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In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series)

Page 7

by Lee, Taylor

  Lexie suddenly decided she’d had enough. She glanced at her watch and startled as though surprised at the time. “Oh my goodness, I really must leave. I forgot that I have a class at two. Will you all please forgive me? This wasn’t good planning on my part.”

  Jake rose, as did Brady and Paul. Lexie immediately raised her hands.

  “Please, all of you, sit. I can see myself out. I apologize for interrupting your lunch. Clearly you have many things to discuss now that you all will be working together. I don’t want to intrude.”

  Jake moved toward her. His expression and his voice were stern. He gripped her arm.

  “Lexie, don’t leave. You have time to eat.”

  Lexie twisted away. Her anger was close to choking her but she managed to keep her voice soft. “No, Jake. I really do not have time. But you can bring some home if there is any left.”

  Jake took a deep breath then nodded. His voice was firm. “I’ll walk you out.”

  Lexie knew there was no use arguing with him. She leaned over and gave Brady a kiss, and smiled at Paul. Glancing across the table she tried to ignore the other woman’s gloating expression. Clearly, Dalila thought she’d won. That she’d run Lexie off. And Lexie thought with a surge of emotion, she was right. She couldn’t sit another moment and look in those cool green eyes of the woman who wanted Lexie to know that she and Jake had a past. Lexie shrugged and smiled at Dalila as if to say, “So noted.”

  Lexie allowed Jake to steer her across the dining room but when they got to the entrance she shook off his hand. Outside, Jake stopped her. He was clearly upset. “I’m sorry, Lexie. This is my fault.”

  Lexie whirled on him. “What is, Jake? That you invited me to have lunch with one of the women you’ve fucked? Or did you just want me to know that once a woman has had you, she isn’t willing to let you go?”

  Jake’s lips tightened, his remorse switching to anger as he reached for her hand.

  “I’m not letting you leave like this. I’m taking you home. Let me tell the others.”

  Lexie twisted away from him. She glared at him, not attempting to hide her fury. She clenched her hands in fists at her sides. “Oh no, you don’t, Jake. You think I’m going to let that bitch think I am so upset that you have to leave a business luncheon to take care of me? Absolutely not! If you care about how I feel, go back in there and when you negotiate with her boss, double your fees. You’re going to have to work hard for that money, Jake. Make sure it is worth it.”

  “Lexie, wait.”

  But she was down the sidewalk and jerking open the cab door before he could react. She didn’t look back, not wanting him to see the tears streaming down her face.

  Chapter 8

  Lexie finished teaching her last class and headed for her quarters. She heard Jake talking with Master Wan but went by his office without stopping. She was too angry to speak to either of them. She hadn’t had time to hit the bag and knowing Jake she didn’t dare stay in the dojo by herself. As she marched down the hallway, she regretted that she didn’t have a lock on the door to her quarters. But then knowing Jake, he’d probably break the door rather than let her kick him out.

  True to form, he at her side before she got inside her quarters.

  “Lexie, wait. Wait for me.”

  His stern voice sent shivers over her. Damn, even now as angry as she was, he could affect her with his voice alone. She pushed open the door and hurried inside, then turned to face him. He reached for her arm, but she shook him off.

  “Please, Jake. Leave me alone. I need to take a shower.”

  He continued to advance on her. He smiled but his tension was clear as he reached for her.

  “That’s okay Darlin’. You know I love my women hot and sweaty.”

  Lexie jerked to a stop.


  Jake’s face contorted with a mix of regret and growing anger.

  “You know what I meant, Lexie. Come here, baby. We need to talk.”

  She shook her head vehemently.

  “Let me go, Jake, I’ve had a long, hard day. Please give me the dignity of allowing me to deal with my anger.”

  He raised his hands in surrender. His voice was low, calm.

  “Go. Take your shower. I’ll be waiting for you here.”

  She strode to the bathroom, closing the door firmly and clicking the lock in place.

  Lexie turned on the water to full blast. She couldn’t get it hot enough or hard enough to calm her tormented body. She wanted to wash away her anger, to be as calm as Jake was. It was the only way she could confront him. But a tiny part of her reminded her that Jake was as upset as she was. She should be angry with Dalila—not Jake. And she was. For a few heady moments, she envisioned the punching bag with Dalila’s head perched on top. She punched and kicked until she inadvertently hit the shower door and pulled back. Her anger turned to fear. Who did she think she was kidding? There were hundreds of Dalilas in Jake’s past. How long would it be before he tired of her? Before he decided that she wasn’t enough to satisfy his voracious sexual hunger. Realizing that the water had cooled, she reluctantly left the steamy cocoon of the enclosed stall.

  Knowing that Jake was waiting for her in her sitting room, she took her time getting ready to confront him. Even though she had no intention of allowing him to touch her, a perverse part of her wanted to be as beautiful and desirable as possible. To torment him. Let him see what he was missing. Trying not to compare her body or face to the exotic Egyptian woman, she spread lotion over her smooth skin, massaging it into every part of her. It was the special lotion that Madam Juen created for her when she came to live with them. Madam Juen insisted that every woman has her own particular fragrance and that her lotion should enhance that fragrance—not compete with it. Using essential oils, Madam Juen created a lotion that was so like Lexie, that she didn’t feel complete until she had smoothed it over her body. It never failed to calm and invigorate her sensitized skin. Jake had marveled at the smell, saying it was the essence of her. She trembled, remembering him saying that the only way she could smell better was when the musky odor of her arousal intensified the fragrance.

  Consciously, she did all the things that she knew Jake loved best. She dried her hair and let it hang in gold streaked waves down her back. She chose a transparent slip of a gown that he’d moaned over, the first time she wore it, making her promise that she would buy a dozen more like it. She added a robe that was only slightly less transparent. The combination of the two layers of silk played over the hills and valleys of her body hiding then revealing glimpses of the treasures beneath.

  Turning slowly in front of the full length mirror, she was pleased with her reflection. She pressed her lips together in a firm line, and lifted her chin in encouragement, reminding herself that her opponent in the coming battle was as clever a warrior as she was. But she had right on her side. And she damned well intended to use it. To make Jake pay for every woman like Dalila that he had bedded. Shaking off the rush of insecurity she felt at the thought of the unending parade of gorgeous women available to him, she lifted her chin higher. Drawing the cloak of her righteous anger tightly around her she sauntered into the room where her adversary waited for her.

  Jake’d built a fire in the fireplace. He was sitting in one of the big chairs that flanked the fire. He’d changed from the dress slacks and silk shirt he’d worn to his meeting at the Federal building. His feet were bare. He was wearing her favorite outfit. A pair of worn blue jeans hugged his strong thighs and a black t-shirt showed off his muscular chest, and flat toned belly. She closed her eyes, startled that just the sight of him even fully dressed shot electric sparks over her hungry body. But, then, she was sure he didn’t have a damn thing on under his shirt and jeans.

  A bottle of Jack Daniels Black Label was on the table by his chair. Looking at her through narrowed eyes, Jake gave her a sexy smile and then raised his half-empty glass to her in a toast.

  “You look beautiful, Lexie. Come here in front o
f the fire where I can see all of you.”

  She shook her head and turned to go into the bedroom. His voice stopped her. It was low, silky, dangerous.

  “Here, Lexie. In front of me. Now.”

  She struggled against capitulating. For a second, she chastised herself, wondering how or why she’d thought she could resist him. The only way she had a chance was not to look at him. Hard to do as she moved to stand in front of him. She reminded herself that of course he wanted her. That was what she’d intended. Her job was to make sure that he understood he couldn’t have her.

  As though he could see her internal battle, his eyes darkened and the corner of his lip curled up. He nodded and saluted her with his glass.

  “You take my breath away, Lexie. You are so beautiful.” He added with a soft chuckle, “Even more so when you are angry. Did you know that your eyes are flashing as brightly, as fiercely, as the fire?”

  Lexie swallowed hard, shoving at the turmoil of sensations wracking her. Damn, just his voice, his hooded eyes gleaming with lust, threatened to swamp her. His silky voice stroked her fevered skin.

  “You are my woman. You know that. Don’t you, Darlin’?”

  She managed to find her voice, damning herself that it was tentative, not fierce like she intended. She raised her chin, grasping for courage and outrage. Gratified that her anger rose, she tossed her head and said with a slight sneer, “I’m not going to let you overwhelm me, Jake. I don’t want you to make love to me. To pretend that nothing is wrong. That you can just kiss me and touch me and I will forget…? Sorry, Jake. Not gonna happen.”

  She tossed her head and took a step back, her robe swirling around her.

  His eyes narrowed but he didn’t hide the smile tugging at his lips.

  “I see. So that is my punishment? You won’t let me make love to you? Hmm. Take off your robe, Lexie.”

  She started and took a step back.

  “Now, Darlin’.

  She swallowed and shook her head, stunned that her body trembled at his command. How dare he assume that he could simply order her…. But then, as though her fingers were not under her control, she unhooked the clasp at the top and let the robe slide in a whispery movement off her body to pool at her feet.

  His jaw tightened, and she felt a jolt of electricity streak though her core.

  Jake’s smile had disappeared. He took a swallow of his drink and nodded as though agreeing with her.

  “I think we have a problem, Darlin’. You clearly want and need to be fucked. But if you will not permit me to make love to you, Lexie, you will need to make love to yourself.”

  She startled and stepped back shocked.

  His smile widened.

  “Show me, sweetheart. Show me how you make love to yourself when I am gone. When I am not holding you, and kissing you, and touching every part of your glorious body.”

  Lexie couldn’t suppress a low moan, stunned at the way her body responded to his shocking words.

  Jake nonchalantly reached over and refilled his glass, then settled back in his chair. His prominent arousal was apparent. For a moment she couldn’t take her eyes off of it. Damn him. Her body quaked at the sight.

  “You see, Darlin’. Right now I want to have a good long look at my woman. All of her. Show me, Lexie. Show me what you do to yourself when I’m not here.”

  “Why should I?” Lexie damned her shaky voice. At least her response was brave.

  Jake’s lips twisted in a smile that didn’t reach his eyes.

  “Come here, baby. Now. Show me now.”

  Jake glanced at her robe lying on the floor.

  “Take off your gown, Darlin’. But, let it drop slowly. Just to your waist for now. Show me your beautiful breasts.”

  When she still hesitated, he added, his voice was soft, compelling. “Now, Darlin’.”

  Lexie couldn’t squelch the desire flooding her. She longed for him to touch her, to hold her. But she was too proud to ask. Instead she raised her chin and glared at him. His dark blue gaze was stormy, turbulent. Echoing the sensations raging over her. She sucked her lower lip into her mouth and bit down hard. His cock jumped in response. In that moment she claimed her power. She slowly shucked off her gown, letting it whisper over her heated flesh, but stopped it at her waist. Delighting in the way his eyes gleamed appreciatively, she lifted her breasts and offered them to him.

  The crease in his cheek hardened and the line between his dark brows deepened.

  His voice was low, husky. “Touch your nipples. The way I do. Make them hard. Pointed. Mmm. Like that. Is that what you do when I’m not here, baby? Is that how you remember what it feels like to have my hands on you? Ah, that’s the way. You tug on them? Pinch them? Mm hmm.”

  He sat up straighter in his chair and put his glass back on the table.

  “But you have a problem, don’t you, Lexie? You can’t suck on them, bite them the way that I can. That’s too bad, isn’t it, Darlin’? Because we both know that I can make you come just by suckling you.”

  He moved instinctively toward her.

  “How about it, Lexie? Is that what you want me to do?”

  She couldn’t hold back her whimpering moan.

  “Let your gown drop. That’s the way, Darlin’. I want to look at my woman. At the only woman I will ever love.”

  She closed her eyes, and let the silky covering slide over her hips and thighs, then settle on the floor at her feet.

  In seconds he was beside her. Grabbing the quilted throw from the back of the sofa, he spread it on the floor. He reached for her and laid her down in front of the fire. Stripping off his shirt and jeans, he stretched out beside her and took her in his arms. His whisper was low harsh.

  “Mine, Darlin’. You’re mine. Do you hear me?”

  When she murmured her assent and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him to her, he added, “And Lexie? I’m yours, Darlin’. Only yours.”


  They lay together for long moments after they made love. Jake felt her heart pounding against her chest, heard her shuddering sighs as her body came down. He drank in the sights and sounds, marveling at the way the firelight played over the enticing hills and valleys of her luscious body. He marveled at the range of emotions sweeping him. The encounter with Dalila had forced him to remember other times, those countless other times that he’d had sex. The difference with Lexie was stunning. With the other women he’d had, he had never felt this way following his climax. Yeah it always felt good. Hell yeah. Why else would he have fucked as many women as he had? But when it was over, he was done. Sure, he’d done the obligatory cuddling. Said the soft words. He wasn’t a total cad. But he never lingered. Never stayed longer than absolutely necessary. Never felt the way he did now.

  Pulling Lexie up into the hollow of his shoulder as though the space had been made for her, he was overcome by tenderness, startled at the intensity of his feelings. They were as powerful as the aftershocks roiling through his body. As strong as his lust. He wanted to hold her close, tight against him. Not let anything come between them. She was his woman. The only woman he’d ever loved or would love. He needed her to understand that.

  The ugly scene with Dalila had infuriated him. When he’d returned to the table, he’d called for the waitress. Handing her his credit card he told the surprised young woman to bring their check immediately. As angry as Jake was, Brady was openly seething. Dalila’s confidence disappeared in the face of their combined outrage. Jake didn’t mince words. He addressed her with the full command of the Colonel who’d led countless men on numerous missions and never brooked insubordination. He was clear. Dalila could accept that he was deeply in love with Lexie or he would forego the opportunity to work with them. Brady nodded, one hundred per cent in agreement. Paul was the deciding factor. He appealed to Jake. Convinced him that they needed his expertise desperately. He even promised the impossible. That he would contain his colleague. Jake told him that would not be necessary. Looking at the chastened,
embarrassed woman, it was clear to the three men that she had been contained.

  But the encounter with Dalila had another effect. Jake was determined that he and Lexie needed to cement their agreement. He’d given her all the time that he could. She’d promised to marry him but begged him for time. Time to get over her fears, time to get used to the idea of living with a strong dominant man. Jake knew that Lexie loved him. Their feelings for each other were overwhelming. Love, passion, intensity were all there at a level he hadn’t believed possible. Now he just had to convince this hardheaded woman that being married didn’t mean giving up anything. It meant loving him the way he wanted to love her. Forever.

  Jake strode to the bathroom impressed that his legs held him. They were still shaky. Glancing at his reflection, he huffed. Hell, no wonder he scared her. His tousled hair, flashing eyes would intimidate anyone. Until they saw the tenderness he felt just thinking about her. He dampened a cloth and returned to their bed. He gently wiped the sweaty moisture off her chest, cleaning each glorious breast, smiling at her breathy moans. He told her how beautiful she was, how she made him feel. Sliding the cool cloth between her legs he wiped off their combined juices. Thrilled that she had been willing to use birth control, he’d stopped using condoms. He’d never been unsheathed from the time he’d had his first woman, at the age of seventeen, until he’d met Lexie. And then the need to be completely inside her—without a barrier of any kind—had been overwhelming.

  Disposing of the washcloth, he poured them each a glass of wine before he returned to their bed. She sat up and snuggled next to him, winding her fingers in the short hairs on his chest. He felt a surge of tenderness, gratified that she couldn’t seem to get enough of him any more than he could her.


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