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In the Still of the Night:Sexy Romantic Suspense (Book 2 The Blonde Barracuda's Sizzling Suspense Series)

Page 11

by Lee, Taylor

  She shrugged, “Well, to begin with, you weren’t here, or at least you said you were going to D.C….” She groaned to herself. Now that was a stupid way to begin. Nothing like giving him an opening.

  “Hmm. Then, can I assume, if I had been here, if you hadn’t purposefully waited until you thought that I was out of town, that you would have discussed what you were planning to do? What you clearly have been planning for some time?”

  Lexie sighed. She may as well acknowledge he wasn’t going to let her off easy. She knew as well as he did, this was a discussion they needed to have.

  “I’m sorry, Jake. I know you’re upset that I got hurt. I appreciate that. But you are just going to have to trust me, trust that I know what I am doing. I am in the middle—”

  Jake put up his hand stopping her.

  “Hold up, Lexie. Let me make sure I’m hearing you correctly. I’m supposed to trust you, but you don’t trust me. Hmm. You go out in the middle of the night, dressed like a streetwalker, with a twenty year old boy, and come home covered with bruises… and you tell me to trust you?”

  Lexie tossed her head.

  “Nothing happened to Dewa. He wasn’t—”

  Jake’s voice rose. “Goddammit, Lexie. Cut the crap. I want to know what the fuck you were doing, and why the hell didn’t you tell me about it before you did!”

  Jake’s voice dropped. It was soft. Ominously soft.

  “Lexie. Now.”

  Lexie leapt to her feet and began pacing across the floor, then put both hands on the back of her chair and leaned forward, glaring at Jake.

  “Fine. I’ll tell you. But before I do, just know that I would do it again and probably will. And you can’t stop me.”

  Jake quirked a skeptical brow and his eyes narrowed. He motioned to her chair.

  “Sit down, Lexie. This is going to be a lengthy discussion. I want you to be comfortable. I’ll ignore that last remark. Let’s start over. Now. Please tell me, why did you do what you did? What are you involved in? And when we are finished discussing those issues, I want to know why you couldn’t trust me to tell me that.”

  Lexie sunk down in her chair. She took a sip of her coffee and tried to be calm. Jake was upset, but she was too. She debated how much she should tell him and decided that at least for the moment, she’d keep it limited to last night’s ‘adventure.’”

  She took a deep breath and squinted up at him.

  “Fine. I’m the middle of an investigation. An investigation that means a lot to me, Jake.”

  She stopped and glared at him, hoping he understood that she would not be deterred.

  He gave her an impassive nod. “Continue.”

  “I have a number of informants who have told me the hideous things that are happening in the Korean massage parlors. As if I didn’t already know that. But I’ve decided that unlike the police, I’m going to do something about it. Dan Rourke, as good as he is, keeps saying his hands are tied. Well, mine aren’t.”

  She stood again, too agitated to remain sitting. Once again, she leaned against the back of the chair. She met Jake’s unwavering gaze. Not seeing any censure, she continued.

  “I’d planned to go to the City Council. To take some of the prostitutes with me and let them tell their stories. And no, I didn’t know that Peter Kim is on the Council. But, anyway, I decided against taking the girls for two reasons. First because of the danger to them, and second, because the Council would just blow us off like they always do. No. I knew I needed something bigger. More than just horribly exploited women. Something that wouldn’t let the Council dismiss me as an annoying crusader.”

  When she stopped, Jake prodded, “And you found it last night?”

  “No. But last night I got tangible evidence. Evidence that is now safely stored on Dewa’s videotape and my recorder.”

  She gave him a satisfied smile.

  “By the way, my belly button ring, the one your little girlfriend thinks makes me a whore? Some of my ‘jewels’ actually are nifty little recording devices.”

  Jake’s lip quirked up at the corner.

  “Two comments and then I want you to continue. One, I only have one girlfriend, well, two if you count Madam Juen—and second, that is clever, Lexie. I’m impressed. Now. Go on.”

  “One of my friends has a massage studio. One where you actually get massages. She complained about how difficult it was to get the required permit from the City. First, not surprisingly, it costs money. Then she had to wait for an inspector from the Department of Public health to come to her studio. She said the man sniffed around like a nosy little do-gooder checking everything including her bathrooms, changing rooms, etc. Once he was satisfied that she met their requirements, she was able to pay her $20 and finally got her permit. The whole process took six weeks—which meant she could not operate for six weeks.”

  Lexie heard Jake take a deep breath, and saw that he understood where she was going with this. She came around and perched on the edge of her chair excitement coursing over her.

  “And guess what, Jake? And, no, don’t ask me how I got the information. I have to have some secrets! Here goes. We’ve confirmed that there are approximately a hundred and ten illicit massage parlors in and around the District. Two days ago, I got hard evidence that a hundred of them have City permits. Do you understand, Jake? Permits given by the City that confirm that the operation is legitimate. Permits from the Department of Public Health that confirm that someone from that department physically inspected that establishment and decreed that it was a legitimate massage parlor.”

  Jake took a deep breath and rested his elbow on the arm of his chair, pressing his crooked finger against his mouth. He was quiet for a long moment. Staring at her thoughtfully, he shook his head and sighed.

  “I’m impressed, Lexie. Damned impressed. But, don’t stop. What was last night about?”

  Lexie couldn’t contain her excitement.

  “Don’t you see, Jake? I needed proof, hard-core evidence. Not just a list from the City that they could dismiss or alter or blame on a clerical error. I needed a picture of that permit hanging in an illicit massage parlor. And I needed to show a ‘john’ exchanging money with me and with the madam who handed him a condom in return for his money!”

  Jake heaved himself out of his chair and ran his hands through his messy hair. He turned away from her, not able to look at her excited face. And goddamn, she should be excited. She had every reason to be excited and proud. She had uncovered a major scandal. One that could blow the massage parlor ignominy sky-high. But he couldn’t forget what she had done last night. He couldn’t relinquish the image of her battered, bruised body. The ugly marks those filthy animals put on her breasts left him incoherent with rage. Knowing that she could have been raped or killed, even beating those men unconscious had only intensified his anger. At them, and at her.

  Remembering Master Wan’s warnings about the syndicates targeting Lexie, and the information from Dan’s sources, he couldn’t squash the fear that threatened to choke him. He knew how difficult it would be to stop her. To make her understand the danger she was in. But how? How could he without revealing confidential information.

  He took a deep breath and prepared for the onslaught he knew would come.

  “Lexie, that is remarkable, incredible. Excellent work. No wonder they call you the Barracuda. They have a right to fear you. But, Darlin’, the information you’ve gathered is dangerous. To you, and to the people you work with. You have to understand that. You can’t be unaware of the implications. You are too smart not to know that. And dammit, Lexie, that just makes me angrier. Why, why did you not tell me this? Tell me what was going on? What you were planning to do? Goddammit, can’t you trust me enough to tell me something this important?”

  At first she just stared at him, as if she didn’t understand. Then slowly, understanding dawned. Not surprisingly she looked stunned, incredulous. But anger quickly followed her disbelief.

  Her voice shook with intensit
y and only rose the angrier she became.

  “I… I don’t believe this, Jake. I can’t believe what I am hearing. I tell you something like this, something so important that it could have a profound effect on the lives of hundreds of women, and you are ‘upset’ because I didn’t trust you? You’ve got to be kidding. What are you? A teenage boy who needs his momma to trust him, or worse, do you think you are my father and that you can make me do whatever you tell me to do or not do?”

  She was shaking with rage. Her face was flushed, her hands clutched in tight fists. Her chin rose along with her voice.

  “Well guess what, Jake? That is too damned bad. Because I’m not your mother and you are not my father. I am a grown woman, with a life and a mission of my own. A mission that I believe in, even if you don’t.”

  He broke in. “Lexie, stop. You know that’s not what I mean. I have the greatest respect for you and for what you are trying to do—”

  She held up her hand. Her voice dropped to a hiss.

  “No, Jake, you stop. Don’t say another word. This conversation is over. If you don’t mind I’m going to get ready for the rest of my day. Would you like to hear what I am doing?

  Perhaps give me permission? First I’m getting dressed. Then I’m calling Peter Kim to tell him that, yes, I would like to have lunch with him. I intend to pry as much information out of him as I can. Or, would you prefer that I ask him straight out if he is a member of the Jopok? You never know, right, Jake? His $150,000 car is suspect. So I’ll ask. Tell him the mighty Jake Gardner wants to know if he is a member of the Korean syndicate. Anything else you want me to ask him, Jake? Do you want a copy of the recording I plan to make? So you will know everything I do and say?”

  She batted his hand away when he reached out for her. The pain underlying her anger was killing her. But she wasn’t done.

  “What about you, Jake? You have a big fancy car. Maybe you’re a mobster. How would I know? You barely tell me anything about yourself. Who you are? What do you do? What’s the matter, Jake? Don’t you trust me? Trust me enough to tell me every fucking thing you are doing, and why?”

  “Lexie, please stop. I don’t blame you for being angry.” He reached out for her, needing to take her in his arms. To tell her how much he loved her. How frightened he is for her. He tried to hold onto her, but she twisted free, her face rigid with anger.

  “That’s big of you, Jake. You will allow me to be angry? How generous of you. How mature.”

  Jake felt his own anger rising. “Goddammit, Lexie. You know that isn’t what I meant. There’s more to this, Lexie. Things that you don’t understand. You need to stop and listen to me!”

  “How could I understand, Jake, being the impetuous child that you apparently think I am? No Jake! You stop. Last night you said you were too angry to talk to me. Well, guess what? That’s how I feel now. And you were right last night. So let’s stop now before we say things we can’t take back.”

  She had her hand on the bathroom door.

  “And now, if you don’t mind, will you please get out of my bedroom and my quarters so that I can get dressed and get on with my day!”

  She whirled back to face him.

  “Oh and Jake, I wouldn’t come in the dojo today if I were you. You may have been able to beat up a couple of pansy asses that Peter and I had already taken down but you would be crying for that doting mama of yours or your Grandma Winnie Mae after I finished beating the crap out of you. That’s how angry I am!”

  This time she did go inside—slamming the door and locking it with a fierce click. At the thought of coming after her in the dojo, Jake’s cock jerked and swelled. He huffed a harsh laugh at her threat. He knew that it would take them all of seventeen seconds to end up naked on the floor. Damn her! He’d bury his cock so deep inside of her he wasn’t sure he’d ever get it out. Even now, he had to fight the overwhelming urge to kick in the door and take her against the wall. He heard her slamming drawers and throwing her toiletries on the floor. Fuck. If she was angry now he didn’t want to think about how she’d be after he told her all the things he’d been holding back from her. The things he hadn’t trusted her to know. They hadn’t begun to have the discussion they needed to have. He sure as hell wasn’t looking forward to it.

  Chapter 14

  “May I say, Ms. Beloi, you up clean beautifully.”

  Peter Kim bowed slightly, and stepped aside to allow Lexie to enter the private dining area on the top floor of the office tower that housed most of the government agencies.

  Lexie’s tinkling peal of laughter echoed in the entry way to the posh dining room. Men and women glanced up at the sound. A titter of recognition flittered across the room. There weren’t many public sector leaders who didn’t know the stunning woman they called the Blonde Barracuda.

  Lexie couldn’t help but revel in the response. Even though she was a thorn in the sides of many of them, at least publically they were polite and welcoming. She giggled to herself, thinking how they likely talked behind her back. But the last thing these politically attuned people would do is dismiss an attractive woman who could gin up the press corps with a flick of her wrist.

  She always turned heads. That was to be expected. But walking in next to the new Councilman, who was himself a sensation, had diners craning in their chairs to get a glimpse of the unlikely couple.

  Lexie smiled as Peter pulled out her chair to seat her.

  “My goodness, Peter, you do realize that being seen with me in these hallowed halls has given these politicos something to talk about for weeks. It’s a good thing I didn’t wear the outfit you saw me in last night. We’d be the talk of the government center for weeks to come.”

  Peter threw back his head and laughed. The infectious sound brought smiles to the faces of the people around him.

  “Alexis, you would attract attention in a gunnysack. But you’re correct. Last night’s outfit would send the gossip hounds into a flurry of activity. To be honest, it’s a sight I won’t soon forget.”

  He glanced at her short straight skirt that hovered at least six inches above her knees and his eyes drifted over her formfitting red and black short sleeved sweater. His gaze landed on her knee high patent leather boots, and he winked at her.

  “But I have to confess, I like those boots almost as much as I liked those thigh high ones you wore last night.”

  Lexie laughed. “I’ll admit it, Peter, I love boots. And shoes for that matter. But I have to tell you if I’d known I would be fighting four armed men, I might have chosen something other than those boots. However you should know that all my shoes and my boots have reinforced steel toes and heels.”

  Peter’s eyes widened and he raised his hands in mock surrender.

  “Forewarned is forearmed.”

  Lexie laughed in appreciation at his casual wit. How could she be anything but charmed by this gracious man? She refused to think about her angry conversation with Jake this morning. She’d hated leaving the way that she did. They often argued—given her temper, that was to be expected. But they always made up, usually in each other’s arms. This morning was different. Lexie was still angry. With an effort she pushed aside her thoughts of Jake to concentrate on the attractive man who was studying her thoughtfully. When she met his gaze, he gave her a guilty smile.

  “I apologize. I don’t mean to stare. But you truly are a beautiful woman. The fact that you are also a master martial artist makes you doubly intriguing. Of course, I knew of your reputation, but you exceed even the most fulsome praise that I have heard. It is rare that someone who people rave about is even more impressive in person.”

  “My goodness, Peter. You’re making me blush. But I appreciate your kind comments, particularly that you are polite enough not to mention the way I looked when you dropped me off at my car last evening. I was appalled when I saw myself in the mirror. One of my more outrageous friends said I looked like a raccoon who’d had a very hard night on the town.”

  Once again, Peter’s in
fectious laughter rang out.

  “Ah, perhaps. But by far the most beautiful and astonishing raccoon I’ve had the pleasure of meeting.”

  Lexie felt the heat on her cheeks. She was gratified when the waiter approached at that moment. He nodded politely to them both and handed them menus.

  Peter turned to her with a smile.

  “Shall we order now so that we can have an uninterrupted conversation?”

  Lexie quickly agreed. Perusing the menu, she was glad for the distraction. Peter was an extremely attractive and engaging man. But she didn’t forget for a moment that she had an ulterior motive in meeting with him. As he no doubt had, in inviting her to have lunch with him. They were both too smart, too savvy not to know that the other was interested in more that pleasant chitchat. But Lexie had to admit, if she were going to ferret out information, Peter was an attractive source.

  After they finished ordering she took the offensive, hoping that she could disarm him at least momentarily.

  “Who are you, Peter?”

  If she’d thought she could break through his cool contained exterior with her outrageous question, his hearty chuckle disabused her of that notion.

  “Ah, Alexis. In Hapkido, we would call that an ‘eagle strike.’ Directly at the opponent’s eyes, no less.”

  Lexie laughed in delight. Shaking her head, she gazed at him appreciatively.

  “You can’t blame me for trying to catch you off guard, Peter. Even you have to admit that as out of place as I may have been last evening, you were as well. Don’t misunderstand. I’m grateful that you were. But it is not often that a well-dressed ‘businessman’ leaps out of the shadows to come to the aid of a damsel in distress. Especially one dressed as I was.”

  Peter nodded. A slight frown replaced his smile.

  “I hope you know, Alexis, that I would have intervened even if you were not who you were. I’ll admit I recognized you. But like the martial artists that we both are, I would never have left you unaided. I was compelled by my training and my honor to intervene. “


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