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I am Iron Man

Page 41

by Colin Cook

  thing, she's been hoping someone else would. "Your hormonal imbalance occurred when being mentioned of Shepard-Commander. This implies this reaction was related."

  "Maybe?" She felt uncomfortable at this moment. Hands once again rubbing together. She often did this when she was nervous. Yet it did not help, Legion mimicked this

  when he was watching her. "Why do you do that?"


  As if obvious. She growled lightly under her breath. He answered thankfully. "It is to better accustom biological reactions and to incorporate into this platform. We seek to

  be able to better understand organics. This will aid Geth to integration."


  "With Organics."

  "You, want to be integrated with Organics?"

  "This is a consensus that has been in process since war with creators. Should Geth integrate or separate from organics?"

  Tali seemed startled. Would that be possible? She recalled, back in the trial. They said her homeworld was not being… that would be interesting. Yet can it happen? Her

  people would never allow it. There is too much blood between the two races. Which, made her smirk. Inwardly realizing a blood feud with the Geth is something of an

  oxymoron as she thought of it. They have no blood, but they did have coolants and such, maybe. It's hard to think about that now. Even while Shepard is onboard.

  Maybe it was best not to concern with him? She had a lot happen recently.

  Sadly, there was a call. Shepard's voice echoed the halls. The demanding, suave voice of the commander made her stand still with empathy. Or was it just goosebumps?

  Either of these were enough that she lost a breath and stood in awe all the more.

  "Normandy, this is Commander Shepard. I need all away-team personnel in the debriefing room immediately."

  Tali can not tell what was more exciting? He called them? Or that she'd see him?

  "Tali. Your blood flow is highly concentrating in your cheeks. We suggest short breathing until the condition resides."

  "Shut it. I have a shotgun!"


  Tali left to the briefing room. Legion stays a moment longer. He was trying to meet consensus. On something. Mordin requested if he found a means to meet consensus,

  on his personal reasons to help Tali'zorah to inform him. Sadly, he did not find enough data. More data was required, and Tali was not willing to commit at this time. Her

  incident with Shepard Commander refrained her from this information.

  This then started another consensus. Why did this platform find the interest of Tali'zorah to Shepard-Commander so distracting? Several programs were already trying to

  define the measure of the relationship between Tali'zorah and Shepard-Commander. To better understand in turn what relationship he had to her in coping with

  Creatore/Geth relations. This was to help gauge her reactions to him. Often dismissive but recently the Krogan Battle-master incident opened her to interaction. This, in

  data implies a rise in their opening of possible talks. Geth and Quarian people could form an alliance within time. That was up for Consensus for years… more than he

  wished to acknowledge. Now that was consensus of the Geth not of this platform. He would add data where needed. For now this was about him and Quarian Creator

  Tali'zorah and this once more had not enough data.

  Finally, Legion realized he passed a minute without full action. Only on consensus. This was a distraction. It must be dealt with accordingly in due time. He left for the

  briefing room. To learn what Shepard-Commander wanted to tell them.

  The briefing room was full this time. Everyone gathered around the table. Which is not that common, Shepard only called this kind of a meeting when something serious

  came up. It was most likely the same. However, Tali did not care. What she cared about was seeing him. Simply put, Shepard was someone that once you saw him you

  never forgot. He was handsome, by what she can tell of human physiology. He had that air about him that was unique. Almost a holy, angelic sense. She figured it was

  just because of how he chose to act with people, trying to be so… paragon. Making sure to tempt no fate other than what best helped everyone. Even when he had to

  make a rough choice it was based on the betterment of others. The more lives he helped the better his choices were. Sometimes, you can not help but worry though.

  Like when dealing with the Rachni several years back, they were large dangerous insect like aliens and Shepard chose to allow them life instead of death. Or, what about

  the thing that even now held over his head? Shepard being up for a trial. For destroying a mass relay. That in itself was another time that when he chose, he chose to

  SAVE the Batarians… even though it failed. His work was all so strange.

  In her heart, she never knew if she could be like that. It did not matter. Suddenly, she bumped into someone leaving the elevator. She turned up to the culprit. A smile

  softly perking her lips. "Hello Garrus."

  Garrus Vakarian was not like the others. For one, he was Turian. A somewhat reptilian like people, but where Krogan were more bulky, Turians were more… sleek? Hard to

  mean that seeing how many bumps and ridges they had. Even so, they were more a raptor like people the Krogan seemed like reptilian frogs, in her eyes. It's hard to

  explain. Garrus was taller than her, by far. He had a similar structure, but the upper torso was more outward from the chest. Also, they had small mandible parts at the

  cheek. Shame that Garrus was missing part of his cheek… he was in a terrible accident. She still felt bad for him. Poor Garrus.

  "Hey Tali." He smiled though, for a Turian smile. His nostrils flaring as they do being segmented. "Seems you made it. I was wondering, when we got back. The crew were

  complaining about there being some reason to move all the cargo into Mordin's lab. Is something the matter?"

  "No." She said it too fast. Worse, she continued with, "Wehaveameeting." And easily, she rushed past him. The Turian raised a brow to this. Chasing her a little, and pulling

  her around. Lowering her head she sighed, deeply. "It's nothing. I just… had, a small issue with Grunt."

  "What?" He was stunned. Mandibles clicking at his cheeks, looking toward the door to the weapon locker. That was the route they were taking, or least she took.

  Following her he asked, "What happened? Should Shepard know?"

  "No. It's resolved. Believe me." She had a smirk when he scolded her a little. "I'm not in need of a hero Garrus." To that, she had entered the briefing room. There, she

  saw the one person she would think a hero. Least, the one she deemed the closest thing.

  Shepard… where to begin? Shepard was… he looked…. He, he was… she can't define him. He was just that beyond her scope. Simply to be put, Shepard was a human

  male and that, all aside he was in his formal attire. An outfit obtained with Kasumi, a master thief. Needless to say she adored this outfit. Yet it did not matter now, even

  while the black fine linen was neatly pressed. Having a crisp weave over the wearer. Leaving his muscled form heavenly kempt via a magical…

  "Tali?" Garrus leaned in whispering, "If you're not careful. You'll drown in that thing." She glared up at him as he smiled leaning back. Yes, he knew too. For whatever

  reason the one, only person not aware was…

  "Commander Shepard!" The newest entrant was a woman, a human woman. Blackened hair that fell past the shoulders. Wearing a rather tight, white attire. It made Tali

  watch her and realize how 'perfect' she was. Least, by human standards. She had that cute face, loveable body and there was the fact she was genetically cropped for

  perfection. Everything she was just made her… ill.

  "Miranda?" Shepard spoke. His voice was almost as amazing as the rest of him. It just sung to Tali.
It sung of the power and prestige a man must offer. To be the

  commander of this team, and savior of the universe that was too blind and petty to know the truth, to live the truth. Tali seemed to recognize this far better than the


  Yet Miranda was not a fool. She smiled a bit as she offered over a file in a data pad. Her hand, briskly caressed his. Yet he was not even aware. Inwardly Tali found

  Miranda's advances being dismissed satisfying. Though it only reminded her why she never saw him and her. To being anything more than…

  "Thank you Miranda." He began to tap the screen, scrolling it down. Looking up he saw one last member enter. "Legion, thank you for coming."

  "This platform was in midst of Consensus. It was not able to reach it at this time. Insufficent data was acquired."

  "Oh? What about?" Shepard raised his brow, Tali looked back worriedly. Luckily, Legion began only to shift his plates. Without the response, Shepard smiled saying,

  "Nevermind, you'll get the data you need later. Right now I have a mission to go over."


  She saw something. Legion looked to her. Like… like it had a response, but chose not to make it. Why was strangely reassuring, a favor to her. She'd have to ask that

  when he needed data from her. Least, when things were better off. Looking to Shepard she waited, the commander standing straight and hands on his tailbone. This

  meant he was getting serious. This was something special. Something truly important.

  "Team, I want to congratulate you all on your hard work. The Collectors, were stopped only by your determination and will. Thankfully, we suffered only so much in

  damages. As well as you all know not one team member here was lost, under our mission objectives."

  There was a light murmur, some proud ego petting. Yet Shepard raised a hand. "However, there is still a lot going on. You all know, a trial is being discussed. Hackett sent

  me information that the Batarians have not yet orgastrated a full committee for my… head." He smiled, while some did not. Tali definitely did not. She hated this. Hated

  seeing him just smile knowing people wanted him dead, for saving so many more lives. There was no proof of his actions. It was… wrong. "Even if that is the case? I've

  been thinking. Waiting out in the Terminus isn't the answer. Trying to stop the Reapers, has a price. I don't know where to go next, how to prepare. So I'm at a loss."

  Soon, he closed his eyes and turned from them. He rolled his shoulders. Something else was eating at him. She'd have to find out why.

  "Zaeed left today on a mission, he was not willing to tell me at this time. Also, Kasumi Goto also took a mission, she should return… I'm not sure yet." Turning back he

  smiled, "I've thought it over. If anyone wishes to leave the Normandy. You should. I'll take you where you should wish. Without one issue of concern." A nod and he adds

  in, "I won't refuse you anything. You fought beside me in the worst situation I can imagine. You're heroes and damn it, you deserve time to yourselves. To experience

  anything you want."

  Sadly, this was not the case. As soon as he made the request, everyone seemed to be trying to explain why they wanted to stay. Hell, even Jack wasn't willing to leave,

  and she's a psychopath with tattoos all over her body and no honest allegiance to any one. Shepard however seemed to be testing them. Even Tali understood why. He

  wanted to know they were still loyal to this. To the desire to go on. This, meant everything.

  "Thank you. I am proud to hear what you mean." Tali watched Shepard seem to cross his arms. As if soaking this in. A smile on his lips it made her knees weak. Suddenly,

  she felt a cold set of hands take her, she turned sharply to see Legion had held her still. She pulled away looking at him awkward. His ridges a twist before looking to

  Shepard. She realized, he must still think on some level she was… ill, or effected by Shepard. Which now that SHE thought about it he was right.

  "There is a mission I'm in need of talking with you all about. Sadly, it's not a simple mission. Aria of Omega wants to have words with me." He shook his head, gaining a

  slight scowl. "Something has her upset. Something, she isn't looking to send her men in to deal with. I'm not sure what it is, but I'm certain it's big. It may be Reaper

  related, it may just be gang related. Whatever it is, it is a problem and I need to have people with me." Looking at those with him. He smiled, "While on Omega however I

  think we need a little relaxation. So here is the deal. Once this mission is over? I'm going to see if I can't situate a little something with Aria. Perhaps, a small bit of

  downtime in the VIP section of Omega. For those that want it."

  It was definitely something to hear. Shepard heard some snickering and banter. People reacting to the news. Shepard looked around, seeing Tali who was already beginning

  to rub her hands nervously. He knew as he saw this that she'd probably not go. It made sense. Tali, was one for crowds yes. Yet she never did well in these party scenes.

  He would just try and arrange something else. Maybe, have her visit the Migrant Flee…. He realized that wasn't good. She had no connection there anymore, even if they

  acquitted her, it changed nothing. The Fleet was not her home any more.

  Shaking his head, he looked back with a smile. It was a shame, Tali never saw him looking at her. Solely held on her minor fear of being around that many people. On the

  Flotilla it was so very different. You knew enough about these kinds of things. Yet Omega was a rougher scene. She can handle herself easily. Yet she knew what will

  happen there. Miranda and Jack will…

  "Shepard." Miranda, already moved to his side. "You know, I have a rather good bit of knowledge on how to dance. Perhaps I can show you a few moves before that

  trip?" A smile on her lips, she played thick her seductive charm. "Simply a little something to help you meet a nice dancing partner."

  "Hah, and by that she means a Asari with Fin Fungus."

  Tali looked to Jack. The biotic convict. A skin headed woman with so many tattoos it was hard to tell where the skin began and the ink ended. Easy enough also someone

  that hated Miranda ten times more than she did. Well, Tali didn't HATE Miranda… just, how snobbish she was.

  "Oh, and someone like you knows how to dance? Or is that what they called it in prison?" Miranda smiled as she leaned on the table with one hand, inflicting her words,

  "Dancing on your knees?"

  "Sorry, but being on your knees is something you're better for, slut."




  Shepard stood firm and slammed both his hands on the table. "Stop it! Now!" There is a silence, the two women baring their eyes. Leaning back, they resolve this softly.

  "Listen, we're all part of a team." He looked to Miranda. "We have attributes of skill," and to Jack, "Of power." Then, shockingly… Tali swore he looked at her. Softer than

  those two. "Or of intellect."

  She was embarrassed. Was…. Was that? "We all have something that makes us stronger as a unit." Shepard stood back. Shaking his head. "I want that unity for however

  long we can have it. There is still a mission and we have to be ready. I'll arrange something for us. I promise. For now, everyone is dismissed."

  The team began to dissolve. Tali sighed as she walked out. Suddenly, feeling someone bump her roughly. She turned up to see Miranda…. There was a pause. Miranda

  smiled a little. A faint rise of her face. Tali glared on her before she went on. The bosh…. No, she's a bitch. That's all. Clenching a fist she got up only to have an arm over

  her neck. Jack said with a smirk, "I'm telling you Tali. We can juuuust as easily put an exhaust leak in her room. Your engineering and my biotics, it'd look like an accident."

  "As… kind," she w
as trying not to sound too insincere, "You are to offer? Revenge like that is not my choice."

  "You DO want revenge though right?" A smirk the convict raised her brow ever excited. Tali gave a nod and heard Jack give a little laugh. "Okay, do it your way. I'll try it

  my way if you take too long though."

  Tali sighed as she scratched her neck, she really…

  "Tali, can I speak with you a moment?" She turned wide eyed. So did Jack, and Miranda peeked back in with a scowl too. Shepard smiled at Tali for a moment, motioning

  her back into the briefing room. She entered almost like she was floating in her mind. Hearing something of a laugh from Jack outside the room. Maybe something

  Miranda said? Maybe not. Still… it was…

  "Tali. I heard about Grunt."

  "…." Tali closed her eyes and sighed, deeply. "Keelah…"

  "It's okay." Shepard gave a nod. "I heard also, from Mordin. That you resolved it." She was shocked, Mordin? "Kelly told me something happened with you and Grunt and

  that I might want to get involved. Luckily, Mordin spared me the hassle… he also told me Legion helped you?"

  With a light nod. She sighed realizing this was just that. A meeting about her problem. Nothing more, nothing less. "He did. I was fortunate he was still on board."

  "I know. I wasn't expecting it actually." A grin he asks, "Why don't we bring him onto Omega?"

  "What?" She was confused. "What do you want, for the team?"

  "Right. Aria will probably want to talk to me over whatever it is she's having issues with. While I talk to her, why don't you and Legion go and talk in private?"

  This was very unexpected. Then, she had to ask. "Why are you trying to make us friends? It's true, I owe him for his help but…"

  "That's just it." Shepard gave a smile that well, honestly? It made Tali a little weak in the knees again. His hand juts out with his words, "You owe him, and you can repay

  him by doing this. Besides, we both know you don't really want to go to a party or anything. This will be sort of a private one. You and Legion can both just talk. While I'm

  busy. When I'm done, we'll continue the mission and when that's over? Why not let you and Legion just relax for the night. Hey, you can always ask him to dance." She


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