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I am Iron Man

Page 63

by Colin Cook

"Doctor, please. You need to sto-" She whined, as the shot was being administered. "Doctor! Please!"

  Finally Tali had enough. "You're a monster…"

  "A monster?" Having to laugh, she asked, "What about that thing on the Hunley? Wasn't that a real monster?"

  "No." Tali shook her head, pointing at the woman as she finally lost it. "That THING was an abomination, but at least that's whatever the hell it was. That's what it did! It

  lived! You? You should have known better! You let your people die, and ignored the threat persistently on the ship! Keelah! What were you thinking?"

  Vary shook her head. "I thought, that whatever it was that she had to tell me could be of use. However, in time it seemed less and less useful to me. So I grew angry, and

  enraged at the fact nothing seemed to work. Nothing improved the acts I took on." Lowering her head, she whispered. "I did what I believed would help the Flotilla, you

  should understand that?"

  "That's not good enough." Tali, shook her head. "You did all this and what good did it really accomplish?"

  Vary, shrugged. "It was the most logical choice really."

  Garrus was the one to point out, "Logic? That sounds more Geth than anything else."

  "Hmph, perhaps?" Vary shook her head. "There's nothing wrong with that is there?"

  Reeger had to say it then. "Oh no, if you want to be a soulless puppet or something."

  "Enough! Play the last Vid! Now!" She had a twitch in her eye. "We're wasting valuable time!"

  Tali didn't want to irritate her any more than needed. "Okay, okay… calm down, please." She gave a nod, and tapped the last data pad.

  "Data Log: X-4350-233-05, Experiment Classification: Soul Searching." This will be my last entry. The crew has been acting… strangely and I've been getting a number of

  visitations lately. Seems things have gotten rather hectic. This night, I had to endure a large number of problems. Yet I made a rather astonishing breakthrough."

  Madila sat there looking at the shadow in the corner. Vary, tapped at her pad. "He isn't coming."

  "Why is that?"

  "Because, I think if he does now? Then the other will know he's here. I think he needs to do something before that." Looking up she asks, "Are you going to put me under


  "It is not necessary. I believe, we've gained almost enough data." Looking over, she asks. "Can you tell me anything else you remember about Jacohbe?"

  "Nothing else I remember. Jacohbe is an Elder Kin, he is using the others for something bad. I don't think there's anything else I can really tell you." Madila lowered her

  head, and set her legs up to her visor. "You killed me…"

  "…." Vary, looked up. "You don't understand how important this is."

  "I knew how important it was. You didn't."

  "Jacohbe is an evil man. He's caused who knows how much in damages to our people."

  "Right, but that won't change you could have saved the crew. You had the choice. You chose to ignore this for your own benefit."

  "Really, what's the benefit to me?"

  "A seat on the Admiralty board."

  "…." Vary stood, asking, "What makes you think I would-."

  "You are looking to apply for it, after you get this information to them. Then, when Jacohbe is caught you think you'll be a hero. Even more than the girl that helped to

  stop the Geth on the Citadel. Yet you don't know, you'll never make it there."

  "Oh and why is that?"

  "Because, he won't let you."

  Glaring on the child. Vary, clenched her fists. "You have a lot of faith in something that obviously doesn't care for you." Looking up she said, "In the end. He's just using

  you. Am I right?"

  "He does what needs to be done. Not everyone can be a hero. I don't blame him. I don't blame you either. I just wish, you knew how wrong you were."

  "Wrong and Right are perceptive. Should you ever realize that in your short life, I'd be happy for you."

  Just then there was noises outside. Vary, pulled back as screaming echoed out. "What was that?"

  "…." The young Quarian pulled herself into a ball. "It's started."

  With the last data pad, Vary began to shake her head. "It was all a necessary sacrifice you need to understand."

  Reeger, simply said. "I understand. I understand you're a lunatic, you're insane and you basically tortured an innocent girl for the 'greater good' so to speak." Taking a step

  forward, he saw the pistol cocked up again. "You want to make the same mistakes again?"

  "Hmph, honestly?" Vary gave a sadistic quirk from her brow. "I'm beginning to like these sorts of 'mistakes'."

  However, the door to the AI room opened. When she turned, she aimed the pistol in sole reaction. The one she aimed at grabbed her hand then bent in, punched her

  stomach to cause the Quarian to cry out, before then she's sent reeling from a smash of the pistol across her helmet. Mordin stood there holding the pistol, and seeing

  then as Garrus and Jacob jump at the chance. Vary being disarmed, Mordin looked over the pistol then saw Reeger reach out. A smile, Mordin offered it back.

  Chakwas suddenly screamed out hugging the Salarian. "Land sakes Mordin! Where were you?"

  "Was, in the AI room. Watching over Legion. Overheard most everything. Was waiting for chance to take advantage of the situation. However, could not keep out of it

  when heard last statement. Was cynical, slightly cryptic. My assumptions were her next action would not end well."

  Chakwas smiled up to the Salarian as his eyes scan across her face. With a strange, swooned smirk. The doctor asked, "Mordin? How long are you going to just look at


  "What?" He then, got this impression. "Oh! No! No-no-no! No, you, me. That isn't what… I… you see…"

  He felt her hand stroke his cheek, where a long scar has laid for some time. Taking a big gulp the Salarian was unsure what to make of this. Chakwas sighed rolling her

  eyes and kicking back waving, "Alright, I get a hint. Poor Salarians."

  "Was, not my intentions." He had to try and put out there. Mordin coughed into his hand and skimmed his eyes to the prisoner. "Was not my intentions."

  Still a little laughter and Garrus even admits, that was pretty good. "Wow, that totally came out of nowhere." Garrus looked to the woman asking, "So, what about this


  Jacob didn't have a clue. "We could put her in one of the stasis-pods, but really I'm not sure that's a good idea."

  Garrus looked back realizing the same thing. "What about the pod Grunt was in? It's still pretty strong and I'm almost certain he'd get a kick out of seeing someone else

  in it."

  Jacob shrugged, "Sounds good to me."

  The two took her away, Mordin, now looked to Seima on the table. "Mother of the girl dead? Sad… heard most what happened." Taking his Omni-tool he did a quick scan.

  "Hmm, has fever. Terribly high. However, should go down. Might need anti-biotics, will go to lab to retrieve." Turning, he asks, "Tali? Care to watch over Legion? I am

  aware he still needs careful surveillance. For now at the least."

  Tali's response was actually rather energetic, "Sure! I could probably use the time to think to myself." That, and she was rather worried over the Geth. Which, she

  scratched her head. "Huh."

  Mordin raised his brow, "Tali? Something the matter."

  "No. Well, not really. Just the thought of being worried for a Geth… is all."

  As Tali left into the AI Core. Reeger gave a chuckle. "Ma'am, she's always got something going on in that head of hers." He started out, "Hey? You there." Kasumi frowned

  crossing her arms, about to ask him who 'you there' was. Yet he asked, "Anywhere I can get a Quarian drink?"

  "Oh, well now." She smiled, "Sure! I know where we keep the reserves." She warned, "However the Commander and Garrus took a good bit of the stock we had. The<
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  Commander especially."

  "Great, still. My side is killing me."

  Mordin told Reeger, "I can arrange something. If need pain medication?"

  "No thanks! I want the good stuff." Kasumi giggled before admitting she's going to like this one. Reeger raised a brow. "I don't get into Aliens… ma'am?"

  "Oh, polite too? I could really enjoy your company."

  Reeger was wide eyed a little longer. "Really I-I didn't mean…"

  "See, happens easily." Mordin smiled before heading to the deck. He'd stop at his office, get things settled down. However, no one seemed to realize that all this left

  Seima alone in the medical bay.

  Seima had not heard any of what happened. Yet no she was stirring, Seima felt someone whispering to her. Strangely enough, she just thought it was probably due to the


  The waterfall, was loud for the most part. Tali seemed to find it more and more inconvenient being trapped here with of all people on the ship, it was Legion the Geth. His

  actions were very simplistic for her. He was constantly requesting an 'update' on her condition. After the seventh time she told him to leave her alone. Legion has since

  then, been quiet. Solely sitting in place and probably trying to find other means of improving their chances for survival. Tali heard her stomach and grabbed it softly, she

  was hungry.

  Luckily she had rations. Popping a small pocket on her suit she pulled out a tube. It was with a paste preferably for longer missions. Seldom she had to worry about this

  anymore. Thanks to the Normandy, she could have a number of Quarian pastes thanks to that Harkin fellow, but tonight it looks like the age-old routine. Pressing a few

  taps at her Omni-tool Tali's mask made a slight hiss sound, and she pressed the tube up into her mouth slot. There was a beeping sound, another hissing sound, then the

  sound of her swallowing something.

  Legion, turned and watched. After she realized Tali glared toward him. Turning her head, as she continued the meal. The tube slowly curling into itself as she fidgets under

  the eyes of the Geth. Legion however never saw this in person before and it was by all means fascinating. When she finished however, she rolled up the tube after a

  hissing sound came, and the tube fell from her lip soon with another hiss the top of the tube shot from her oral slot. Tali held both, in hand, wrapped them up tightly and

  threw it at Legion.

  "There? Happy?"

  "We do not see what would make such a reaction to your response of throwing litter. Knowing Quarian sanitation habit's the high-germ killing sanitation sprays upon that

  container may cause surmountable harm to local flora or fauna."

  Tali's response to this? Was simply. "You know what? Since I can't have my home world? What should I care about a wild jungle-world that serves just as much to try and

  kill me."

  "That is not a positive means to respond."

  Tali's eyes bore a lot of hate. Pushing up, she said, "Fine I'll clean up af-," However, falling over on the rifle she screamed, nearly falling out over the edge but luckily Legion

  grabbed her pulling her back, not before she got drenched from the waterfall.

  "Are you injured more?"

  "Keelah… just great." Tali sat there looking over herself. "I'm wet. I'm in a jungle, it's getting dark and cold. At this rate I'll die from hypothermia."

  Legion turned to her then out to the jungle. "We acknowledge." Standing he checked his assault rifle. "We will return shortly. You shall need our sniper rifle if you should

  stand however, we advise keeping your ankle elevated and not putting more pressure upon it at this time. Should you need, you may also keep other weapons close such

  as your pistol and shotgun, yet be warned our assault rifle will cause substantial kickback and is highly advised you do not fire."

  Tali glared up as the Geth began to walk out. "Oh, so now you're just going to leave me?"

  Legion stopped to her, and turned around slightly. "Yes."

  "Hmph, don't loose any sleep leaving me alone."

  "We do not sleep. That is why we do not feel a long excurssion is advised. With your stress levels, fatigue and other issues you would be advised to immediate rest."

  Turning out to the jungle, he said. "However, if we do not retrieve the needed items. Your survival chances are down to 34%, that is not acceptable."

  Legion left then. Tali watched, then she crossed her arms murmuring under her breath, "Thank you…"

  The real Legion blinked. It was unknown to him she said thanks, after he left. "This is unknown."

  The Creature, grumbled out a little. "Yeah, boring too… when does something really good happen?"

  "This is rather positive." Legion, walked over to Tali, as she began to check her shotgun. "Tali showed a positive response to our actions. Most of this mission, we

  assumed her negativity was paramount, however. We now believe that this was based on Creator 'self-ego' as to relations with the Geth." Looking back he informed,

  "This will be valuable data to the Geth."

  "Mhmm, I mention I don't care about that?"

  Vary was locked in the tube Grunt originally was left in. A groan and she turned to the Krogan sitting and smiling at her. "Do you have something you want, Krogan?"

  Grunt gave a shrug. "I just find it entertaining to see a Quarian contained in my old tank. It's most, entertaining."

  "Oh, perhaps I should dance for you. That would probably set you over the edge wouldn't it?"

  "I would rather enjoy that!" He crossed his leg, and leaned back in the chair he had. "Why don't you do that?"

  Vary waved off his words as he laughed. Pacing in what little room she had. Thanks to his size the otherwise small tank, offered her some elbow room. Yet not very

  much. As she seemed more and more irate the doors opened. Grunt turned around seeing a Quarian in the doorway. "Oh Keelah, I didn't expect this too soon."

  Seima stood at the door looking at Vary. Grunt, stood with a smile. "Hmm, interesting. You're the mother, as I heard?"

  Seima looked to Grunt, then back at Vary. Walking in she stood at the center of the room as Grunt began leaving, "I'll go take a leak you two, have fun." A robust chuckle

  and the Krogan felt she deserved a little alone time with the woman.

  Vary stood glaring back. Arms crossed, she leaned on the tube's back wall. "I suppose you want my apologies? Or an explanation? Perhaps, you want some kind of

  guarantee that it was a lie?" Laughing, she shook her head. "I'm sorry but, that will never come to pass. What I did I did on behalf of the flotilla."

  "No you didn't." Seima seemed to just look at her. Looking not really angry, or surprised. She didn't even sound too emotional over this. Standing with her arms up

  against her back. "We both know you did this for your own personal reasons. That you wanted that seat on the admiralty board."

  "So you were awake for that?" Vary sighed, deeply. "Of all the things… there is no such proof."

  Seima, slowly raised her right hand, slowly turning it a bit. Looking at it. "Well of course I was awake. I was there, Doctor."

  Vary raised her brow, asking, "In the medical bay?"

  "Of course." She looked up very slowly. "The one on the Hunley."

  Vary showed the confusion. Though, when it clicked. WHEN it clicked, her arms hung shakily from her sides, and she stood taller. "You can't be… It was just research!"

  With something of a glare. Seima's right hand raised up, and the lighting fixtures sparked with something stabbing up into them. The sparks, flew forth as the lights died

  instantly, but in the sparks the form was taller, stranger. The hand stabbing into the ceiling was not that of a Quarian, it was large and still with three fingers but definitely

  not that of a Quarian.

  Vary shook as the sparks were gone, and darkness was all t
hat surrounded the tube. Then she heard, in the tube with her. Right behind her as hands softly layed on her


  "I told you doctor. I'd rend your soul before this was all over."

  Tali was beginning to shift rocks with the rifle. "I'm starting to get a little worried." She rubbed her neck, looking out of the waterfall. The Creature floated behind her

  gagging to the words she was speaking. Legion, the real Legion stood watching her. Everything turned as he was gone. She was still acting abrasive but, on another

  empathic level she worried for him. It felt good some how to see this.

  Soon she looked up to a shadow moving toward the waterfall. She gulped a bit before raising the pistol. If it was something else…

  A form shifted inside, and she fired. Legion dropped down calling, "Cease fire! Cease fire!"

  Tali gasped, "Legion! I'm s… sorry." She almost didn't say it. She hadn't the idea how, or why she should. Well she knew why, she tried to shoot him.

  Legion was able to stand and pull out from his arms something. What it was, was a long fur skin from she can only imagine was a common animal in these parts, and a

  bushel of twigs and branches that were dry enough for a fire. Legion, stood there with the fur offering it to Tali.

  Tali raised a brow at the dirty brown fur and the blood on Legion's hands. "You've got to be kidding?"

  "We have found this mammal hide will provide superior insulation." Turning it, he set the fur on her and the skin was now facing out. "It would be wise you keep yourself

  covered at most times."

  Tali glared at him, but when he turned to the wood pile. Tali seemed to smile, and begin shifting the fur up her shoulders and around herself. This was even once more

  something the real Legion did not notice the first time. The past Legion, settled wood into a small pile, and took his rifle firing straight ahead. Tali cringed but when he

  stopped he discharged the thermal clip and pressed it into the center of the pile. In time, it caught slowly a flicker.

  Legion sat back, and kicked the fire as it needed sifted. Tali, finally looked down at his hands. "You skinned it with your hands? How did that feel?"

  "It did not feel as anything." Legion, turned to Tali. "We do not feel anything Tali'zorah. We are Geth." Legion then got up and began to wash his hands in the waterfall to


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