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Her Wolves, Their Bear

Page 7

by Gabrielle Demonico

  He smiled and said, “You will.”

  Her chest rose and fell rapidly. The meaning behind his statement was palpable, certain and focused. It began to draw her into him - whether she was ready or not. In that moment, she could feel that while her mind wasn’t prepared - her body very much was. Her bear had gotten a taste of this wolf once before and if anything, that craving had only intensified.

  Any resistance in her features softened and her body began to ease into submission. Without a sound, she shifted her hips beneath him and spread her legs. It was just wide enough to let him know that she understood what was expected of her. While she might have difficulty speaking the words he wanted, she made it clear that she would have no problems doing as he instructed.

  A devilish grin washed across the wolf’s face as he hovered over her. Her entire body tremored beneath him, excited to do as he requested. He leaned over her until their mouths met once again. What began as a soft kiss quickly mushroomed into an unrestrained expression of lust.

  Jessi’s need for Theo had festered since the kiss in her mom’s basement. They’d been interrupted there… either by fate or happenstance. But that would not be the case now. What’s more is that she knew that her lust was sanctioned by both brothers and that realization was incredibly liberating for her.

  He broke free from her mouth and helped her up. Moments later, he’d assisted her removing her shirt and unhooking her bra. Topless, she laid back down and as she did her ample breasts fell heavily to the sides.

  Every touch of his fingers against her flesh set it alive with crackling energy. And that was never more the case than when he motioned for her to lift her hips upward so that he could slip her out of her jeans. After that, he removed her socks until finally all that remained was a dangerously thin layer of fabric around her hips.

  As he tossed the last remaining sock aside, he stepped back away from the bed and began to remove his shirt. As he peeled it away from his torso, the same feeling of wonder Jessi had experienced with Daryn was rekindled. He was a miracle of creation, physically perfect in almost every way imaginable.

  Black hair and rich green eyes made for an almost surreal vision before her. Deeply tanned and layered in muscle, his thick frame popped free of the cloth restraints that had bedeviled her for so long. Her eyes traversed the prize that emerged before her until finally, all he had to offer to her was revealed.

  Never had Jessi used the terms ‘naked’ and ‘stunning’ in the same sentence to describe any of her lovers. But, in this case those words did not do justice to the creature which stood before her now. His immense cock swung like a thick rope as he made his way back towards her.

  Her lily white flesh trembled at the thought of what it was capable of at its full, angry finest. As he leaned over her, he reached down and hooked his fingers along either side of her pink lace panties. Without a word of instruction, he began to tug at them until at last, her flower emerged.

  With a final tug, he flung her panties across the room and then in one quick motion, he moved between her thighs. He growled as he thrust his head downward toward her rosy middle. Her folds felt hypersensitive to everything he did. Even a simple hint of his breath caused her to momentarily lose her own.

  Satisfied that she was eager enough, Theo headed straight towards her mound. He licked in long, broad strokes across the thin veil of pubic hair and as he did, her skin percolated with chills. He made pass after pass over the same area until at last he flicked at her clit with the tiniest of touches.

  To her shock, that was nearly enough to send her straight into the abyss of climax. She wondered what powers these wolves possessed. How was it possible that even after a few moments of attention, she was nearly at orgasm’s door?

  His licking grew more intense. His tongue seemed to arch and angle in ways she’d never experienced. Her velvet vibrated as his talented organ dipped inside over and again, withdrawing on occasion to tempt her clit once more. Deftly, his fingers also found their way inside and she began to grind uncontrollably against his wet orifice in response.

  Theo growled as he tasted her. “Come for me, Jessi.” He demanded.

  It couldn’t have started any lower than it did. Jessi felt the first glowing embers of it in a subtle curve of her toes. The tension then ran up her legs, heating her thighs like a dangerous brush fire as it moved. At last, the flames licked at her center with flesh scorching consequences and the orgasm he’d commanded was upon her.

  Her hips crushed into his mouth and her thighs shook within the grip of his strong hands. With each gasp of breath she spasmed and groaned and came. It rushed through her body into the deepest recesses of her brain where it transformed from merely a physical shock into an all encompassing rapture.

  Steadily the impact loosened its grip upon her and she began to soften into him. Sensing it, he withdrew from her slowly and relaxed his grip, lowering her body back down into the mattress.

  She gazed up at him through glassy eyes to see her wolf poised above her - hard and ready to claim his mate. Without delay, he grabbed the base of his thick cock and grunted deeply as he pushed in inside of her. Her pussy still sopped with the remnants of her climax but even so, his entry within her proved to a challenge.

  Jessi bit her lower lip and bared her teeth as he drove within. Theo reached down and grabbed onto her round thighs once again, spreading them as never before. His entryway into her widened to its maximum and he continued further still until his thick tip made its way into the deepest crevices of her womb.

  He paused as if savoring the first moments of his conquest. His meaty cock pulsed as he held still inside of her. Her channel clinched along his length as he twitched and after several moments, she could feel that she’d adjusted herself to him - at least as much as she could.

  Suddenly, his form began to rise and fall above her. He used steady, slow pulses in the beginning as if his dick was determined to extract every bit of pleasure possible from the moment. Jessi responded in kind and lowered her hips to meet his determined pelvic thrusts. She wanted to please him and give him the same gift of herself she’d provided to his brother the night before.

  As he moved, he gasped, “Jessi, I can no longer hold back my desire for you. I want to come inside of you and I want you to come again, with me. Right now…”

  Jessi nodded and hummed, “Mmm, hmmm… Yes, Theo. Yes…”

  Emboldened, Theo brazenly grabbed Jessi by the hair. Her acquiescence to his request had stoked his flame and sent him to a new level. He began to thrust wildly and alternated his touch between her hips, her navel and her ruby red nipples. It was a frantic moment - a blur of flesh and torsos and wild gyrations.

  His wolf at last had control in the way that it had wanted. Her entire body wobbled and jiggled on the firm bedding below as Theo fucked her like the wild animal he was. He impaled her with his thickness, drawing her rapidly to him and the precipice of climax once again.

  “Yess, ohhhh, aahhhh!!” Theo screamed.

  He paused for a moment and then plowed his shaft deep into her middle, sputtering his essence as he went. The sensation proved to be overwhelming and suddenly Jessi too was coming. For several seconds they rocked together in shared climatic bliss and she felt a unity unlike anything she’d ever experienced with anyone.

  After several minutes, the couple embraced and collapsed into each other’s arms laughing and kissing as they did. Finally they broke free of each other’s embrace and lay still and relaxed for nearly an hour.


  Rejuvenated, Theo groaned loudly and said, “You know, I am really starving.”

  “Yeah, I’m kind of hungry as well.” Jessi said as she nodded her head in agreement.

  “I tell you what… I’ll run out and get all of us a late lunch and you can wait here for Daryn. I would think he’ll be here anytime now.”

  “Okay, that sounds fine with me. Maybe I’ll sneak in a little nap while you are gone. You guys are wearing me out!” she chuckled.<
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  A huge grin came across his face. He leaned over, gave her a quick kiss and said, “We’re doing our damndest…”

  Five minutes later, Theo had taken off and Jessi relaxed in the hotel room bed. She looked up towards the ceiling and decided that rather than nap, perhaps a shower was more in order. Truthfully, she hadn’t planned on showering again so soon. But with these two around, it looked frequent showering was going to be required.

  She wound up staying in the shower much longer than normal. By her estimation, a good thirty minutes had gone by. But it had been worth it. Mind blowing sex and long, hot shower. There were few things in life that could make a girl much happier.

  As she toweled off, she looked around the bathroom and noticed that there was no hair dryer in sight. The television was on so she’s assumed that they’d come back and so she called out saying, “Theo? Do you guys have a hair dryer by any chance?”

  No response.

  She waited for a moment, raised her voice and called out again, “Theo?”

  But no sooner had she said it a second time than she was overcome with an intense feeling of dread. Through a small crack in the bathroom door, shadows trailed across the wall directly across from her. In the mirror she saw immense shapes moving in her direction. Instinctively, she rushed to slam the door shut but just as she grabbed for the handle, a terrific force knocked it open and sent her falling backwards into the tub with a heavy thud.

  It was the last thing she remembered.

  When she came to groggily, all she could see was blackness. Within seconds, she realized that she’d been blindfolded and gagged. Her hands and feet bound to the chair she sat in.

  “She’s awake.” A deep voice grumbled.

  “Good.” Another replied.

  The back of her head pounded in pain. “Wh - whrrr ann I? Wha iiii goiiin nnn?

  “Pipe down bitch…” still a third voice said.

  She shook her head slowly in an attempt to reorient herself. Without much awareness of the command she’d just been given she replied, “Oooo rrrr uuu?”

  A moment later she felt a rush of wind against her body and yet another voice said, “Keep quiet lady. We’re not going to say it again.”

  Four. There’s four of them. She counted in her head.

  Her grogginess began to give way to fear. What in the hell was happening? For the time being, she decided to do as she was told.

  After all, no harm had come to her yet.


  After a few minutes of silence, the men began talking amongst themselves. She could still feel a large presence in front of her.

  Finally, the first voice she’d heard said, “Remove the blindfold.”

  An immense hand reached around the back of her skull and quickly untied the blindfold from her head. As the darkness evaporated she squinted. She blinked several times in a row to try and get a handle on her surroundings. As her awareness returned, she saw that she was surrounded by four very large men who all bore striking similarities to Daryn and Theo.

  The man closest to her brandished a knife, held it to her throat and then turned back to the seated man who appeared to be in charge. He nodded, stood up and said, “Alright, we have some questions we need answered and only you can give them to us.”

  She looked at him through eyes as large as moons.

  He continued and said, “So, my associate here is going to remove the gag from your mouth. But, if you scream or even so much as cough loudly, he will slit your throat from ear to ear. Nod your head if you understand.”

  The blade felt like ice against her exposed neck. Terror gripped at her. She looked at the man giving orders and slowly nodded in the affirmative.

  “Good. Okay, take it off.” He said as he motioned to the blade wielder. Seconds later, the gag fell away to the floor. The man who’d given the order walked towards Jessi until he stood about a foot away.

  “Where are they?”

  “Who?” She asked.

  The man nodded towards the other holding knife. The blade pressed into her flesh.

  The man in charge said, “I’m not going to ask a second time. Now you can either tell me where they are or we’ll kill you and find them ourselves. It’s your choice.”

  Jessi’s natural instincts were to shift and deal with them herself but the hotel was out of her territory and so she was incapable of it. But no matter what, she was determined to not betray them in any way.

  She swallowed hard and said, “Look, I don’t know. That is the truth. You are just going to have to kill me.”

  The man crossed his arms and said, “Okay.”

  In a split second, Jessi felt the steel pierce her flesh and then her world went dark. But just before she slipped into unconsciousness, the hotel room door burst open. As she fell into blackness, her vision was filled with images of enormous beasts, fur and blood.


  “Jessi… Jessi… Fuck!” Theo’s voice boomed.

  She could feel him lightly tapping her cheeks in an attempt to revive her. She didn’t know if she was dreaming or awake.

  “Daryn, she’s moving!” Theo’s said.

  “Thank goodness.” Daryn replied.

  “Sweetheart, are you okay?” Theo said as he cradled her neck and upper back in his hands.

  She could feel that she was lying down - shaken but alive.

  “What? What happened?” she asked.

  “We will explain everything. Are you sure you are alright?” Theo asked.

  “Yes, I think so.” She said. But then, almost as quickly as she said it, she lost consciousness once more.

  When she next awoke, her head was less burdened by pain. She propped herself up on her elbows and craned her neck around. She could see that she was still in the hotel room. But it was in a shambles and nearby lie the bodies of two men - either unconscious or dead - she couldn’t tell which. Honestly wasn’t sure she wanted to know. She turned her head to the left to see Daryn and Theo sitting on the bed across from her.

  “Are you okay, Jessi?” Daryn asked nervously.

  She nodded and said, “Yes, I think so. What in the world happened here?”

  The brothers looked at one another and shook their heads. Their expressions communicated deep disappointment, bordering on shame. After a few moments of disconcerting silence, Daryn said, “Jessi, it was our pack…”

  “What do you mean?” she asked shaking her head.

  “Fuck!” Theo shouted as he got up from the bed and kicked one of the bodies on the floor. It was now obvious that the motionless men hadn’t survived.

  Jessi suddenly felt afraid, very afraid. She’d never felt real fear before in her life. She imagined that there was nothing that these men could not handle (and maybe she was right) but something had occurred that they hadn’t expected. Daryn grimaced and exhaled. It seemed as if the breath pained his soul.

  “First of all Jessi, let me tell you how sorry Theo and I are for what happened to you. We knew that this was a possibility but honestly, we thought we’d covered our tracks.”

  “I don’t understand. Who are those men on the floor and where are the other two.” She asked.

  “Who they are is of no importance. They were once our brothers but now, they are nothing to us.”

  She shook her head in confusion.

  “Jessi, they were sent by the pack leader - to hunt us down. I told you about them once before in the car the other night. They are the crait seekers. It is their job to track down members that stray from the pack for any reason. They were dispatched here to kill us. Instead, they found you.”

  “Yes, I remember now. But, why would they want to kill you?”

  “Because of our desire to seek our truemate…” Theo said.

  She sat up a bit more and said in a loud voice, “So this entire time… Your lives have been in danger and you didn’t tell me? The only thing you told me was that they were looking for you - not that they wanted you dead!”

  Daryn replied, “Jessi�
� Please, try and stay calm. Listen, we couldn’t. We were not certain about our feelings and if we were not, how could you have been?”

  Jessi was angry. She knew that she was falling hard for them and the fact that they’d kept such a secret from her was difficult to stomach. But, her mind was still swimming in confusion - there was so much that just wasn’t clear…

  “Where are the others? The other two men?” she asked.

  “We spared their lives. It is not by choice that the crait seekers do these things. They are bound by oath and blood. But, we had to send a mesaage to the pack. By killing these two and sparing the others we have said all that there is to say - for now.


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