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Sweet and Sexy

Page 2

by Jeff Adams

  “You are fuckin’ amazing dude. You can kiss me anytime. I don’t suppose you’d want to come back to my place?”

  Jake relaxed his hold on Michael, but still kept him in place. “I wish I could.” He grabbed another quick kiss. “I have to go to work for the evening shift. We could, um, get together after if you want.” Jake hated that it couldn’t be right then, before Michael could reconsider.

  “I’m in for that. What time do you finish up?”

  “Around eleven by the time I get cleaned up and stuff.” He peppered Michael’s cheek with kisses.

  “I’ll wait it out.” Michael kissed Jake on the chin.

  Jake didn’t know how to respond. Was Michael really going to wait until he got off work? “Sounds like we’ve got a date then,” he said softly. He looked at the clock on the wall. “Shit, I gotta get going.”

  Jake hurriedly changed out of the suit and into his street clothes. He fished a baseball cap out of his backpack and put it on. He stuffed the suit into his pack and turned, ready to head out. Michael was grinning by the door.

  “What?” Jake asked.

  “You really have no idea how incredibly hot you are, do you?”

  “I’m just me, man.”

  “It’s an amazing transformation. You put on those baggy cargo shorts and the black T-shirt that’s at least a size too big, and you’re completely hidden away.” Michael came forward to kiss Jake. He gently kissed Jake’s lips. “You’re trembling.”

  “I’m…I’m…um…not used to this.”

  “Just a minute ago you had me pinned to the door.” He softly kissed Jake’s lips again.

  “I have to go.” Jake gave Michael a quick kiss to and hurried out the door.


  Walking quickly from the restaurant, he got in his car and sped away so he could get his thoughts together before he got to work. In his rear view mirror, he saw Michael standing at the restaurant entrance looking confused.

  Jake didn’t know what to think. He’d made out with Michael Hammond. Michael wanted to see him later. Was this some kind of elaborate gag? That must be it. Maybe Michael is just attracted to the Fire Force facade. Jake knew he was good at working the character, but he couldn’t be Fire Force all the time.

  Pulling into the parking lot, he had no answers and didn’t think he was going to get any. If he was lucky, Tyler would be working tonight and he could get some release with him.

  * * * *

  “And I’m sure you all know Fire Force,” said Thunder Force as he gave the Lair tour. Jake was glad to be in the Lair just manning master control, chatting with the guests and signing the occasional autograph. “He’s helping the city stay safe by monitoring law enforcement channels. From here, he can also track where all team members are and dispatch them at a moment’s notice.”

  Jake turned and gave a wave to the crowd. “Hello everyone. It’s great to see you all here. As you can see…” An alarm went off and Jake, or Fire Force, went into alert mode. “Excuse me.” He spun back to the control panel and saw that the bank was under siege. “Gale Force and Rock Force, this is E-Force control. The bank has issued an alert. This is a Level 1 mission.”

  Everyone in the Lair was focused on Jake’s station as the other tour groups all turned their attention to the large monitors Jake activated. Everyone could see the views inside and outside the bank.

  “Copy that, FF,” Rock Force said. “Will proceed with caution. What do you see?”

  “Bank surveillance shows that it’s a Sky Raiders party. There’s five; three have weapons drawn covering civilians in the lobby. Two are in the vault, also with civilians.”

  “We are on the scene, FF, and patched into the feed.”

  “Copy that, I see you both.”

  Gale Force whipped up a storm inside the bank that had the wind and rain swirling inside the bank. The crowd in the Lair watched as the confusion gave Rock Force cover to bore up through the floor and knock out two of the Raiders in the chaos. The other Raider fired on him and the bullet bounced off and back at the Raider who fell down dead.

  “Guys, the other two are closing up the fault,” Fire Force said. “You’ve got seconds to get there before it’s shut tight.”

  Rock Force was first on the scene and inserted himself between the door and the frame. When the door reached him, it buckled and came off its large hinges. Meanwhile, Gale Force swept into the room and subdued the two Raiders.

  “Looks like we’re under control here, FF,” Rock Force said. “The police will haul these guys away.”

  “Copy that. Good job guys.” Jake pushed buttons on his control panel to reset the video screens and end the Lair’s alert mode.

  “Okay, we’ll it looks like we can continue the tour now,” Thunder Force said. “Let’s move on to the vehicles area.”

  “Hey Fire Force, that was cool,” a voice said behind Jake. “Could I maybe get your autograph for my brother?”

  “Of course,” Jake said. He turned and found Michael standing over him. He couldn’t refuse an autograph request even if he wanted to. In this case he didn’t want to refuse, but he was freaked out by it.

  Michael handed over an autograph book and Jake opened it to the first page, trying to play this cool. A note was there: “You bolted so fast, I couldn’t give you an address. I really want to see you after work. It’s room 219 in Rose Hall.”

  Jake flipped to the next blank page and signed “Find the Fire in You. Fire Force!” Under that he wrote. “Will see you in 219 tonight.”

  He passed the book back with a smile.

  “Thanks, Fire Force.” Michael opened the book. His smile grew bigger as he read the message.

  “You’re welcome. You should catch up with the tour, otherwise Thunder Force might come looking for you, and you don’t want that.”

  Michael nodded and kept smiling. “Will do. Thanks again!”

  * * * *

  Jake’s inner voice nagged him on the walk over to Rose Hall. He parked at his dorm and used the walk across campus to clear his head. Ultimately, even if this was a big joke, it was still a good day, since he’d been kissed and the guy showed up at work, too.

  Rose’s second floor was filled with noise. Not surprising for late on a Saturday night. Several doors were open and people were milling around, going room to room. Jake was uneasy, as if he were being stared at, Did these people know he didn’t really belong here? The inner voice tried to get him to bail out, but he stuck with it until he was in front of room 219.

  He knocked.

  “Hey,” Michael said quietly as he opened the door. “I wasn’t sure you’d show up, but I’m glad you did.” Michael stepped aside for Jake to enter. “Come on in.”

  “I wasn’t sure I was coming either. But after you turned up at the park, I couldn’t bail out.”

  Michael stood in front of Jake. Jake worked to stay locked on Michael’s eyes and keep his shyness at bay.

  “It was worth the cost of admission. That was cool. Do you do that every day?”

  “It depends. Some days I’m in the Lair, some days in the park.”

  “Cool. I gotta bring my brother out to see that sometime.” Michael took Jake’s baseball cap off and tossed it on the desk. “You’re trembling again. I don’t scare you do I?” Concern filled Michael’s voice.

  “No,” Jake said. Yes. I don’t know. I, um…” Jake was flustered. He hated when he got tongue tied, and the frustration only made it worse.

  “You have been with a guy before, right?”

  “Of course…I mean…well.” Jake sighed. “I have had a couple boyfriends, but no one like you.”

  “Dude, I’m just a guy looking for a good guy to date and then see what happens.”

  “Really?” Michael took Jake’s hand and gently pulled him closer until they stood toe-to-toe.


  Jake wrapped his arms around Michael, loosely holding him. He nibbled Michael’s lips gently. Michael moaned softly, encouraging Jak
e to keep going. Jake ran his tongue along the soft lips and pushed his way inside Michael’s mouth. Michael pulled Jake closer and Jake responded by tightening the hug he had on Michael.

  Jake hungrily explored Michael’s mouth as his hands wandered over Michael’s back and ass. Jake loved the rough feeling of stubble he kept running into on Michael’s upper lip and chin. Michael steered them towards his bed and gently lowered them both down so he ended up on top of Jake.

  Their erections collided, straining against the fabric of jeans and shorts. Jake responded, grinding his hips into Michael’s. Jake’s cock pulsated in his shorts, sending wave after wave of pleasure through him. Michael, meanwhile, moaned with each gyration.

  Suddenly Jake pushed Michael away from him, like he was bench-pressing Michael’s body. “You know, you’ve seen me naked and I haven’t seen you yet. That needs to change.” Jake found the confidence to take control of the situation like he had earlier in the day.

  Michael supported himself on the bed as Jake reached behind him and pulled his T-shirt up. When he got to the shoulders, Michael finished the job by standing and pulling the shirt the rest of the way off and tossing it aside.

  “Better than I ever imagined,” Jake said. He sat on the edge of the bed and ran his hand across Michael’s pecs and stomach. “So hairy,” he whispered. He nuzzled the hair on Michael’s stomach while his hands roamed over the lean chest muscles that were covered in hair. This was the hairiest guy he’d ever been with. The sensation of all those hairs moving across his face was intoxicating. It tickled, it scratched, it caressed. It was awesome.

  “I’ve never had that reaction. Most people think it’s to too much, but I can’t stand the idea of keeping it trimmed.”

  “Don’t you dare.” Jake placed little kisses all over Michael’s stomach as he unbuttoned Michael’s jeans. Michael’s cock throbbed as he worked to release it. He slowly pulled down the jeans, making sure to caress the hairy legs he’d fallen in love with the previous year.

  “You’re making me crazy with how slow you’re going,” Michael said, barely above a whisper.

  “Good.” Jake found a wet spot just above the well-outlined head of Michael’s cock and planted a kiss there. Michael made a sharp intake of breath as Jake sucked on Michael’s cock head through the fabric. It tasted good, musky, and sweet.

  “My God. Will you please get me out of these?”

  Jake looked up at Michael as he ran his mouth along the outline of the bulging cock. The pleasured agony on Michael’s face didn’t spur him to go any faster. He slowly tongued Michael’s balls, which tightened up as his lips ran over them. Michael shuddered and grabbed Jake’s head, using it to gently pull Jake into a standing position.

  “Now it’s my turn to see you up close.” Michael pulled off Jake’s T-shirt. As he did so, he buried his face in Jake’s hairy armpit.

  Jake squealed in laughter and tried to pull away, but only succeeded in falling back on the bed. Michael threw the T-shirt at Jake’s head.


  “Sorry,” Jake said, tossing the T-shirt on the floor. “I’m very ticklish there.”

  “I can see that.” Michael crashed down on the bed next to Jake. “Speaking of trim jobs.” Michael brought his knees down on the bed and straddled Jake’s legs. “This hair couldn’t be much shorter.” He ran his hands over Jake’s chest, feeling the blond stubble.

  “I have to keep it short, otherwise it looks bad when I’m in the suit.”

  “I’d love to see it grown out sometime.” Michael ran his tongue over one of Jake’s nipples. Jake’s body quaked, and this time not from nervousness. Michael locked his lips around the instantly hard nub and rapidly flicked his tongue over the sensitive skin. Jake writhed under him and Michael played that up, sucking, pulling, and nibbling on the nipple. Jake got noisier as the sensations flowed through him.

  Jake wrapped his arms around Michael and smoothly flipped them over so Jake was on top.

  “Enough with the clothes.” Jake bounced off the bed, stepped out of his shoes, and then stripped off his shorts and briefs.

  “I have to say wow again,” Michael said.

  Jake smiled and went for Michael’s underwear. Michael lifted his butt off the bed so Jake could slide the boxer briefs down.

  “Wow right back at you,” Jake said. “I’ve fantasized about getting you naked from the first time I saw you.” Jake ran his tongue along Michael’s leg, starting just above the ankle. He crawled on top of Michael as he kept licking up past the kneecap and then along his inner thigh, which made Michael moan all over again. Michael tasted good, clean with just a hint of manliness.

  At Michael’s balls he took one in his mouth and let his tongue explore its textures thoroughly before taking the other one and doing the same. The moaning was constant now. Jake licked up the shaft of the thick, throbbing cock, taking extra time at the head so he could lick up all the juice. The sweet liquid was delicious and Jake coaxed Michael’s cock to give up some more.

  Jake lapped up the precum around Michael’s bellybutton before continuing up to Michael’s chest. He found a hair-covered nipple and tightened his lips around that, pulling on it.

  “Fuck dude, you really know how to work a guy over.”

  Finally Jake moved in one long lick from the nipple, up Michael’s neck, over his chin and right on to his lips. Jake’s tongue forced Michael’s mouth open as Jake wrapped his arms around Michael, pressing their naked bodies closer.

  As Jake grinded against Michael, his cock worked its way under Michael’s balls.

  “Oh yes,” Michael said as Jake kept pressing in that perfect spot between balls and ass. Jake arched his back and worked his way more into that spot. Michael’s expression intensified, complete with his eyes rolling back in his head.

  “You like that, huh?” Michael nodded rapidly as he kept his body moving against Jake’s cock. The head of Jake’s cock dropped against the entrance to Michael’s hole and Michael gave his loudest moan yet.

  “Condoms?” Jake asked, looking towards the nightstand to see if there were any sitting out. He wanted to take full advantage of Michael grinding against his cock.

  “Drawer. Hurry. Need you inside me.”

  Jake stayed straddled Michael as he crawled towards the drawer. Michael pulled and squeezed Jake’s hard-on, sending chills through his body and making it hard for him to find what he was looking for. Then Michael swallowed Jake’s cock, leaving Jake in an odd position over Michael with condoms and lube in one hand and the other hand supporting his weight.

  “Oh man, oh yes, yes.” Jake got loud now as Michael took his cock deep and rolled it around with his tongue. Jake froze, afraid if he moved he’d come crashing down on top of Michael. Michael increased his suction as he ran his tongue inside Jake’s foreskin. Jake gave Michael a huge amount of precum as he worked on his cock.

  “Dude, you’re gonna make me shoot if you keep that up. You’re hitting just the right spot.” Michael immediately released some of the suction and let the cock slip from his mouth with a final kiss to the head.

  “Can’t have that, can we?” Michael winked at him.

  Jake crawled his way back down Michael’s body, letting his hardness caress Michael’s chest and stomach and finally brush against Michael’s own stiff rod. He sat up and grabbed both cocks in his hand. He slowly stroked them, using the combined pre-cum to lube them up.

  “Please. You’re killing me. Fuck me now,” Michael said.

  Jake grinned. “Killing you, huh? Doesn’t feel like you’re dying to me.” He squeezed their combined cocks, which forced a long, low moan from Michael.

  Jake ended the waiting game, ripping open the condom package and rolling the sheath over his rigid tool. Squirting a generous amount of lube in his hand, he put some on his cock.

  Right on cue, Michael lifted his ass off the bed to give Jake access. Jake teased the tight pucker with his lubed fingers. Michael pushed against the fingers, trying to force one inside. J
ake willing helped out, slipping one in and slowly moving it deeper.

  “More,” Michael said.

  Jake did as he was told, slipping a second finger in. “You’re fuckin’ tight man.” Jake knew this was going to be amazing.

  “It’s been a while.”

  Jake moved his fingers against Michael’s ass walls, working to loosen him up. Michael’s grunts were a mix of pain and pleasure as Jake kept the finger massage going.

  “You ready?”

  “Yeah man. Do it.”

  Jake raised Michael’s legs and guided himself to the entrance. He pushed in, watching the head of his cock disappear into the warm, tight muscle.

  “Fuck, you’re huge. Damn.” Michael clamped his ass around Jake’s cock head, sending shockwaves through Jake. It was even better than he expected. He grabbed Michael’s hips and brought Michael closer to him, forcing his cock deeper. Jake’s best J.O. fantasy had never been this good. He plunged his cock into Michael while holding on to hair-covered hips.

  Jake plunged slowly into Michael. As soon as Michael pushed back though, Jake moved with more aggression. Holding Michael’s legs in the air, Jake slammed into Michael’s tightness, striving each time to get a little deeper.

  Michael moaned louder with every thrust. Jake suspected someone was going to barge into the room to investigate the noises. Michael showed no signs of caring. He gripped the sheets tight as beads of sweat formed on his chest, making the hairs glisten in the light.

  “Man, I’m getting close. I need to slow up a bit.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Michael said.

  “Seriously, you want it that bad?” Jake gave Michael a wicked grin and slowed down. Michael increased thrusting on his own. Jake laughed a bit. He liked how Michael went after what he wanted. “Okay then.”

  Jake released Michael’s legs and let them fall next to him. He grabbed Michael’s arms and pulled him up, making sure to keep his rod buried deep inside. He wrapped his arms around Michael, kissing him deep as he started to pound his ass again. Being able to hug and kiss Michael added fuel to the fire. Plus, the new position allowed Jake’s cock to find an even deeper position, they both moaned and writhed against each other as Jake kept hitting the new spot just right.


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