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Harley (West Coast Rock Star #1)

Page 6

by Michelle Jo Quinn

Then they all laughed.

  Cade’s arms stretched. Her hands pressed against the stalls. She looked to her left, where Harley was. She shouldn’t be hearing these things. And she knew the girl was listening. She hadn’t made a sound since the women walked into the bathroom. Cade had to be strong for the both of them. She sucked in a lungful of air, shook her hands, and walked out of the stall.

  The women, all facing the mirror and fixing their makeup, gasped when she appeared. Cade walked up to one of them. The woman flinched when Cade lifted a hand.

  “I just want to wash my hands.” Cade couldn’t help but smirk. They might have been brave when they didn’t know she was around, but now that they were aware of her presence, they shook in their boots. Groupie number one stopped reapplying her lipstick and stepped aside. Cade took her time washing, not looking up or giving them anything else to talk about.

  Eventually, they filed out. She wanted to kick all their asses, but what would that say to Harley? How would that make her seem responsible? And if one of them complained, it would go straight to Zee and Mac. Not going to happen.

  She heard the flush of the toilet, then the door to the last stall swung open. Harley went to the sink in her right and washed her hands.

  “You should’ve kicked their butts.” Cade wished Harley hadn’t looked so serious when she said it. They locked gazes through the mirror. They laughed.

  “Oh, Harley, if I had a penny every time I want to kick someone’s butt for the things they say, I’d be as rich as your dad!” They laughed again.

  When they returned, the gaggle of groupies had perched themselves back on the sofa, all but one didn’t want to look fazed by her. Cade kept her head up, as did Harley beside her. When they reached the sofa, Harley didn’t sit with her but ran toward Bruno. Cade didn’t move. She just watched Bruno bend down to let Harley whisper something in his ear, then stood and peered at Cade.

  “Oh shit.” Cade’s heartbeat sped up. It was too late for her to do anything. She knew what Harley had done. Harley came back to sit on the sofa, with an angelic look on her face, while Zee and Bruno escorted the groupies out of the studio.

  The band didn’t seem to care if they were present or not. Just like Cade, they had a purpose, and they were replaceable. Cade sat beside Harley and asked the kid what she had said.

  Harley shrugged. “I told Bruno that they were secretly recording the rehearsal. That they were talking about it in the bathroom. They weren’t allowed.” There wasn’t a hint of remorse on her face.

  “But that’s a lie, Har,” Cade said quietly.

  The girl shrugged again. “I guess I learned a thing or two from Fiona.”

  And those words terrified Cade more than anything.

  Chapter Eight

  Juliette caught Cade on the phone before she got some shuteye.

  Harley decided she’d spend the night in her father’s suite. After rehearsals, the band had gone out for dinner at a restaurant with a six-month waiting list. Harley had wanted to join them but Cade knew she was knackered from the excitement during the day.

  “So are they back now?” Juliette asked.

  Cade pinched the bridge of her nose. These were times when she felt more like a sitter than a bodyguard. “No, they probably went to a bar or something. I overheard someone mention it before they left the studio.”

  “And you’re stuck in your room?” Juliette wasn’t too pleased. She’d hoped that her friend would at least have some time to enjoy the LA nightlife.

  “I’m in Jax’s suite. I have to stay here until he gets back.”

  “What time will he be back?”

  “I don’t know, Juliette. I tried to convince Harley to sleep in my room but she insisted on staying here. She wasn’t herself this afternoon. She heard some things and I think she’s having a hard time processing it.” The memory of the overheard conversation in the studio’s bathroom filled Cade’s mind. She’d contemplated talking to Jax about it, but she’d never found the right time to do so.

  “What did she hear?” Cade pictured Juliette gripping her phone, eager for some hot gossip.

  Cade waved her hand. “It’s nothing. I’m sure it will blow over in the morning. Oh wait…” She straightened upon hearing footfalls in the hallway. “I got to go. Bye.” She didn’t bother letting Juliette say a proper farewell. Cade stood at attention when the door to the suite swung open.

  “Oh, you’re still here?” Tina’s nasally voice pierced the quiet room.

  “Yeah, Harley’s sleeping in her room.” Cade hoped it would have been obvious. There was something about her that Tina disliked, but she didn’t care to figure out what.

  Jax’s PA huffed. “Well, Jax told me to watch over her, so you can go sleep.”

  “He did?” It wasn’t protocol. “I didn’t get any directives.”

  “Directives?” The stick thin woman sneered. “He told me to relieve you from your duties, so go.” With the flick of her hand, Tina dismissed Cade.

  Or tried, at least. Cade didn’t feel safe about leaving Harley alone with her. “I think I’ll give Zee a call. No offence, Tina, but this is my job.”

  “Whatever.” She followed that with another flick of her hand, then walked to the sofa, propped her feet over the round coffee table, and directed her attention to her phone.

  Zee’s phone rang twice before he picked up. “Everything okay?” His deep voice boomed in Cade’s ear. She could hear dance music in the background. She guessed right, they did go out to party.

  “Yeah, Tina’s here to watch over Harley?” Cade’s eyes flitted over the PA on the sofa.

  “That’s fine. Get some rest. Harley will be okay with Tina. She’s stayed with her before.”

  “I don’t know, Zee.”

  “It’s not a suggestion, Cade.” Then, the man hung up.

  Cade was appalled by how rude he could be. But a free night was a free night, despite the fact it was nearly eleven. She turned around and told Tina she’d be leaving. The other woman didn’t pay her any attention. Before she left the suite, she peeked in to check on Harley. The little girl was curled in the middle of the large bed with one leg out of the blanket. She had always looked so pure and innocent when she was asleep. Cade hoped the little slip up that afternoon would be the last of it. She bent down to press a kiss on Harley’s forehead before leaving.

  After a quick shower and dressing in her comfortable cotton pjs, Cade succumbed to sleep, with Jax’s voice lulling her through her thoughts.

  At some point during the night, light filtered into her room. She saw a petite figure by the door. “Harley?” The little girl crawled beside her in bed. Cade wrapped her under the blanket and brushed the hair off her face. “What’s wrong, Har?”

  “There are too many people in there. It’s too noisy,” Harley explained. “Can I sleep here with you?”

  “Yeah, of course. I’ll just check the door, make sure it’s locked.” Cade got off the bed and padded across the suite. She opened the door slightly and peeked out. She could hear loud music and louder voices coming from Jax’s suite. She supposed the party wasn’t over yet, but what else did she expect from rock stars? Cade shook her head and locked her door. She joined Harley back in bed and fell back to sleep.


  Early in the morning, Cade was up and ready. Harley was still passed out on the bed. In front of the high windows, Cade marvelled at the busy streets of downtown LA. She was drying her hair with a towel when she heard voices outside her door. Curious, she looked through the peephole. Her stomach churned at what she saw. With little sleep—as Harley moved a bit too much during the night—and no coffee, Cade’s fuse was too short. Before she could stop herself, she swung her door open and faced the three people in the hallway.

  Jax looked like a boy who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. In this case, his hands were around two women. He removed his hands from his newfound friends and used one to mess up his hair.

  “Miss Williams.”

e should know better. She really should, but nothing was stopping her from holding back her thoughts. “Seriously? You had them in there last night while your daughter slept next to your room?” The two women scoffed at her. She stared at both of them, not bothering to hide what she thought.

  Jax pushed the women off him. “You ladies better scamper. Big boss isn’t too happy.”

  Ignoring Cade, the women giggled and pecked Jax on the cheek, and for good measure, one of them cupped him on his denim-clad crotch. “Bye, Jax, call us!” They gave Cade another quick, snooty perusal before walking away.

  Cade fumed. Her arms crossed over her heaving chest. “Classy.” She was about to turn away when Jax grabbed hold of her arm. “I could kick your ass for this,” she warned him, but she didn’t pull her arm away.

  “But you won’t.” Jax’s voice was low and deep. He made her face him, stepping forward until he was a few inches away from her. She could feel heat coming off his naked torso. He smelled like sex and alcohol. He smelled like his women, and it made Cade gag.

  “Let go of me. I don’t give a shit if you’re my boss or if you’re some Hollywood star,” Cade spat at him. “You’re disgusting.”

  “Disgusting?” He feigned hurt, pressing a hand over his chest. “Why, Miss Williams, you flatter me!”

  Cade narrowed her eyes and pulled his hand off her arm. “You smell like retched pus—” Her room door opened behind her.

  “Good morning!” Harley’s cheery disposition interrupted them.

  Jax didn’t take his eyes off Cade as he greeted her daughter, “Hey, kiddo. Did you have a good night’s sleep?”

  “Yeah.” Harley surprised them by giving her father a quick hug. Jax looked down at his daughter, messing up her hair. “I’m hungry.”

  “We’ll get some breakfast up here. Go inside and call room service.”

  Harley obeyed. Once again Cade was alone again with her half-naked boss.

  How could he be like that? How could he stand himself? she asked inwardly. He seemed to be getting better at this parenting thing, then he pulled something horrifying. Was it because they were in this city? Was it part of his rock star status? Cade had been able to keep her opinions to herself because she thought Jax was trying to make a difference in his and Harley’s lives, but the groupies from yesterday and this morning were enough to convince her otherwise.

  “You don’t know what it’s like,” he told Cade, his gaze burrowing into hers. “It’s lonely at the top.”

  Cade furrowed her brows. “It’s not an excuse, Jax,” she faltered, surprised that she had called him by that name.

  “I’m trying. Can’t you see?” Jax raised his hands in front of him. “I slipped. It happened. What do you expect me to do?”

  “Do what you want, Mr. Clark, just don’t do it in front of your daughter. It’s Harley I’m concerned about. I want to make sure she doesn’t get hurt by people, and that includes you.”

  “What about me, Cade? Aren’t you concerned for me too?”

  Cade sucked in a gasp. Why would he ask that? Then she remembered the kiss. Had it meant more to him? After a while, she had tried to chalk it up to this image he had to keep up. The bad boy rocker persona who screwed anyone he wanted, and kissed any woman within grasp. She was sorry she let it happen, and she was even sorrier that she had thought of it more. Thought of him more.

  “You’re not any of my concern. I’m here for Harley. That’s what you hired me to do.”

  Harley reappeared, holding up a menu and chatting on the hotel phone. “I ordered for myself. What do you guys want?” She looked up at Cade, then Jax.

  “I’m fine, Harley,” Cade said. Normally, she’d have a big breakfast that would last her for most of the day, but finding Jax in the hallway had turned her stomach.

  Jax bent down to Harley’s eye level. “I’ll have waffles with chocolate sauce, strawberries, whipped cream, and an espresso.”

  “That’s a lot of sugar, Dad,” Harley said with a burst of laughter.

  If his back wasn’t leaning against the threshold, Jax would have stumbled. Harley had just called him “Dad.” He pushed a struggling breath out of his mouth and wrapped his daughter in a tight embrace.


  “You must be Cadence,” a beautiful blonde approached Cade, trying to extend her only free hand. She was surrounded with three mini-versions of JP.

  Cade smiled at her, shaking her hand. “Cade, please.”

  “I’m Beth, JP’s wife. And these are our hellions, Dante, Derek, and Daniela.” Beth lifted the toddler in her arm and patted the two kids gripping the ends of her shirt.

  Leaning forward, Cade tickled Dante’s cheek and the boy turned away, but Cade caught the big smile on his face. Then she stuck out her hand to the two older children. “Hey guys!” They gave her high fives. “Are they twins?”

  “Yeah. They’re a little shy. Why don’t you sit with Harley on the couch?” Beth pushed her kids towards the sofa Harley was stretched out on.

  Harley waved the kids over and Derek and Daniela hopped on her sides.

  Cade knew JP was married with children, according to the dossier. Luke was single and always ready to mingle, and Marco was never married, but he had been engaged four times, twice to the same woman. She wondered how a sweet-looking girl like Beth could stand to have a husband as popular as JP. Was she aware of his extra-curricular activities? The groupies?

  “How do you do it?” She didn’t mean to blurt it out, but she couldn’t take it back. The interaction she had with Jax earlier had unnerved her, and that connection between him and his daughter that had followed had done something else to her entirely. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to—”

  Beth waved a dismissive hand. “Don’t worry about it. I get asked that all the time. We have a nanny, but she’s sick today.” Cade realized that Beth had taken her question differently. Was that the secret? Look at everything with rose-coloured glasses? “We could certainly have hired another one, but I told JP I wanted us to spend time with the kids and not just pass them off to strangers all the time.” Beth’s eyes widened. “Oh, I’m sorry. It’s insensitive of me.”

  Cade was confused at first, but when Beth’s eyes flitted to Harley, she understood. “Oh, yeah. I’m more of a bodyguard than a nanny. Most days, at least.”

  The two women chuckled. JP appeared at Beth’s side, and right in front of Cade, he wrapped his wife in his arms and plastered a deep kiss on her lips. Their little boy, Dante, snickered. Cade felt a blush on her cheek. She looked away to give them their moment, but unfortunately, she caught Jax’s gaze on her.

  He had a pensive look. His head cocked to one side, a furrow snaked on his forehead, and his lips were pressed into a grim line. She was in trouble. Cade swallowed the lump in her throat before focusing back on Beth.

  “Wow! That was something!” Beth giggled, fanning her reddened cheeks.

  JP had a huge grin on his face. “Did she tell you, Cade?”

  “Tell me what?” Cade raised her brows.

  JP patted Beth’s stomach. “We’ve got baby number four!”

  Cade’s mouth dropped. Number four? The twins were around six, if she remembered correctly, Dante is just a shy of three. “Oh my…congratulations!” She gave Beth a hug, trying not to be awkward with Dante in the way.

  Marco and Luke joined them and asked what the happiness and hugs were about. JP announced the pregnancy and the two men kissed Beth on the cheeks. Cade waited for Jax to be a part of the huddle, but he stayed in his spot, fiddling with his guitar.

  “Can we get started? We’re wasting time,” Jax yelled.

  His three band members shared looks, and even Beth seemed to know what was going on. Marco and Luke walked over to Jax. JP gave Beth another kiss before joining his group.

  “Guess the rumour’s true,” Beth said under her breath.

  “Rumour? What rumour?” Cade turned to Beth, asking quietly.

  Beth clammed up, clearly afraid she had said too muc
h. “Might as well tell you since you’ll be affected too.” A number of scenarios flooded Cade’s mind, each one worse than the last, all of them concerning Harley, as she waited for Beth to continue. “Fiona wants Harley back.”

  A gasp escaped her mouth. Cade turned her head to where Harley bounced on the sofa with the twins, then she locked gazes with Jax. His eyes were brooding and full of agony. A dark cloud hung over his head. In that moment, despite what she had said in the hallway, she hurt for Jax.

  Chapter Nine

  “Why wasn’t I told?” Cade gripped Zee’s arm when they found themselves alone outside the studio.

  Zee stared at the hand on his arm, then at its owner. He looked like he wasn’t going to say anything, but then he blurted out, “It’s not final. Jax is ready to fight Fiona for Harley.” The big man exhaled. “Someone spread a nasty rumour and it reached Fiona.”

  “A nasty rumour? About what?”


  Cade retracted her hand, as if she was burned by the accusation. She could guess how the rumour started…those groupies. She should have decked them. Her concern had been Harley. If her charge hadn’t been in the bathroom with them, Cade would have had them running with bloody noses and bruised eyes to match.

  Her temples throbbed. If she didn’t stop grinding away her teeth, she’d have nothing left to eat with. “You know it has no foundation,” she affirmed. Cade and Zee were not close. They would never be close; the big man made sure of that. He was comfortable being Mac’s right hand man, and anyone Mac didn’t trust one hundred percent was certainly on Zee’s untrustworthy list too. Cade had zero doubts that she was on the top ten of that list.

  Zee focused on the crowd, which had gathered near the studio entrance. “You’re new at this. Be careful who you trust.” Zee pinned her with his dark eyes. “People will walk all over you, whether you’re dead or alive, to get what they want. Don’t say you weren’t warned.” Then he strode back into the studio, leaving Cade clenching and locking her jaw.


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