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I am Iron Man

Page 65

by Colin Cook

  "Picking up another life sign inside of her. It is faint, was not there before…" he frowned, "She's bearing child."

  Shepard was stunned. "Could it be maybe something she didn't know about?"

  "Possibly. Seems rather early in development. Right about mostly body beginning to produce needed… strange, still do not understand." Standing, he motioned his Omnitool,

  making a test scan of Shepard. "This was not found on previous scan in medical bay. Is almost as if life was placed into Seima after, but is impossible. Could not be

  done." A shrug, "Scanner is working perfectly. Must have been overlooked, somehow?"

  Grunt, heard Shepard ask, "Grunt, can you help me take her out of here?"

  "Sure." Grunt looked around strangely. "I don't feel like staying in here right now anyway. Something feels… unnatural, about this room suddenly."

  Mordin turned blinking at the sheer comment. Shepard, rolled his eyes saying, "I never thought you would be afraid of the dark."

  "Not the dark Shepard. More what is in the dark." He shook his head, "And I am True Krogan, I am unafraid!" Still, he helped pick up Seima. "Shall we get her to the

  medical ward?"

  Mordin gave a nod. Following, he turned back into the room a moment. Narrowing his eyes, he shook his head. Then left closing the door. There was nothing but darkness

  in there now. Darkness, and shadows.

  Legion was back to the world of his digital self. Here, the Creature started twitching his tentacles. "What a disappointment."

  Legion turned, and found his eye spinning. He was not looking at the creature. What he saw was actually more unexpected. The young Quarian girl Madila was here, and

  she was looking at Legion from across this digital plane. When he saw her, he heard her humming. Which the Creature too turned in confusion.

  "Wait, I killed you?"

  Legion, took his processes to a level of great revelation. The humming, had an algorithmic tone to it. Least in his mindset. To that, his head began to pitch upward and he

  called back the data from the endeavor with this creature earlier. Tali's singing for example began to be re-wrote into a particularly strange technical dialect. When the

  Creature saw this he was mostly confused. However, when that same dialect came spinning around him, he grew concerned.

  Moving to displace it like he did with the data strands from before. The Creature screeched out in pain as his fingers burned away.

  "Alien data deletion is in progress. Currently ay 5%."

  The Creature hissed back, but then the data strands started circling his hands and following up, from his tendrils and up. Every part of him dispersing as small flashes of


  "Now at 14%, 36%, 45%."

  The more that dispersed, the more it began to writhe in place. It found itself faltering over screaming and writhing more. Looking at the child as she looked down on it.

  "What's happening…. I am ageless? This can't be happening. Where am I going?"

  That, the girl shrugged. "He said, 'Traitors don't get to know.' when you asked that."

  "Deletion is now at 87%, 93%. 100% Completion." Legion, turned up to see the data strands dispersing. "Deletion complete."

  Madila lowered her head. She smiled inside her enviro-suit, "I think I'm done now. Right?" She looked up to Legion whom tilts his head. Flaps twisting at the oddity she


  "You are not Data. We can not classify what you are."

  "Oh, sorry." Madila grabbed her hands and often to what Quarians did. She started rubbing the fingers. "You see the Shadow Man… he told me, I was going to die. Right?

  So when I did. He said I needed to put my soul with your body. To stop the Kaireshi."

  Legion's head pitched over to the place the data was delete. "That was the entity that had infected this platform, correct?"

  "Yeah, that was it." Madila smiled again, "When it killed me. It was actually releasing my soul. It didn't have any use for a pure innocent soul, so the Shadow Man knew I'd

  be free to go out and find you. I did, while you were fighting it. I guess I got there soon enough because when it tried to go into the other Quarian, it instead took your

  body with my soul." It was confusing, to her even. "Well, when it was inside here. The Shadow Man said that, you would find the way to 'remove' him and then he was


  "This 'Shadow Man' where is he?"

  "I don't think he'll be coming back. He finished his mission." Lowering her head, she whispers, "I think he did… maybe he'll be back? I don't know."

  Legion was curious, again. "If you are a soul. Then where will you go?"

  "I don't know. I'm supposed to go somewhere, he said I'd know when we're done but I don't." She lowered her head, worriedly. "I'm afraid really."

  Legion was going to ask another inquiry when she suddenly pitched her head. "Do you hear that sound?"

  "No, we do not."

  She slowly looked around. "I remember it. Relaxing, calm sound. Slow beating of mommy's heart. A safe, warm place. Where I was…" Somehow, she started walking off.

  "I know where I need to go. I need to go back to mommy."

  Legion was not certain what this meant. However, he knew the rogue data was gone. The soul unit, also left soon after the 'noise' she heard. Legion began to reinitiate


  Tali sighed leaning there looking at Legion. He was still out of it. He's been out of it for the longest time now. Well, okay not THE longest but, long enough. Every moment

  he was offline she wondered, what he was doing. If he was even aware? Strange how your mind wanders too when you're without anything to do.

  Tali stood up walking over to the unconscious Geth. Which she mused, was he unconscious? Was that even possible? Technically that's what happened to him the first

  time. When dealing with the Reaper IFF and all that, on that derelict Reaper.

  There have been a lot of missions they shared. Tali, sat in a chair and recalled. "We have done a lot together Legion." She gave a sort of distant, appreciative smile. "You

  helped me out on the Flotilla, that was fun. We took down the Heretics and no offense, blowing up Geth is a real lot of fun." A nod, she shrugged back, "That jungle

  world… Keelah, that was fun." Lowering her head, she recalled. "You saved my life down there. I never really thanked you properly. I was still sort of worried, a Geth on

  the crew. It just felt so unnatural."

  Looking back over. Tali soon looked at his form laying there all broken. "I hope you're okay. You're my best friend any more. I can't imagine how I'd ever replace you."

  Then, she closed her eyes, "Who am I kidding? I can't think that you could be replaced. Geth or not?"

  Suddenly she heard him chirp. Tali stood looking down as Legion's lens turned on and he slowly started to get up, lifting his legs off the table and standing. When she stood

  there Legion looked down at her. For her, she felt like just hugging him. For Legion?

  "Tali, we are pleased you a-," suddenly she just hugged him. Legion blinked. "This is a proximity infraction, yet was anticipated."

  Tali felt his hands wrap around her back. A slight blush, and she pulled from him standing back and watching the Geth look on her. "Uh… right, I was just. Happy you were


  "Understood." Legion, turned to his surroundings. "We are also pleased to be aware once more."

  When Legion walked around Tali she tried to stop him. "Legion! Wait, don't you want to rest for a while? There's still no telling how badly you were injured."

  "We are self-aware of our injuries yet your concerns are noted. For now, we must talk to Shepard-Commander."

  Tali seemed to follow rather close behind. "I don't think he's up for a lot of talking."

  Mordin, was in the medical bay trying to figure out what and why he missed what he did with Seima. Seeing Legion he smiled. "Ah, welcome back online. H
ow was your


  "Was not rest. Was conflict with Kaireshi, entity from the vessel prior to our offline endeavor."

  Mordin was stunned, as was Tali. The Geth tried to pass, but this time Mordin stopped him. "Wait, Legion? What has transpired?"

  Legion, did not have time to make numerous reports. So instead, he said. "We were infected by the entity from the ship. When it was in us, the soul of the Quarian child

  was already within us. This, kept the entity trapped inside our platform while it was made vulnerable. We deleted it, and the child returned to her mother."

  That said, Tali asked, "What are you talking about?"

  "The 'Shadow Man' informed her she would know where she needed to go. I assume, that she is now done here. As well as this Shadow Man. This is irrelevant, I must file

  a report with Shepard-Commander."

  Mordin seemed very confused. Which for him isn't easy. However, he asked, "Legion? Does any of this information truly seem a danger?"

  Legion looked to Mordin. He did not understand. "Understandably, what happened to you is what it is. It happened to you. Shepard isn't really going to need to hear any of

  this, is he?"

  Legion began to shift the data. "There was mention of the Old Machines?"

  "Perhaps." Mordin, smiled back up. Cheering up again. "However right now I'm not entirely sure that this data needs to be shared with the Commander. In time, perhaps.

  Yet we'll be better off if you take your time, process the data and present it with proper justification."

  This, Legion understood. "Yes, this is acceptable." Looking back, he turned to Tali who was confused too. "If that is all, could I request the company of Tali'zorah


  Tali seemed to blink, "Oh? Well, sure. I could probably take some time to talk to you. What about?"

  Legion's head pitched to Mordin however and he affirmed, "It would be more appropriate if we talked in private. Would you re-escort me to the AI Core?"

  That was strange? Tali seemed to nod walking with him back into the AI Core. Mordin, looked down at Seima and slowly scanned her body with his Omni-tool. When he

  looked at the results, he whispered, "Returned to her mother." Looking down, he smiled. "Fascinating."

  Legion, stood at his bed, and turned to Tali. "We have been in consensus for some time Tali."

  Tali didn't know should that be a good thing, a bad thing? "Okay… what about?"

  "Many things." Legion walked toward her. Then she found herself feeling uneasy as Legion looked at her. Just looking at her, scanning her. He did it before but this time, he

  was like he was admiring her. "We have realized we have put our platform in danger for Tali several times. Even before this matter."

  Tali thought about that. "I suppose? Shepard has done the same thing."

  "Yes." Legion, reached out taking Tali's hands. When he did, she stiffened swiftly. "However, Shepard-Commander is organic, we are not. These actions have never made

  complete comprehension, they have not computed properly. However, the more we search, begin to understand and then make consensus, were are only that more

  confused by these actions."

  Tali strangely found it hard to look away from Legion now. Something in how his camera kept looking at her made her feel… special. Her face, he can see it. Like she

  wanted Shepard to. Yet he's a machine, that's the big difference. "Okay, so I confuse you. It's not that big a deal." A blush, she felt the gaze intensify, and she shied her

  eyes. "I mean organics and synthetics always have trouble understanding one another."

  "We agree." Legion, then let her hands go and stood stiff. Erect. "We request that we spend time with Tali, outside of mission parameters."

  This made her blink. From a strange, funny point of view she could have imagined that was something else. Yet a smirk and she just knew better. "Like, what exactly do

  you have in mind?"

  That, Legion lowered his head. His eye shifting uneasily. Now, he took his hands and Tali noticed he was mimicking a nervous action. "We, we do not have enough data."

  "What?" Tali frowned, but it was a mock frown. She was toying with the Geth now, "Okay so you bring me in here. Basically say you're confused by MY actions, and then

  you can't think of anything to do together? That's just sad Legion."

  "There is not enough data to actions and activities to be shared between Geth and Creators. To offer you the best results in a time shared between each party equally."

  Tali looked at him with a smirk though. "I get it."

  "You do?" Legion tilts his head. "We did not think you would be so positive."

  "Why not?" She gave a nod, "We're friends, and you in a way… kind of, almost died." She took a step, and said, "You want to spend more time together. You know? I

  could really use a friend. I've had a REALLY bad day too Legion." Shrugging, she pivots on her hip, holding it. This gesture, Legion followed into mimic. She however giggled

  and waved a hand, "Okay. Okay I've got it." Looking to Legion she said. "I plan to meet with Garrus, go to Illium and so on. However, what about afterwards? You and I

  share a Vid together?"

  Legion recalls, "This was something you planned previously." Tali gave a nod. "Yes, that will be acceptable."

  "Good, you pick what you want? I'll pick what I want. We'll meet a," Tali made quotes with her fingers to, "Consensus" when we get together again. I hope it's a lot of


  Legion's lens focused and then, he asked. "Are you aware of our desire for this meeting?"

  "I said of course, Legion." A nod, she remarked, "We're going to have a great time. I just know it."

  Leaving, Tali passed Mordin whom smiled, and waved her as she left. She seemed to be happier all of a sudden. Legion exits, and asks, "Professor Mordin?"

  Mordin looked not from the study he was now doing. "What is it Legion? I have just begun a study on small infectious materials in the wounds Seima sustained. Most likely

  nothing, yet could be something if not studied."

  Legion asked, a question that Mordin did not expect. "What would a Quarian find as a romantic gesture?"

  Mordin at first didn't really attach the two words, Quarian and Romantic. Yet, when he did, his head shot up, and he turned off his console. "Legion! Research, not

  important! Romance IS important!" He suddenly began tapping at his Omni-tool, "I have pamphlets, digital readouts and numerous other such means to teach you…"

  Legion's brow suddenly curved with concern. He was curious, did Mordin have some kind of inclination to his interest in Tali prior? No. That would not be plausible.

  "Professor Mordin." Legion, raised his hands, to stop the Salarian. "We wish to invoke study. If Tali does not reciprocate we accept that outcome. However, we seek to

  offer a gift. A item of great value. Do you have any such item in mind?"

  Mordin was able to smile. Then, he said, "I am certain we can find something. We merely must think like a Quarian and in turn, decide what would a Quarian desire most of


  To that, Legion began analysis.

  "The Home World does not seem a viable option."

  "Good start but must try to start smaller?"

  Deep in space. A ship, slowly went from the next Mass Effect relay. Slowly stopping as the owner heard a humming.

  Jacohbe turned around with a twitch. "Crap, the boss is upset." He stood, tugging his collar. Then he opened the connection with his Omni-tool. "Yes…. Harbinger?"

  The end.



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