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I am Iron Man

Page 44

by Colin Cook

  antibiotics. "My name is Krojir." The young man walked over, offering a hand. Shepard shook it and Krojir sighed deeply. "I'm sorry. We just… we're afraid for our lives."

  "It's understandable. The man you're working for doesn't seem very forgiving. I saw what he did to those back there."

  "Yes, Invernner opened one of the crates. When he did we saw what they contained it was… too much for some of the newer members. They went to confront Jacohbe

  and sadly we knew the outcome." Looking down at the dead Quarian Shepard shot, he whispered with regret. "We have lost so many friends today."

  Shepard looked at his pistol. "I'm sorry. I had to do it."

  "Your Geth was the one that took the shot." Krojir looked at Legion who was on guard at the moment, walking the perimeter. It was odd, how a Quarian doing the same

  walked before him. Sharing a look the Quarian easily hated the Geth. Yet walked around him. Legion watching the exchange with a curious look all the while.

  "He was doing what I ordered. He's a loyal team mate."

  "Team mate?" The Quarian gagged, "Bah, you're so foolish to trust it. Who are you?"

  "Commander Shepard."

  This, made him stand in awe. "The Commander Shepard? Savior of the Citadel? The one that stopped the Geth attack on the Council? Yet… you work with them?"

  Shepard sighed, deeply. "Those Geth were not Geth at all, they were re-programmed by Sovereighn a Reaper." The Quarian raised his brow. Remembering the cover, he

  explained, "Saren did it…"

  "Oh, I see…" Looking down, he asked, "What you said about going back home? I think I'd rather that. My Pilgrimage never started off that well. Yet now, I'm not sure

  what the hell I should do."

  "Go home?" Seima looked back shouting, "Don't you think it's a little late? After what we've done here?"

  "WE? Jacohbe was the one that…"

  "We let him! We helped him! We need to make things right."

  "Which killing Invernner," Shepard looked between them with his arms crossed. Easily not impressed with this duo. "That would help you how?"

  "Kill him?" Seima stood asking, "What does it look like I'm doing now? I'm trying to help him. We all were. We were going to leave… well, they were. I was going to go

  back and…"

  "Seima!" Krojir sounded worried. Maybe even scared. Perhaps… he had feelings for this Quarian? He begged her. "Don't think that! Please, just leave with us. We need to

  go back on the Pilgrimage, together." Grabbing her hands it was obvious, he looked deep into her visor. "You know I don't want to see you get hurt."

  Something in Tali was strangely attracted to this. In her mind, she could see herself in Seima. It helped she had a similar enviro-suit when she was on Pilgrimage. Yet better

  still, she was just as plucky. Pulling her hands out of his she crossed her arms snarling, "Don't you dare play this on me."

  "I'm not playing. You know how much I care!"

  "Not that! I mean trying to make me… damn it, he's going to unleash those Geth! This station will…"

  "Wait!" Tali snapped to attention as Shepard's tone took to aggression. This meant one thing, and she knew well. His eyes did this narrowing furl of the central brow. Then,

  he grabbed Krojir by his tube at his helmet. "What the hell does she mean by Geth? What aren't you telling me?"

  Kyojir pulled a little, but Seima waved her hands. "Wait! Shepard! Let him go!" She shook her head violently. "It's not what you think. They are not sentient Geth. At least,

  not any more." That is when Legion came back. Somehow hearing this, most likely his sensors were on the conversation while scanning the area near them. He returned

  to this information. "Look, we have been working in secret across the Terminus Systems. Yet when we sometimes meet with Geth we've had to handle them. Luckily,

  Jacohbe has a way of hacking the Geth and removing all their digital imprints. It's sort of what this all is about."

  "Improbable." Legion stood looking somehow like he was confused. His flaps, bent up with one higher than the others. "There is no manner to reconfigure Geth without

  Geth performing self-destruct. Geth do not surrender. Geth do not allow alterations without re-installation."

  Shepard looked down at the two Quarians. Releasing Kyojir, he said. "Obviously, this Jacohbe found a way?"

  Tali looked to Shepard with a nervous sound in her voice. "Shepard, I can't imagine any one able to do something like this. Geth are very intelligent. As well dangerous. If

  Jacohbe found a way to hack the Geth it's most likely just a temporary hack. Geth constantly clear their cache so to combat hacking."

  Invernner however spoke up. His hand clenched in a small fist. "You don't understand. Jacohbe isn't some low level tech. He-he is something else. He completely re-wrote

  the Geth."

  "That is most improbable." Legion stood watching the transaction. Trying to use what data is being given. The idea of any organic able to override a number of Geth

  seemed unlikely. Even if they tried Geth sooner self destruct after being distorted. This seemed unlikely. It was to protect all the Geth. Should one fall in the hands of

  others, they could be linked to the many. The Geth were always willing to sacrifice one platform so the Geth will survive. The will to live was incredibly strong in them.

  "I've SEEN it." Invernner explains. "I've seen him use his power. The Biotic powers he has. He puts them in stasis, then he… changes them. Removes their link to the Geth.

  After that, they are secluded and easier to destroy. Deleting everything that they are, he leaves a… a…"

  "A Husk." Legion's hands were tightly woven on his rifle. Strangely, Tali seemed the only one to notice. His flaps were bent up, like a scowl. It was… it looked like he was…

  "Yes, actually. That is correct."

  Shepard looked at his feet. His hand, softly brushing on his chin. "Okay… what exactly happened?"

  Invernner looked to Shepard. It took him a while to finally agree, bringing up his Omni-tool. He swiftly began tapping at it. "I was in charge of mechanics and the VI on the

  carriage crates, We brought seven, six were medium size. One was large, really large big enough for a vehicle. Anyway." He looked back up, showing the readings on his

  device. Tali and Legion looked, Shepard listening to the words rather than the data. "I was checking the VI logs when I noticed something. There was a lesser repetition of

  code being used to keep something inside the crates in stasis. A form of digital limbo. Keeping the items inside from being scanned and detected by military scanners.

  When I noticed, I was just too curious. We were supposed to be shipping hardware. Something to sell to Aria." Looking down, he tapped his screen. Then he lowered his

  head more as he felt the shame of this all. "When I turned it off, the crate opened. The Geth inside began to activate. I was fast enough to turn on the program again and

  put them back into stasis. However, I realized these Geth were only running on a simple VI program. They were given a simple attack-all protocol."

  Shepard glared back, shouting, "Attack all? You mean the entire Station?"

  "Yes." Invernner held himself, across his chest. Seima reached out around his back, whispering something in his ear. Shaking his head, there was hostilities with Kyojir.

  Perhaps… "I only meant to find out if something was wrong. What I found was the truth. Jacohbe is trying to cause an incident on the station. He wanted to probably

  cause surmountable damage. Kill who knows how many people? I couldn't allow it so… I…."

  Shepard frowned deeply. "What did you do?"

  "I shut down one of the crates, fully. That's when I found out they self-destructed. When that happened I got word my friends had met with Jacohbe and he wasn't very

  happy. I got out of there but some others found me. I guess, still willing to do what he said. I'm just glad yo
u saved me."

  "I was glad to." Shepard once again took a heroic stature. However, his eyes were growing darker. He knew what happened. He felt it, felt the unease this whole thing

  made. "Listen, you need to get out of here. I'll handle Jacohbe and the Geth. You've all done enough so far."

  Seima however was a bit stubborn. She snapped at Shepard with, "All we've done is keep you stuck here. By the time you get there he might have them all online!"

  "I've dealt with Geth before. If these are like what you say? I doubt they will be half as much trouble." Turning to Legion, he smiled asking, "Isn't that right Legion?"

  Strangely, Legion did not answer. He was looking straight ahead from everyone. Brows twisting more and more. Hands gripping the rifle a little more. Tali once again found

  this odd. It was almost like he was worried, or upset. Over what happened to these Geth?

  "Legion?" Shepard got no response again. Then he came over, putting a hand on his shoulder. Legion's flaps all flatten as he looked to Shepard. "Legion, is everything


  "Yes." Legion looked at him blank as ever. Even for him. "We are forming consensus."

  "On what?"

  "If this matter should be sent to Geth."

  Shepard was shocked. He realized now what this was like. "No, not yet. Let's see what happened first. Try and get more Data. Without it, this could be very bad for the

  Geth and the Quarians."

  "Yes." Legion looked back out again. Still seeming to be at consensus. Maybe, there was something else he was forming his consensus on? In either case the Geth was

  out of it.

  "Okay, what about the containers?" Shepard looked at the Quarian Invernner. "Are you sure they all contain Geth?"

  "I'm positive. The one was destroyed when I tried to shut off the VI program in the container. It seems like Geth they need a central hub. It's strange seeing they no

  longer have an AI. Yet hacking the hub causes them to explode. I closed the container sort of hopeful Jacohbe would not realize I did it." His hands, rub together while he

  looked away. Something else was bothering him… Shepard knew. With a slow rubbing of his fists Shepard eyed the Quarian. He'd never hit an injured man… least, not for

  this. Yet he didn't have luxuries of talking any more. They spent way too long… Zaeed should have contacted them?

  "There is one large container." Seima spoke up. Looking at Invernner. "Tell them what is in there."

  "I don't know for sure." Looking away again. He whispered, "I know what 'might' be there… though?" Once more, he looked deeper at the Quarian. He shied but spoke

  up. "I believe a Colossus?"

  "A Colossus?" Shepard sighed, shaking his head. "Figures. Wait, how did he hot-wire one of those?" Looking at Legion he asks, "Aren't they impossible to hack thanks to

  their high processing speeds?" Legion however was not there. Again, deep in consensus. He only realized he was spoken to when Shepard called him standing right at his

  face. This made Legion's flaps jump in slight startlement. Shepard asks, "Legion? Are you…"

  "We are battle ready Shepard-Commander."


  Invernner spoke up. "Well, usually yes. Even Jacohbe could not get that to be susceptible. He has a power, his Biotics? There was a time we found this Prothean

  technology and he made it look like he was using his Omni-tool but really, I saw him push his hand on it. His Biotics made it come active. It's like a techno-biotic power,

  believe it or not?" He shied, again. Turning up to Seima. Then to Shepard he said, "Jacohbe was able to trap the Colossus in Stasis, and shut down most of its processes.

  However he knew it could come online any moment. So he took it on a special project. Honestly, I have no idea how he got past the natural Geth protocols. He must

  have done something incredible."

  Tali whispered, "Or perhaps just insane…?"

  Shepard looked over adding, "I'd bet a little of both. This man's a sociopath. He's destroyed the Geth by their very minds. Even worse, he has you people fighting for him.


  "We're Quarians. We'd do anything to get back the home world."

  "Even this?" Shepard asked with his hand out, as if it seemed that out of place. "Tali, does the Flotilla have anything to do with this?"

  "No!" Tali shook her head. "In truth, I'm thinking all these Quarians are on Pilgrimage. Perhaps, Jacohbe and this other captain, Antura. They may be inducting Quarians

  that failed their Pilgrimage and in turn are still pursuing it. That's the worst kind of low." Looking at them, she saw how they felt. Like they were being treated like children…

  and in her eyes, that's the truth. "He's brain washing young Quarians to help him. I'm almost certain of it."

  "We're not THAT young!" Seima, grew ridgid and rowdy. Her finger out, she snapped, "I'm not even participating in my Pilgrimage! I gave up to…"

  "You gave up?" Tali, shook her head snapping. "Which is why you're HERE!"

  "Look, we don't have time for this." Shepard turned back. "Thank you for the information… we should go. We've been talking here way too long."

  As if on cue, Zaeed came in. "Shepard! Sheaprd, it's me. Zaeed!"

  Getting on his radio, he motioned the Quarians to leave. Sadly, Seima stood there glaring at Tali. The two really did have similar attitudes… but one acted more like the

  younger said Tali. Legion looked to Shepard seeing him try and listen. "What is it Zaeed?"

  "Seems our friend has been busy. Jacohbe, was it?" He was down at the edge of a roof. Looking over the area at the main storage with a sniper rifle. "Damn Shepard. It's

  like a bloody massacre. I had to get over an ass load of catwalks only to find this?"

  "What is it? Report?"

  "Like I said. A massacre." He saw the bodies strewn everywhere. Quarians, some snapped in bit. Others broken or beaten. A grim look, Zaeed shook his head. "He killed

  the Quarians."

  Seima looked back alarmed, "What? What the hell did he say?"

  "Everyone of his team. Dead. I think he's cleaning house. He used a Geth assault rifle too… making it look like maybe the Quarians tried to cause a Geth attack. I dunno,

  but it's all level of…" Suddenly, he saw Jacohbe. He was glowing red, Biotic glow. Walking over to a Quarian crawling with his legs shattered. "Damn it…"

  Jacohbe slowly stood beside him, trailing him. Stepping with the Quarian as he whined and dragged forward. Maybe he didn't know he was there? Maybe, he was in too

  much pain to know? Jacohbe watched him for a time idly pitching his head as they moved. Then finally he turned up to the consoles near the crates and raised his rifle. A

  sparatic pull of the trigger and a flash ignites at his side for a few bursts. Then he walked as the corpse grew still.

  "Damn it Shepard. You gotta speed it up, he's going to the crates now." Raising his rifle up he swallowed a lump in his throat. "I'm going to slow him down, as long as I


  Suddenly a shot sprang against the crate beside Jacohbe. He raised his head, turning to the rooftop. Narrowing his eyes he turned with one hand lifting an explosive

  canister with his right hand, the canister flew clear across the storage yard. Zaeed rolled and then ran from the explosion, shouting, "Fucking ain't going to be that long


  Shepard got the picture. About to call the move out, he saw someone run past him. "Seima!" Kyojio ran after her, screaming, "Seima! Stop!"

  "Damn!" Shepard ran after her, shouting, "Team! Move!"

  Needless to say they did just that.

  Zaeed growled out a little as he ducked back under cover of the roof edge. Here, he popped his head out with the sniper rifle near where Jacohbe last was. He looked fast,

  seeking a good shot. Damn, he moved way too fast. Ducking his fat ass behind more and more cover. The docking area was loaded with crates,
canisters and just

  random cargo. Worse, it also had a number of fuel cells settled about. Those, were what he seemed to be hurling at him with some Biotic help. Zaeed got a sight on the

  bastard just in time to see the red glow over him. "Damn!" He pulled back, running as the next container smashed right where he last was. The roof creaked a little and he

  realized he keeps this up too long, he's going to fall in.

  Pointing the rifle out this time he smiled with a corner of his lip. "Smile, you son of a…" A shot rang out. Jacohbe was running for cover as the shot, struck the cargo

  nearest to him. It suddenly toppled over onto the Biotic making him falter down. Scoping out the situation, he felt that slowed him down. He began to aim for the nearest

  explosive container.

  Just then he heard someone screaming. His sights were gone as he lifted his head off the gun and saw the Quarian girl running into the fray, dropping at some body.

  "Aww, come on!" He turned to Jacohbe, his Biotics flaring and throwing the cargo off his back. He saw the girl, looked to Zaeed's position. Something clicked. "Shit…" He

  aimed, trying to… Jacohbe raised up his right hand, the container near him rose up and flew straight up and then down toward the Quarian. "Shit! Shit! Shit!"

  Zaeed turned on the container seconds from her. Firing two, three shots in time to make it explode. The girl is thrown back, yet Zaeed had that bad feeling. Pulling off his

  rifle he had a twitch in his eye as a container was arching down toward him. "Fucking Shepar-." The container landed behind him, exploded. He screamed out in anger as

  shrapnel hit his shields, and the force slammed his stomach on the edge of the roof. Falling on his back he growled rolling over and skidding on his heels, peeling for the

  center of the roof.

  He heard the next container falling behind him. Leaping out he's thrown hard from the explosion. Worse, the roof began to tumble. Zaeed screamed as a large column fell

  on his chest pinning him. Which if this wasn't bad enough? Another container smashed into the windows. Two or Three more before the fires began to burn. The merc just


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