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Gluttony (Seven Deadlies MC Book 3)

Page 2

by Kaitlyn Ewald

His eyebrows rose.

  “My name. It’s Scarlett.”

  He raised one of his hands and swiped a lock of hair out of her face.

  “Nice to meet you, Scarlett. You have a nice night.”

  He began to turn away, but she caught his arm in her hand at the last second.

  When he glanced down at her she pulled her hand away nervously.

  “May I have your name?,” She asked.

  He hesitated for a second before he said, “Limit.”

  It was a strange name, but she didn't comment on it.

  Scarlett smiled.

  “Nice to meet you too, Limit.”

  This time she turned away and sauntered back to her table like she’d just won an Emmy before she slid Emily her margarita and sipped from her own.

  “Dear God, what did you say to him? He’s still watching you! Scarlett, he’s fucking hot!”

  Scarlett knew that, and she’d hoped he was still looking after her.

  She wanted him to be just as curious as she was.

  “What about your red head? He notice you?”

  Emily laughed.

  “Oh, honey. You’re too sweet. He noticed me the second I walked in the door. He’s about two songs from coming over here and asking me to dance, but I may not make him wait that long.”

  Scarlett wished she was as good with men as Emily was. She never seemed to know the right thing to say or do, and towards the end of her engagement, Scott had taken to calling her boring.


  As if he hadn't hurt her enough with his cheating, he had to go and blame it all on her.

  It was her fault he’d been banging his father’s assistant at the firm.

  Her fault he had an extensive collection of hookers on speed dial.

  Her fault he didn't want to touch her anymore…

  “Scarlett! Stop thinking about Scott and start thinking about how you can convince that sexy beast of a man over there to father your children.”

  Scarlett almost spit out her margarita as she laughed so hard, she almost fell out of her seat. She hadn't done that in a long, long time- mostly because Scott always told her that her laugh sounded like a cackle and had made her ashamed of it. Now, however, she could laugh as long and as loud as she wanted to, and no one could stop her.

  “That’s the spirit! Oh, the red head is coming over here! Act cool,” Emily said.

  As if Scarlett knew how to do that!

  Scarlett looked up the second the green-eyed man showed up to their table.

  He was handsome, sure, but he only had eyes for Emily.

  “Evenin’ ladies. My name is Green, and I couldn't help but notice you're both over here all alone. Would you want to come join me and my friends?,” He asked with a big grin.

  Emily fluttered her dark lashes at him.

  “Sure would,” She purred.

  Scarlett’s mouth fell open.

  “Your table looks pretty full, are you sure you have room for us?”

  Emily kicked her under the table and Scarlett winced.

  Green smiled at her and nodded.

  “Trust me, we’ve got the room. Four of our friends are heading home.”

  Scarlett smiled at him and tried to calm the nerves biting against her already heavy pulse.

  “We would love to.”

  He helped Scarlett out of her chair before turning to Emily and granting her his undivided attention, which didn't bother Scarlett in the least. As she gathered her drink and her purse in her hands, she looked up to see Limit watching her again. He had an empty chair under his arm, as if he were already waiting for her to join him.

  Act normal, Scarlett.

  He’s hot and you're new at this.

  He can probably smell your inexperience from across the room!

  Talking herself into remaining calm didn't help her any, but she didn't have much time to second guess herself. She was across the room and gesturing towards the chair his arm was resting on before she knew it.

  “Is that seat for me?”

  He didn't respond, but he did lift his arm so she could sit down.

  As soon as she was seated, he dropped his arm to the back of her chair again.

  “Fancy seeing you again,” She joked.

  Limit’s lips pursed slightly before he leaned in close to her.

  “Green likes your friend.”

  She wasn't surprised to hear that- Emily always had male callers.

  “That doesn't surprise me,” She admitted.

  Limit nodded towards her.

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?,” She asked.

  “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  Scarlett actually laughed.

  “Lord, no. I had a fiancé, but it didn't work out.”

  Limit seemed surprised.

  “Why’s that?”

  She sighed and sipped from her drink before she answered.

  “He found someone else to warm his bed.”

  Limit swore.

  “Sorry, didn't mean to bring up bad memories for ya.”

  Scarlett shook her head.

  “Don’t worry about it. Really, I’m better off without him.”

  Limit seemed to agree, because his gaze landed on her lips again.

  “His loss.”

  “You think so?”

  He looked down at the table, his other hand wrapping around his glass. He swirled the amber liquid around in the foggy snifter as he smiled.

  “I know so,” He said easily.

  Scarlett had to cross her legs under the table at the heat that one sentence created between them.

  Intrigued, Scarlett turned in her seat so she was facing him completely.

  “Now, why would you go and say a thing like that?,” She asked.

  Limit looked up at her from beneath his thick lashes.

  “You know you’re attractive. You know you could have any man you want, Scarlett.”

  His words actually had her eyes widening.

  “Really? I have it on good authority that I’m boring.”

  Limit chuckled again, the dark sound making her pussy pulse against the white thong she was wearing underneath her dress.

  “Your ex tell you that?”

  Scarlett swallowed the rest of her drink as she leaned closer to him.

  “I don’t want to talk about Scott. Tell me about you.”

  “Not much to tell.”

  Scarlett didn't believe that.

  “You like motorcycles, I know that much. You’re a veteran, I can tell that, too. And I bet you're drinking top shelf whiskey from that glass,” She said as she pointed to the glass he was still holding.

  That seemed to catch his attention.

  He studied her closely.

  “You’re observant,” He commented.

  She shrugged.

  “Pays to be observant.”

  Limit surprised her when he reached for her chair and dragged it closer to him, almost leaving it to rest between his spread thighs.

  “You come here tonight to be rebellious? You tryin’ to forget your man?”

  Scarlett thought about that for a second.

  Is that why she agreed to come?

  Was she still mooning over Scott?

  Unsure of exactly what to say, she decided to tell Limit the truth.

  And, the truth was, she didn’t have a man anymore.

  “I came here to feel alive,” She finally said.

  Something sparked in his eyes, something dangerous.

  Limit was not a soft man. He was lethal in the way that he moved, as if he were a predator- and for all Scarlett knew, he was. His big hand landed on her thigh.

  “What if I told you I could do that for ya? No strings attached.”

  Scarlett uncrossed her legs, feeling braver by the second.

  “What does a man like you have to offer me?,” She whispered.

  Limit leaned even closer to her, his perfect mouth so close she could practically taste him.
/>   “Meet me outside in five minutes, and I’ll show you. My bike is parked right outside the rear entrance.”

  Butterflies erupted in her belly, but she knew that she couldn't say no.

  Not now.

  She hadn't realized it at first, but Limit was the reason she was there.


  Limit stood to his full height, his dick almost caressing her cheek (which she wasn't exactly sure she’d mind) as he headed for the back of the bar.

  When Scarlett turned to face the rest of the real world, she saw that Emily and Green were already making out, her ass cradled against his lap. The rest of their friends were near the bar, ordering more drinks.

  Scarlett took a deep breath and tried to calm her nerves, but Limit was obviously the kind of man who was used to making women come undone. He was obviously far more experienced than her, and yet, she found herself standing and heading for the rear exit anyways.

  This is nuts.

  Turn around and go back inside!

  What if he’s a murderer?

  So many things ran through Scarlett’s head as she opened the back door and felt the mild breeze wash over her.

  It lifted her hair off the back of her heated neck, and while she was comfortably buzzed, she wasn't anywhere near drunk enough to blame what was about to happen on the tequila.

  She wanted Limit.

  She didn't need to spend hours inside of the bar flirting with him to admit that to herself.

  Chapter 3

  Scarlett immediately saw him leaning against his bike, his tall form outlined against the bright moon. He was smoking a cigarette, and every few seconds the cherry burning at the end would illuminate his face. He watched her make her way towards him, his legs crossed at the ankles. He looked so relaxed that it actually made Scarlett feel better.

  As she neared him, she held her hand out.

  “May I?”

  Limit smiled at her, his dimples making an appearance.

  He held the cigarette out towards her and even though it’d been years since she’d tried it, the nicotine went down easy as she inhaled.

  “Somethin’ tells me you don't smoke very often.”

  “You’d be right,” She said as she took another hit.

  Limit surprised her when he wrapped his hands around her waist and spread his long legs only to situate her between them. He reached for the cigarette and took the last hit it would allow before he dropped it to the gravel beneath her heels.

  Scarlett thought he might say something, anything, but instead he leaned down and swept the hair out of her face.

  “You ever been with a man like me?”

  “No,” She said softly.

  “Do you want me to touch you?,” He asked.

  Scarlett nodded.

  “Let me hear the words.”

  “Yes, I want you to touch me,” Scarlett told him.

  “You’re a high class kind of woman, Scarlett. Are you sure you want me to fuck you right here against my bike?”

  His dirty words woke something inside of Scarlett she didn't even know existed. With Scott, everything was so…technical.

  There were no feelings, it was all business…which is why she’d been okay to make him wait for sex. Scarlett was still a virgin, and that was probably why he'd gone and found someone else to fuck. It wasn't that Scarlett didn't want to have sex, either- but Scott never got her engine revved. He never even tried, and that was ultimately what made her decision for her.

  She wanted passion.

  She wanted raunchy, hot, mouthwatering sex.

  Scott Worthington couldn't offer her any of those things.

  “Yes, please.”

  Limit smiled as he tipped her head back by placing one finger under her chin.

  “I like the sound of that, baby girl.”

  Scarlett blushed a deep crimson when his hands traveled further south, lifting her dress up and over the curve of her ass.

  “Are you wearing any panties under this dress?”

  She nodded.

  He tsked.

  “What a shame…”

  He didn't say another word as he leaned forward and captured her mouth in a kiss that had her gripping his shoulders.

  His hands worked magic while his tongue had her delirious- and she was right- the whiskey on his breath had her double drunk.

  Scarlett pressed herself up against his hard body, eager to taste more of him, to feel more of him.

  One strong arm wrapped around her waist and anchored her to him while the other slid between her thighs. His fingers grazed the edges of her panties and she whimpered against his mouth.

  “You’re wet for me, aren’t you?”

  She sighed into his mouth as he tugged her panties down until they slid to her feet of their own accord. He didn't bother to remove them completely, no, he was too busy pushing her thighs apart so he could feel her wet pussy.

  “Fuck, you’re soakin’ wet, Scarlett. You want my dick that bad?”

  Scarlett’s greedy body flushed at his words, that delicious heat making her sway against him.

  She hadn't ever had a man speak to her that way before, but she was realizing that she loved it.

  “I can’t help it,” She whispered.

  “Good, I don't want you to.”

  Limit pressed two fingers against her clit and she almost collapsed, but he caught her and held her tight.

  Her whimpers turned into cries as he circled her clit with his skilled fingers over and over until she could feel that tingling ball of pleasure nipping at her insides. He felt so good and she never wanted him to stop, but he had other plans.

  “I want you to come on my hand, baby girl. And then I’m gonna make you come all over my cock,” He promised.

  Scarlett sucked his tongue into her mouth as he pinched her clit expertly, bringing her arousal to a fever pitch that struck her like lightning- and then she came.

  She came all over his hand like some biker slut, her nails digging into his shoulders, her mouth open against his.

  It felt like the entire world was ready to combust, but Limit wasn't anywhere near done with her yet.

  Before Scarlett could process the fact that some stranger had made her orgasm all over his hand, he was helping her step out of her panties as he pocketed the small white confection of lace.

  “Turn around and put your hands on the seat of my bike,” He ordered gruffly.

  His deep voice was raspy and husky, filled with arousal and need, just like her body was.

  She hurried to do as he said because she didn't want the pleasure to end yet.

  The buttery leather of his seat was soft and warm against her palms as she did as he said. The hands that had brought her to orgasm only moments before ran along the backs of her thighs as he lifted her dress to rest up around her waist.

  “Jesus, you've got a body made for fucking, Scarlett. Do you want me to fuck you?”


  “Yes what?”

  “Yes, please,” She begged.

  Limit rewarded her with a swift smack on the ass.

  The sting of it made her pussy clench, and she bounced on the balls of her feet to try and get closer to his hand.

  “You naughty little girl, you liked that didn’t you?”

  She nodded.

  Limit wrapped her hair around his fist before he yanked her head back so he could bite along the column of her neck.

  “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll be thinkin’ of me for weeks afterward. This pussy is gonna be primed for me, baby girl. Can you handle that?”

  Scarlett could only say yes because her body was practically crying with how bad she wanted him- her nipples were rock hard against the expensive lace bra she was wearing, her pussy was leaking down the insides of her thighs, and the rest of her was so fucking hot she thought she’d melt against his custom Harley.

  “Yes, Limit, please fuck me!”

  He growled in her ear, some rumbling sound that had her shive
ring against him as he released his hold on her hair and instead moved to massage her.

  His thick fingers worked her soft skin like he was kneading dough. As he spread her legs apart she felt his fingers graze over the pucker of her ass and she jerked.

  “Relax, Scarlett. I’m not takin’ this hole tonight, but by the end of it, you’ll want me to. You’ll want to feel me in every part of you, I guarantee it.”

  She didn't bother telling Limit that if he pushed her, she'd cave like an old deck of cards right then.

  She already wanted to feel him in every part of her...

  Scarlett heard him unzip his jeans and she couldn't help but glance behind her to see exactly what he was packing- and fuck was he big.

  His dick was long and thick and she had no idea how he’d fit inside of her, but she’d give him whatever he wanted to assure that he tried.

  “You like what you see?”

  His grey eyes were hazy and at half-mast.

  “Fuck, yes…”

  He grunted and she watched as he pulled a tinfoil packet from his pocket and ripped it open with his teeth. As he rolled the condom on, Scarlett watched, her hazel eyes trained on his every move. He didn't even hesitate to line himself up, his cock pressing against her wet entrance.

  “You ready?”

  Scarlett would be lying if she didn't admit that she was nervous, but her desire for Limit far outweighed her fears.

  She gripped his arm and pulled him closer to her, pushing her ass up against him.

  His sharp intake of breath told her he wasn't as calm as he’d like her to think and that was just fine with her.

  As he slipped inside her, she whimpered again- this time a little from pain and mostly from pleasure. She was so wet her body easily worked to accommodate him, and he didn't seem to have any complaints. His large body wrapped around her like a breath of fresh air as he thrust into her tight channel.

  She cried out, but Limit worked quickly; one second her eyes were filled with surprised tears at the sting of losing her virginity, and the next they were closed in pure bliss as he cupped one of her breasts through the thin material of her dress.

  “You feel so fuckin’ good,” He whispered into her ear.

  She gasped when he moved again, hitting her g-spot directly.

  Scarlett had had plenty of orgasms by her own hand, and she knew her body as well as any finely tuned instrument, but Limit didn't need any direction. He was touching her in all the places she liked and he was fucking her at the just right angle…


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