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Harley (West Coast Rock Star #1)

Page 19

by Michelle Jo Quinn

  “No more photos,” Bruno stated. “You can print the news if you wish but no photos. “

  Ms. Potter opened her mouth to object but Tina stepped in and waved a signed contract in front of her. The reporter asked a couple more questions regarding the engagement, but was readily shown the door once it was over.

  “There’s someone I want you to see,” Cade told Jax while Bruno began handing out champagne. “Come with me for a minute?” She led him out of the large bedroom used for the photo shoot and into the living room. “Mac?” she called out to the man standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “Mr. Mackinley,” Jax stretched out his hand when they approached him. “Very good to see you again. Are you here to offer Cade her job back?”

  Cade tapped on Jax’s arm, catching his attention. “Mac’s my father.”

  Not surprisingly, Jax was shocked to hear the news, but one look at Cade told him that he would hear the rest of the story later on.

  “I heard congratulations are in order,” Mac said, continuing to shake Jax’s hand.

  “Yes, thank you,” Jax replied.

  “Gram wanted to be here but she was too tired to travel. Maybe we can visit her before we leave? She’d be thrilled to see you and Harley.”

  Jax kissed her on the cheek. “I would love that. Now, how about we get some of that champagne, future Mrs. Clark?”

  Right on cue, the rest of the crew joined them in the living room and continued to celebrate.

  Harley sat on the sofa, absorbing every second of one of the happiest moments of her life. She felt more than lucky to be a part of a very large family.


  The heavy rain pelted her bedroom windows, startling her awake. Harley thought that Mother Nature was the perfect wake up call. She loved the rain. In the past year or so, the rain had brought her luck. It was a sign of new beginnings, a symbol of something good to come.

  She could use luck today of all days.

  Harley wondered if most students were as anxious as she during their first day of school. Perhaps they were, however, she doubted they would have the same reasons. It was Harley’s first day in a co-ed school. Or in any school, for that matter. She would be leaving her home and going to a class.

  In a way, she was grateful she had another two years of private tutoring since her father’s stardom had reached its highest level. Not only was he the rock star who was talented and brilliant, he was also the rock star who dated and married a bodyguard, Harley’s bodyguard. Cade had stood by his side through it all. Their relationship had been slandered, paparazzi had hounded them everywhere, and she had received thousands of hate mails from Jax Clark’s fandom. They had all wanted a piece of him, but the most important piece belonged to Cade. And Harley couldn’t have been happier.

  It was true that Cade wasn’t there to replace her mother, who had hidden somewhere in the depths of the earth after the incident with her ex. She’d seen Fiona a few times, and during those times, Fiona hadn’t taken any more interest in Harley. It saddened the little girl to become unimportant in her mother’s life. Not even a blip on Fiona’s radar. All she had been concerned about was how people viewed her. She’d suffered another psychotic breakdown on the knowledge of Jax marrying Cade. And she had accused Harley of encouraging the horrid affair, as Fiona called it.

  “They’re deeply in love,” Harley explained to her mother.

  Fiona sneered, and said, “There is no such thing as love, Harley. Not in this life. Not ever.” It shook Harley more than she ever thought it could. How could Fiona believe that? For the first time, Harley asked herself why her mother was the way she was. What happened to her? Since then, her own mother refused to see her, and Harley stopped trying.

  Jax and Cade’s wedding wasn’t anything glamorous. It was simple. It was beautiful. They had to find ways to trick the press with fake dates and fake locations. Only those nearest and dearest to the couple were invited.

  Her father’s US tour was wildly successful and after a short break, they continued on with the international venues. Harley travelled with Cade whenever they could, and whenever her health allowed. Security detail for them increased. Even with just Cadence by her side, Harley always felt safe. Safe and loved. Cade made that difference in her life. She became a role model to Harley. Cade defied the haters and anyone who tried to come between her and Jax. Their love was stronger than anything in the world. And Harley was a huge part of that.


  Harley traipsed down to the sunlit kitchen, all dressed and prepared for school. A soft coo came through the door before she spotted the little blonde girl seated on a high chair. The baby’s eyes got even bigger when she spotted Harley. Her little fingers waved and clasped the air until Harley swooped in and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

  “Guess what, Ella? It’s the first day of school!” Harley clapped her hands together and Ella copied her sister’s actions.

  Cade passed Harley a bowl of hot oats. “Would you like me to braid your hair?” she asked, smiling brightly at Harley. Even after giving birth just six months ago, Cade had returned to her natural figure. “Your dad wants to drive you, but I think he’s still asleep.”

  “No, I’m not,” Jax’s voice echoes in the room as he entered. “Good morning, my beautiful ladies.” He walked over to each of them and kissed their cheeks. His last stop was with Cade and he added a kiss on the lips too.

  He turned back to Harley, leaning his arms over the table with his chin propped on them. “What do you think, Harley, are you ready?” Jax didn’t bother hiding his anxiety.

  Harley rolled her eyes. How any times had they discussed this before? No matter how many precautions they had taken, Jax insisted that they needed more. “Dad, I’m ready. More than ready.” She reached a hand over and squeezed his right arm. “It’s time.” Harley straightened on her seat. “Plus you’ve got this little one to watch over with Cade gone all day.”

  Jax peered at his other little girl. Ella caught his stare and giggled at him. Her state of constant happiness brought sunshine to their lives. Harley was growing too quickly and he couldn’t do anything to pause the time. No matter how much he had wanted to keep her within arm’s reach and protect her, he knew he had to let her go at some point. Let her experience life on her own. Their communication had increased, thanks to Cadence. She’d opened the channels for the both of them and there was no turning back.

  Cade rubbed his back. It soothed him somewhat. “You’ll be fine with Ella, won’t you? I can always take her into the studio with me,” Cade said.

  Jax nodded. “Of course, we’ll be fine. We’ll take Harley to school then head back home.” He welcomed the warm embrace he received from Cade. “Do you have to teach all day?”

  Cade’s dreams of opening her own studio had come true. Jax had stepped aside and let her plan the entire business, and built it from the ground up with as little help from him as possible. It was what Cade wanted. She was stubborn since the day he met her but he wouldn’t change that for anything. Their marriage was nothing short of a fairy tale. He met his queen. She won his heart. And in return, she offered hers. Life couldn’t be better.

  Their lives weren’t perfect. Not even close. His celebrity status made things difficult, but never impossible. This, his girls, his family…they mattered. Jax knew that one day he might not be as popular or his name wouldn’t be up on the billboards. But what he had wasn’t anything fame could ever give him. What he had was love and true happiness. He had Harley. He had Ella and he had Cade. They were all that mattered.

  Cade waved at them from inside the house. They’d moved from the penthouse to a sprawling home in Kitsilano with a great view of the English Bay. At first, Cade didn’t think that Jax would agree to her opening a not-for-profit dance studio, but Jax supported her the entire time. Throughout her pregnancy with Ella, she worked on plans for her studio and interviewed hundreds of applicants for teaching positions. With the help of Juliette, she managed to
choose those who would fit perfectly with her vision. And on the sidelines, Mac and his company helped too, ensuring that the studio would be safe for anyone who joined the classes. Slowly, she and Mac developed a better relationship. She was there for him when Irene passed away, and he became a solid part of their lives.

  The grand opening welcomed potential students from the ages of two to adults who refused to let their age stop them from achieving their dreams. After all, the studio itself was built on a dream. Mac attended with the entire Mackinley crew, and since they were there, Cade didn’t worry as much about her family’s safety. Just two weeks after she’d given birth to Ella, they welcomed over a thousand people, and for a special presentation, Jax and his band played songs for the teachers’ choreography.

  Harley sat back with Cadence and Ella. Cade saw the hope in Harley’s eyes while she watched the dancers leap and bound around the large space. It wasn’t hard to tell what Harley wanted. She wanted to float and glide and sway. But in her condition, dancing for long periods could be detrimental to her health. Cade held her hand when Jax sang Harley’s song.

  “I can’t promise much, Har, but one day you will dance on that stage,” Cade said. Tears immediately filled Harley’s eyes, which proved more what Cade had suspected.

  However, as the weeks turned into months, Harley didn’t push her for a lesson or practice. Cade thought she lost interest, until one day, she had caught Harley dancing in her bedroom to the sound of her own song. As always, Harley loved to challenge herself. Cade knew that when she was ready, she would ask. For now, they all had to deal with Harley’s first day of school.

  What would the day bring? Cade wondered, watching the rain pour down from the skies. The rain brought them luck. The rain brought them happiness. It rained on her wedding day. It rained when Ella was born, and it rained when her studio opened. It symbolized something for her and her new family. It was a sign of hope and new beginnings.


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  If it weren’t for the following people, this book would not have been completed. I am grateful to everyone at Limitless Publishing for giving me the opportunity to share my story. To the wonderful staff for answering all my (panicked) questions, thank you. That includes Lori, my managing editor, Toni, my ever-patient editor, and Theresa for all the hard work you’ve done on making my story shine. And I cannot forget TOJ Publishing for my beautiful cover.

  Thank you, Cathy, for dragging me everywhere in Vancouver and answering all my random questions. To my fellow writers and friends, Amanda and Trinity for all the cheerleading. Thanks to Elise for all the support right from the start. To the wonderful readers on Wattpad who’ve given me the chance to tell my stories, I wish I could thank you all one by one. I will always send out virtual hugs. To my kids, Ethan and Violet, and my dear husband, Joe, and my entire family, I am always grateful for the encouragements and the quiet times.

  Lastly, the idea of this book would not have come to fruition if it wasn’t for the inspiration brought on by my late grandmother, Lilia Rodriguez, who taught everyone around her how to appreciate and love music. She is always missed.

  About the Author

  Michelle’s love for writing blossomed when her father gave her a diary. However, instead of recounting her daily life, she wrote stories of fictional people. Like most of her characters, she believes in Happily Ever After. Naturally, she finds harmony in writing romance.

  An unabashed, self-proclaimed foodie, Michelle loves to try new food whenever she travels. She once had triple crème Brie and duck rillette for lunch on top of Grouse Mountain. Michelle is an active member of RWA and several of its chapters. She lives in Ontario, Canada with her husband and two kids.








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