Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery)

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Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery) Page 9

by Harte, Jenna

  He noticed Liv's look of triumph towards his secretary. He hated that people thought they were better than people hired to serve them. His secretary was invaluable and he didn't want her feeling like her efforts were unappreciated. “Thank you, Mrs. Stauffer,” he said. “Please let me know the minute my appointment arrives.”

  She nodded, not hiding her annoyance at Liv. “Yes, sir.”

  “Jack, thank you for seeing me. I know you must be extremely busy.”

  “I am. What can I do for you?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his desk and not offering her a seat.

  “This whole thing with Charles and the police, it's been so awful. And now I'm stuck in a stuffy hotel room. I just had to get out and talk to someone. Someone I can trust.”

  “You can trust me.”

  “I know. That's why I'm here. I just—” The tears she'd been holding back started to fall. “I can't believe they think I killed him. How can they think that?”

  “I don't know,” Jack said, wanting to help his old friend, but feeling annoyed at how she kept popping in at the most inopportune times. “Did you call me a couple of months ago?”

  “Yes. Did the police grill you about that too?”

  He nodded. “Why didn't you leave a message?”

  “I didn't know what to say,” she said with a shrug. “Truthfully I was glad you didn't pick up. I was going through one of those times with Charles and I was in Washington so I thought I'd call.”

  “You and Charles were having problems again.”

  “You know how it was. We couldn't seem to live together, but we couldn't live without each other. I got a call right after I tried to call you that changed everything. We worked it out again.”

  “What kind of call?” Jack asked.

  “It doesn't matter now,” she said with a wave of her hand. “Charles and I had our ups and downs, but I wouldn't kill him, despite what everyone thinks.”

  “Not everyone thinks you killed him.”

  “The few friends I had are avoiding me. Even your new friend thinks I did it.” She looked at Jack with big, round eyes. “You don't think I did it, Jack, do you?”


  “You don't know how much that means to me.” She threw her arms around him. “I've been so alone.”

  “It's okay,” he said patting her back. “It will all work out.”

  “Do you think so?” she asked, her voice muffled against his chest.


  She lifted her head, smiled. Jack was shocked when her lips touched his and her tongue sought entrance to his mouth.


  Tess stood in the doorway, watching what looked like Jack and Liv kissing. But surely she was mistaken. Nope, they were kissing. Her first instinct was to walk away, but she'd read enough romance books to know that situations like this were not always as they seemed. Her second instinct was to yank Liv's gorgeous blonde hair from her head. Instead, she waited to see what would happen.

  “Whoa, wait a minute,” Jack said, jerking back and pushing Liv away.

  “What?” she asked.

  He frowned. “Liv, I'm your friend, but that's it. I'm in love with Tess. Deeply, forever in love.” Tess felt both love and terror at Jack's words of forever. She wondered if she'd ever get used to them.

  “I…I'm sorry. I guess old habits die hard,” Liv said, stepping back.

  Tess' eyes met Jack's, which showed surprise and then worry. Good, she thought.


  “Hi, Jack. Liv,” Tess said, her voice cool and aloof.

  “Oh, I…uh…Tess, I'm sorry…” Liv stammered, although Tess didn't think Liv was as sorry as her words suggested.

  “'Are you the noon appointment?” Jack asked.

  “Yes. Looks like I got here just in time.”

  “I guess I better go.” Liv said.

  “I think you should,” Jack agreed.

  “I'll see you around.”

  He simply nodded.

  Tess watched Jack, curious as to what he'd say or do. He watched her and she got the feeling he was waiting for her reaction.

  “Looks like Liv was having a bad day,” Tess finally said.

  He nodded.

  “My day hasn't been so great either,” Tess said moving towards him. “If I seek comfort in your arms, will you push me away too?”

  She saw the flicker of relief and amusement in his eyes. “I don't know. You'll have to try it and find out.”

  “Hmm. I'm not big on taking risks,” Tess said, standing a breath away from him.

  “Odds are in your favor.”

  She considered, then smiled up at him as she slid her arms around his neck. Her hands slid behind his head and pulled him to her. “Come here then.”

  He dipped his head and she took advantage by capturing his lips with hers. He groaned and her worries and tension slipped away.

  “You taste better,” he whispered.

  “Good to hear,” she said kissing him again until she needed to breathe. She started to pull away, but Jack wrapped his arms around her, picked her up, swung her around until she was sitting on his desk and maneuvered his body between her legs.

  “Mr. Valentine?” she gasped. “What will the steno pool think?”

  “Damn the steno pool.” His lips trailed down her jaw to find the ripe spot just below her ear.

  “Is this left over from this morning?”

  “What you did this morning was cruel,” he said between nips.

  “It was unintentional.”

  “That's what makes it so cruel. You don't know what you do to me.”

  “I think I'm getting a clue.” She pressed a hand against his chest so he would look at her. “Before you take me on your desk, you should know two things.”


  “First, I'm sorry for making you angry and agitated.”

  “And two?”

  “And two, your door is open. Any of your staff can see us.”

  “So?” He grinned, dimple and all.


  “Did you hear something?” Jack asked as his hands slid up Tess’ back.

  “I think there's someone at your door.”

  “Who?” he asked.

  Tess tilted her head and looked over his shoulder. “It's Mrs. Stauffer.”

  “What does she want?”

  “I don't know. Maybe you should ask.”

  “Then I'd have to stop what I'm doing and I don't want to stop.”

  “I told you, you should have shut your door.”

  “Yes, you did.” Jack lifted his head, keeping his eyes on Tess.

  “Do you need something, Mrs. Stauffer?” He leaned in and kissed Tess again.

  “No.” Mrs. Stauffer's gruff voice answered.

  Jack grinned. “She's mad at me.” He turned. “You failed to let me know my noon appointment was here.”

  “So I did.” Mrs. Stauffer's tone suggested that she'd acted on purpose.

  Jack turned back to Tess. “I think she wanted you to catch me in a compromising position.”

  “Is that what that was?” Tess asked.

  “You told me to keep people who don't have an appointment from bothering you,” Mrs. Stauffer noted.

  “Yes, I did, and I broke my own rule. I'm sorry for that. I do appreciate all that you do around here. And if you can keep Lauren Worthington away from me, there'll be a bonus for you.”

  “Does that include Philip Worthington too?”

  Jack's eyes narrowed. “Is he on his way up?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then yes, it does.”

  “Then we're even,” Mrs. Stauffer said closing the door.

  Jack turned his attention back to Tess. “I trust Mrs. Stauffer, but I could use some time away from this place. What plans did you have for lunch?”

  “How about The Commonwealth Tavern and a stop at Ben and Jerry's?”

  “Perfect.” He grabbed his coat and led Tess through a different door down a back ha
llway. As they took the stairs down, he called Mrs. Stauffer on his cell phone to let her know he was leaving the building.

  “Do I still get my bonus?” she asked? Jack could hear Philip ranting in the background.



  Chapter Eight

  Tess sat across from Jack at the restaurant, wanting a drink to burn the image of Liv in a lip lock with Jack out her mind. She knew he wasn't a participant in the kiss, but it still irked.

  Jack let out a long sigh. “God, and the day is only half over.”

  “Did you get things with Lauren resolved?” Tess asked. Maybe talking about something else would help get her mind off Liv.

  “For now. It's only a matter of time before she acts out again. More and more I'm thinking of dumping the project.”

  “Not buy Worthington Media?”

  He shook his head. “It's not worth the hassle, and who am I really doing it for? I didn't like Asa. Delia is dead. Cora would rather I have nothing to do with them and I don't feel any particular obligation to the Senator, although I suppose I should.”


  “Because he's probably my father. Because he wants to be my father so damn bad.”

  “You can work out a relationship with him without buying his family's company. I think the problem is you feel guilty. You don't want a relationship with him, but you feel bad about that. Helping save Worthington Media is something you can do for him because you can't or don't want to give him more.”

  “Maybe you should become a shrink.”

  “It doesn't take a shrink to see how difficult this is for you. But you don't owe him anything, Jack. Sure it would be a nice, happy ending to a tragic story, but you're a grown man with a loving family.”

  “Smart and beautiful, no wonder I love you.”

  “I thought it was the chocolate.”

  “And the lingerie,” he added with a wink.

  “Well, at least I've got something going for me.”

  Jack frowned. “What's that supposed to mean?”

  Tess bit her lip knowing Jack didn't want to hear what she had to say. But she needed to say it because it was going to rattle around in her head until she did.

  “How long before Liv will get the message that you're not interested in her?”

  Jack shot her an annoyed look. “I knew it. I knew you wouldn't be able to let me off that easy.”

  Tess was proud of the way she kept her cool. “You don't think I have a right to be bothered by her kissing you? Twice?”

  “You know how I feel about you. If you trust me, then you can let it go.”

  “Okay. How many times will I have to 'let it go'? Because she doesn't seem to be getting the message. One kiss…okay, I can see that because you're pretty kissable.”

  “Thank you.”

  “But twice? Even Daniel knew after one kiss that there was no hope.”

  “Wait. What?”

  “I told him where he stood and he may not have liked it.”

  “Daniel kissed you?”

  “But he respected it and hasn't tried again. Liv is either dumb or doesn't care.”

  “When did Daniel kiss you?”

  “What?” Tess realized Jack wasn't keeping up with what she was telling him.

  “Daniel. When did he kiss you? Was it the other day, when you two were conspiring?”

  She sat back. “What does it matter? If you trust me, you should be able to let it go.”

  He wasn't amused by her throwing his words back at him. “I can't let go of what I don't know about.”

  “Does it bother you?”

  “Of course it does. Especially since I didn't know it happened. At least I told you about Liv.”

  Tess decided not to challenge the fact that the first kiss he disclosed because he thought Daniel had already told her and the second one she witnessed. “You didn't want to know.”

  “When did I ever say, 'if Daniel ever kisses you, don't tell me?'“

  “You asked if Daniel tried to win me and before I could answer you said not to tell you. Something about not wanting to indulge your insecurities.”

  Jack's brows drew together. “When was that?”

  “In February. And I'm not sure you and I were officially together then anyway.”

  “Had we kissed by then?”

  “Yes, once or twice.”

  “Then we were together.”

  She leaned forward. “At least he got the message.” They stared at each other, waiting to see what the other would do. The waiter broke the tension by bringing water and menus.

  “It's more like instinct with her. It's just how she is,” Jack said answering Tess' initial question.

  “She goes around kissing men because she can't help herself?” While Tess thought the argument was dumb, there was probably some truth to it. Liv struck her as a woman who used her assets to manipulate men.

  “It won't happen again.”

  “When you say that, it's like you have control over it. If you have control over it, why did it happen a second time?”

  “Tess.” Her name came out on an exasperated breath. “It won't happen again.”

  She decided that was probably the best she was going to get. At least he understood that while she trusted him, she had her limits.

  “Okay.” She took a sip of water. “Since you're already in a bad mood, now is probably a good time to mention that we've been invited to Helen and Tom's for dinner tonight.”

  “We or you?”

  “We. The Senator will be there and he wants to talk to you about something.”

  Jack paused before saying. “Yeah, okay.”

  “I know it's uncomfortable for you.”

  “They don't like me.”

  “That's not true.”

  He gave her an 'are you serious' look.

  “Okay, Daniel doesn't think much of you and Helen is barely civil, but Tom likes you. And the Senator thinks you walk on water.”

  “I said I'll go. Should I meet you there?”

  “Why don't you pick me up? We can go together.” She knew the news of her moving to the hotel would have reached Helen and Tom and she didn't want them thinking things were over between her and Jack.

  He nodded. “Like a date.”

  “Like coming home to meet the family,” she said with a smile.

  His smile was forced and Tess couldn't help but feel a growing distance from him.


  Tess rushed from the shower, throwing on her robe. Her hair was a sopping mess and would soon be a curly mess. But she could hear the knock at the door and knew it was Jack to pick her up for dinner at Helen and Tom's. Once again he was catching her not looking her best.

  She opened the door. “Jack.”

  He frowned when he saw her. “Did you forget or change your mind?” He sounded grumpy, which was becoming his usual mood.

  “No. I'm just running behind. Come in. I'll be ready in a minute.”

  He passed by her without a kiss, without a look.

  “Is everything alright?” she asked.

  “Sure,” he said opening the curtain a few inches to look out over the Jefferson Tavern skyline.

  “Did more bad things happen at the office this afternoon?”

  He shrugged. “It's never fun with the Worthingtons.”

  Whatever it was, he didn't want to talk about it. And since she didn't want to provoke an argument, Tess decided to let it go.

  “I'll be ready in a minute,” she said turning towards the bathroom.

  Before she could get the door shut he was standing there. “Are you naked under there?” He fingered the lapel of her robe.

  She looked down at her robe and then up at him. “I just got out of the shower.”

  “You have some nerve, Tess, telling me that I distract you so you can't live with me and then parading around nearly naked. It's the second time you've done this today. Is this a test of my ability to abide by the new rules, because I'm pr
ecariously close to breaking them.”

  Tess nearly laughed except he looked so serious. “I'm sorry. And no, this isn't a test.” She loosened the belt on her robe. “I may need a little alone time, but I never said you couldn't touch—”

  She'd barely gotten the words out when she felt herself pushed against the bathroom vanity. One strong arm wrapped around her and hauled her up until she was sitting next to the basin. And then he was kissing her. It was frenetic and glorious. More, more was all she could think.

  His hands slid over her shoulders, pushing the plush robe aside. His lips followed, cascading kisses over her shoulder, along her collarbone, lower. Then he stepped back, watched as the robe fell away, pooling on the counter where she sat. Tess felt dazzled by the way he looked at her. With awe and reverence. It always stole her breath.

  “You like to torture me,” he said as his eyes drifted back to hers.

  “No,” she said. “Not on purpose, anyway.”

  He laughed. “Someday you need to learn about your appeal so you can stop accidently torturing me.”

  She wrapped her hand around his tie. “I'll study harder.” She pulled him back to her, wanting to feel his lips against hers again.

  This time his kiss was more controlled, yet still thorough. His lips slid across hers, coaxing them to part. His hands once again moved over her then were followed by his mouth.

  She fumbled with his tie. “You've got too many clothes on,” she said when she couldn't loosen the knot. He ignored her at first, seemingly lost in her, but then pulled back.

  He tangled with the tie enough to slip it over his head and then went to work on the buttons of his shirt. “We're going to be late.”

  “Do you care?” she asked.

  “Not at all.”

  Wanting to save time, Tess hooked her hand into the waistband of his pants and pulled him between her legs as she undid his belt. His pants fell to the floor, along with his shirt.

  “Now we're even,” he said as his hands slid up her thighs and he stepped closer to her. Gripping her hips, he tilted her and stepped into her heat.

  Tess felt the pleasure envelop her. But more than that, she felt connected to him again. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. Even though they'd worked to keep the situation about Liv from coming between them, each little issue they had dealt with pulled them apart. But now, like this, they were one. The fissures that had opened between them closed as they joined their hearts and bodies. She responded by wrapping her legs around him, pulling him closer, deeper. She wanted to hold on to that closeness for as long as she could.


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