it. He threw them near a large pot that housed a large leafy plant. After a fairlygood amount had been collected, Willyfigured out what he was
going to do, he made his way to the pot, pushed it over, pulled out the plant and soil inside and set it back up. He began stacking the wood inside the pot. Andrew pulled out his lighter that he was hoping he still had fluid in, lit a piece if the small wood and stuck it under the stack inside the self-made fire pit. He waited for the other sticks to catch before he pulled open the plastic over the fish. Heheld two sticks out and laid the pieces of fish across them then set it over the flames.

  “Did you gut those things?” Andrew asked Nate. Nate held the quail up and looked back at Andrew. “Well no, just killed them.”

  Andrew laughed and shook his head, pulled out his knife and stuck it into the body of one of the quail while Nate held them. The guts dropped to the ground and Nate dropped the bird to the ground.

  “That shit is gross!” Nate hollered out while everyone laughed at him. “Pick the damn things up and pull off all of those feathers.” Nate carefully pulled feathers off of them then handed them back to Andrew.

  Andrew took both birds, gutted them the rest of the way, cleaned them good enough to eat, and stuck them on a stick and laid out over the fire. “Dinner soon.”

  Barker ran over to see the food cooking when Rue shouted her son’s name and motioned for him to come back to her.

  Eric rounded the corner as Andrew turned the fish over on his man made grate.

  “Not much around here, we are going to have to find another place. For tonight we can stay here though. I saw some of the dead lingering, but not many. There seemed to be an opengate in the back,Iclosed it,butwe still have to keep an eye out.” Eric began to assign times for everyone to take watch when he noticed the food cooking. “Awesome, we have dinner!”

  Eric made his way to the pot full of fire, snipped a piece of the fish from the sticks and popped it in his mouth. “Good job!”

  Everyone glared at Eric due to his rudeness at taking some of their food when he did not contribute anything at all.

  Adrianna spotted the door to the small gift shop to the left and began to head that way. She softly turned the knob, pushed the door open, held up the shovel she had found and readied herself for anything to comeat her. She stuck her head just inside the shop and scanned around the shop filled with stuffed animals and gifts, quietly took a step in and looked around. With little light it was hard to see anything except outlines of shelves stacked high with unknown items. She walked to the first shelf picked up a stuffed sloth, tucked it under her arm and stepped past the shelf when she heard a clatter from the back of the shop. She froze, searched for where the noise came from and held her shovel out in front of her. A low growl came from the corner, she shot her head that way and slowly made her way over. She was certainly not going to let it get her before she got it. The woman wore a green collared polo shirt with a name tag ‘Kathy’, her legs were bent at the knees with apiece of glass from the shelving stuck in her cheek. She pulled herself toward Adrianna with her scrawny arms, trying to getat her for a meal. Adrianna raised her shovel high then swiftly brought it down and bashed it into her head.

  Willy and Nate heard the noise and ran into the shop to see Adrianna with her shovel over her head.

  “You okay?” Nate hollered through the store. Both of them walked up to see the handicapped woman lying on the floor. “A handicapped drunk!” Nate joked.

  Nate dragged the woman out of the store, laid her over by the fence to get her out of the store then headed back in.

  “Figured we could stay in here and maybe I could findsomethingto eat off of for dinner.” She told them.

  “Well, let’s take a look nowthat you cleared it out for us.” Willy laughed. The three searched through the store when Adrianna hollered. “BINGO!” Nate and Willy made their way in her direction. Adrianna held up paper plateswith animals onthemalong with small paper cups. She stood next to a small cooler full of bottles of differed sodas.

  “I would say bingo!” Nate went for a soda.

  “I haven’t had a real coke in forever!” Willy joined in with Nate. Adrianna walked outside and showed the group with a smile spread across her face at what she had found and let them know there was plenty of room inside if they moved the shelves to sleep and that she had found sodas. Andrew pulled the fish and quail from the fire and put them on a plate Adrianna had freed from its wrapper.

  The two joined the rest and Andrew was able to cut up the fish and the quail for everyone to have a good amount of each. Adrianna poured the warm soda into cups for everyone including Rowena. Everyone sat on the floor after movingthe shelves to the side and enjoyed their dinner, thanking Andrew for cooking and praising him for how good it was.

  “Everyone shut up, lay down and go to sleep. I am going to take first watch.” Eric informed.

  Everyone began to settle down as to not cause any more outbursts from Eric. They all grabbed stuffed animals to lay their heads on and were thankful they had found a roof to sleep under.

  “Karlin, come on.” Eric announced. She slowly rose from her comfortable corner she had found and moved to the door with Eric. Adrianna sat up quickly and pushed her glasses up to the top of her nose. Karlin’s sweet face turned to them all then back to Eric as he guidedher out of the door.

  It was hard for everyone to sleep as they all wondered what Eric’s intentions were with Karlin.

  “He is just trying to teach her to be self-sufficient in this world.” Rue whispered out. “Soon he will be taking Barker with him and any other kids that may possibly come aboard, he believes that this zombie world is goingtolast forever,thatall of the kids need to know how to survive and that it is his job to teach them; as well as a good way to keep people around to help protect us all.”

  The group listened intently and wondered if that was why Rue was with him. Was it because he threatened to take her children if she left?


  NATE PULLEDhis wrist up to

  the bit of light that came in through the window from the moon. It was three in the morning. He quietly rose from his spot and gladly took the stuffed bear with him to the door. He scanned the outside area to look for Karlin letting his eyes focus when he saw Karlin standing outside the gate at the top of the stairs and Eric standing inside the gate at the bottom pacing back and forth keeping watch onthe inside.Nate darted out of the door and to the gate, he pushed on it with no give then grabbed the chain that wrapped around it. He began to fumble with it when he felt a hand grab the back of his collar and pull him away from the gate.

  Eric pulled Nate’s back up against his chest. “What the hell are you doing?”

  Nate pulled forward to try and free himself from Eric’s grasp but Eric tightened his grip and pulled his collar even tighter around his neck. “Why is she out there? Why are you not out there with her?” Nate continued struggling to pull away.

  “Leave her be, she has to learn to keep watch and protect herself.” “Okay Eric, let me the fuck go!” Nate pulled away and pressed his body to the gate watching Karlin.

  She turned and looked at him holding a large knife but then turned back to watch the area.

  Suddenly Nate felt coldness against his neck and froze. “Step away and go back inside!” Eric held a knife steady to his throat.

  Nate released his grip on the gate, put his handsup and stepped back. “Do you understand?” Eric asked before removing the blade.

  Nate nodded hesitantly and turned to head back to the shop when Eric began to speak and Nate paused mid step.

  “Stay out of my business and stay away from Rue.” Nate did not respond and continued his walk to the shop. He closed the door behind him and turned to take a look at Karlin.

  “What is it?” Willy whispered. “He has her outside the gate, he pulled a knife and told me to come in.” Nate explained.

  “He is not going to let us do anything unless he approves, and we can’t go anywhere or we are destined to our own death until we get a vehicle and collect our own materials to survive.” Willy reiterated what they already knew.

; “Can we take Karlin?” Adrianna blurted from the floor. Willy and Nate jumped at her squeaky morning voice. “We will do whatever we can when the time comes.”

  Rue sat up from the back corner and readied herself to feed Rowena. “He isn’t going to let anyof you leave, I am letting you know that now.”

  The group all turned to look at Rue and all decided not to respond. “Let’s all lay back down, he will get tired soon and I will take watch.” Nate volunteered.

  Everyone laid back in their spots and closed their eyes hoping that Eric would bring Karlin in to safety soon.

  After abouta halfhour, Natepopped his head up when the door opened. “Since you are up, you go take watch.” Eric motioned at Nate.

  Nate jumped up, patted Karlin’s shoulder and she took Nate’s place on the floor. He headed past Eric outside as he could feel Eric’s eyes burning a hole in the back of his head.

  Nate grabbed the pitchfork that stood against the wall and closed the door behind him.He walkedto the gate and unwound the chain from it. He stepped out, draped the chain back over both sides of the tall gate’s locking mechanism and headed up the steps that led to the parking lot. He paced the landing a few times and investigated the lot for anything wandering around. There were three drunks that were lurching in the road and one that seemed to be lost fromthe small group headed his way in the parking lot.

  Nate decided to stay on the landing and wait for it to come his way. He watched it closely while taking a glance behind him every few seconds. The zombie finally caught sight of him and awkwardly teetered his way. His left foot dragged the ground as he walked while he would slightly pick his other foot up to take a step. He fell over the curb to the sidewalk but then gained his clumsy footing and continued to his destination to Nate to have him as a snack. Nate lifted his pitchfork over his head and headed to thedirtied old man who had his glasses still placed on his face. He reared back, drove the rungs of the fork into his forehead then pulled it back out quickly.He huntedthe parking lot with his eyes waiting for the other three that were on the road to come at him, but to his surprise they were still lingering on the road and headed away from the zoo.


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