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Travelers of Space - [Adventures in Science Fiction 03]

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by Edited by Martin Greenburg

  Disintegrator—An SF weapon or tool. Nuclear reaction chains are frequently used, but other methods of disintegration are common, e.g., sonic disturbances, electronics. The heat consumption of matter by electricity or electronics is in actual use today; heatless “electronic” ovens cook food by ultra-short waves or radiation which, for example, leave hotdogs “broiled” while leaving a wax paper wrapping unharmed. (See: blaster; weapons; atom)

  Doppler Effect—In science, the “color” of light seems to change with the rapid motion of its source. Used much by astronomers for investigations, in SF this phenomenon has various interpretations, such as in the Dr. E. E. Smith novels. Two interesting conceptions used in “space operas” are: first, a space ship at the speed of light brings absolute (literal) darkness; second, at such a speed an endless series of light-images of the vessel pace the movement of the craft to infinity. (See: lorentz-fitzgerald contraction)

  Energy Beam—In SF, transmission of power from source to user without wires. Non-leakage or “tight” ultra-frequency beams are used in SF to “broadcast” power to vehicle or home user while registering it on a meter as consumed. Variants of this theory are applied to all types of power: atomic, cosmic, space-warp, electrical, etc. An especially logical application of this wireless transmission of energy is developed by George O. Smith in Venus Equilateral (Phila. 1947).

  E.S.P.—Extra Sensory Perception, the possession of true foreknowledge. Scientists are seriously investigating E.S.P., notably Duke University experimenters. In SF, E.S.P. is often commonplace, particularly in the case of exceptional mentalities and mutants. (See: biology) A. E. van Vogt’s Slan (Sauk City, Wise. 1946) is an excellent example of the use of this E.S.P. theme. Many writers depict mutants with the ability to read and often control other minds.

  E.T.P.—Extra Temporal Perception, mental viewing of the future or past. Like E.S.P. (above), but with no barriers of time or distance. Striking use of E.T.P. is made by Lewis Padgett in The Fairy Chessmen and Tomorrow and Tomorrow (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1951).

  Force-Field—SF speculation in hyper-physics, concerning the conflict of planetary gravitational fields generating energy. Variants include cosmic energy—the unknown force driving interstellar particles of cosmic dust, etc.—space-warps involving energy created by Time changes over vast areas, recovery of lost solar energy and radical temperature differences in outer space. Used in SF terminology, however, primarily to describe a defensive screen against all sorts of missies and rays. (See: space-warp; weapons)

  Free Fall—Used in SF interplanetary stories to imply non-gravitational motion, usually under accumulated inertia. Other usages: to indicate a fall out of control; to fall into the gravitational influence of a planet without use of power.

  Future History—A limitless theme in SF. George Orwell’s 1984 (N.Y. 1949) limits itself to a short viewpoint while Olaf Stapledon’s Last and First Men (London 1930) treats all human existence. Individual examples are innumerable, but two current treatments are noteworthy: an anthology assembled to form a past and future history of mankind, Journey to Infinity edited by Martin Greenberg (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1951), and Robert A. Heinlein’s “Future History” series, of which The Man Who Sold The Moon (Chicago 1950) is the first.

  Future War—Another limitless theme in SF. Striking examples of forecasting actual events are plentiful, e.g., Invasion! by Whitman Chambers (N.Y. 1943) and Destroyer by Steve Fisher (N.Y. 1941). Other prophecies: the atom bomb in 1889 by Frank R. Stockton in The Great War Syndicate, aerial warfare by H. G. Wells (c. 1895), and the submarine by Jules Verne (c. 1873). SF is constantly plagued with new facts outmoding old speculations, which in turn, however, create new subject matter. In SF, a favorite pastime of writers has been the devising of future weapons, e.g., Pattern for Conquest by George O. Smith (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1949). (See: weapons)

  Gravity Belt—Also Anti-Gravity Belt. Often used in SF to permit an individual to minimize or eliminate his weight. Of many theories, one of the most unique was described by Edgar Rice Burroughs in his Martian stories as the effect of “Barsomian rays.” (See: gravity-plates)

  Gravity Plates—Usually described in SF as electrical apparatus to diminish the gravitational pull of any planet. Used to permit a person or vehicle to leave a planet’s surface or to maintain artificial gravity for passengers on interplanetary trips. (See: gravity belt; levitator)

  Hydroponics—The science of growing plants in chemically enriched water. Used in SF for space-saving food sources on space ships, planetary outposts, etc.

  Immortality—A popular SF theme. Illogical and accidental causes of longevity are usually avoided. The two most common SF ideas: life, assumed as electrical in origin, can be “recharged”; life, basically chemical, can be rejuvenated with chemicals. Different means of achieving longevity are advanced in: The Immortals by Ralph Milne Farley, The Elixir of Hate by George Allan England, and The Master Mind of Mars by Edgar Rice Burroughs.

  Intergalactic—Literally “between galaxies,” or star islands. (See: space travel)

  Interplanetary—Literally “between planets.” Usually applied to space travel in our own solar system. (See: space travel)

  Interstellar—Literally “between stars.” (See: space travel)

  Levitator—Used in the standard sense of any person or thing which counteracts gravity. An interesting example is illustrated in The Planet of Peril by Otis Adelbert Kline (Chicago 1929). In more common SF usage is the “levitator beam,” usually pure force emitted by a “projector” as either weapon or tool. (See: gravity plates; weapons)

  Light Year—In science, the distance light travels in one year at 186,000 miles per second. In SF, used to measure distances and speeds of space vehicles. (See: parsec)

  Lorentz-Fitzgerald Contraction—In science, the theory that a moving body contracts in length along its line of motion, ultimately reaching zero length at the speed of light. Thus, in physical terms, a three dimensional body contracts to two dimensions. An extension of this theory assumes Time itself is changed by a similar ratio. This would mean, in common terms, an interstellar vehicle at the speed of light would shrink to two dimensions while star-determined Time would accelerate. The traveler, however, with his own senses also altered, would not notice any change. On this basis, SF depicts interstellar flight at light speeds as a one-way voyage into Time as well as space. This time travel angle of space travel has been used in SF for several years. (See: doppler effect; light year)

  Luna—Earth’s moon. As our closest space-neighbor, Luna is a popular SF locale, e.g., The Moon Maid by Edgar Rice Burroughs (Chicago 1926) and Maza of the Moon by Otis Adelbert Kline (Chicago 1930), but its airless, “dead” condition usually calls for placing its life forms within an innerworld or caverns.

  Matter Transmitter—In SF, an apparatus which dissembles an object, transmits it through space and re-assembles it at another point. The transported matter is usually broken into its component atoms, keyed, “beamed” and reconstructed by a specially keyed receiver. Travel is thus instantaneous. Examples are in The World of A by A. E. van Vogt (N.Y. 1948) and The Last Space Ship by Murray Leinster (N.Y. 1949). (See: teleportation)

  Martian—An inhabitant of Mars. The forms identifying the various inhabitants of alien worlds usually vary with the whims of SF authors, but they are generally based on Roman or Greek origins, e.g., Venusian, Venerian; Jupiterian, Jovian; Lunite, Lunerite, Selenite; Mercurian; Saturnian; etc. Even fictional planet names are so formed, e.g., Xanthos, Xanthians, etc.

  Meteor—Also Meteorite, Meteoroid. A stone or metallic body, commonly called “shooting star” when falling through Earth’s air. The destruction of Earth by alien matter from space is a constant SF threat, e.g., The Poison Belt by Sir A. Conan Doyle (London 1913), Planetoid 127 by Edgar Wallace (London 1929), The Big Eye by Max Ehrlich (N.Y. 1949), etc. An intriguing theory incorporating unrelated meteorological and asteroidal facts is contained in Otis Adelbert Kline’s Maza of the Moon (Chicago 1930). (See: world catas

  Nova—In astronomy, a star that suddenly flares into life, usually to die again. Often considered in SF as our own sun’s fate. (See: world catastrophe )

  Nuclear Physics—The science of the atom. Amazingly accurate SF forecasts of uses of atomic energy (See: future war) are found very early; in A Columbus of Space by Garrett P. Serviss (N.Y. 1911) radium, a product of uranium, is described as fissionable material used to drive an interplanetary vehicle to Venus. In recent years, the dangers of hard radiation have evoked countless stories (See: biology). One of the earliest references to hard radiation resulting from atom bombs is in Gay Hunter by J. Leslie Mitchell (N.Y. 1934). (See: biology; future war)

  Orbit—The path of any physical body through space, such as the planets around the sun. The eccentric movement of comets and other wanderers, including drifting space ships, can be described as eccentric orbits.

  Parsec—An astronomical unit of measurement for stellar distances, equivalent to almost 19 trillion miles, equal to 3.26 light years. (See: light year)

  Periphery—In SF, the farthest point reached by a space traveler. Also man’s frontier in the universe.

  Planet—Used to designate any world, including asteroids and excluding suns or stars. (See: terra)

  Platinum-Iridium Sponge—In SF, a manufactured metallic substance considered suitable for electronic memory brains (See: cybernetics) used in thinking robots (See: android). The basis for Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1950), which introduces a “positronic brain.”

  Positronic Brain—(See: platinum-iridium sponge)

  Prehistoric—In SF, bygone days are reconstructed from scientific theories and facts. John Taine’s pre-human Before the Dawn (Baltimore 1934) is perhaps the most remarkable SF tour de force. Subhuman races have been treated in The Day of the Brown Horde by Richard Tooker (N.Y. 1929), The Wonder Stick by Stanton A. Coblentz (N.Y. 1929), Warrior of the Dawn by Howard Browne (Chicago 1943), etc. Perhaps the most elaborate and well-known prehistoric conception is the “Hyborean Age” of Robert E. Howard in Skullface and Others (Sauk City, Wise. 1946) and Conan the Conqueror (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1950). (See: time travel)

  Robot—A mechanism contrived to do human or superhuman tasks. (See: android) An early example of robots replacing human life was presented in Karel Capek’s play, R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots) (N.Y. 1923).

  Seetee—Also Contraterrene, CT. In SF, an inverted type of matter, foreign to Earth. Seetee atoms are inside out electrically, with negative nuclei and positive electrons. (See: atom) The hypothetical union of these atoms with ordinary atoms is pictured as infinitely more explosive than nuclear fission. This subject is dealt with by Will Stewart in his Seetee Ship (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1951) and Seetee Shock (N.Y. 1949).

  SolaR System—A sun and its planets, held together by solar attraction. Usually it refers to our own system of which Earth is a part. (See: interplanetary; terra)

  Space Drive—In SF, a term to denote space ship propulsion. The popular types include liquid fuels (rockets), nuclear fission, and utilization of force-fields and space-warps. (See: force-field; nuclear physics; space-warp)

  Space—In SF, generally applied to the universal void which lies beyond the atmospheres of the worlds of the universe. (See: void)

  Space Lock—In SF, an opening into a space ship, complete with air lock to avoid loss of atmosphere or penetration by alien air. Also refers to a space ship’s berth or launching platform. (See: space port)

  Spacemen—In SF, generally applied to those men who work in space or on space ships. Usually excludes passengers or travelers on space ships.

  Space Opera—Used to label a “blood and thunder” SF interplanetary story or “Western of the space lanes,” not necessarily a derogatory term.

  Spaceophone—In SF, a short range radio transmitter-receiver used for space ship crew communication, especially when “outside” in space suits. (See: visi-plate)

  Space Port—Used in SF for several designations: as a window or observation port in a space ship, as a synonym for “space lock,” as a city or building used as a port for space craft, and as the actual dock, berth or landing platform for a space ship. (See: space lock; space terminal)

  Space Ship—A vehicle designed for interplanetary or interstellar travel. The most common type is the rocket ship, propelled by the thrust of various engines, ranging from powdered and liquid fuels to atomic energy. For a survey of types, note: From the Earth to the Moon by Jules Verne (N.Y. 1874), in which a giant bullet forms the vehicle when fired from an enormous gun; The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells (London 1901), in which “Cavorite” is employed as an anti-gravity device and the vehicle “floats” into space free from gravitational pull; By Rocket to the Moon by Otto Willi Gail (N.Y. 1931), an early “realistic” approach utilizing liquid fuels; A Columbus of Space by Garrett P. Serviss (N.Y. 1911), in which atomic energy is used. (See: space travel)

  Space Suit—Apparel designed for use by spacemen when in space or alien atmospheres. Variants range from rubberoid suits, similar to deep sea diving suits, to metaloid garments capable of withstanding tremendous atmospheric pressures on giant worlds. (See: space travel)

  Space Terminal—Also Space Port, Space Station. Terminals imply hugeness, but are not necessarily so, e.g., a space platform anchored by gravity in an orbit between Earth and Luna. A space station operated for transmittal of interplanetary radio messages was the locale of George O. Smith’s Venus Equilateral (Phila. 1947). (See: space port)

  Space Travel—The SF conception of space travel development has followed a generally accepted pattern. The hypothetical, chronological outline of the conquest of space, with few exceptions, is:

  1. Initial space travel attempts between Earth and Luna.

  2. With bases on the moon to utilize reduced gravity and atmospheric fiction, the next objective will be to the near planets and thence outward in the solar system. This is termed “interplanetary” travel. Any planetary coalition of governments would be a “Solar” union.

  3. The next step is beyond our solar system, into our galaxy or “island of stars.” This is termed “interstellar” travel. Many “space operas” in SF are concerned with the troubles of this galaxial conquest.

  4. The final step is onward to other galaxies—”intergalactic” travel. Inasmuch as this perhaps represents the ultimate, although other universes are often considered, the SF background of intergalactic stories is usually extremely advanced, with all sorts of new sciences and machines accepted as commonplace.

  There are many examples of each stage of space travel in books. Some are: Stage 1: The First Men in the Moon by H. G. Wells (London 1901). Stage 2: A Columbus of Space by Garrett P. Serviss (N.Y. 1911) and The Horror on the Asteroid by Edmond Hamilton (London 1936). Stage 3: The Voyage of the Space Ship Beagle by A. E. van Vogt (N.Y. 1950) and Foundation by Isaac Asimov (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1951). Stage 4: The Star Kings by Edmond Hamilton (N.Y. 1949). Stage 5: (Hinting at other universes) Cosmic Engineers by Clifford D. Simak (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1950). The most definitive book outlining the entire future history of space travel is an anthology, Men Against the Stars edited by Martin Greenberg (Gnome Press, N.Y. 1950), following this general outline. An exceptional non-fiction book is The Conquest of Space, text by Willy Ley, paintings by Chesley Bonestell (N.Y. 1950).

  With space travel there naturally follows exploration. There are roughly two types represented here: the action-adventure, e.g., Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Martian novels and Otis Adelbert Kline’s Venerian novels; and the science-adventure, e.g., Dr. E. E. Smith’s intergalactic “Skylark” epics and John W. Cambell, Jr.’s Mightiest Machine (Providence, R.I. 1947) and Incredible Planet (Reading, Pa. 1950). (See: interplanetary; solar system; space ship)

  Space-Warp—An SF theory of space divided into strata or vectors. With such overlapping divisions artificial fields of force in opposition are created. By draining the energy of one while in the other, a vehicle might theoretically achieve stupendou
s propulsion, and by shifting from one field to another gigantic leapfrog maneuvering might be feasible, thus exceeding the speed of light by reducing the normal light distances. Details of space-warps in free flight are dealt with by Dr. E. E. Smith in his “Skylark” series. (See: force-field)

  Supermen—In SF, predicated on the assumption that some day Homo sapiens must give way to a superior species. References to Supermen are made in many ways by individual writers, e.g., Homo intelligens, Homo superior, Homo anthropus, Homo caninus, etc. Changes have been attributed to: harmful atomic radiation, e.g., Slan by A. E. van Vogt (Sauk City, Wise. 1946); radiological research, e.g., Seeds of Life by John Taine (Reading, Pa. 1950); accidental or deliberate mutation of present day animals, e.g., Sirius by Olaf Stapledon (London 1944); natural evolution, e.g., The Time Machine by H. G. Wells (N.Y. 1895) and The World Below by S. Fowler Wright (London 1930). Other writers, going further, have visualized mankind replaced by alien life forms carried to Earth in cosmic dust or through actual physical conquest. (See: biology; changeling; e.s.p.; e.t.p.)


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