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Brothers In Arms

Page 30

by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

casualties of ETO campaigns

  clashes over drive into Germany, dislike of Montgomery and

  drive toward Germany

  German invasion

  injunction to lieutenants

  integration of rifle units by

  Operation Cobra

  racist stereotyping by

  “reconnaissance by fire”

  Rhine crossed by

  Roosevelt's death

  Saar Campaign

  761st assigned to

  761st, opinion of

  Siegfried Line and

  tank warfare and

  Task Force Rhine

  Third Army of

  Verdun, France, allies meet at

  wife, Beatrice

  Paul, Maj. Gen. Willard

  Pershing, Gen. “Black Jack”

  Porter, Herbert

  Racism and segregation

  American North

  American South, Jim Crow and

  in Army Air Corps

  black soldiers in race riots

  Camp Hood, Texas, travel off base, racial problems and

  England and, American servicemen in

  fact-finding mission, Justice Department

  field showers and

  Jackie Robinson, court-martial of

  Lee Street Riot, Alexandria, Louisiana

  military training, disparity in, for African Americans

  murders of black servicemen

  postwar, with African American war veterans, Isaac Woodward incident

  slurs and name-calling

  segregation of troopships

  in U.S. Army

  war veterans and fight for equality

  “Red Ball Express,” African American quartermaster regiment

  Rivers, S. Sgt. Ruben

  Congressional Medal of Honor

  death of

  Fort Hood building named for

  Saar Campaign

  Roberson, Ray

  Robinson, Everett

  Robinson, 2nd Lt. John Roosevelt “Jackie”

  Robinson, Sugar Ray

  Rollins, James

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano

  death of

  Ross, Nathaniel


  Saar Campaign

  air support (XIX Air Tactical Command)

  battles, November 8–9

  battles, November 11–21

  battles, November 22–December 14

  casualties and costliness of (see also 761st)

  commencement of


  entry into Saarland

  German divisions in

  German tactic against tanks

  key objectives achieved

  living conditions, 761st

  noncombat casualties, flu and trench foot

  obstacles facing

  761st, Able Company

  761st, Baker Company

  761st, Charlie Company

  761st crosses in Germany

  761st, Dog Company

  761st, Headquarters Company

  troops and tank battalions in

  weather problems

  See also France, battles and battle sites

  Safford, John

  Saunders, S. Sgt. Samuel F.

  Savoy Ballroom, Harlem, New York

  Scott, Horatio

  death of

  Sears, Col.

  741st Tank Battalion

  743rd Tank Battalion

  758th Tank Battalion

  761st Tank Battalion

  Able Company (see also Battle of the Bulge; Germany; Saar Campaign; Task Force Rhine)

  African American officers

  armored patch worn

  attached to 87th Division

  attached to 103rd “Cactus” Division (7th Army)

  attached to 95th Division (9th Army)

  attached to 17th Airborne Division

  attached to 71st Infantry Division

  attached to the 79th Infantry Division (9th Army)

  attached to 26th “Yankee” Division

  Baker Company(see also Battle of the Bulge; Germany; Saar Campaign; Task Force Rhine)

  as “bastard battalion”

  billeted in Wimborne, England

  black officers


  Channel crossing

  Charlie Company (see also Battle of the Bulge; Germany; Saar Campaign; Task Force Rhine)

  Charlie Company mascot, rooster

  combat record, summary of

  commendation from XII Corps

  courage under fire and medals awarded

  creation of

  delay in being deployed


  deployment for ETO

  desegregation of American military and, 17

  Dog Company (in M-5s) (see also Battle of the Bulge; Germany; Saar Campaign; Task Force Rhine)

  “grease gun,” weapon issued to tankers

  Headquarters Company (see also Battle of the Bulge; Saar Campaign)

  history making, as first African American armored unit deployed in battle

  Jackie Robinson in

  lack of recognition postwar, and fight for justice

  maneuvers in the Kisatchie National Forest


  nickname, “black panthers”

  ordnance units

  outstanding performance in training and maneuvers

  Patton's address to

  Presidential Unit Citation request

  pride and battle-hardened spirit

  recruits join

  replacements, ETO

  Rhine crossed by

  R&R lost

  Saar Campaign (see France, battles and battle sites; Saar Campaign)

  Service Company

  Sherman tank chosen for

  Simon Weisenthal Foundation, honors from

  size of battalion

  tanks delivered to, for ETO

  tank names

  training, Camp Claiborne

  training, Camp Hood

  training, Fort Knox

  vehicle maintenance

  veterans (see also individuals)

  white officers

  784th Tank Battalion

  Sherman, William Tecumseh. See also Tanks, U.S. armored force

  Shivers, Sgt. George

  Shoup, S. Sgt. Curtis

  Simmons, Coleman

  Simmons, Nathaniel

  Simpson, Corp. Dwight

  Smith, Leonard

  as assistant gunner

  Austrian invasion, Steyr

  Battle of the Bulge

  at Camp Claiborne

  at Camp Hood

  Camp Hood reunion

  Channel crossing

  concentration camp entered

  death of Willie Devore and

  deployment for ETO

  “Doc” Adamson and

  in England

  in France

  German invasion and

  in Holland

  as loader

  “Pop” Gates and


  racial discrimination, off-base travel, Texas

  racial incidents, Alexandria, Louisiana

  return to U.S.

  Saar Campaign

  segregation and, on base movies

  in 761st Headquarters Company

  tank (“Cool Stud”

  Task Force Rhine

  Stalin, Joseph

  Stevens, S. Sgt. Johnnie

  Stewart, Sgt. James

  Stimson, Henry

  Tanks, German armored force

  artillery used on

  Mark IV Panzer (Panther) tanks

  Panzerfaust (bazooka)

  technology developed for

  Tiger Tank

  Tanks, U.S. armored force

  armored divisions vs. “bastard battalions”

  Armored Force Replacement Training Center, Fort Knox

  artillery carried on Sherman

  casualties and probl
ems with Sherman Tank, Normandy invasion

  code of rescue

  cold and

  crew and positions in tank

  “Duckbills” added for mud


  “Hell on Wheels” 2nd Armored Division

  intercom communication

  M2 Medium

  M4 firing sequence

  M4A3E8 “Easy Eight” Sherman

  M4 Medium Sherman

  M5 Stuart Light

  M26 Pershing

  name and history of

  nicknames for

  100-hour maintenance checks

  “rhinoceros” prongs for

  “tank traps”

  training periods for

  Task Force Rhine



  Patton's Third Army, plan for

  761st, extraordinary distinction in

  761st Able Company

  761st Baker Company

  761st Charlie Company

  troops in

  Tates, Joseph

  Taylor, Beverly

  Taylor, Herman

  Tedder, British Air Marshal Arthur

  Thomas, 1st Lt. Charles L.

  Thompson, Mozee

  Thrasher, Robert

  Truman, Harry

  Turley, Sgt. Sam

  Tuskegee Airmen (99th Fighter Pursuit Squadron)

  Tyree, Harry

  U.S. Army

  Armored Force created, 1940

  “bastard battalions”

  battalions, rifle and tank

  black engineering battalions

  black MPs

  black servicemen and racial incidents in the South



  opposition to black tank battalion

  Patton and integration of


  racial discrimination within


  segregation on base

  segregation of troopships

  Tank Destroyer Center

  U.S. Third Army

  4th and 6th Armored Divisions

  80th Division

  87th “Golden Acorn” Infantry Division

  Germany, invasion and

  90th Infantry Division

  101st Infantry Regiment

  104th Infantry Regiment


  Saar Campaign, movement and placement of troops

  71st Infantry Division transferred to, and German invasion

  761st assigned to

  691st Tank Destroyer Battalion

  328th Infantry Regiment

  345th Infantry Regiment

  347th Infantry Regiment

  XII Corps

  XX Corps

  26th “Yankee” Infantry Division

  See also Battle of the Bulge; Saar Campaign

  Waring, Judge J. Waties

  Watson, Corp. Alfred L.

  Watson, Pvt. George

  Welborn, James

  Weston, S. Sgt. Teddy

  Whitby, James

  Williams, Lt. David J.

  Battle of the Bulge


  Saar Campaign

  Wilson, Joe W., Jr.

  Windsor, Sgt. Teddy

  Wingo, Maj. Charles

  Woodard, S. Sgt. Harvey

  Woodson, Sgt.

  Woodward, Isaac

  Wyman, Maj. Gen. Willard G.

  BROTHERS IN ARMS Copyright © 2004 by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar and Anthony Walton. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher. For information, address Broadway Books, a division of Random House, Inc.

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  Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file with the Library of Congress under the control number 2004-045063.

  eISBN: 978-0-7679-1892-3





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