I am Iron Man

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I am Iron Man Page 48

by Colin Cook

  "No." Legion looked at her. Blinking. "We met Consensus on would Tali find need to hear that her father was not the same as Jacohbe, and if so was there a way to relay

  this to her?"

  Tali had a smile after that. It helped a lot. "Thanks." Looking down she asked something, "Legion? The Geth. Were they hurt from being alone?"

  "Yes." However, he blinked. "No. Geth do not feel pain. However it did destroy part of their self. This is a issue the Geth worry over."

  "Being alone?"

  "Yes. To be alone is to be weaker. We do not seek this."

  Tali, sighed a bit. "I think that's why I came here. I didn't want to be alone anymore. Not after what…" she was silent, Legion raising a flap with a curious look. She shook

  her head saying. "Happened, today."

  "Yes." Legion, took a look at her. Scanning her. "Your time here passing input has aided us. We deeply needed your data. If this aided you in a search to no longer be

  secluded, we are appreciative." Legion looked at his hands, sort of. Just the table really. "We recognize Quarians fear being secluded."

  She was confused. "What do you mean by that?"

  "The Creators after the Geth caused them to flee. Have lost many of their freedoms. You can no longer breathe air freely. You can no longer interact with your mates, and

  your family or allies by touch." Tali was saddened with this. It made her realize how this was. How it always has been. "Creators live lives with limited data thanks to suits.

  They are not alone, yet they are. We realize that this is very intrusive. Geth if alone, can not cope. We do not adapt well." Looking to Tali, he gave a nod. "It is our

  consensus. Creators are stronger thanks to this unity they find even with limited data retrieval. Of free touch and smell."

  Tali looked at him and then smiled. A light giggle, she leaned back in the chair.

  "We have found another consensus."

  "What's that?" She asked, looking at him with that same smile.

  "When you smile. This Platform is in great appreciation."

  Tali's eyes widen. A slight flush, she sat up straight. "Oh? Well… uh, thanks. I appreciate that. Compliment?" That was a compliment, right? She thought.

  "Yes." He looked down. Then, he asks, "Tali'zorah?" Tali turned up to him again. "We have also appreciated your time here. It has helped us to distract some processing on

  the data from today."

  This made her smile again. To which, she noticed his lens would always scan her face. Can he see her behind the visor? She frowned a little. Was that possible? "Legion.

  Can you see my face?"


  She blushed, lowering her eyes. "Oh. I see."

  "You are beautiful."

  Silence, took the room. Tali was growing very hot now. Looking at him, she had an uneasy look. "W-why did you say that?"

  "We have completed a consensus previously on your facial structure to many of the Quarian women across historical archives. You have a superior appearance, structure

  and complexion than most every other comparison. By standard your natural beauty is superior by 94% of all other Quarian females."

  "Why would you do that kind of comparison?"

  Legion's lens faltered down to the lower left, and then up to the other corner. Focusing on Tali. He said. "We have no data available."

  "What do you mean? You have no data available?"

  "We do not have enough data to answer this inquiry." He turned away. Now hands together he warns. "We do have enough data to know why Tali'zorah came here. She

  has been crying."

  Tali looked at him a moment. Glaring really. It was not his place to speak that way. To think he knew her. "What do you mean?"

  "Tali'zorah has been crying. We heard her in the ventilation. It was why we left the AI Core. We were in consensus if to visit Tali'zorah, or to leave her. We did not meet

  consensus as you came to us."

  "I didn't come to you. I came to find a friend. Someone to talk to. I was hurt."


  "What?" She blinked. Then she knew what he meant. Tali closed her eyes and said, "I was talking to Shepard. I think he is not interested in me."

  "Tali'zorah do you have data to share on this consensus?"

  "He called me his little sister. I don't think it takes a Geth conclave to make a consensus what that means!"

  Legion understood. However, his flaps bent one side high, the other low. "Tali'zorah? Can we show Shepard-Commander ways you are more than a sister?"

  "What do y-." It struck her hard. "Legion, we can. If I make him see me as more than a sister. He will maybe… finally." She lowered her head, touching her helmet. "Yet

  what if he can't see past this? The suit? I don't know if he'll ever see me for me. He's able to see the good in others but. I don't know…?"

  She figured it was hopeless. How the hell can Tali get Shepard to look at her like that?

  "Creators are talented dancers and singers. Can Tali'zorah dance?"

  "I know how to dance." She told him. Yet, she blinked in her suit. "Wait, you mean the club?"

  "Affirmative." It made her smile a little. Why not? She was just going to stay here anyway. Crossing her arms she thought about it. Legion, met consensus. "If Tali'zorah

  can convince Shepard-Commander to dance with her. She may improve her chances of courtship with Shepard-Commander 73%. This is our consensus."

  "Sold!" She grabbed the Geth. Tugging him yet he stood still. Turning back, she saw him blink to her hand. "Legion! Come on! I can't go alone! I need you!"

  This, made Legion's

  The VIP lounge was rather intense. Least, for the fact it was privately controlled tonight. People who wanted in were being sent away. Even if they were in the know. The

  party was private tonight. Aria called in some major favors. Still, at one of the tables a Turian sat drinking a little. He was scarred in the face. This, was Garrus. He thought

  about what happened earlier. How he made his way to Engineering… but…

  Shepard beat him there. IT felt strange. So he left. He wanted to ask her here. See if she'd be interested. It didn't work. Garrus closed his big, sad blue eyes. Times like

  this fighting every gang lord seemed easy. Trying to talk to a certain Quarian? That was hard. Very hard. Even so it did not stop his companion laughing as he did. Garrus

  looked up to the Krogan, Grunt, slapping the table as he laughed. Zaeed was chuckling about talking about merc jobs with the Krogan. Talking about the time he met a

  Hanar. Choked him half to death. Never trusted those jellies. Still, they were good company. Better than the Drell. Thane was unknowingly being scoped out by numerous

  women. Asari, Quarian and a Krogan… Grunt however tried to get her attentions. Thane sat however all to himself. Only company being the wall. How it must be to be the

  most attractive alien here.

  Garrus, leaned forward. Drink in hand he sighed a little. His face hurts now. IT got this way. Ached with the pain of missing scales. A few shattered bits. His hand rubbed the

  padding and he looked back up. Finally, he wanted to talk.

  Garrus asked Zaeed, "Any news about that mission for Aria?"

  Zaeed looked up, drink to his lips. Just pursed for a sip. "Eh?" He set it down. Shaking his head no. "Not yet. Sort of figure it will take some time. Especially with everyone


  Garrus looked down. "Not everyone."

  Grunt, having taken note. Seemed to be smart enough. "Oh, is that it?"

  Zaeed blinked at Garrus, then Grunt he smiled to. "Nooo… you don't think?"

  Garrus turned up. Glaring. Grunt, had a smile as he said. "The Quarian Battlemistress?"

  Garrus asked, "Battle-what?"

  Grunt made it clear. "She, is a Battlemistress. She has skills even my people would be interested in. We heard she did well with this Jacohbe Quarian. We hope to fight him

ome time soon."

  Zaeed shook his head, stiff and pretty wide-eyed. "Nooo you don't Grunt. Bastard was a headache as it is."

  "Hah! What would a human know?"

  "Grunt, we bloody nearly tore half the station apart. He still got the hell back up, slapped his ass and passed wind in her faces. There's something wrong with him."

  Garrus watched the exchange before turning away from it. This was getting under his skin. Standing up, he took his glass and made his way to Shepard. He was at the bar

  sitting. Taking a stool next to the Commander he asks, "Commander?" Shepard looked over smiling. He had a drink, but wasn't drinking it. He sort of wondered why he

  ordered it then? "Huh, anyway…" back to his initial thought. "I was wondering. Do you think it was safe leaving Tali and Legion alone on the ship?"

  Shepard turned on his stool a little concerned. "What do you mean?" Shepard even said, "I don't think they have that many problems. Sure they are mortal enemies by

  their people. Yet I doubt it will be an issue."

  "No, no." Garrus smiled a little. He knew Tali. She'd be fine. "I mean after everything that has happened? Don't you think they could really use some time to blow off some


  Shepard thought about that. Shrugging it off though, he turned back around. "I don't know Garrus. Shouldn't they know what to do to blow off some steam?"

  Garrus looked at his commander now lift the drink. Slamming it down as he downed it, and put it onto the small stack of glasses… five so far. Huh… "Y-yeah, I guess

  everyone has their own way of handling stress." A smile, he settled in with Shepard. "Commander. There has been something bothering me for a while. You see, it's about


  Suddenly, someone came between him and Shepard. A woman. Looking at who it was in the rather tight, white outfit. Garrus frowned as the big-haired human basically

  cut him off. Miranda was something of an attention-laundering Asari-consort by HIS view. Though she was a very good looking one. Miranda spoke up to Shepard, "I see

  you've been gathering some strong courage there Shepard."

  Shepard, smirked up. "Courage? No. Just drowning out my old memories."

  "Oh? Like what?" Miranda slowly bent a bit. Her chest, heaving up a slight. Sadly, Shepard waved her off standing up. "Commander? Would you rather I leave?"

  "Noooo…." Shepard gulped up. "Mmm… restroom…"

  "Oh. Oh!" She frowned, helping him up. The Commander ran off to the rest room making her narrow her eyes. "Damn it!"

  Garrus smiled a little. Leaning on the bar, he comments. "Looks like you'll have to try again later… uh, here's my advice." He leaned to her, whispering, "Try not to wait

  after five shots of whatever he's drinking. I know Shepard likes to try new drinks but sometimes the Commander is a avid drinker…"

  "Shut up." She narrowed her eyes on Garrus. There was an unspoken mutual hate. He however stood up and looked her down. Miranda stood her ground. Yet the two

  pass from one another. Not before she admits, "You're looking better Garrus."

  A somewhat low shot he knew. Onto the scars. Like he cared? Though when he turned up and an Asari met his eyes? Then she cringed… he averted his own to the side of

  the bar. He did have some concerns about it. Just, not that many.

  Outside the VIP lounge. Tali and Legion arrived somewhat slow. Tali began to slow down more than Legion. Her mind racing with a number of concerns. What if she went in

  there and Shepard was in the arms of some Asari? What if he was in the arms of someone else? Oh Keelah! What if it was Miranda? She HATED Miranda.

  Legion saw her hesitation now that they were at the doors. However, he commented. "Tali'zorah. We are here now is not the time to delay."

  Tali turned up to him. Hands nervously rubbing together. "Legion, maybe this was a bad idea? What if he's dancing with someone? What if he's not even here? Sort of a

  waste to come all the way down here and…"

  "Tali'zorah? What would you be doing if we did not come to this location?" That, she narrowed her eyes to. He knew damn well she'd just be in Engineering. "We are here

  to aid you. We should enter together."

  Offering out his hand. Tali looked down at it. Slowly grabbing it. This, was the first time she realized how similar they were. Geth and Quarians. Least, physically the similar

  designs. IT made some sense made by the Quarians the Geth worked as their muscle. For all the tasks they could never fully commit to. This was something strange to

  think about.

  Tali shook her head of these thoughts. Then she said, "Okay Legion. I'm ready."

  "Affirmative." He responded. Taking her hand and leading her up to the door. The bouncer asked them some things, Legion offered they were from the Normandy. That,

  got him asked who he was? Legion was Legion, and she was Tali'zorah vas Normandy. Luckily, that's what the bouncer needed so he opened the doors.

  The inside of the VIP lounge was quite like Afterlife. A little smaller, more circular dancing area. It was not the best though. More for private gatherings and all. Tali looked

  around nervously rubbing her hands. She was surprised the Commander wasn't dancing yet. She looked high and low but didn't see him. Though, she saw the others.

  Zaeed with Grunt, laughing and drinking. Thane was off to the side by himself. Jack was on the floor she was actually dancing pretty hard with some random Asari… open

  sexuality of hers. Mordin, however? He was coming to her and Legion.

  Mordin smiled at them. "Ah, Tali'zorah and Legion. Quite unexpected. Most enjoyed appearance. Tell me, what brings you here? Dancing, partying, drinking no most likely

  not the later for Legion." Legion, watched as the doctor walked about, prattling. "Could be need to mingle, converse and possibly diversify ideals. Both Quarian and Geth

  have such similarities. Which, I've noted many similarities between you two. That, have me thinking. Was hoping I could talk to you. When, there was time." A smile, he

  looked at them strangely like he was studying them. "Is, there time?"

  Legion shook his head, flaps bent up. Looking around he said. "No. We are here to help Tali'zorah perform courtship of Shepard-Commander."

  "LEGION!" Tali had not expected that. She turned on him with wide eyes. Her heart jumping a good twenty foot. "Don't just tell people that!"

  Mordin however smiled and said, "I already knew of interest. Remember, bought antisceptics. Just in case, correct?"

  "Ah…" She blushed. "Well, yes. That and some antibiotics and…"

  Mordin gave her a pat on the shoulder. "There, there. You're trying. That's better than most Quarians interested in interspecies romances. Which, sometimes. I have been

  very confused over. What makes a romance? Is it physical attraction? Mental connection? Possible, spiritual collaboration?" He turned to Legion. "Ever find enough Data on

  that issue before, Legion?"

  Legion began to recall. Then, he said. "Data was achieved. We are friends with Tali'zorah. That is why we assist her."

  "I see. Remarkable." Mordin's eyes turned to Tali. "You helped him reach this consensus?"

  Tali thought back. Well yeah, she did. A nod of her head and she gave him a, "I think so. A while back, wasn't it?"

  "Yes." Legion, turned to see Shepard. "Shepard-Commander is at the bar. He is sitting with Garrus Vakarian."

  Tali pulled around Mordin seeing the captain. Now, she saw what she was looking for. "Thank you Mordin. I'll talk to you later." Looking to Legion she sighed, straightened

  herself and asked. "What do you think? How do I look?"

  Legion scanned her. From top to bottom. "All parts of suit are symmetrical, you look perfect."

  Mordin smiled a bit more. Watching as Tali began to walk. However, he caught her arm. "Tali'zorah. Mind you, is this truly what you need?"

  "What?" She looked at him confused. Tali sho
ok her head saying, "This is what I want Mordin. For the longest time, I've wanted this."

  "Yes, want. Yet what of need? Want is superficial, narrow scoped." He turned to Legion, who tilts his head a slight. "Need is far deeper and greater, farther scope, sees all

  parts of the whole." Turning back to Tali, he explains. "We want many things. Want peace. Want appreciation. Want to be recognized. However, we need life, need love and

  need friends. These things, need. Other things, want. Simply, what does Tali'zorah need?"

  Tali looked at him. Shaking her head. "I-I don't… know, I just." She pulled her arm. "I know you're trying to help me. Really, I do. I just don't know if I'm ready to try and

  have him. I love him Mordin. I've loved him for the longest time now. I've watched him, waited for him. Gave up everything I know just to be with him again." Lowering

  her head. She sighed, deeply. "I want to make this work Mordin. I really need to."

  "Ah…" To that, Mordin smiled half and half. "You need closure. I hope you find it. Tali'zorah."

  "Thank you." Tali took a breath, like her nerves weren't on edge as it is? She turned and closed her eyes re-affirming herself. Then she started towards the bar. The

  commander was just beginning another drink. Not dancing, she's almost shocked. Figuring someone would try and dance with him by now. It was after all the first human

  spectre, Shepard.

  Garrus hadn't even gotten past his first new drink when he somehow got the itch on his neck. The one where you feel something was about to happen that just made

  you feel uncomfortable. Still, he shrugged it off looking over his shoulder for good measure. Luck had it, Tali came waltzing in. His eyes skimmed her over once. Seeing as

  she walked that manner she did, arms swaying a bit and back straight, tall. She seemed on a mission. Least, she was trying to look as confident as she could. Seemed like

  he should keep out of her way. Yet a part of him clicked in with the idea it's now or never. He needed to make some kind of move on her part, or be left on the corner

  forever. That said he downed his drink sighing out with the sting of the fresh liquid and then stood up.

  Stepping between Tali and Shepard. Garrus spoke up, "Heee-y! Tali!" He had on the best smile he can afford. Luck had it Tali did show her soft spot for him in a way,


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