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Beyond Love Lies Deceit

Page 13

by Melissa Toppen

  Friends and classmates are shocked by the discovery, many claiming that they had no knowledge of Hassell’s drug use. Autopsy reports confirmed that a lethal dose of heroin was found in Hassell’s system. This is one of many drug related deaths this year among college students.

  I click off of the article, the content making me extremely anxious to see what else the drive contains. The next file is even more curious than the first; Sarah Hassell’s official autopsy report. Why would Ryan have this? Why would he need it for that matter?

  I immediately know in my gut that Ryan is somehow related to this situation, I just don’t know how yet.

  Clicking on the next file, I have to blink several times before I finally realize exactly what I am looking at. It’s the official police report from the accident that killed Sean. According to the report, Ryan was given a breathalyzer on scene and blew four times the legal driving limit.

  Listed in the report is one casualty; a white male, late teens, who was pronounced dead on arrival. I swallow down the hard lump in my throat and open the next document. Like with Sarah, Ryan has a copy of Sean’s official autopsy report.

  His official cause of death was Traumatic Aortic Disruption which I know means his heart was damaged in the accident. That much my parents did tell me.

  Something about seeing it here in print makes it so much more real. I know that sounds odd given that Sean died eight years ago. But seeing it like this, right in front of me, makes it seem so final. It’s hard to think about the fact that this happened to someone I loved so much, someone I still love.

  I quickly move onto the next file, eager to escape the mental picture that has taken over. The next document is Ryan’s sentencing paperwork from the trial; the trial where the judge was paid off by his father to throw out the evidence of Ryan’s intoxication.

  I’ve studied the public documents on this case with a microscope but unfortunately for me, men like Nicholas Scott are very good at covering their tracks and I was never able to find anything concrete that tied him and the judge together.

  Closing out of the file, I can’t seem to connect the dots completely.

  Why would Ryan keep a flash drive with documents from Sarah’s overdose and Sean’s accident tucked away in a secret compartment in his office?

  Why are there pictures of both Sarah and Sean together?

  How well did the two know each other and how is Ryan tied into the whole situation?

  I can’t help but get the feeling like somehow the two are connected but it makes very little sense how they could be.

  Could there be more to Sarah’s death?

  Could Sean have somehow been involved?

  Questions fly through my head faster than I can sort through them all but one thing remains very clear to me. Ryan is the one thing that links these two deaths together. I’m not sure of his exact involvement or just how deep this goes but one thing I am certain of is that I am going to get to the bottom of this one way or another.


  I pry one eye open and then the other, the buzzing next to my head stopping and then restarting again within seconds, officially pulling me from sleep. Swiping my hand next to me, I finally locate my phone, flipping it open without even looking at the caller I.D.

  “Hello.” I croak out, my voice thick with sleep.

  “You realize it’s two in the afternoon.” Ryan’s voice comes across the other line.

  “Late night.” I mutter, the events of the previous night hitting me like a bolt of lightning causing me to shoot up in my bed.

  Looking around, I realize that I must have dozed off this morning without even realizing it. My laptop is still lying open next to me and I am still wearing the same dress I wore to Ryan’s last night.

  “Tell me about it.” He chuckles, calming my sudden thumping heartbeat a small fraction. “I don’t even remember falling asleep.”

  “That’s probably the bottle of scotch we drank.” I try to keep my voice as casual as possible.

  “I guess so.” He laughs lightly. “I feel like an ass for passing out on you, how about I offer a re-do. This time I promise I will lay off the scotch.”

  “I don’t know. I have so much to do today.” I hesitate, knowing if I don’t accept it may raise some red flags but accepting could put me in a situation I am not prepared to be in yet.

  “Oh come on. Don’t leave a guy hanging.” He playfully pleads.

  “Well, I have been dying to try that new Italian restaurant in the city.” I suggest going out instead, offering me an easier means of escape.

  “Rosiattos?” He asks, of course immediately knowing the name.

  “Yeah I think that’s it.” I say, just wanting to meet somewhere public to appease him without having to commit to anything further.

  “I’ll pick you up at seven. Oh and Allie.” He adds on. “Wear something sexy for me.” He purrs, disconnecting the call before I have a chance to reply.

  Tossing the phone down, I flop back down in my bed, letting out a long exhale as I let the events of the past few days really start to sink in.

  My time with Luke.

  My night with Ryan.

  The flash drive that I am still not certain will amount to anything.

  My date with Ryan tonight.

  The wheels continue to turn as I try to hash all this out in my head. What if Ryan had something to do with Sarah’s death? What if he is somehow responsible and found a way to cover it up? It wouldn’t be the first time. But what if he had nothing to do with it at all? I can’t help but feel like I am just spinning my wheels.

  When I came here I had a clear cut path. Get close to Ryan, infiltrate his life, leak anything I could find that would expose him for the lying coward that he is. Only the deeper I look, the more I am starting to believe that I am just grasping to find something that isn’t there.

  And what about Nicholas Scott?

  Is he really as bad as I initially believed or is he simply a father guilty of protecting his child? I was so positive coming in I knew the answer but now I’m not so sure.

  The lines are blurred. There are so many different pieces to a puzzle that still doesn’t quite fit together. I thought I understood what I was doing; now I feel like I’m not sure of anything.

  And then there’s Luke; a man that in one touch brought me back to life. In one kiss he showed me what life can be. When I close my eyes I can still feel his hands, the way my skin prickled when they traced my body.

  The girl who used to feel nothing suddenly feels so much. I still can’t believe how strong my feelings for him have become in such a short time. I feel like the moment I walked into his office everything starting changing. He stirred something inside of me from that very first day, something that I was able to ignore until New York.

  Am I really prepared to let him go forever?

  Again, a question I thought I knew the answer to that I am now unsure of. Feeling lost is something I have grown accustomed to over the years but this is different somehow.

  Before when I felt lost, I used my anger to anchor me. But for the first time in as long as I can remember I actually crave something beyond my revenge. I am fueled by something beyond my hatred. And deep down, I just don’t know if I have it in me to keep going.




  When Ryan pulls up outside of the Regency, I quickly exit the lobby, thankful that this time around I am not approached by any of the employees. Stepping out onto the sidewalk, I quickly slide into Ryan’s car, hitting him with a smile the moment his face comes into view.

  “Hey.” I breathe, latching my seatbelt the moment I am situated.

  “Hey.” His reply is stiff.

  I straighten my posture and look out of the passenger window, realizing almost immediately that something is off. Ryan is silent as he weaves in and out of traffic, his eyes never once leaving the road.

  “So have you been to this restaurant before?” I turn towards h
im, just trying to ease the tension that seems to be swimming through the car.

  “Do you think I’m stupid?” His question catches me off guard but he makes no attempt to look at me.

  “I’m sorry?” I question, a wave of panic running through my spine.

  “Me? Stupid? Is that what you think I am?” His voice is condescending and cruel and I immediately realize that he must know something, I’m just not sure what or how much.

  “Not at all.” I shake my head, trying to keep my façade firmly in place.

  “Hmmm.” The sound rolls off his tongue but he doesn’t give me any other response.

  “What’s this about?” I question, not trying to hide my confusion.

  “Why don’t you tell me?” He flicks his eyes on me for the briefest moment.

  That one look is enough to paralyze me right on the spot; sending fear flooding through me.

  “I don’t know.” I choke out my response, for the first time since this conversation began actually taking the time to look out the window.

  “Where are we going?” I ask, realizing that we are on the outskirts of the city.

  “You’ll see.” A wicked smile turns up the corners of his mouth.

  “Ryan, what is going on?” I don’t try to hide the panic in my voice.

  For the first time since starting this whole charade, I am actually scared for my well-being and I never considered that would be a position I would find myself in.

  “Well since you seem to be so curious about me, I thought I would take you somewhere we can talk more privately. You know, where we can really get to know each other.”

  “I don’t understand.” I continue to try to fight through the fear, reassuring myself that this is all just a misunderstanding even though I am fairly certain it is not.

  “Well since you feel like you need to steal from me to find out about me, I thought I would give it to you first hand.”

  “Ryan... I” I immediately try to make an excuse but he cuts me off.

  “Enough.” His voice echoes through the car, rendering me silent. “It’s my turn to talk now.” He turns off into a warehouse parking lot, the area concealed by several run down brick buildings that seem to sit in an almost circle pattern.

  Powering off the car, he turns slightly inward to face me.

  “I have to say, I’m impressed. I have never had a girl actually drug me before.” He laughs, shaking his head when I instinctively reach for the door handle, finding it locked.

  “The great thing about being rich, you can customize anything.” He laughs again when I pull at the handle, knowing by his statement that my attempts are futile.

  “By all means keep trying. I kind of like watching you squirm.” He cocks his head to the side, a sick smile turning up his mouth.

  “How did you know?” I finally face the music, hoping there is still a chance I can get out of this situation unscathed.

  “You think a man as rich and powerful as I am doesn’t take certain precautionary measures?” He shakes his head slowly. “My entire apartment is wired with security cameras. Every. Single. Room.” His smile widens.

  “When I woke up this morning, at first I thought exactly what you wanted me to think; that we drank too much, we fucked and then we passed out. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that I remembered nothing beyond drinking the glass of scotch that you poured for me. I decided to review the footage. Do you want to know what I found?” He pauses.

  “I found you rummaging through my apartment after you had slipped something into my drink and then stripped me naked on my couch. I hope you enjoyed that, you’re welcome.” He winks causing my stomach to twist violently.

  “I can explain.” I start, but once again he doesn’t let me finish.

  “Not your turn yet.” He ticks his finger at me. “When I realized you stole my flash drive, something clicked. I had my head of security do a little more digging and they came across the most interesting thing.” He pauses for dramatic effect.

  “What?” My voice is weak and broken, my hands shaking so violently that I can’t even attempt to control it.

  “They found out that Allie Reynolds, the one you claim to be, died two years ago. So unless you’re just visiting from the grave, I think it’s safe to say you’re not Allie Reynolds. Isn’t that right?” He pauses for a long moment.

  “Samantha.” He tacks on.

  The back of his hand instantly connects with my mouth, knocking me backwards before I can react.

  I don’t have a chance to recover from the blow before his hand shoots out to grab the back of my head, tangling a handful of my hair in his fingers.

  “You’re as stupid as your fucking brother.” He yells in my face before slamming my forehead into the dashboard of his car, the impact causing my head to ring violently.

  “You should have left well enough alone Samantha. Now you’ve left me with no choice.” He tisks his tongue, tightening the grip he has on my hair.

  “Please let me go.” I plead, tears clouding my vision as the pain in my head starts to spread. “Please.”

  “You really do think I’m stupid.” He lets out a high pitched laugh.

  I push at his chest, trying to free myself from his grip but he only tightens it more, the pull on my hair so intense I swear chunks must be ripping away from my scalp.

  “Hold still honey, this will only hurt worse if you struggle.” He says, my eyes catching sight of the syringe just moments before it plunges into the side of my neck, sending a pain shooting through me.

  “I thought perhaps I should repay the favor.” He says, pulling the needle from my flesh and holding the now empty syringe in front of me.

  “What did you do?” I immediately feel the drowsiness start to set in.

  “Why nothing you haven’t done to me sweetheart.” He says, patronizing me with his tone.

  “What is happening?” I slur.

  The inside of the car starts to spin slightly and my stomach lurches violently, panic taking a forefront just before I feel my body go limp and my mind start to fog.

  “Nighty night Samantha.” I hear Ryan’s voice once more before everything fades to black.




  I can taste iron. My mouth is cracked and dry. When I run my tongue along my lower lip I cringe at the sting the contact creates. Slowly opening my eyes, it takes only moments before I realize my hands are bound behind me, restrained by rope that appears to be twisted around both of my wrists.

  My mind is a blur, trying desperately to piece together what happened and how I ended up here. Like flashes from a dream things slowly start coming into view; Ryan, the syringe he jammed into my neck, the fact that he now knows exactly who I am.

  One thought and one thought only takes the forefront in my mind...

  I have to get out of here.

  I tug, realizing instantly that the rope is far too tight for me to try to slip my hands out. Lifting my head, for the first time since coming to, I finally look at my surroundings. I am in a dimly lit room that is bare of any furnishings. Something about this place seems oddly familiar and yet I can’t seem to place it. That is, until I feel the sway of the floor below me.

  I must be on the yacht, below deck somewhere. By the way the vessel seems to be rocking in place it doesn’t appear as though we are moving. Praying that we are still docked, I try lifting the chair I am bound to in an attempt to move.

  It takes only seconds for me to realize that there is also a rope weaving around my ankles holding me against the legs of the chair I am sitting in. Trying to rock myself forward in an attempt to loosen the rope and to try and find a weak point, I immediately stop moving when the restraints on my wrists become so unbearably tight I can feel the rope tearing into my flesh. Relaxing back into the chair, I try to look behind me to see what exactly the chair is anchored to but my attention is pulled forward when I realize someone is coming.

  I jump, my
breathing immediately accelerating when I hear a nearby door open and close followed by footsteps, each one getting closer and closer until the sound is just feet from me. When the door opens, I am temporarily blinded by the light that pours inside making it difficult for me to see anything.

  It’s daylight?

  I feel like it’s been only minutes since the moment I climbed into Ryan’s car.

  What time is it?

  How much time has actually passed?

  By the feeling of my body I would say I have been here for several hours but I can’t be sure.

  Ryan’s chilling laugh immediately fills the space as the door latches closed behind him, the light dying off instantly making it easier for me to make out his face.

  “You’re awake.” His voice is light and carefree like everything is completely natural.

  “Where am I? What is going on?” My panic shows through as I start to realize just how serious this situation is.

  “Where you are doesn’t matter. Now why... That’s a bit of a different story.” His laughter is haunting, causing fear to cripple me.

  “Why are you doing this?” My voice is broken and hoarse, the words barely able to escape my lips.

  I swallow hard, realizing how dry and painful my throat feels.

  “Why am I doing this?” Ryan laughs again, grabbing a chair similar to the one I am sitting in, or maybe it’s the same I can’t be sure, before taking a seat just feet in front of me.

  “I didn’t do anything my dear Samantha, you did. You sealed your fate when you decided to take me on. You see, you’re not the first to come after me but you’re definitely the first to get this far. I will commend you for that.” He tilts his head like he’s truly impressed.

  “Let me go.” I demand, not willing to show him the weakness I feel inside.

  “Or what?” He questions. “Tell me what could possibly happen to me if I don’t? Because from where I am sitting, you are in no place to make demands.”

  “You won’t get away with this.” I threaten.


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