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Her Wolves, Their Bear

Page 4

by Gabrielle Demonico

  Jessi sighed, “Why? Just because you don’t know them?”

  “Jessica, my reasons are my own. This is my home and if I say no, I mean no.”

  Jessi jumped up from her chair and said, “Mom, come on. You are being ridiculous!”

  “Okay, fine Jessica. Give me one good reason why I should. Just one and I will consider it.” Her mother said with her hands on her hips.

  Without missing a beat Jessi replied, “They may have saved our lives last night mom.”

  “What!?!” her mother and sister shouted in unison.

  Her mother pointed towards the stool Jessi had gotten up from and said, “Jessica, sit down right now and tell me everything that is going on. This has gone far enough…”

  “Fine…” Jessi said as she acquiesced to her mother’s demands. Over the next fifteen minutes she proceeded to tell her mother and sister the entire story of what had happened at the Sidewinder - except for one minor detail.

  “Well, I suppose I am grateful to them for that…” Jessi’s mom said.

  “Well, uhmm, there’s just one teeny, tiny other thing.” Jessi said nervously.

  Her mother sighed and said, “Of course. Just tell me, Jessica.”

  “They’re wolves.” She replied dryly.

  Her mother shook her head in silence. Jessi knew her well enough to know that she was close to giving in. After all, how could she not after what they’d done - wolves or not?

  Finally, she spoke and said, “Jessica you know that wolves aren’t welcome in these parts. They haven’t been for over a hundred years. Your father will never stand for it.”

  “Mom, please. When have I ever let you down as your daughter?” she begged.

  Her mom knew the answer - there was no denying it. “Never.” Her mother said. “You’re a wonderful daughter. Both of you girls are. That’s not the point here.”

  “Mom I know that you, and Dad for that matter, only want the best for me and Megan. They are good and decent men. You will see, I promise.” She clasped her hands together, drew them to her chin and said, “Won’t you at least give them a chance?”

  Her mother took in a deep breath and released it.

  After a few moments of silence she said, “Okay, but just this once and just for today. I will be keeping a close eye on them Jessica, you have my word on it.”

  Jessi practically floated across the room to embrace her. As she hugged her close she said, “Thank you, Mom. You won’t regret it.”

  “I hope not Jessica…” she said sternly.

  In the midst of their embrace, there was a knock at the front door.

  “They’re here!” Jessi beamed.

  She bolted from the kitchen down the long hallway to the front door. About halfway there she slid to stop and examine herself in the hallway mirror. A quick touchup here and there, a clothes straightening and a lipstick check later she was ready.

  Once that was finished, she took a moment to collect herself. The drama with her mother had frazzled her a bit and the last thing she wanted was for that to show when she greeted them. Feeling ready, she walked to the door, turned the handle and opened it.

  The brothers smiled broadly at the first sight of her.

  Her instinct was to throw herself at Daryn. More than anything she wanted to swallow his mouth whole inside of hers once again. Of course, that would have been rude to Theo and so she managed to get her desire under control just long enough to resist it.

  “Hi!” she exclaimed. “I’m so glad you could come!”

  “Thanks for having us Jessi.” Daryn said.

  “Yes, thank you Jessi. It’ll be nice to have a home cooked meal again.” Theo added.

  Jessi smiled and ushered them inside. As they passed, they each hugged her hello but in a polite way, remaining respectful of the fact that they were in her parents’ home. Jessi thought it was the sweetest thing. Old fashioned and smoking hot - how could her mom resist?

  Jessi walked passed them and waved, “Come on. I want you to meet my mom and my sister.”

  The brothers nodded and as she passed, she noticed that Theo had something behind his back. About halfway down the hall, she stopped and turned back towards them. “Theo, what is that?”

  Theo moved his arm slightly to conceal the object. “What’s what?” he asked innocently.

  She rushed over towards him and tried to reach around behind. But, he was too quick for her and no matter which direction she moved, he evaded her.

  “Fine!” she said. “I didn’t want to know anyway.”

  “Good.” Daryn said. “Because it isn’t for you.”

  She raised her eyebrows and replied, “Oh really?”

  “Yes. Really.” He said. “Now, are we going to meet your mom and your sister or are we going to stand out here and discuss gifts that don’t belong to you?”

  “Hmm!” she scoffed. She turned her back to them and began to walk towards the kitchen.

  The brothers smiled at one another and followed her.

  They crossed the threshold of the kitchen and Jessi said loudly, “Mom… Megan… I’d like you to meet Daryn and Theo.”

  However uncomfortable the women might have been, it simply wouldn’t be proper to be rude - not for bears. And so, both women greeted the men warmly and made a bit of small talk.

  Finally Jessi’s mom said, “I understand that our family owes you gentlemen a debt of gratitude.”

  With a puzzled look on his face, Daryn asked, “Ma’am? I’m afraid we don’t know what you are talking about?”

  Her mom continued and said, “Oh, forgive me. Jessi told us the story of what happened at the Sidewinder last night. She said that without you two, there was no telling what might have come of all of it.”

  “Oh yes, that.” Daryn replied. “We were just glad that we got there in time.”

  “In any case, thank you.” Jessi’s mom said.

  Theo then spoke up and said, “Excuse me, Mrs. Wilder?”

  “Yes?” she replied.

  “Obviously by now you know what my older brother and I are. We are aware of the fact that wolves have not lived in this territory for many generations. And, we also know of the great bear legends of mistrust between our kinds. Like you, there is nothing we can do to help what we are born as. We must all shoulder the burden of the luck of the draw in that regard. But, we want to show our respect for you and for your people.”

  He paused for a moment and then began to move his right arm around to the front of his body. The object, whatever it was, was covered in thick blanket of wolf fur. He positioned it about waist high and then Daryn began to speak.

  “Mrs. Wilder. Beneath this pelt is a token of our respect for your ways. It is a gift from our pack to your people.” He nodded in the Theo’s direction and his brother slowly removed the pelt to reveal a palm sized stone. At a distance, it appeared mostly black but depending on the angle at which it was viewed, it dazzled amongst all colors of the rainbow. Jessi thought it was one of the most beautiful things she’d ever seen.

  She glanced at her mother who was visibly moved by the gesture.

  Her mother spoke and said, “My goodness. That is lovely. May I ask, what is it?’

  Theo replied, “It is known as the wisdom stone. Well, actually, it is a shard of the much larger wisdom stone that is in our homeland. When we left, it was given to us by someone very special. It is said that the wisdom stone will glimmer for you until the question that vexes you most has been resolved. Tell me, do you see colors?”

  Neither Jessi’s sister nor mother saw any colors. Feeling uncomfortable, Megan quickly asked, “Wait. I don’t see anything. Is that bad?”

  Daryn laughed. “No, not at all. The wisdom stone does not judge, it only guides in the direction of the solution to your problem. Whenever you face difficulty, the wisdom stone knows it and will illuminate.”

  Jessi interrupted and said, “Well, you two must see colors… right?”

  The brothers turned and looked at one another. �
��Not anymore.” Theo replied.

  Jessi was confused.

  How could it be that she saw colors but neither them, her mother or sister did? This was especially true considering the story that Daryn had told her in the car the night before. Everything about their life seemed to be in a complete state of upheaval but, according to them at least, they saw no color.

  Daryn smiled and said, “Mrs. Wilder, would you please accept this small token from us?”

  To Jessi’s disbelief her mother seemed overwhelmed by the gift. She came around the kitchen counter and said enthusiastically, “Of course, it would be my pleasure. I’ll find a place to keep it safe right away.”

  Theo cleared his throat and said, “Mrs. Wilder. With all due respect… The wisdom stone is not meant to be hidden away or forgotten about. Please, if it shines for you, it means that you must resolve that which troubles you. If you are not willing to use it in this way, then I am afraid we cannot offer it. That is your choice of course but please do not be insulted if we are unable to part with it.”

  The statement caught Jessi’s mom off guard but she paused for a moment and listened to him carefully and thought that perhaps she would reconsider.

  She smiled and said, “Forgive me if I insulted your gesture, it was through my own ignorance. I would be happy to accept the wisdom stone. And, you have my word that it will never be locked away or kept from being used in the way your people intended.”

  Jessi’s mind was literally coming apart at the seams. She simply could not believe the transformation she was witnessing in her mother. She’d known that there was more to them than met the eye but she never could have imagined her mother coming around so quickly. She watched as her mother took the stone from Theo and placed it upon the counter. She then turned to the men and said, “Thank you again and welcome to our home.”

  The men nodded and Daryn said, “Thank you for inviting us.”

  The group made small talk for a few more minutes until eventually the final preparations for the meal had been finished. With the men’s help, they all headed out into the backyard.

  One after another, members of her family from her father to her cousins seemed to take to the brothers right away. For the better part of an hour everyone ate and drank and got to know each other in a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere.

  Toward the end of the meal, Jessi’s mom turned towards her and said, “Oh! Jessi! I forgot the desserts. They are down in the basement. Would you mind running to get them? Just take Megan with you.”

  “Okay mom.” Jessi replied.

  Theo was seated to Jessi’s left and overheard the discussion. He leaned over and said, “Jessi, I can help if you want.”

  Jessi nodded and said, “Sure, okay.” She then turned towards Megan and said, “Megan, Theo is going to help me.”

  Megan nodded as the two of them got up from the picnic table and headed back towards the house. She was excited to get to spend a little time alone with Theo since she hadn’t been able to just yet. As they walked, she turned to him and said, “Daryn told me about your situation with your pack. I’m sorry that you find yourself in it. I’m sure leaving wasn’t easy on you either.”

  “Actually, I think I found it easier than he did.” He said.

  “What do mean?: Jessi asked as she opened the screen door.

  Theo walked through it and as he did he said, “Well, as my older brother, he shielded me from a lot of things as we grew up. With our parents gone, all we had left was one another. In the end, it was an easy decision for me to leave with him. Like Daryn, I do not believe that the direction the pack is headed in is good in the long run.”

  As Jessi listened to Theo, she began to realize how truly blessed she was. As far as she knew, no one had ever been forced to choose between their family’s wishes and their happiness. Her family could be difficult at times but it was nothing compared to what the brothers were dealing with.

  “Do you ever think you’ll return home one day?” she asked as they walked down into the basement.

  His face turned sullen at her question. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat, obviously choking back emotion. Whatever Daryn had managed to suppress, it was apparent that the wounds were still fresh for Theo.

  “I’d be lying to you if I said I didn’t Jessi. But the fact is that we can’t - at least not right now. At the same time I am hopeful for the future. Of course, that all depends…”

  “On what?” she asked.

  “Uhhm… I really can’t say. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

  “You can tell me, please.” She begged.

  “No Jessi, I cannot. Please do not ask me again.” He said as he started to turn away from her.”Look, I… we should go back to the others.”

  She touched his shoulder and said softly, “Please… I… I want to help you.”

  After a moment’s pause, she could feel his body begin to vibrate from a low growl and he said, “Jessi, my wolf… He is not stable in your presence. I cannot promise he can be restrained. Please, let’s just go…”

  “Then don’t restrain him, Theo.”

  Jessi could not believe the words that came from her mouth. This was not something that she did. This was not something that was done. But Daryn and Theo were changing her in the brief period of time they’d spent with each other.

  Without speaking, he slowly turned back to face her. Like Daryn, he loomed large over her petite, curvy frame. Darkness came across his features and hunger traced along his lips. Growling, he began to move down towards her.

  She leaned back against the table upon which the cornucopia of sinful sweets rested. His large hands moved down on either side of her plump hips and pressed flat on the tabletop. Jessi’s nipples hardened like frosted rosebuds as he moved within inches of her mouth.

  Suddenly, she thought of Daryn as she looked into his eyes.

  Oh my God. What am I doing? This is crazy! You can’t kiss them both…

  Desperate, she stammered, “Wait, I…”

  But, his gaze was too intense for her to hold and she dropped her eyes away. He ducked his head and followed hers, slowly drawing her pupils back up to face his once again.

  “Yes Jessi? Did you want to say something?”

  “I… Yes. I mean, no. I don’t…” she said quietly.

  His mouth turned up just the tiniest of fractions and formed a small smile. He then asked, “Do you want to tell me about your kiss with Daryn?”

  At first, her entire body flushed red with embarrassment. But then a split second later, indignation took its place.

  “Wait? He told you about that?” she said with a hint of anger in her voice.

  “Of course.” He said simply. “Why wouldn’t he? After all, there are no secrets between us. We share everything.”


  “Tell me Jessi…” He said as he licked his lips and moved closer to her. “Do you taste as delightful as Daryn said?”

  This was crazy. Kissing two brothers and in her parent’s basement no less! Jessi was normally level headed but the moment was getting to her. She was losing herself in his presence and as much as her mind thought otherwise, her body was desperate for the taste of more wolf flesh.

  She blinked softly and said, “I don’t know.”

  “Let’s find out…” he said lowly.

  His eyes narrowed and a knowing grin flashed briefly across his face just before he crashed against her mouth. The force of his impact was so terrific that it nearly sent her flying into the German Chocolate cake behind.

  Out of instinct, Jessi’s comparatively small arms flung up around Theo’s thick upper body. Unlike his brother, Theo’s kissing was less focused and more exploratory. Before she’d realized what had happened, he’d broken free from her mouth and began to lick and suck the length of her exposed neck.

  Goose pimples rippled across her flesh and she leaned her neck against his stubble in an effort to make him stop - or not. Perhaps at some unconscious level
, Jessi was more receptive to his wandering mouth due to the self restraint she was forced to exhibit the prior evening.

  Whatever the case, she could sense that she was giving in - and doing so quickly. For the next several minutes Theo moved subtly between her lips and neck lavishing her relentlessly as he went. In much the same way a gifted virtuoso elicits exquisite melodies from an instrument, Theo’s talented tongue brought forth a never ending stream of moans, groans and grunts from her.

  As the exchange continued, Jessi was suddenly overwhelmed by a vengeful stickiness between her thighs. The aching which Daryn had fostered less than twelve hours before gnawed at her like a feral beast. It was almost impossible to restrain her need for satisfaction. Her pussy didn’t care who it was or when they did it so long as it was done.


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