I am Iron Man

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I am Iron Man Page 49

by Colin Cook

  stopping her march. Yet her head peered around him a little seeing Shepard just a few steps away. "I can't believe it. You came? Wow, that's fantastic. I was just going

  crazy listening to Shepard go on and on about…"

  Tali's hand raised up trying to cut him off. "Garrus, I'm kind of in the middle of something."

  "Oh?" He blinked, feighing the absolute no-idea thing. "Really? What's up maybe you and I can talk it over? Try and speak around a few things? You know, for the sake of

  just prattling on and…"

  Her eyes slink a little. She can't believe she's even considering just pushing him out of the way. Looking up at that wounded Turian she sighed. "Garrus, please. Maybe


  Garrus rubbed his neck. "Right… must be important whatever you're on to. I just, I really wanted someone to talk to." A somewhat lie. He did feel lonely. Yet he knew,

  she's here for Shepard. He didn't want that. Least, not like this. Not right now. "Still I understand."

  Strangely enough Tali lowered her head and sighed. "Garrus, you're my friend." Looking back up she's pleading with him, hands clenched close. "Please, just give me… I

  don't know, ten or so minutes? I'll try and talk to you as soon as I can?"

  "Ah…" He lowered his head. Damn, she looked so adorable begging. He closed his eyes and smiled it off. Shrugging with a snort. "Hey, no problem! I'm sorry for keeping

  you. Just, see me when you have time? Okay?"

  "Thanks." She began to walk around him when… Keelah. An Asari was sitting with Shepard now, her back to Tali and Garrus. When Garrus saw he felt a pang in his chest.

  Shoot, he shouldn't have stopped her. Tali however narrowed her eyes and shook her head. Nothing's slowing her. She even felt Legion's assistance right now.

  Which, was funny because she heard him in her ears. "Tali'zorah. We believe the Asari may be attempting to sway Shepard-Commander. Suggest forward advances on the


  Tali looked back seeing Legion across the room. However, his brow fluttered and she heard him again, his eye blinking on and off. "Correction. She is making advances.

  Her hand continues to touch Shepard-Commander's arm and hand. Suggest immediate action."

  Tali had to think. How the he… wait, he hacked her helmet? Silly little bosh'tet. Yet she smiled inwardly. This helped… felt like she had some real back up. Okay, it's time. Tali

  came forward, walking between Shepard and his Asari friend, the slutty thin in her tight dress and… "Liara?"

  The Asari turned upward. Sweet smile. It was indeed Liara T'soni. The Asari they met some time ago. As good a friend as Tali. Perhaps, even more so? It was hard to say.

  Tali knew the stories though. Liara and Shepard were… close. Very close. Yet there was the rumor too he was close to Ashley. There's so much that happened. So many

  things that changed. Tali was no longer obsessed with her pilgrimage in fact she was obsessing over OTHER things now. Things, she felt truly meant something. Not long

  ago they worked together with Liara. Taking down the Shadow Broker. Keelah, what a mess. Hell she even got involved. Looking to Shepard she said. "I-I didn't know. I

  was just…"

  Shepard had this smile now. Seeing them both, he said. "Liara, Tali! This is great." He suddenly pulled out a stool, "Here, sit with us. We were just talking about old times."

  Tali saw her place motioned on the other side of Shepard, pulling that stool around she sat a little out from them, and uncomfortably she sat looking back and forth.

  What's going on here? Why was Liara all the way out at Omega? Did she miss something? Had she wandered into this conversation prematurely?

  Shepard thankfully clarified. "I contacted Liara. I figured if anyone can get information on this Jacohbe person it was her. Connections being her specialty."

  Liara had to smile. Hers was a sweet, youthful smile. Which is funny seeing how old she really was. Shepard leaned back, crossing his arms. Liara spoke up saying. "Yes,

  Tali. I did find out a lot of interesting information. Sadly, not much on this so-called Quarian, Jacohbe."

  Tali didn't like that. "What do you mean the 'so-called' Quarian?"

  Liara's face looked back. There was a slight shift, her eyes narrow. There is a predator in her now. Bore from the time away from them. Tali saw it. Even Shepard saw it.

  That was the only thing to return her smile. Then she told Tali, "What I mean is there are no records of a Jacohbe ever. I looked, thoroughly. Every data stream I

  uncovered was lacking more and more information. The only small bits I found were addendums and procreations forms on a number of products." Looking to Shepard

  she shrugged. "I honestly never thought someone could be this difficult even with the amount of resources I now have. Just to try and learn where they came from and

  who they truly are." To this, she sighed. "One issue is that Quarians are most difficult to learn about. Should I even have the information, the Flotilla is most secretive."

  Tali knew that for sure. Thinking back to all the secrets in the Flotilla. She shook her head saying, "Chances are if he started out there? You'll never know his full past."

  With a nod, Liara sighed to this knowledge. "I was mostly willing to come here empty handed. Yet then I came to realize there was another way. You mentioned another

  Quarian, a Captain Antura."

  That caused a slight commotion. Shepard thought back, "He's actually supposed to be Jacohbe's commanding officer right?"

  Tali shrugged it off. "I think, if you believe that?"

  The Asari smiled on. Liara rather liked being the one in the know. "I do." She now explained. "Antura has a long history. He was a son to a Quarian doctor, his mother and

  father a Quarian military man. Sadly, his father died early in his years and his mother failed to live with an infection some time later. The events then became so much as

  he was raised with the Admiralty board constantly pushing new leverages within politics. He grew sick of life in the Migrant Fleet and longed to take back their homeworld,

  most likely to aid in stopping deaths like his mother and father." Looking down, she held out a data pad. "He has a small history with your father Tali."

  That got her full attention. Tali looked at the pad, taking it and asking, "What kind of history?"

  "From what I can tell?" Liara smiled, weakly. "He was your father's dearest friend. That is, before the falling out." Tali turned up to her and she went into detail. "Your

  father chose to serve the Flotilla. However, Antura chose to leave and make his own regiment. Soon after this he gained favor with other Quarian youths no longer willing

  to service under the Quarian laws and rules. Among these to come had been Jacohbe a strong, capable man that helped Antura grow in power. Sadly, this became too

  dangerous and eventually most recently the two began to spread further apart. It is possible, fear of loosing the backing of the other forced their hands. This attack on

  Omega being a side-effect?"

  Shepard glared at Liara. Not for what she said, but what was said. "A side-effect? He nearly killed who knows how many lives? Only to attack this station."

  Liara, corrected him. "Yes, but you stopped this." A smile, and she set her hand on his. "An act you've performed remarkably. Again and again. Saving of lives."

  Tali can tell she's trying hard to get some kind of response from Shepard. Sadly, like her Shepard worked at the data pad and scrolling it. His hand leaving hers as she

  seemed a little struck. Perhaps it put in perspective just how badly she'd been trying. Keelah, Liara maybe had it worse? The poor Asari. Shepard looked at the data

  asking, "The What?"

  Liara had a frown. Yet she looked. "Oh, the ship. It is called the Hunley. A very old human ship named after the first war Submarine ever built during your Earth Civil War, by

  the Confederate forces . Antura won it
from a former captain in a game of some sort. Obviously, the best way to gain control of a ship for a Quarian." To that, she turned

  adding, "I did not mean to say that is the only way. Oh, I'm sorry."

  Tali shook her head. Knowing well what she meant, and it was not a direct insult to her and her people. "That's fine Liara. What else did you uncover?"

  Liara smiled a little. Pleased to see Tali still had reason on her side. "Well, there is some mention that the group had connections with the Blue Suns. How much, I do not

  know. I do know it has effectively caused some issues with Antura and Jacohbe. This, was where the full break began. Jacohbe hired the Blue Suns to help him recover


  Shepard peaked back off the pad, asking, "What?"

  "I do not know Shepard." Liara, smiled though. "If I could tell you I would. My best bet though is if I pressure my Blue Suns operatives, I will get an answer."

  That still was good enough. A great smile in return Shepard stood up. "Thank you Liara. I'm going to add this to the mission logs. I'll just be a little while." He left them

  now. Walking to the doors to try and update the mission.

  While he was gone. Liara turned to the bar, and took her drink. She, was silent for the most part. Tali felt a little uneasy. It was just the fact she's not at the bar, sitting

  beside it. She felt like she's a kid. Which in some ways was the problem. It was only two years after her pilgrimage and all these feelings were on her. She held it off during

  the Collector mission. Yet now, with the threat over, her life back. She did not know where to start?

  Suddenly, she's snapped back as Liara asks, "What have you been doing Tali?"

  Tali blinked at this question. "Uh… nothing much other than trying to keep things under control, for now. Working with Shepard, like you."

  "Mmm, yes." Liara smiled, then turned at the corner of her eye. "How does working with the Commander feel? Now that you're done with your Pilgrimage?"

  "I-It is… different." Keelah, that was an understatement. It was absolutely different. She had feelings back then of the Commander she adored. Now? He was her captain.

  He was the man that saved her, kept her father proud and helped so many people. Tali lowered her head saying, "It's very complicated, I suppose?"

  Liara's eyes wander a little. From Tali to the bar. Somewhere in between her smile came back in a reminiscent kind of fancy. "I remember when I first joined the

  Normandy. Shepard saved me at that Prothean Ruin. What a rush, a thrill to be part of such an adventure. In a way it was something I could never recapture. Yet the

  memory of the Commander? It always brought back those exciting sensations." Looking at her drink she slowly trailed the rim. Idly, leaning on the bar. "Somewhere in the

  mix of things I thought, I must love him. After all no man ever made me feel this way in my entire life. So accepted and so protected, driven to be with him at every turn."

  Tali looked at Liara with something of a pained, longing look. She pulled her barstool closer and leaned on the bar edge some more. Something in her was getting this

  feeling. Liara was talking for a reason, she's supposed to hear this.

  Liara giggled now, saying. "I tried hard to make him feel for me too, you know?" A shrug, she said, "I honestly recall the day Ashley and I confronted him. His requests

  though were for Ashley of all people." To that, she frowned. "That, was before Virmire. Just before that mission he chose Chief Williams. It was not an easy task."

  Lowering her head, she asked, "You think I should have pursued something of a relationship after her demise?"

  Tali's head snapped to that. What? If… if she did, he'd have hated her. Least, it made sense. Tali closed her eyes thinking how cold that would be. Still, that's not her. Not

  what she's doing. She's trying to make him recognize her as an interest. To be more than just some girl he knew. In that way she could finally get what she wanted. What

  she has been dreaming of since….

  Keelah, her eyes open slowly. Looking at the bar. She never realized how it sounded now. She wanted him for so long. His great, awe-inspiring personality blinded her to it.

  Yet really, what she wanted. Was not…

  Tali turned as Liara sighed deeply. "I knew better. I was quiet. As I was quiet when I knew you too had intentions for Commander Shepard back then." Tali held in a breath

  as she shook a little. Liara knew? How? "In truth. I think every woman would be attracted to the Commander." A light smile, she turned saying. "He has that about him

  doesn't he? He does not even think about it. He just awes you, makes you want him more and more." Then, she shook her head. Somberly she said, "Yet right now it's

  worse. He hasn't a friend to count on. Even now I'm just as bad. I want him even more… it's impossible for me."

  Tali lowered her head again. It… was hard on him. Miranda and Jack both had something for him. Leaning on the bar, she wondered about Samara? What about Kasumi?

  Hell, maybe on some level the men liked him? She closed her eyes shaking that thought off. Still, it played in her mind. How hard it was for the Commander. He didn't have

  someone he can really depend upon, outside of someone wanting to make a deeper relationship.

  Liara smiled a bit as she pressed a hand on Tali's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dump on you. I just felt we should talk. Girl to girl, so to speak?"

  Tali looked back. It's hard to respond. What to respond to? She finally looked down and said in mostly a whisper. "I really believed I loved him."

  "Perhaps you do?" Tali looked under to Liara. Whom smiled kindly. "Yet right now is this helping you or him? Tali?" The young Quarian woman soon closed her eyes leaning

  her head back. No, was the answer. "If all the women in his life are trying to be with him. Tell me, who might be the one he'll go to swiftest?" Tali turned down, confused.

  "It'd be the one that can put her own emotions to the side. To be there when he's ready. Sister or no, he'll see the woman there. IF not then you will be seen by someone

  much more deserving."

  However, to make Tali smile. Liara motions a finger, "However, not nearly as handsome or miraculous since Shepard damn well embodies the male perfection."

  Having to shake her head. Tali said, "He's something else I know. Yet I don't think that's what we want to call him?"

  With this all out. Liara gave a nod. "Fair enough." She raised her glass, "To Shepard. He has made us both quiver with thoughts of a future well spent and dreams never

  fully met." Tali, could not drink the drink but she raised one Shepard left. Clicking them, Liara said lastly. "Yet, at least he gave us something to dream about. That's been

  most enjoyable."

  Drinking her drink. Liara sighed a slight before shrugging her shoulders. "I didn't mean to upset you Tali."

  "No, you didn't." Tali looked down and clicked the glass with a finger. Somewhat, idling herself. "I was sort of aware this was not right. I was worried so much about him

  liking me. I didn't think, about what he needed from me. I was his friend long before this." A smile, she sighed leaning on the bar. Crossing her arms tightly on her chest.

  "Still, the fantasies about him. I'll still have those." Blinking, she asked swiftly, "I can STILL have those? Right?"

  "Most definitely." Liara smiled on. Shaking her head. "Every day seems to be a new one. I just wish I could go with him. With you. Yet life needs me here." Standing, she

  shrugged. "Take care Tali'zorah Vas Normandy. Take care of the Commander as well."

  "I'll try." She watched sadly as Liara left. Wow, she was a lot of help. Strange it was like she kne- never mind, she's an information broker.

  Just then she heard Shepard. He was being talked to by Miranda and Jack. Jack, asking him for a dance and Miranda the same. He luckily got them off himself, and sat

  back down sighing. Looking
around he saw Liara was gone. "Tali? Where's Liara?"

  "Oh? She had to go." A smile, Tali asked, "Did you update that info?"

  Shepard gave a nod, and said with the pad waving in his hand. "Updated to the Normandy. We'll check about that tomorrow. She might have more information, you never

  know?" Shepard asked though, "Tali? Everything okay? You seem a little different."

  Tali shrugged. "I just was thinking about something." A look back she saw Legion. He was watching her. Huh, she wondered if he heard all that? Maybe he did. It was going

  to be interesting to tell him. "I talked to Legion he's much better. I think I've also gotten all I need from this club I'll be heading back to the Normandy."

  Shepard gave a nod. "Tali, did you want something?" He asked her as she stood. "I thought you wanted to tell me something else?"

  "No Commander." She then added, "Just, I'm glad we can be friends."

  Shepard looked at her a while. Something in his eyes sparked. He smiled brightly with his cheeks up and somehow lights a glow. "Tali, that means a lot to me."

  "Me too Commander." Clicking her heels, she made a salute. "I'm reporting back to the ship. See you later, Shepard."

  Walking off. Shepard smiled again, watching as she walked. He raised a brow, noticing the way her hips swivel. Huh… he never noticed that about her before. Sort of nice,


  Tali returned to find Mordin and Legion sitting and talking. This made her realize the Geth most likely left her conversation. Since he was too occupied from the doctor, or

  perhaps he did listen in? She had no idea actually. That is, Tali did not know until Legion turned to her.

  "We are aware Tali'zorah requested to no longer attain Shepard-Commander and his favor, based on the data she received? Is this the proper consensus?"

  Tali, smiled now. Seemed he did listen in. Yet he hadn't tried to convince her otherwise. Instead he waited here. It made her somehow feel more like he was part of her

  decision oddly enough. Sitting down, she pulled herself sitting in the booth beside Legion. "Honestly, I don't really know if I'm making the right decision. Yet I'm not a Geth.


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