Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery)

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Old Flames Never Die (Valentine Mystery) Page 8

by Harte, Jenna

  “Isn't it warm out for a tie?” she asked as the waiter led them to a seat outside.

  “I'm out to impress.” He helped her to her seat, kissing her temple before moving to sit in his own seat.


  “Hmmm. Does this feel awkward?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “This new situation. There is a formality about it with the flowers, chocolate and tie that makes it feel like I may have put some distance between us.”

  Jack scooted his chair closer to her and put his arm around her. “How's this for closer?”

  She laughed. “You know what I mean.”

  “Yes,” he said indulging himself by playing with a tangle of her hair. “And no, I don't think it’s awkward. I don't intend to act differently…well, that's not true. I'm going to try to be a gentleman when I bring you home. Other than that, I think we can act the same.”

  “Good. I want us to be the same.”

  They ordered drinks and Jack told her about his pisser of a day, leaving out the worst part—when she left him. He could see she knew what her leaving had done to him, and she felt bad about it. Not bad enough to change her mind, but at least she understood. “What did you get done today?”

  “I took an online quiz to find out what career path I should follow.”

  Jack nearly laughed. Computers could do a lot of things, but identifying one's life's purpose wasn't one of them. “And what did the computer tell you?”

  “Detective or designer.”

  “Really?” Intrigued, he sat resting his arms on the table. “Detective. Like Eve Dallas. Can I be Rourke?” he said, referring to her favorite mystery series.

  “No. You have to be Jack. And I don't want to be a detective.”

  “You'd be good at it. You have an eye for details.”

  “If I was a detective, I'd end up working with Daniel.”

  That was a horrifying thought. “You could go private.”

  “No. It just doesn't call to me.”

  “How does a designer fit?”

  She shrugged. “I don't know. The underwear I guess.”

  “Did you know my career started when I was nearly arrested for hacking into the D.C. police computers?”

  “No. Maybe I should restart my practice after all.”

  “I was twelve,” he said with a laugh. “I wanted to find out what happened to my dad. All my mom was told was that he was killed by a drug dealer in the line of duty. But the details were always vague. Fortunately, some of the officers who'd been friends of my dad protected me and paid me to show them how I did it so they could protect their system.”

  “So you got started as a hacker.”

  “See, I am like Rourke. Starting on the wrong side of the law, but coming clean for the woman I love.”

  Tess rolled her eyes, but he could tell she was amused.

  “I love the puzzle computers can solve,” he explained. “I made a fortune before I even went to college. And I still love testing the limits of what computers can do.”

  “Funny, you don't look like a geek.”

  “It's my disguise. The point I'm making is that you need to find something you love. And if law isn't it, then you need to find something else.”

  “I don't know what that is or where to start,” she admitted.

  “Personally, I think you have a future in edible chocolate underwear, but I might eat your profits.”

  He saw her cheeks flush and knew she was thinking the same thing he was. He began to think he might get lucky after all.

  They had a lovely dinner, and as promised, he escorted her back to her hotel room. Even with the same banter and affection, he wasn't sure he should push his luck by asking to stay. He said he'd support her by giving her time, moving slowly to get know each other better, so he stuck by his plan to leave her at the door.

  “I had a good time,” he said with a smile at the old cliché.

  “I did too.”

  He gave her a firm, but brief kiss on the lips. “I'll see you tomorrow?”

  Her brows pulled together and Jack wondered if she had wanted more than a good-night peck. Taking a chance, he pulled her into his arms. “You're killing me, you know that, don't you?” He nibbled on her ear, as he pressed the proof of his discomfort against her belly. “This is difficult for me. Not the courting. The being away.”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Me too.”

  He looked down into her eyes and could see the proof. He nearly asked why she was continuing if it was making her miserable too, but he checked himself. He promised to give her space and he was going to honor the promise.

  “I love you, Tess,” he said, kissing her again with as much tenderness and love as he could pour into it. “I'll see you tomorrow.”

  She nodded. “Tomorrow.”

  Chapter Seven

  Tess sat in the chair at the tiny table in her hotel room and tried to remind herself why she'd suggested this separation. She didn't want it really, but she knew she needed it to get her life straight. The timing was bad because she knew when the news of her moving to the hotel got out, everyone would think something was going on between Jack and Liv. She supposed there was something going on, since he insisted on helping her, but it wasn't what everyone would assume. To a certain extent it was Liv's fault that Tess left, but only because the situation helped her see why she was stuck. And it showed that she and Jack had a lot to learn before they could take their relationship further. Jack's loyalty had him sticking by Liv, but Tess worried that whether on purpose or by dumb luck, Liv had dragged Jack into a murder and Tess couldn't stand by and watch the police circle around him again. In fact, she thought, as she picked up her briefcase, no time like the present to dig deeper into the case.

  Tess was a visual person and preferred mapping out her facts and ideas. She spread the papers over the table and bed, and pulled out her note pad. Time of death was the glaring issue in this case. Liv couldn't have murdered her husband when she was in New York. Knowing she couldn't do anything about the forensic facts, Tess opted to look at the motive, which was fairly weak too. Liv lived very well as Mrs. Danforth. A prenup prevented her from getting anything more in a divorce than they’d agreed upon. Charles' inheritance wouldn't go to Liv either, if Daniel's information was correct. The will stipulated that Liv would get an allowance that was much smaller than what she likely had been living on, and the rest of the money would go to his children. Liv and Charles didn't have children together, but Charles had a son from a previous marriage. So all Liv was getting was a small allowance and the life insurance.

  Tess pulled out the information about the insurance, bought three weeks before the murder. $500,000 was a sizable sum, but would likely be peanuts to someone living as richly as Liv did. And most insurance murders were set up to look like accidents, not outright murder. Still, it was always suspicious when an insurance policy was bought so close to a death.

  So maybe it wasn't money that motivated the murder. Jealousy? Three shots point blank into the heart is an indication of a strong emotion. But Liv seemed to be the only one cheating, unless there was something between Charles and Theresa Cromwell. His business partner, Bobby Wilson, seemed to think there may have been other women as well. Liv admitted to affairs, the last one with Jack. But then, all of a sudden, over a year ago she stopped cheating? Even Jack didn't buy that.

  The other questions that ran through Tess’ mind were not in the file. Why had Liv called Jack after they hadn't been in touch for nearly a year? Was she purposefully bringing him into the mix because he'd been recently implicated in another murder? Or was it just chance? Jack's certainty that Liv was innocent said something about that relationship. Tess tried to ignore the jealousy the thought brought. Liv didn't seem to have too much depth, but she gave something he'd needed when he'd needed it most. Not wanting to think any more about it, Tess put her papers away and got ready for bed.


  Tess woke, surprised she'd gotten any
sleep. The bed was uncomfortable and the air conditioning went on in the middle of the night, making her dream she was trapped at the North Pole. When she turned over to get warm, she was reminded that her usual source of heat wasn't there.

  Rolling out of bed, she contemplated whether to go to the hotel gym for a workout or go over the files again before meeting with Daniel. She really should work out. She hadn't run or done any cardio work for a couple of weeks. How she wasn't spilling over the waistband of her pants she didn't know, unless it was true that sex was a good workout. Her cheeks heated as she thought about all the different positions and places she and Jack had made love. A rap on the door stole her from her reverie. She peeked through the keyhole to find Jack holding up a cup with the Starbuck's label.

  “Good morning,” he greeted her with a grin.

  “Good morning. This is a surprise.” How could he be so cheerful, she wondered. Didn't he spend a hellish night without her? Then she realized she must look a mess. She hadn't even combed her mop of curls.

  “I come bearing gifts.” He stepped in, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “I like gifts.”

  “I have a skinny mocha and a scone.”

  “Mmmm, sounds lovely. What else?” she asked, noticing he had a plain bag as well.

  “Coco Crunchies and whole milk.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Someday that stuff will kill you.”

  “No. Cereal is now made with whole grain and less sugar.”

  She laughed. “I guess you're right.” She cleared a place on the table for him to set the bags down.

  She started to sit, but he pulled her to him. “Just a minute,” he said and then kissed her long and well. Tess sank into the kiss, letting him take what he wanted.

  “It's hell being away from you, Tess,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Jack, I—”

  “No.” He placed a finger on her plump lips. “Let me finish. I want to be with you, but I want you to be sure.”

  “It's not that.”

  “You're interrupting, counselor.”


  “What I don't want is Liv to be the reason you're having doubts. I don't think Liv killed her husband, but I don't want this difference of opinion to ruin a good thing.”

  The giddiness of the kiss melted away into annoyance. “So you're going to patronize me?”

  She saw confusion in his eyes.

  “No. I was thinking I would let it drop. She's not worth losing you over.”

  “First of all, this separation isn't about Liv. The only thing Liv did was show us that we aren't ready for a big commitment.”

  “You! You aren't ready for a big commitment.”

  “Second,” she started ignoring his interruption. “I don't need you to drop your feelings or opinions just because you think I can't handle them or so you can be the peacemaker.”

  Jack turned away, stalking through the small room. “Dammit, Tess, why do you have to twist everything I say? I'm telling you it’s killing me to be away from you and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make it work, and you turn it into something against you. And you think I'm narcissistic.”

  Tess drew back as if she'd been slapped.

  He stalked back to her. “Am I the only one who can't sleep because the emptiness is unbearable? I'm tired of feeling pathetic over you, Tess.”

  “So stop.”

  He dropped his face within inches of hers. “And how am I supposed to stop?”

  Tess looked into his magnificent eyes, into the soul of a man who wore his heart on his sleeve. She placed her palm on his cheek. “Don't stop.”

  The green-blue eyes that held her gaze maintained their irritation until he stepped back. “Why don't we have some breakfast,” he said.

  That was the other thing about Jack, he could change gears on a dime. If he wanted to let the issue go, she was okay with that. After all, she hadn't even had any of the mocha yet. “Do you mind if I take a quick shower first?”

  He shrugged.

  “I'll be right back.”

  Tess showered quickly, thinking about what he said. She realized that she might have overreacted to him. Throughout their entire relationship, Jack had done the heavy lifting, always making the first move. She could at least meet him halfway and trust he'd be there. She entered the room wrapped in a towel. He looked up and his eyes narrowed.

  “Still mad?” she asked as she picked out her clothes.


  “You look mad.”

  “I'm trying to do the right thing, but you're standing there wet and naked.”

  She looked down at her towel. “Right. I'll be right back.” She grabbed her clothes and went back into the bathroom.

  When she returned, Jack had set the table and even put the flowers he'd brought her the night before in the center as décor.

  “This looks lovely,” she said as she sat.

  He sat across from her. She could still see annoyance and frustration in his handsome features.

  “I…” Tess was interrupted by Jack's cell phone ringing.

  “Sorry,” he said as he took the call. “What? Well get her out.”

  Tess could only assume Lauren Worthington was causing problems again.

  “Call security. I'll be right there.” He hung up the phone and stood. “I'm sorry, I have to run.”



  Tess nodded. “I understand.”

  He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss, then looked at her for a moment. She gave him a meek smile. He smiled back, but it didn't reach his eyes or his dimple.

  The door closed with a thud that echoed in her heart. He wasn't the type of man who usually held on to grudges, so why was he still mad? On the other hand, she'd pissed him off and then turned him on. She'd be cranky too. Perhaps it was her turn to take action. She headed to the phone to call his secretary to set a lunch date.


  When he'd first taken on the task of managing Worthington Media Corporation, the project had been fun. Jack had enjoyed having the Worthingtons fall over themselves to make sure the deal went right. Even Lauren's crazy outbursts had been amusing. But this week, he'd yet to walk into his office without already feeling annoyed. Having Lauren pull another one of her stunts only made things worse. He was done playing with the Worthingtons.

  “How dare you call security on me,” Lauren spat as two security guards stood over her sitting in his office.

  “You're trespassing.”

  “I have every right to be here.”

  Jack tried to look aloof and disinterested, even as he wanted to strangle her. “You have no right to be here.”

  “You seem to forget who you're talking to.”

  He cocked his head to the side. “I'm talking to a woman who had no legal ties to Worthington Media Corp or its money.”

  “My son…”

  “You're son isn't here.”

  “I'm looking out for his interests.”

  “You are very close to losing him and his interests. I suggest you leave now.”

  “Arthur will not stand for this.”

  Jack's eyes narrowed. “Fine. I'm happy to take my money and my management team and leave.” Actually, Jack thought, the idea was very appealing. “In fact, why don't I just do that. I'm only here to continue Asa's wishes and to honor my mother. But I don't need Worthington Media and I certainly don't need you and your crazy antics. So, good luck.” He turned toward the door. “Oh, you can go,” he said to the security guards. “Philip and Arthur can decide if she's trespassing.”

  “Wait!” Lauren cried. She tried to get up, but a security guard blocked her. “Get out of the way, you big oaf.”

  Jack stopped at the door and turned to see Lauren try to pry the beefy hand of the security guard off her arm.

  “You can let her go.” Jack said.

  She ran to him. “You can't just leave.”

  “Watch me.”

  “No! Phi
lip and Arthur can't run this company.”

  “Maybe you should have thought about that before you pissed me off one last time.”

  “I just want to be sure Philip is getting his fair share.”

  “Philip is getting far more than his fair share and you know it. Now, thanks to you, he'll get what he deserves.”

  For a minute, Jack thought Lauren was going to drop to her knees and beg. He'd have liked to see that. Instead, she took a deep breath. “If I promise to be good, will you reconsider?”

  “Haven't we had this discussion before, Lauren? Nearly every day, as I recall.”

  “Please,” she managed with an extreme amount of effort. It was the closest he was going to get to begging.

  “You get out and stay out of the way?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.



  “Fine. Go.” He headed back into the office. “Make sure she leaves and don't let her back in without an appointment,” he said to the security guards.


  Fortunately the rest of the morning went smoothly. If things continued as they were, Jack would be able to hand over Worthington Media Corp to a new team within six months. Until then, he had a lot to do. He was finishing checking numbers for several of the newspapers when a commotion outside his door interrupted him.

  “What's going on?” he asked as he opened his office door. He saw his secretary, Mrs. Stauffer, physically keeping Liv away from him.

  “I'm sorry, Mr. Valentine,” she said. “This woman doesn’t have an appointment and your noon appointment will be here shortly.”

  “Noon appointment?”

  “Yes, for lunch.”

  “Jack, tell this woman who I am,” Liv said, freeing her arm from Mrs. Stauffer. “Surely I don't need an appointment.”

  “Everyone needs an appointment,” Mrs. Stauffer said.

  “She's right,” Jack said looking at his watch. “But I have a few minutes before my appointment. Come on in, Liv.”


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