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I am Iron Man

Page 39

by Colin Cook

  Anubis and his silent Horus-Guard counterpart stepped out from the Tel'Tak a second later positioned at both of the Predator's flanks, their staff-weapons activated and

  ready to fire in the event that the creature suddenly tried to break free.

  Outside, the Visigoth's four aft exhaust ports began to shine a brighter shade of white-blue as their corresponding engines suddenly began increasing to full power. A

  shuddering thunderclap echoed out across the entire Serpent Nebula as the great ship roared alive like an ancient creature of myth awakening from a long slumber.

  While that happened the carrier began to quickly gain in speed, cutting through the purple clouds surrounding it and making many of them swirl chaotically with wake of its


  Once the gargantuan ship had flown to within activation-range of the larger Mass Relay, it began firing many of its portside navigational thrusters. This made the ship

  slowly curve to the right until it was positioned parallel alongside the floating mega-device.

  Up in the carrier's darkened bridge, the ship's captain stood semi-hunched over his navigational officer's console. Up ahead near the bridge's wide viewport were several

  stations manned by an assortment of Salarians and Asari, all of them working together as a team to control the ship so as to counteract the sluggish maneuverability

  created by the colossal giant.

  "Begin our approach run now," the captain ordered up to the controllers in an eloquent but waxy voice.

  The captain himself was a grizzly old Turian with wrinkled beige faceplates and a deep jagged scar that ran through his left eye, a small memento he'd received during his

  time as a colonel in the First Contact War.

  "Initiating transmission sequence…" one of the Asari helmsmen reported as the carrier started gliding past the Relay's glowing blue core. However as she and the other

  operators began activating the ship's jump systems, a voice erupted from the communication officer's console.

  "Turian Ore Carrier Visigoth! You are ordered to desist in your current action and turn back from the Mass Relay!" the voice commanded.

  Immediately the captain shook his head sharply at the helmsmen as they all glanced back at him. Swiftly he cut his way across the bridge toward the communication

  officer's terminal, giving the Asari a short circling gesture with his wrist and forearm, silently telling her to continue with the procedure.

  "That's a negative Control, our ship is already in the first stages of Relay activation. If we back out now we'll run the risk of damaging our client's cargo," the captain lied

  into the terminal's microphone once he came up and pushed the officer on duty out of the way.

  "Relay activation commencing," the Asari stated over her shoulder. Thanks to the viewport, the bridge-staff were able to see the intense blue glow shining through the

  spinning hoops that encased the Relay's core become brighter, the new spike in energy warping the very space around the ship.

  Suddenly a twisting tendril of blue light reached out and connected with the carrier, followed by thousands of others shooting down the Relay's frame toward the ends of

  its dual prongs.

  "If you…system, you...regarded as... enemy combatant!…" the voice began crackling angrily, the interference created by the Element Zero fluctuating within the core

  causing the message to become garbled beyond comprehension.

  The captain merely scowled as he tapped the shut-off button on the console, severing the ship's link to the Citadel.

  "Take it up with my boss," he stated sourly.

  A few seconds later the carrier became enveloped in a haze of flickering blue energy before blasting down the length of the Relay in the blink of an eye, its massive bulk

  disappearing into nothingness as it shot through space toward its unknown destination with a resounding FFFZOOO!

  The depths of space. A void that beheld thousands of unseen passing beams of light simpering across eons of distance. The stars only can be seen by trillions of light years

  away. By the time one saw them, they may be already gone. So scientists tell you. Yet when you can traverse this endless reach of nothing. The stars can be so close,

  and yet so far. For some people. The Quarian people. That is the truest word of sacrifice.

  Able to see everything, be part of everything and yet never truly know what everything is. To see not by the naked eye but only with a visor, or touch not by the naked

  palm yet only with a gloved limb. Quarians suffer the most sacrifice of any species in the terminus systems for so far. Having made so many terrible mistakes, they endure

  only to be treated as useless and often filthy immigrants. No land or home their own the people of the Quarian Flotilla work and serve solely on scavenging the cosmos

  for what supplies they can and surviving with what things they may. This is not the life for a people like them. Yet this is their destiny. Part to the life they made

  themselves. The Quarians. Proud, but lost people of a cosmic fate. Crueler than the normal mindless wars of most every culture. One that they brought onto themsel"So,

  Tali? What are you listenin' to?"

  The moment his voice popped into her helmet. This young Quarian woman blinked. A tap on her wrist via an Omni-tool device the audio module ends for the time. Paused

  actually. She looked over to a man, a human man. Whose costume or uniform, whatever you prefer, was that of Cerebrus and he had this rather kind, genuine smile and

  this accent from those of the irish regions of Earth. Least, she recalled that being an explanation.

  "Mmm, Kenneth." The man turned to a woman, another human in the same attire. With a much more scolding look. Nothing like she was angry but perhaps… jealous?

  No. Well possibly. He mentioned once he liked the view. Hell, that was indeed the best comment she got from humans so far. Sadly…

  "Aww, Gabby! I was just wonderin' if maybe I'd like a hear? It's a wee sad though. Caught some pretty sour notes." He turned, ear perked and eye a turn brighter up

  from the brow. "Eh? Come on Tali! I'd love to learn a little more what's in that suit of yours."

  "OH Kenneth!" The woman, Gabby. She crossed her arms narrowing her eyes. "I think ya' doing it on purpose!"

  "Huh?" Soon, he frowned. "Oh! No I didn't. Aww, damn I'm sorry Tali." He sighed shaking his head. Gabby seemed happy. To that, Kenneth went back to work.

  "Nevermind hun. Just trying to get an idea what you-"

  "Kenneth?" He lowered his head, closing his eyes. "You're doing good. Best let her be, I think she's… concentrating."

  Tali slowly looked back to the console. Usually, she'd talk to them. Yet they knew something was wrong. Deep down it's not hard to tell. Even though she lived her life in

  this suit, people can tell. When they know her. The three fingered gloves were not darting the consoles as fast as they normally would. Neither were her legs, weaved in

  her semi-armored suit segments standing as straight. Her suit, the small tunic like top which formed snugly to her rather hourglass frame, was even slumped forward with

  her back. Her hood, laying lower over her visor today. Everything was off, and she knew why. It was the same thing she thought about ever since the end of the



  Commander Shepard. Of the SS Normandy. The hero that saved the Citadel. The human spectre, first ever. The one that stopped Saren, Sovereighn and now the

  Collectors and some day the Reapers. Every evil he faced, he defeated. Every obstacle he overcame. It's hard not to imagine why she'd be so fascinated with this man.

  EVERY thing he did he accomplished, with victory. He saved her on Haelstrom damn it, and she let her people be killed… she failed that mission. She failed many people.

  She failed her faBAM!

  The trio looked around. Tali too was shocked. It w
as right beside her, barely a hallway or so between them. "Keelah! What was that?"

  Gabby sighed a slight bit. "Ahh, forgot. You were sort of busy with the news. So yeah, seems Grunt has been making a nasty habit of-." Unable to finish that sentence,

  before the next loud banging sound rang from the walls. Shaking her head, she rubbed her ears. "The damn walls were never meant to be banging with a Krogan crest

  plate! It blasted rings the whole Engineering room!"

  Another such sound reverberates the room. Enough a screw slowly came loose. Enough was enough, and it barely began. Tali had enough in her mind to have this thrust

  upon her too. Pulling from her consolse she stormed to the main catwalks. However, Kenneth snapped, "Girl! Don't do that! He's a Krogan, they bloody have no qualms

  breaking a little thing like y-oh-hooh…." She'd turned, staring on him. A stare that even though you can not see the eyes behind them. The visor did not impede the sheer

  rage his words begged from her. Little… did not suit Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy. Not the least. Kenneth pulled back hands up as she left once more.

  "What happened Kenny?"

  "My life flashed before my eyes, Gabby." He turned, whispering softly. "I saw how I died and she was still pretty damn hot doing it too."

  "Kenny…" Gabby, smiled inwardly, but scolded externally. He grinned before they returned to work. The next bang though, was enough they waited. Needed to see, and

  hear what the hell happened for now.

  Tali swiftly stomped her path to the place the Krogan took residence. Grunt Urdnot was a member of the crew. For the most part he stays to himself. Loving to try and

  summize how he, Krogan, was able to wait for battle. Yet he was also the 'youngest' here. By a few days technically of life. Yet he was matured enough to early adult

  hood. Entering the room, she saw the Krogan laying his hands on the wall. The tall reptilian male was bound in this incredible armor of technological wonder. Yet his head

  plate was still ill formed, somewhat. As well made of silver scales. It was never known was he this way by age, or was it the Collector tech? She did not ask, no reason to.

  Instead, she glared as he pulled back his head and with one large intake, he held a breath before thrashing his head into the wall, the clan sounded out. This was the last

  one that was heard by Kenneth and Gabby. For as he leaned back off it, he saw the Quarian pointing a finger at him, hunched over and arm held tightly in a fist by the

  other hand.

  "Now, listen here! You little bosh'tet! I don't know what you're doing. I don't care! What I care about is the peace and quiet of the Engineering room. Where I work to

  keep this ship running. While you run about here bouncing your head off, killing what ever few brain cells that supposedly perfect Krogan brain has." The Krogan stood from

  the wall looking at her. Every move, she made. Had him scanning her body. Her hand, jetting down as she spoke, "If you so much as bang one more dent into my

  Engineering? I'll put a thermal clip down that smug, Krogan throat. Do you understand me?" Her voice, was so angry and powerful. The Krogan stood in silence. Soon, she

  snapped again, "Excuse me? Should I go get your Battle-master?" She in that, grew her anger. "Because remember this Grunt! I was with Commander Shepard long

  before the Collectors. I was with him when he became Spectre, when he beat the first Reaper and Saren. So don't think I'm some little kid. I'm the longest acting officer

  with Shepard, my rank may not be that of Miranda. Yet I have my place and it's well above yours."

  All of this was just fueled by her emotions of late. Everything really. So as she stood, heaving a little. Feeling good to have finally burned off a long overdue aggression.

  The Krogan looked blankly toward her. His strange blue eyes skimming about. Then a smile took his face.

  Completely unexpected. He had a heavy chuckle. "Tali?"

  She raised a brow. The Krogan came to her, and took her hands. With that, she looked down wide eyed, "You honor me. By taking Dominances of my Crest. I was not

  expecting a response so soon. Most peculiar… Quarian, that would be the only one here I'd even consider." A nod, she seemed more confused, skepticism on her face

  though… he can't see it. "The human Miranda is not strong enough, and Jack or Samara possibly, for biotics. Yet for me, it is the physical strength a Quarian would have

  some more than those, I feel. Yet I am still shocked."

  "W-what shocks… you?" It was mostly because had not realized this. What he's going on about, the dominance of his crest.

  "That you'd prefer me as your mating partner."

  To this, her eyes bulge. 'K-Keelah! No! Noooo-no, no, no!' She shook her head, looking at him with his big laugh. Oh no he REALLY believed it! This must have been a

  Krogan ritual, she wandered into. Yelling at him, did that mean she… oh no. "Grunt! No!" She pulled her hands, the Krogan turned down to his empty hands and raised

  back with a slight glare. She did not become frightened, but nervous. Hands rubbing in together. "No, no Grunt… there, there is another. Someone. That I am interested

  in." She was too. Commander Shepard, although he never seemed willing to admit it. Or, was he… not willing yet?

  She was… trying to…

  "I see." he grinned, "Yes, you are the eldest ranking. With Battle-Master Shepard. I agree, your other shall be my challenger for mating rites." She took a snap-take to

  him. As he turned arms up in the air. "A grand battle! Like that of old. Where two warriors pit strength and cunning, the one last standing is winner of the mate. Truly,

  Okeer would have seen that fitting of a true Krogan." He lowered his arms, looking back he took her hands. Nodding. "Bring your challenger, tomorrow. They may pick a

  place for combat. I choose to use only my hands, no weapons. Talents and skills, naturally to us may be. Such as Biotics. That will give them a small chance, perhaps."

  Laughing again his deep gutteral laugh. The Krogan left, waving a hand. "Now, I must urinate. This speaking is more than I like in one time. Worse than Battle-master

  Shepard." He followed to the door, at the doorway he held it, asking, "We will not talk this often when we are mating? Will we?" He lowered his head. Shrugging, he

  admits. "Not likely. Quarians have small reproductive organs. I highly suggest we take things slow… for now, wish not to harm your internal processes."

  He laughed once more. Going down the halls. He left Tali arms hanging, head low as she was still trying to figure out what the hell happened. Something went wrong.

  Something went really wrong…

  Running to the elevator some moment later. She followed to the second floor here she found Kelly, a human working as psychiatrist… she's well adverse. Tali came to her.

  Rubbing her hands very nervously. "Kelly? I need a moment, can you spare one?"

  "Oh?" Kelly Yeoman always made time for the team. Often, while Shepard was busy. "Shepard just left with a team. He's working on another uncharted planet. Not much

  else to do, waiting for that supposed summons for trial." A shiver, the woman sighed lightly. "Worried for him? I mean, you've mentioned previ…"

  "Kelly, please." She gave a nod. "It's not Shepard." Kelly was frowning. Now she took on the serious motive. She got the impression Tali was deeply worried. "Kelly, the

  Krogan Grunt. I think…. I think he believes I want to be his mate."

  "…" A blink, Kelly said, "Oh, that is bad." She frowned, "You, don't right?" Tali shook her head frantically. "Oh, good. Because you're so…. And he's so, that isn't


  "Kelly! Please!" Tali, held her helmet across the visor. "I am trying so hard not to think about it, just what to do to STOP it!"

  "Right! Right, I'm sorry." Kelly held Tali's shoulders. Then she said, "I don't know enough about Krogan rituals and courtship. To this, I'd ask some on
e that knows Krogan

  life. What about doctor Mordin?"

  To this, Tali was given a light of hope. Looking out from her hands clenched to this sunlight. She gave a nod and turned toward the research ward. Mordin will know just

  what to do! He was pretty smart. Being a medical genius helps though. Also having his work with the Krogan, he was the best to discuss this issue. Not to mention, she

  talked to him about something else. It was a shame, Shepard was so worried about…

  "Mordin!" Tali entered. The doctor, a Salarian, never turned up but was working on something in a microscope. Seeming very interested in it. The Salarian has a broken

  horn, they commonly had two one larger than the other, stood tall like he had and in that medical white armor of his. He did not speak, but Tali did. "Mordin, I need your


  "Of course. Would not be here. Not less something serious. Or infectious." A shrug, he raised a hand, the other turning the amplifier of his subject. "Moment. Need

  affirmation. Substance too critical to dismiss, this early."

  "Of course." Tali stood silent. Mordin was no long. Looking up he smiled. Kindest smile you can see. Yet you'd never tell the other side of the scientist. "What are you

  working on?" She asked solely as with Mordin, his explanations made everything worth asking.

  "Ah, intuitive inquiry. Simple blood analysis. Taken from Kasumi, Goto. Lacks substance. Feel, was forgery. Know it was."

  "Well, how?"

  "Simple." He held up a small bottle, and squirts it, Tali stepped back confused. "Was Ketchup. Kasumi, somehow cloaked packet of ketchup during removal. Tricky. Most

  complex." He gave a nod, smiling with his hands behind his back. "Believe, Kasumi dislikes needles. Childish. Inventive. Yet most enjoyable study." He then bowed his head,

  a hand to Tali. "What brings you here?"

  "Ah. Well…" Tali sighed, closing her eyes she slunk her shoulders. "Mordin, I think Grunt has mistaken me for his mate." She shook her head, shouting, "I don't know what

  to do! How it happened!"

  "Did you yell at him?"

  "Well… yes, but he kept making that noise!"

  "What noise?"

  "Banging." Tali, looked to him. He stood, one leg out. His hand was on his chin, he was serious. Very serious. He knew how serious this is. "He was smacking his head


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