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Welcome to Lake Ventures (New Haven Book 2)

Page 24

by Dawn Doyle

  “Em! Where are you going in such a hurry?” Holly asked as Emily walked out the door.

  “Home. Apparently Nick is the golden bollocks around here and I’m automatically the one in the wrong. So I’m fuckin’ off and he can have my old room seein’ as you all love him so fuckin’ much.” She spat as the driver loaded her cases into the trunk. Emily got into the back and left Holly in shock as the cab pulled away.

  Kim was just getting back as she left.

  Her phone started to ring.

  It was Holly and Emily cancelled the call.

  It rang again.

  It was her Mum, so she cancelled the call.

  Then it was Oli, so she definitely cancelled the call.

  Her phone beeped.

  H: Em, what the fuck?!

  Emily didn’t reply but Holly sent another message a minute later.

  H: What did you do?

  E: I don’t fucking believe you!!!!

  Emily switched off her phone and tried to hold back her tears during the cab ride.

  However, once in her apartment, the hot tears flowed like Niagara falls down her cheeks.

  She felt hurt.

  Hurt so bad that she couldn’t breathe.

  Her family assumed she’d done something wrong when all she’d done was remain quiet because she felt uncomfortable around Nick. The way he made her heart race, the way he made her body feel whenever he was close to her.

  It was getting worse every day, and she couldn’t tell anybody.

  Then her own Mother assumed she’d done something, or caused something between them, to make her act that way.

  Still crying, Emily went into her bedroom. It had been set up and she was grateful that she’d insisted on doing it straight away rather than leaving it for when everything was there.

  Opening her cases, she got to work hanging her clothes into her wardrobe/closet thingy. Afterwards, she took a long, hot shower and climbed into bed.

  She didn’t turn her phone back on right away but she knew she would’ve had missed calls or texts. Luckily, she knew nobody would come knocking on her door. When Emily was upset, she needed time alone to calm down before she could talk to anyone.


  “What the fuck did you do to my sister?” Holly screamed down the phone.

  “Whoa, hold on there princess, what are you talking about?”

  Nick had no idea why Holly was screaming at him, or what he was supposed to have done. Obviously it must have been pretty bad for her to be calling him.

  “She walked out on Mum at Cal’s, she won’t answer my calls or texts and now her phone’s off. Apparently, we sided with you a few times and now we’re the bad guys. So I ask again. What. Did. You. Do?”

  “Slow down, Holly. Tell me what happened because even I don’t know what I did.”

  Nick listened as Holly told him what had happened at the café after he and Cora left. The conversation at the door and Emily’s single reply to her text.

  “Holly, honestly, I don’t know. She hasn’t spoken to me in two days since…”

  Nick paused as he thought about the proposition and how her mood had changed.

  “Since what Nick?”

  “Um… I think I know why she’s upset.”

  I mentioned Lee, like the fuck head I am. Yeah, I’m putting myself high on the list.

  Nick told Holly all about their ‘meeting’ and how it had turned into a fight.

  “Oh God, you offered her that? No wonder she’s upset!”

  “What? I thought it was because of Lee?”

  “God no. If that’s the only thing that was bothering her, she would’ve just punched you in the mouth.” Holly paused then her voice was gentler. “You don’t know, do you?

  “Know what? Holly, I have no idea what’s going on and, quite frankly, I’m getting a little pissed off with it.”

  “It’s about Jeff.”

  “Jeff?” Nick was confused as to why it was about that son of a bitch.

  “I can’t go into specifics but Jeff offered a similar thing to her. He screwed her over, Nick… Badly. That’s why she is the way she is.”

  He remembered back to the conversation. ’For all you know, I could be waiting for the right moment to screw you over and take you for everything’.

  “Oh God.” He groaned and he felt sick thinking he’d made Emily, his Emmy, feel that he was doing the same thing.

  He would never do that to her.

  Now he understood the conversation between Emily and Jeff at Cora’s party and what Jeff had said to him.

  What he didn’t understand was why she was still mad. She’d apologized for taking off on him, saying that it was just too much for her right now.

  “I don’t know why Em wouldn’t tell us what happened, Nick, but she took off on us saying we sided with you because we asked what she did, assuming she’d done something to you.”

  “Emmy hasn’t done anything to me, Hol. Nothing that I haven’t thrown in first anyway. She’s been really great, kind even, and has made my life so much better.” He meant that in more ways than just his business and it pained him to think she was hurting because her family had sided with him over her.

  “Where is she now?” He asked, worried that she’d gone off somewhere on her own. If she’d walked out at the cafe, that meant she’d taken a cab.

  Holly explained that Emily had taken her suitcases and had gone to her apartment. She wasn’t supposed to go there until the next day, when the rest of her furniture was being delivered. All she had was her bed and nightstands.

  Ending the call to Holly, he called Emily and got the ‘cell phone is switched off’ message.

  Incase she was intermittently turning it on, he sent her a text.

  N: Emmy. Your delightful sister has just called and screamed at me. After a brief conversation, she told me why you took off on me the other day. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know. Don’t worry, all she told me was that fuck head offered you something similar and then screwed you over. That’s it. She didn’t elaborate and I don’t want to know anything else unless you want to tell me. I’m really sorry, Emmy.

  Nick watched Cora play her games for over an hour without any sign of a reply from Emily.

  Resigning to the fact that he wasn’t going to get a reply, he told Cora that it was her bedtime and tidied the Xbox away.

  He was about to turn in himself when his phone beeped.

  E: Not your fault.

  N: Are you ok? Have you spoken to your family?

  E: I’m fine and no.

  N: They’re worried about you.

  Nick didn’t receive another reply and he assumed she’d switched her phone off again. Tonight, he needed his pills more than ever.


  Emily was reading through the texts from her family when she saw Nick’s. Answering his first, she continued to read through the others.

  H: Em, come on. I asked what you did because it’s usually a retaliation when you’re pissed with him. I’m sorry I didn’t ask what he’d done first. Please call me Em. I love you.

  M: Emily, Honey, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s happening but you don’t talk to me about anything like you used to. I have no idea what’s going on and it’s killing me not knowing what’s upsetting my baby. Nick looked upset so I wrongly assumed you’d done or said something to him. My baby, I’m so sorry. I love you.

  That message stunned Emily. He looked upset? She hadn’t even looked at him to notice.

  D: Princess, your Mother and sister are upset and I’m worried what’s going on with you. I wish you would talk to us. Since moving here, you’ve gotten quiet and we just want to help you. Look, I’ve gotten to know Nick, a lot, and that may be why it looks like I’m siding with him but sweetheart, if he hurt you I wouldn’t think twice about tearing him a new one. Please call us. We love you so much.

  The tears began to flow again when Emily read through her messages. She snapped because she had no-one to talk to about the things
she was feeling.

  She felt lonelier than ever.

  After taking Cora to school, Nick took the short journey to the office glancing at the present he had for Emily. He smiled to himself thinking about the look on her face when she saw it, or found the special message he left inside. He had to get Cora to go look at accessories whilst he did it. He didn’t want her hearing what he was saying.

  He wasn’t trying to upset Emily, he was actually wanting to make her smile, to laugh. It was a little joke between them and, yes, Emily didn’t find it as funny as he did but he had made her smile, and he had heard her giggle at the t-shirt when she thought he couldn’t hear her.

  The elevator opened up onto the fifteenth floor and Diane was working at her desk, sorting through different papers.

  Emily was sitting at hers typing quickly.

  “Good morning, Honey.” Diane said with a warm smile as he passed her.

  “Good morning, Di.”

  Emily didn’t look up as he approached.

  “Good morning, Emmy.”

  “Good morning.” She replied without taking her eyes off the screen.

  “I got you something.” He said, placing the box onto her desk.

  Emily’s eyes glanced to the box and then back to the screen.

  “Build-A-bear. Really?” She said, sounding bored.

  “Yep. I got Cora one last night and I thought I’d get you one. I’m not sure if you’re allowed pets in your apartment so I thought a stuffed one would make a good alternative.” He smiled.

  Emily’s fingers paused over the keys and she looked up at him. Her big blue eyes, pupils slightly dilated, bore into his and his hands fought the need to hold her. He put them in his pockets to stop himself.

  There was a slight blush to her cheeks and Nick didn’t miss the deep breath she took whenever she tried to calm herself.

  Maybe I should back away slowly.

  Emily slowly stood and reached for the box. Opening the roof style lid, she looked in and then pulled out the stuffed cat. It was black with blue eyes, he’d chosen because the color matched hers, and wore a rainbow colored fairy dress complete with wings.

  “Cora picked the outfit.” He said quickly.

  Emily stared at it and gently stroked her finger tips across its head. A small smile tugged at the corners of her lips.

  “Come on, let’s see it…”Hhe teased and Emily turned her head to him.

  Her bottom lip between her teeth and she tried to hold back the smile that was growing. He looked at her mouth and instantly regretted it. He wanted to suck and bite that lip and brush his lips down her neck…

  Nick swallowed and lifted his eyes back to hers.

  “Thank you, Nick.” She said before putting the cat back into the box.

  “Anything to see a smile on your face.” He said quietly and then turned to go to his office. “Well, I have a lot to do so…” He didn’t finish the sentence as he walked away.

  Nick picked up his phone and dialled a number he didn’t use very often.

  “Hi, Oli it’s Nick.”

  “Nick, hi! How are you? Has Em come into work today? Is she alright?”

  “Yeah, she’s here and she hasn’t tried to kill me yet, so I assume she’s ok.”

  Nick heard the relief in Oli’s voice and knew they must have been worried about her.

  “Holly said she called you last night.”

  “Yeah she did. Honestly, I didn’t call to discuss that. If Emmy finds out that we’re talking about her, she may get upset and I don’t want that.”

  “Oh. So, what are you calling for?”

  “I know she took a cab to her apartment last night, and to work this morning. I don’t like it, Oli.”


  Looking at the box on her desk, Emily smiled at the thoughtful gift from Nick. Maybe it was a peace offering but, because he’d actually thought of her when he was with his little sister, it made her go all warm and fuzzy inside.

  “That was really sweet of him, don’t you think?” Diane said, pointing to the box.

  “Yeah, It was actually.” She said in disbelief. She wasn’t expecting anything from him except, maybe him saying something about the night before.

  “I don’t know what you’ve done but he sure looks happier these days.”

  Emily didn’t know what Diane was getting at but it seemed like she was implying, yet again, that Nick liked her.

  I doubt that.

  “He said that he likes that I’m efficient. Probably something to do with that.”

  “If you say so, honey.” She smiled and got back to her work.

  Diane spoke like something was going on, that she wasn’t aware of, and it was beginning to get on her nerves.

  “Is there something going on, Di?”

  Diane looked towards Nick’s office and then lowered her voice.

  “No, sweetie. I just think that Nick likes you.” She waggled her eyebrows as she grinned.

  “I don’t think so, Di. If he did I’m pretty sure I’d know.” She shook her head.

  Harry had been over confident in his pursuit of her and ‘Charlie-by-the-way’ had let her know he was interested too. If Nick had feelings for her, wouldn’t he just say so?

  “Well, that’s what I think Em.”

  Emily kept herself busy for the rest of the day, only stopping for lunch. A quick bout of indigestion later and she was back to work. She needed to finish organising the schedules and checking through the new accounts set up so that she could leave.

  Her phone beeped and she checked the ID. Holly had sent her a text.

  H: Hey Em. Are you ok?

  E: Yes. I’m fine.

  H: Can I call you?

  E: I’m working. I’ll call you later.

  H: Ok. Thank you. X

  Emily finished up and called Holly after she’d called her cab.

  “Em! Oh my God I’m so sorry about last night.” Holly began. “I didn’t mean what you think I meant.”

  “I know. I got your text.”

  “Mum was going out of her mind, Em. She hasn’t seen you that upset in ages. She doesn’t know why you reacted like that.”

  “Think about it from my point, Hol…” Emily lowered her voice so nobody would hear their conversation. “…You’re quiet for a little bit, and the person, who’s the reason you’re quiet happens to walk in. Then your own Mother accuses you of doing something to said person even though it’s you that’s upset.”

  “I know. I said that to her last night. I told her that just because Nick has been nice to us, it doesn’t mean that he’s been nice to you.”

  “But I didn’t say he had or hadn’t. Mum didn’t even ask, she just assumed.” Emily could feel herself getting upset again.

  “I think I know why you were upset.”

  “I know. Nick sent me a text too.”

  They talked some more and even though they were good again, Emily still couldn’t tell Holly the real reason she was quiet with Nick. The reason being that she couldn’t look at him because it physically hurt to do so.

  Her feelings were growing stronger everyday and she was scared that he would find out and laugh at her.

  Once Emily got home, it wasn’t long before her delivery arrived, along with her parents, and Holly and Alex. All ready to help.

  Taking Emily to one side, Kim and Oli apologised for jumping to conclusions and that Holly had explained what happened.

  Everything had arrived already assembled so it was just a case of unwrapping and moving.

  The huge fabric, pillow back sofa Emily had bought was a light beige colour. She’d bought extra cushions in a deep red colour for contrast. It was against the wall that backed on to the bedroom, with the huge windows to the right.

  A rectangular solid oak coffee table in front, that sat on a deep red rug that matched the cushions.

  Emily had bought a clear glass Serrano TV stand, to sit against the opposite wall. She originally wanted the TV on the wall but the apartment co
ntract stated that no channeling could be done to allow TV cables to be hidden.

  It wasn’t a big problem because the stand had three shelves to allow for various electronic devices, with the cables hidden behind.

  Holly and Alex placed the round table and four chairs in the dining area next to the half wall next to the kitchen, and sat the clear vase in the centre of the table.

  Emily had bought silk lilies to sit in the vase.

  Lastly, Kim and Oli hung the vertical blinds. The brackets were already in place so it was just a case of screwing them in.

  After a couple of hours, they stood back and looked around. It was beginning to look like a home.

  Emily just needed to unpack the things she’d brought with her; books, decorative ornaments and framed pictures.

  “It looks great!” said Holly, as she was wrapped in Alex’s arms.

  “Yeah it does. Thanks for your help guys.” Emily said with a huge smile. “Anyway, I’m done in and I’m starvin’. Who wants pizza?”

  Emily ordered and they tucked in to the first ever meal in her own home.

  “I’m so glad to be home!” Emily sighed as she walked through her front door.

  It had been stressful in the office, with Nick’s door being open most of the day. Even when she’d closed it, it was open again when she and Diane had gotten back for lunch. She’d felt Nick’s eyes on her the entire time.


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